HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999 Feb 04 - Fax from Greg Fox Re: Engineer Report FROM : WHALE OF A PIZZR, INC. PHONE N0. : 5083629530 Feb. 04 1999 10:28RM P1
4400 Mdln St.Yartnouthpvrt,MA 02675 tdlf�C�g'�
To: Kelda G.We�sh Fro� Greg Faut
Fa�c 508-77 793 �9� 6
P 50&77&2681 �« ���
Re� Erginee�Report �: Fle
❑UrgeM x For Relriew O Plsase Cm�n+n� X��s�ReWY p P�SO R°`y�°
• Co�r�newtse In resPonse to You� c��eM ahout the water restrictiwis trei� disaissed ffi The
Deoe�nber 15� 1997 mediR9 it was mY opinion that most board members �r�eed that it was a lidle
ridiculous to dcpect an uPeration such as eurs to operate with a 105 9allon per daY res�iction iF d meant
not flushirg the toil�s afber each use and not proP�Y�sin9 the three�rnParlmerrt sink to wash. rirtse
and sanitize the ute�ils. That is what P�npted the en9ineenn9 ►ePorL If the�e w�ere mae 9�laRs
availaWe to the system which the rePort states"the�'e is a large unden�ized capauly",then Danino's
would not be held tn tlie 105 gallore per day number.
IF you look at our usage veisus some d our neigh6ors it appears ta me that we do a P�Y 9�J��
conserving our water usage.
FROM : WHRLE OF R PIZZR, INC. PHONE N0. : 5083629530 Feb. 04 1999 10:29RM P2
� � � , TELEpNONE fBoei nza-z592
January 26, 1998
Mr. Bruce Murphp
Yarmouth Board of Health
1146 Rt 28
South Yarmouth, Ma. 02664
Dear Mr, Murphy;
Re: Domino'g piz2a
Unit 23 T Union Station
As requested by the Board of Health, I have reviewed the water
and sewage usage of Domino' Pizza for the last two years,
Their sewage system is connected to System B as shown on Attach-
ment "A" , The installed capacity of the system, Attachment
��D" is 2, 333 gallons per day or 852, 000 gallons per year.
The water usB4eandr"�11 contributing businesses is shown on
Attachment " ��
The totaled usa e from the yarmouth watex Department_
the total watergusuage1wasS460,�Opp Attachment "B" , In 1996/97
installed capacity, leaving 46� of gallons or $4� of the
the system uaderutilized.
Domino 'S piZZa in 1996/97 used 52, 000 gallons of water er
or 6� of the installed capacity, It is to be noted that Domino 'S
Pizza occupies about 58 of the square footage and a p Y�ar
of their water usage ig used in their final
reducin Portion
,� �� g their load in the septic s stem. Product, thereby
$ is maintained� pumped periodically, In addition System
In conclusion a) the contribution of Domino's Pizza is small,
b) there is a large underutilized capacity and c) the syst2m
z$ Performing satisfactorily.
Please contact me if you have an
information, Y questions or require additional
�3'� y � ulY Y s I
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WL/el g WILLIqM � Z,
� LIEBEqAqAN � 1dm zieberman R,p,$,
attachm�nts No. 2397I
'�fcr EaE �'
F�'roNu E��`'
FROM : WHRLE OF R PIZZA, INC. PHONE N0. : 5083629530 Feb. 04 1999 16:29RM P3
W. fiARNSTABI-E. MA 03668
October 14, ].987
Mx�, Bz�uce Murphy •
Board of Aealth
Town of Yarmouth 02673
Yarmouth, M3.
Re: Sewage Disposal Systems
Union Station
Tax Map 86 Parcel S-1
Tax Map 77 Parcel E-4
Dear Mr. Murphy:
Reference is made to Systems A,B,C and D Por
inspectedethese�installations duringithescourse•oPltheir
, conatruction and certiPy that the instailation oP all four
andtthe TownnofcYarmouth Regulatio spandearersuitableTPor V
their intended uses.
The deaign £low requirements and installed cap-
acities are as follows :
DesiB�,n FloW Installed Capacity
System A: 2047 a/D 2333 Q/D
S. 2038 G/D 2333 G/D
C� SewagenFlowW 5600 G/D 6000 G/D
D. 332 G/D 549 G/D
An "As Huilt" plan for' the site 3s being prepared.
The enclosed preliminarY copy ahows the looations oP the
sy st ema. •'� .
�1N oF,y� �+er.y truly Y urs, -
r�' ;/ erman�
� w�w�� �3
WL/el e LIEBERM� w
encl. perliminary aopy � n,,�y�,o@ '
r .a I.. . A. . c���Tl��
FROM : WHRLE OF R PIZZR, INC. PHONE N0. : 5083629530 Feb. 04 1999 10:30RM P4
0l/16/3999 11 � 1? fROM M6Pc�cp�r��� E r pCl �c1�) TO 1508928141d P-01
01-75-1998 03=59PM FP.OM vaF�lau7N �di7tFt utri . �u J7o.xlib r.bl
Work Order
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FROM : WHRLE OF R PIZZR, INC. PHONE N0. : 5083629530 Feb. 04 1999 10:30RM PS
12�22i1997 1S� d4 FROM MERC (Mf9 Exc Nc4 C1) � TO 15084281414 P.01
12-18-1997 09=51AM FR�'i YCiRIMOUTH 4W'fER DE�T. 'f� 39a3610 P.01
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Deceuber 18, 199?
iTriion StaCioa
Ur;le 1995 - 1996 1996 - 199>
Z3,J True Qalue Z0,000 gailons 22,000 galions
231K Cape Opcicians 17,000 II.Q00
23L Yarmouth Jewelers $r000 5;000
Z�M Diet CeaLsr 9�000 11�000
231' & D Leonard 164i9� �... 224,ODJ
2�0 !latslia'B Casds 8,000 , ZS,DOD
2�Q6A Elaiam Qwshs 4,000 •S,OOQ
23S Cafe Ole 2 yz' reud7ng I995 - 1997 45�000
23i Domiao's 49,Q00 52,000
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FROM : WHRLE OF R PIZZA, INC. PHONE N0. : 5083629530 Feb. 04 1999 10:31AM P6
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