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59-61 Prospect Ave. signed interconnection COC.pdf - BLDX-24-377 60223
59-61 Prospect Ave. stamped post install letter.pdf - BLDX-24-377 60222
AHJ Response Letter REV B.pdf - BLDX-24-377 53308
Building Permit - BLDX-24-377 46483
Building Permit - Express/BLDX-24-377 - BLDX-24-377 46310
Certificate of Insurance - BLDX-24-377 46303
CONTRACT.pdf - BLDX-24-377 46307
Copy of your CSL and HIC License(s) - BLDX-24-377 46301
Manufacturer's Specs and additional information - BLDX-24-377 46304
SNR-DC-00436 RL ATTACHMENT DETAIL.pdf - BLDX-24-377 46306
SolarEdgeSpecs (H).pdf - BLDX-24-377 46305
Stamped Plans_Palhares Jefferson_Rev A.pdf - BLDX-24-377 46309
Stamped Plans_Palhares Jefferson_Rev B.pdf - BLDX-24-377 53310
Stamped Structural Calculation_JEFFERSON PALHARES.pdf - BLDX-24-377 53309
Stamped Structural Calculation-JEFFERSON PALHARES.pdf - BLDX-24-377 46308
Workers' Compensation Insurance Affidavit - BLDX-24-377 46302