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Location: A.M. 7� Lot �_� Zone of Contribution: In�' Out_ Acreage-���
Commercial: Resideirtial:
Street: Z ��rC
Village: " d Floor Plan: L�_ #Bedrooms: �
Owner: � Install�: C�C.P/� ���/�
Address: ' Phone:-T ��" ¢77-�' 7?
Builder: Engineer: �
Address: Phone: k a.7 �7
Phone: '// f.0 t �-e�e L 1
1.Re uired#of ies received -.��
2. Date of soils exam and colation test not older than 2 ears
3.4-5 ft of naturall occurrin ervious material, above wat�table
4.Foundation 2 ft above hi int of road A.P.: Fnd: Vaz.: c��
5.Water line 10 ft from s ic com onents Vaz.: �-�
6.Benchwark indicated and shown-NGVD if near wetlands
7. S tic tank aunimum 10 ft from foundarion, deck Vaz.:
8.I,eachin minimum 20 ft full, 15 ft crawl, 10 ft slab Var.:
9.Leachin minunum 100 ft from wetlands Vaz.:
10.I,eaching minimum 150 ft from drinkin welU25 ft irri tion well Var.:
11.Tank/leachin minimum 10 ft from ro line Var.: (_�
12. S stem meets all other setback r uirements Var.: �--
13.Uses ad'ustment for maximum hi oundwater Var.:
14.Leachin set 4-5 ft above adj.water or bottom of test hole Var.: --�'
15. System not in to or subsoil(A,B horizons) or 5'removal ��-
16.Pro sed contours aze suitable ��
17. S stem meets sl e r irements-min. 1/8", '/<" erred L,i
18. S stem meets breakout r irements PVC linex: Wall:
19. S ec�ed tee sizes are ro er, baftle on outlet tee
20. Sewa e is und� 10,000 d for arcel _
21.No e dis osal �
22. S stem ad uatel sized for its intended use
23.Minimum 6"stone or com acted below tank and dbox •
24.Manhole covers within 6"of e, um chamber cover to ade
25.Ins tion on lastic chambers/leach field
26.Electrical ermit for chamb�/S ate meter fot du lexes
27.P system-2"line,w hole,check valve,tee in dbo� um size �
28. Septic tank/ um chamber to be factory waterproofed
29.Vent rovided if leaching below 3 feet,under driveway/pazkin
30.Buo anc calculations for tank/ um chamber
31.E ' eer to ins ect and c ' soils: wall: commercial:
32.En ' eer/Re ' t�ed Sanitarian and Land Surv or s s/si ture -/
33.H-20 loadin is sub'ect to vehicular traffic, oundwater
34.Title V A lication and ermit fee, installer si e ,f
35.Foundation footin min. 2 feet above ad'usted ound water for new house
36.Deed Restriction uired ma�c. #bedrooms: roa�c. flow: d
37.Check azea lots for oundwater/Label oundwater in Assessor's Ma
Plan reviewed by: / (�+ vo;ro3