HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010 Feb 18 - Complaint; Wareham Inspection NOTICE ISSUED: Yes:—No:— Location ��Nl<,�t �on n /�i' �si- /tilU�.+ 5� DateReceived ,,�( - 9�-/0 Responsible Person: Address: Nature of Complaint r�s � ��,p S�cl a dOr,�f /Ys^-� �'� �'S ^ - "`OHIi/� /l�t2 f2 G!.l2S Q 7fsO�i �'n /l� �O Sl[r� Cfan�e �� Reported By: � ag a 5 Address: Date of Investigation: �-- /$-/O Inspector: ConditionFound� /Y�pf- � �i CG��S/�^�*hF �� ��� S'''�o'// l� 1 's Action Taken G �s I I C-r� (� c+rz E�+�--��� �—�` —��} `�� GhnGl�icf- �v� �of',zrhv �f" �.,�e ��d 1��SM��Jt� i Complfance Date: ?��g)�� p �, a.¢c t,•c- � ��+t� F^� �'''p� ��(�' Notes: ca� f� l e Feb 1i� 10 03:59p p.1 . "- � , THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS �( 1� oF f��C�'C��91�UD Board of Meatt FOOD ESTABLISHMENT INSPECTION REPORT re�FEB Name `� Date� T. of . �. i n � T... IJn . /' < � 1 ! ` %!1 l � p�d sernce EAL �. � t ;` < < 3• • �1r + 1., �:�yt 8� • -Address ��' ,/ � i // � ! ^'� Riek [�1 Retail - � � � �� T Ky"�s�����1. I�1?' l•�c.�" ��� �' ' Levei ❑ ResitlenlialKilchen Previouslnspetiior TelepAone C 1.ii_ �7 C.L-..�^�1'lq �- I ,r l �( .:f, ❑ ldobile Da1e: �"y �. /..) f � �� .. Owner i' � ��'-�.L . `C % MACCP Y!N � Temporary ❑ ��e-Operation „ � , %/j a � !. � ❑ Caterer ❑ SuspeG Nlness Plr3o�In Gh�rge(PIC) -�'i^ y�� � �j��4, Time ❑ 8ed 6 Breakfast General Complanl .,;r, ;�e t v`i�ii. �/ i�, J .'I 5 `� r,�,ccP Inepector :'� 1 :! ;:,+ Y' � ;�-. - � Out: � �;� Permit No. ❑ Other i; i-�'�fi L 1 v,/ L • ;_ : ��t<• er� Jl-+' �: i"�'I Each violafion eheeked require"s a'n explana4ion on the narrative pa(e(s) and a citation o1 specific provision{s) VI012tld. Mon-compliance wlth: Violations Related to Foodborne Illness Interventions antl Risk Factors (Red Itemsl Antl-Choking robacco Violations marked may pose an imminent health hazard and require immediate corrective 590.009(E� O seo.00s�Fl ❑ action as determined by the Board of Health. �ocai tew ❑ „ FOOOPROTECTIONMANAGEMENT �{r�"��y��I' �. � t_ Prevention of Contamination f�om Hands ❑ 1. PIC Assigned!K�owledgeable i Duties '-;;✓.:��hi�`'ii s ; > ';yy.�,•_:y ;--!;L-� ❑ 73. Handwash Facilities Y��� � � EMPLOYEEHEALTM � ��f �c r !i_a' � ' ' �' PROTECTION FROM CHEM�CALS `'�K y ''���i.� S ❑ 2. Reporting of Diseases by Food Employee ard pIC ; , y+ � � � _ �� r ❑ 14. Approved Food or Colar Additives ,� < < ;; 3. : ,-� � ❑ 3. Personnel with Infections Restricted 1 Exduded ` .. �,� � ' . '�� �` �' ' � Ia '- � = ;.;;�� � [ 15. Tox�Ghemicals .� FOOD FROM APPROVW SOUqCE !�/`" � � . !�J� �� ��r� � � ❑ 4. Food and Water�rom roved Source cJ.- d:;�:� '�j TIME.7EMVERATURE CONTAOLS(PotenUalty�Hazardous Foods) �P � t � �' ❑ 7 6. Cooking Temperatures f"�j��j H 5)�_'+y�< � `��li � ❑ 5. Receiving 1 Cordition � �-, . r.�„ � � i�-:� y'�Fv ❑ 17. Reheating �;a-r�� �.7^z��,y..� ,'/i,i J��., ❑ 6. Tags i Records/Accuracy of Ingredient Statements . ❑ 18. Coolin9 ;I�r6 '���.� �yt/�;,M S ��`; ❑ 7. Conformance with Approved Procedures/ 4ACCP Plans 'v ❑ 19. Hot and Cold Holding r ,_..