HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985 May 06 - BOH Meeting Minutes ! '.• ,
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�� ,`��f`�-� 50111�H YAKMOUI'H MASSACHllSIi ITS 02t+(+-0
c�";^" ".<S'.`,� BOARD OF HEALTH
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MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Harold Gursha, Vice-Chairman Leo Decoteau,
Mrs. Virginia Robinson, Mr. Herbert Schnitzer
i�iEPdBERS ABSENT: Mr. Gera16 Garnick
ALSO PRESENT: Aruce Murphy, Health Agent
Carol Ziokowski, Recording Secretary
Robert & Judith David, Loi 13 Merchant Ave .
Richard O' Hearn for r1r. & �4rs. David
Albert Lawrence, abuttor
c:alvin Bartlett, abuttor
Conrad Nobili, M.D. , abuttor
Larry Peterson, Lots 2 & 3 Gull ' s Cove Rd.
Roger Michnievicz Cape Cod Survey Consultants
Alfred Paul, abuttor
Roger Robinson, Capeland Construction
Thomas Passios
Margaret Landers, RN, Cape Cod Nursinq Group
Donald Spagnolia, 186 Rt. 6A, Yarmouth Port
Atty. James Quirk, Jr.
Chairman Harold Gursha called the meeting to order at 7: 05
P.✓,. Before opening the agencia, he thanked Board members and Mr. Murpl-�g
for tneir cooperation during his recent illness, during which time,
and despite his absence, a quorum was obtained for each meeting and
business was able to go on as usual.
I . :•iinutes of Meeting, April 16, 1985
MOTIOc1: (Mr. Decoteau) That the minutes of April 16, (1985] be
approved as presented.
(Mrs. Robinson) SECOND
Vote: Unanimous (4 Yes, 0 No, 1 Absent)
II . Variance Request: Lot 13, ;•[erchar.� 1�venue- So. Yarmouth
Title 5: Sectior:s: 15. 02 (17) - 15. 15 (7)
Town Amendments: Section 3. 7
Mr. Murphy told Board members chat the background material
on this hearing was extensive. Included in their packet was an investi-
Sation report on the lot' s deep test, copies of �revious hearing minute=_,
correspondence with the owner and Mr. O' hearn and a hydrological report
regarding the fill on the lot, as well a� lettrs from abuttors, one of
wnich was just received and not included in the packet.
P�4r. O'Hearn said he has designed the system to be located
at the northwest side of the lot, farthest away from the water and wet-
lands. All unsuitable material will be removed and the area will be
backfilled with clean sand, same.thing for which a variance was sought
at the last hearing. Only a small portion of the required 25 ' cannot
be excavated, and Mr. O' Hearn said a variance for this portion would
not be inconsistent with previous Board of Health votes on other lots .
The northwest corner of the lot will have a variance of 15 ' to the pri-
mary system, which will get smaller as you move away from the corners.
He said that this was not a substantial variance, and it is the most
major of the variances requested. The reserve area is in the same
• circumstance. A sieve analysis was done on the material added as fill
some time ago and compared to the natural soil and it compared favorably.
Test hole p2 showed clean medium sand. He noted that on the basis of
this test, the fill there now is consistent with what would be there
for natural material. A geologist' s report says that the fill is suit-
able material. The question of when fill becomes natural ground is
one that has yet to be answered to everyone' s satisfaction.
Nonetheless, this fill will be removed and replaced with
clean sand. He did not feel there would be any adverse affects on the
Mr. & Mrs. David are requesting a variance of 20 ' from the
��;�� wetland distance requirement of t0�' for the primary system and 5 ' for
. '� the reserve system, all variances requests normally approved by the
Board in the past. Mr. O' Hearn did not feel these variances would
have a negative impact on the area.
