HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout1-27-22 Decision 4930 - 50 Park Ave recorded50 Park Ave Order of Conditions Recorded 12.08.2150 Park Ave WY 20.73 Abutters5059 50 Park Ave Application5059 50 Park Ave As Built Deed 2020 Civitci and Schumacher5059 50 Park Ave As Built Deed 2022 Schumacher-Zeng Family Trust5059 50 Park Ave As Built Plan5059 50 Park Ave As Built Plan Revised 11.09.235059 50 Park Ave Averaging Accepted BC Email 11.21.235059 50 Park Ave Elevation Floor Foundation Plans5059 50 Park Ave Memo to File 01.16.245059 50 Park Ave Property Card5059 50 Park Ave Request for Continuance 11.09.235059 50 Park Ave Request to Withdraw 11.27.235059 50 Park Ave Vision Map