� �_.� i� � „__PJiOTECTION FHOM CONTAMINATION ;J� '���i�f�% [ 20. Time as a Public Health Control ❑ 8. Separalion/Segregalion i Proteclan pE�UIREMENTS FOR HIGMLY SUSCEPTIBLE POPULATIONS(HSP) - ❑ 9. Food Contact Sudaces Cleaning and Sanitizing � 21. Foed antl Food Preparauon for HSP ❑ 10. ProperAdequaleNandwashing ;hY�� L% �i�'f�'-k� CONSUMERADYISORY ❑ 11. Good Hygienic Practices . , ; , �_ � � z2, Posting of Cons�mer Advisories ✓ �-" t'f'��%j'Z�S t Violations Related to Good Retail Practices (Blue i�f�<�?"•T7urnber of Violated Provisions Related Items) Critical (C) violations marked must be corrected To Foodbome IlMesses Interventions r� immediately or within 10 days as determined by the Board and Risk Factors (Red Items 1-22): � of Health. Non-criticaV (N) violations must be conected Official Order tor Carreetion: 8ased on an inspection immediately or within 9Q days as determined by the Board today, the items checked indicate violations of 105 CMR ot Health. 1 � -��_2 �p _5�-{ � � 590.000/Federal Food Code.This report, when signed below c N �11� � � by a Board of Heaith member or its agent constitutes an 23. Management and Personnel (FG2)15�o.oa;j order of the Board of Health. Failure t0 correct vi0laUons 24. Food and Food Protxtion (FC-3)(590.0041 cited in this report may resuk in suspension or revocation of 25. Equipment and Utensiis (FGGJ�590.005j the Food establishment permit and cessation of food 26. water, Plumbing and Waste cFos)�sso.00s> esiablishment operations. If aggrieved by this order, you 27. Physical Facility (FC-s)(sso.007j have a right to a hearing. Your request must be in writing 28. Po'sonous or Toxic Materials �Fc-��(sso.00s) and submilted to the Board of Health at the above address 29. Spzcial Requiremenis (sso.00s) within 70 days of receipt of this order. 3R Other DATE OF RE-INSPECTION: �!� i�l � � 1 r � ,/ � Pli11f: � � �'! ( � i � ��:7 I�pector's Signatme: y1% % �� r:- ;r�`� ,�V I j! f ! �� C'�• ; I PIC'sSlgnature: .'�i� �� .:,)�' ��`,��...� %� � PriRd - � i . i.:-�,.y ' , .Rege�of�_Pages � -rt.�r : - �� , . ,... .... ; . ` ; . FowM�aan ipev.�re000i MDBBs e w�NREN. � BOS�iH ��,s Form Approvcd by ihc Masxxiuseu.a Depanment of Public Hwlth 1 Feb 18 10 D3:58p P � r � Violafions Related to Foodborne fllness lnfervent%On5 and RiSk FaCfOfS (Red lfem5 1-22f PP.OTECTION FROM CONTAMINATION .A:- Crass-cor;amira(ian FOOD PROTECTION MANAGEMENT i-702.11(A)f I) Raw Animal Fwd�Separated from ;_L,: 590.(J03(A) Axsi�nmcnt nf Rcsponsibiliry'° Conked and RTE FnoJs° �59�.G03(Bl I)emoa;�ntinn r,(Kn��w�icd_c* Cor+laminalion from RawJnqredienls 2-1 D3.1 I Pertion in Char�c- Duiics 3-}q2.1 I(A)(�� Raw Animal Fnods ScFaraled from Each Olher' � EM�PLOYEE HEALTFi ContaminaGon!rom ihe Environment ;7g. 590.003(C) Rcspnnsihility oftbc Pcrxnn in Cha�clo 3-302:1I(A) P�wd Pi�xc.tinn" requirc rcpnnin,by Prnxt F.mpluya�and ;.;q?,I i Washin�Fcuiis and Verctables � ApPlic:mte" ;.i(IA.I I R�1 Cc n!acl wilh Equipmrnt=nd 590.Q03(P) Responsibility oF a f�xid Entployce or an Ut.