A slight discussion ensued concerning the suitability and
advisability of some of the town amendments to Title 5. Mr. Murphy
commented that removing the peat and replacing it with sand will allow
sewage to filter down and then travel vertically to the wetland. A
variance is also required to the elevation of the foundation, which will
be about even with the hiqh point of the road. This regulation was put
into effect to allow run-off into the street, although Mr. O'Hearn noted
that most streets were not designed to accept this runoff. Most of the
neighboring towns have done away with this regulation. It also only
addresses a small portion of the slope problem, as the rear and sides of
the house are not necessarily affected by the slope to the road.
Mr. O' Hearn did not feel there would be rUn-off to the neigh-
boring lots . Lot 13 pitches to the street and to the water in the back.
This question is before the Conservation Commission now, and they have
indicated that if the Board of Health approves the plan, they will go
along with it, having no objections. They will draw up Orders of Con-
dition, probably specifiyinq the need for downspouts and drywells to
take care of surface water on any impervious surfaces.
Dr. Gursha read the following letters from abuttors:
"Concerning the hearing on Mon. May 6 for several
variances requested by Mr. Robert David, Lot J13,
Merchant Ave. Yarmouth.
We object strenuously to the granting of these
variances because this lot has so many deficiencies
, BOARD OF HEALTH, Minutes of Meeting, May 6, 1985 PAGE THREE \
� according to the Yarmouth health and building codes.
The land surrounding this area of Follins Say is
so very fragile consisting mainly of marshland, that
� we must be extremely careful not to completely bypass
the regulations that were put into place for the land' s
� protection. If these codes and regulations are to have
any meaning at all, it seems that they must be adhered
to in cases such as this.
This particular lot is of such a shape, grade and
location that multiple variances are needed for build-
ing. Construction of a house and septage system here
may well be disastrous for this area.
We strongly oppose the granting of any such vari-
ances. We own a home on Follins Bay within sight of
this land. "
FROM ALBERT LAWRENCE (dated April 27, 1985)
"As I will be out of town when this hearing is to take
' place, please consider this letter as a formal object-
ion to the proposed application for variance approval.
I feel that the threat of contamination from sew-
erage poses an environmental hazard. "
FROM ELINOR GORDON (dated May 6, 1985, through her attorney)
"I represent Elinor Gordon, an abuttor of the above-
named applicant. [Robert David] Please be advised
that Miss Gordon objects to the granting of the re-
quested variances and wishes to have her objections
noted in the record.
The principal ground for such objection is that
the lot contains sub-standard grade, sub-soil, and
drainage conditions which are plainly circumscribed
by the Code as unbuildable. Further, any installation
and use of the proposed septic system would constitute
an unreasonable encroachment upon the use and enjoy-
ment of the property of abuttors, which could endanger
the public health by permitting leaching and overflow
on to the abuttors ' property. "
[Dr. Gursha deciined to read the next part of the letter, which he
fe�t was merely allegation. ]
"We urge the Board to deny these variance re-
quests. "
[sig. 1 Charles Ray Weidman, Attorney
FROM CONRAD NOBILI, M.D. (dated April 28, 1985, to Mr. Bruce Murphy)
"I am delighted to see that you are a Master of Public
Health which means that you can understand better than
we the preposterousness of the above appeal for variances.
� . BOARD OF HEALTH, Minutes of Meeting, May 6, 1985 PAGE FOUR \
; i am not an abuttor of the above property but I am two
� houses to the left and would share in the ill^effects
iif the variances were granted. One minor variance is
Iconceivable, but ten major ones is an indictment on the
� intelligence and protective intent of those that drew up
� the ordinances! 2 If they were granted it would show
icontempt for the board an a complete disregard for the
public health" - [Dr. Gursha added "etc. " ]
I [Dr. Gursha synopsized the balance of the letter, which he �elt contained
conjecture, but which referred to the threat to shellfish, and swimming,
and potential hepatitis outbreaks, to which Dr. Gursha alluded. ]
There were no abuttors present indicating a desire to speak in
favor of the variances requested.
