HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout200820092010BCOI-23-1733BCOI-23-1800BCOI-24-28BLD-23-002156BLDP-25-205BLDP-25-206BLDS-24-16BLDS-24-39BLDS-24-7BLDS-25-3BLDS-25-4BLDX-24-1369BLDX-24-1441BLDX-25-80932 Route 28 As-Built Plan 05-18-04932 Route 28 B-01-277 10-16-00932 Route 28 Driving Range and Skate Park Layout 08-21-03932 Route 28 Layout of Buildings 05-04-53932 Route 28 Map932 Route 28 Plan of Land 03-01-79932 Route 28 Plan of Land 07-85932 Route 28 Proposed Changes932 Route 28 Proposed First Floor Plan 12-12-02932 Route 28 Proposed Go-Kart Track Layout932 Route 28 Proposed Renovated Miniature Golf Course 03-06-00932 Route 28 Proposed Renovation of Miniature Golf Course932 Route 28 Proposed Reserved Parking Plan 02-27-03932 Route 28 Proposed Site and Septic Upgrade 10-20-04932 Route 28 Proposed Site and Sewage Upgrade932 Route 28 Proposed Soccer Kicking Cages 03-01-00932 Route 28 Proposed Soccer Kicking Cages 2932 Route 28 Site Plan 02-27-03932 Route 28 Site Plan 11-08-02932 Route 28 Site Plan for Proposed Building Addition Skate Park and Relocation of Driving Range932 Route 28 Site Plan of Land 03-01-79932 Route 28 Site Plan of Miniature Golf Renovation and Proposed Soccer Cages932 Route 28 Site Plan of Proposed Shed 02-22-01Architectural Access Board 62922 #940BLD-16-003900 (934 Route 28)BLD-17-004369BLD-18-004676bld-23-004364BLD-79-308BLD-80-164BLD-82-380BLD-83-482BLD-94-319BLDE-16-002338BLDE-16-005062BLDE-22-004323BLDE-93-332BLDE-95-397BLDE-96-659BLDE-99-689BLDE-99-755BLDG-22-004327BLDG-93-311BLDP-93-263BLDS-17-004008BLDS-18-004673BLDS-23-004133 #928BLDS-24-39 - applicationBLDS-24-7 (2)BLDS-79-018BLDS-79-034BLDS-80-019BLDS-80-020BLDS-82-171BLDS-83-348BLDS-90-1264BLDS-91-1413BLDS-91-1414BLDS-92-1679BLDS-92-1680Building PermitsBuilding Permits (2)Building Permits (3)Building Permits (4)Building Permits (940 Route 28 Papa Ginos)C-12-20-07E-04-470E-04-471E-04-582Inspection Approval LogS-05-2104S-22-4346Site Plan Review 01-28-2003Site Plan Review 03-25-2003UBusiness Certificate