•nsils* Appliamt to Repon ro�nc Pcrson in Contamir.ation irom(he Cons�mrer Cha t�c' }-3fifi_19(AI(R), R�lnmc�F�xri3 antl It�.,�.crviCc of f�ncxl' 590.(1p3(G) RcportinghyPenoninC:h;m�c" DispositionofAdulferatedorConfaminated ;;�;:- 59R.0(13(D) £xclusions and Re.ctnclions' Food 590.003(E) Remnr,�l o!F,xclusions ;mJ Reslrictinnx ;-70L I I Discarding ur Reconditior.ing Unsafe Patxla: FOOD FFi6M APPROVEU SOURCE g. Food Conlact Surfaces �; F000andWaferF;omRegulatedSou�ces ¢5(?i.11l ManualW'�rewashing-NotWa�er 590.004(A-B) Cnmpliancc wilh Fnnd LawY S�nitiraiion Tempc:ramres' 3?01.12 Food in a Hermo�ically Sealed Cnnfaincf' 4-5qI.i 12 �1ech;mical Warcw;v�hing- Not Wate� 3�Oi.l3 Fluid htilk and Milk IToAucts* Sanitizaiion Tempe:aNres'" 3-202.13 Shcll.F,�s* . . J-5ql.iil Chemicaltiani�ization-tcmp..PH. 3?62.19 Geg� and M1tilk Product., Pa.leurixed' Concentr.a[ion and HarJness* 3?02JF Icc b1�Ae frnm Potablc Drinkinp Watcr� yfiUl.l IL4) �<ryipmrnt Faid Cnr.tact Sudaces and 5-101.1I Chinking Wmer Fmm nn Approved System` Utcnsils Ctc:�n° � 590.(IQ6(A) Roltle�i [7rinkin�N'�Icr' �. 480., I I Clcaning rreyucncy oi Equipmcn[Fa�d- 590.006iBj WarerMeettiSlandardsin�lOC�IR2?.0� ConlaceSufiacesandUlcnsils' Shelltish and Fish From an Approved Souice y_��»,�I Prcyurncy�nf Sani�i�a�ion oF Utensils and 3.201.IS Fish and Rcercationaliy caucht Molluscan fiad Comaci Surfaces of EquiomcnP Shellfish' � 4-7Ui.l I Mcihodx oi Srmi�izacion- Ha[Water and ??OI.IS Moiluscan Shclllish frnm NSSA Lis�ed ChcmicaP` Sourcc.' ::'-10i Proper,Rdequate Mandwashing Game ar.d Wild Mushrooms Approved by 2-)U1.1 I Clcm Conditinn- H�mds and Arms' AeguJatory Authoriry 2-i0t.l'_ Clc;min�PruceAure* 3.2021R ShcllstocA 1JcntiGcalinn Pre.ticN" 2_;p1.11 Whcn u�W;;sM�� 590.Q0-0(Cl \Vild Mushr�msib ,,11'=° Good Hygienic Fraetices � 3-20Ll7 GameAnimals" 3_yp�.11 , E:rting, Drinkin�orGsineTobucco• ;�$%� Receiving;Contlition �_qp�.�? I Discharges From tSc Eyes,Nose and 3-202.11 PHFs Rcccived at Prnpzr l'emperalurca* � Muu1M' 3-202.i� PukagelnteGrity' 1_jp�,7� ! PmvenlineComaminationVVhenTaUing' 3-t0 L t i Food Safe and Unaduper,�ted• ,�..:3�.,: ' Prevention of Contamination from Hands =;6�; TagslReco�ds: Shelistock 5yp,(p}l�gl - Prer�rnting Cnm:;minuion Irom �3-?02.IA Shelistnekidentifitation' ' Hmpinyecs* 3-303.12 Shtllsmck Idrntif�ca[ion Main[air.ed• �:�d2�� Handwasy Fzcililie5 Tags/Aecortls:Fish Praducls � Convenienf/y Located and Accessitile 3-d02.11 Para�itc Dcstmction* � c?03.1! Numbr.rs �and Capacitics' � 3-4D2.12 Rccords,Crrv�ion and Retcntion'0 c�py.�� Lnca�inn ar�d Pl:immrnN 590.(l0a(J) Crhelmg pf in�redirnls" 5 2(I.S.I I Acces.ihi!iw, Operation and Maintenance 3:` Contormance with Approvetl Procedures I Supplied with Soap and Harrd Drying lNACCP Plans _ DeviCBS 3-i02.1 I S�xcialized ProeetisinF Met6odc+ � F-3pi.t I H:md�a•ashio�Clean.cr.Availabili:�• 3-50?.12 Rcduced Oxvgcn Pack;iqing,C�tcria' ; fi-?01.1" HanJ Drvinp Pmcision 8-103.12 Canformanec u•ith Appnrved Proczdures# •n.�o«.<.a;�oi imm in�he kdevl 1494 pa�d Gde nr 1p5 CAiH 5y1LIlUlI.