Calvin Bartlett, residing across the street from this lot,
said that the marah land is frequently inundated, especially during a
high tide in the full moon phase. He was concerned that the lot would
leach to the pond. He referred to the beach to the right (east) of the
lot, which might be contaminated as it is 100 ' yards down from the lot
' in question. Mr. David corrected this by saying that the beach is 5
lots down from his. Mr. Bartlett continued by sayinq that the choliform
count is already high at the beach, and more leaching into the pond will
only make that worse. He strongly urged Board members to vote against
the variances requested.
Mr. Lawrence objected to the varaiances, because he is worried
about the environment. He asked Mr. O'Hearn how much fill was required
to fill in the proposed excavation and what would be done with the ex-
cavated meterial. Mr. O'Hearn said that the excavated material would be
hauled away and replaced with clean sand.
Mr. O'Hearn continued, saying that there will be an �8 ' con-
tour to the lot to where the top of the bank is. The flow diffusers
will be 70 ' from the top of the bank. Conservation will take jurisdict-
ion in this matter. They can determine the edge of the wetland by desig-
nating it to be the top of the bank or at the 10' contour.
An adjustment to the water table takes into consideration a
100-year storm. Mr. O' Hearn noted that monitor wells close to a body
of sea water rarely fluctuate in level the way inland monitoring wells
do, which shows the water table to be very constant in this area. He
added that he was fairly certain that this design would constitute one
of the soundest sanitary designs in the immediate area. He also said
that statistically, there would be water at the 10 ' mark from time to
Dr. Nobili, whose letter was read into the minutes [partially]
was present at the meeting. He reminded the Board that regulations were
put into effect for a reason and said that they should abide by them.
He pointed out the hiqh number of variances being requested. He reit-
erated his concerns regarding an outbreak of hepatitis due to contamina-
tion of pond water.
Many years ago, this lot had been tested by Sweetser Engineer-
ing under the auspices of Dale Karnes, then Health Agent for the Town
and it had passed all preliminary tests. It had been sold to Mr. and
Mrs. David as buildable. Mr. Karnes wrote in a letter that it was suit-
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I April 27, 1985
Mr. Bruce Mui'P�V, RS. MPH
Hea1tL Agent, Town of Yermouth
Re: Heariag Lot J-3 Merchant Ave. 5/6/85
Dear Sir:
As I will be out of trnm When this hearing is to teke place, please
coasider this letter as a formal ob�ection to the proposed application
for variance approval.
I feel that the threat of contaaination Yrom sewerage poses an environmental
Sin� 9ours,
Albert Lawrence �_��
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� May 6, 1985
� Board of Health
Town of Yarmouth
ll46 Route 28
i Soirth Yermouth, Ma. 02664
� Re: Robert David
� Application for Variance from State Environmental Code
Title 5 and/or from the Town of Yarmouth
Amendments to Title 5
Dear Members of the Board of Health:
I I represent Elinor Gordon, an abutter of the above-named applicant.
� Please be advised that Miss Gordon objects to the granting of the requested
variances and wishes to have her objections noted in the record.
The principal grounds for such objection is that the lot contains sub-stand-
ard grade, sub-soil, and drainage conditions which are plainly circumscribed by the
Code as unbuildable. Further, any installation and use of the propased septic
system would constitute an unreasonable encroachment upon the use and enjoyment ,;;�
of the property of abutters, which could endanger the public health by permitting , 1�. ' �
leaching and overflow on to the abutters' property. �j � �t-��
1,� ,
� The land proposed for variance was originally filled illegall by Joseph �,91�)
� Merchant, the original developer of Weir Mill Village, which ac n merely com- � ,�
pounded tfie originai and continuing sub-standard drainage and soil conditions. /U`�
�� G r a n t i n g t h e r e q u e s t e d v a r i a n c e w o u l d v i o l a t e t h e s p i r i t a n d i n t e n t as we ll as
('� the letter of the Code and/or the Town of Yarmouth amendments to the Code.
��` We urge the Board to deny these variance requests.
\-' �� Very truly yours,
�. :_!7 f �J�
' Elinor Gordon
1%��� � �'� ; i F' By Her Attorney,
� Charles Ray Weidman
' , � S IC' �-_� � - � � �
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