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6 Haywood Avenue - Owner Authorization.pdf - BLDX-23-15294 15644
6 Haywood Avenue - Plans.pdf - BLDX-23-15294 15645
6 Haywood Avenue - Structural Letter.pdf - BLDX-23-15294 15646
Building Permit - BLDX-23-15294 15812
Building Permit - Express/BLDX-23-15294 - BLDX-23-15294 15651
Certificate of Insurance - BLDX-23-15294 15642
Copy of your CSL and HIC License(s) - BLDX-23-15294 15640
Empower - Evidence only COI (1).pdf - BLDX-23-15294 15647
Laurelle Smith - Final Engineer Affidavit.pdf - BLDX-23-15294 28233
MA - CSL.pdf - BLDX-23-15294 15648
MA - HIC.pdf - BLDX-23-15294 15649
Manufacturer's Specs and additional information - BLDX-23-15294 15643
Smith - Contract.pdf - BLDX-23-15294 15650
Workers' Compensation Insurance Affidavit - BLDX-23-15294 15641