HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983 Aug 04 - Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes YARb;OUTH COA'SERVATION COb4�ZSSION �NOTICE RECEIVED 1983 JUL 25 PFf I� 35 1�'otice is hereby given for a request of a Dete�$;t��Oci.L'. Applicability from: TOWN CLfRK & TREAS!�RER Robert David ' 44 Avon Road Yarmouthport, N,a. To dig for two soil tests on Lot #13, N,erchant Avenue� Yarmouth� in accordance with plans filed with the Conservation Commission. :Iearing on the above will be held at the Yarmouth To•�,m Hall, South Yarmouth, D".a. on Thursday, August 4, 1983 at $:00 P.N.. Mark S. Galkowski, Chmn. CON�ERVATION COD?✓.ISSIOi� T6dN OF YAR?✓:OUTH ,� � Conservation Ca�ission Meeting of llugust 4, 1983 - P�ge 4. a'f ALi�AN R BROADHITR3T �ARI1xi, Coat'd. waaing at 5:00 Y. M. Id�.� N�E�n= Ie the drainage eaeemant in favor of the To�m, and ie it on r�oord? yr, 9horts I will check vith mY aur�syora to malce eure. IAr, Herrtoa: I believe it riae required by the Torm at the tims of the �ub-duvieion . plan. Mr, Broadhurat said he epoke tc all the abuttera on the list ezcept ame person, and no one has voiced +uY oPPoeitloa. At 8:05 P.M. l4r. (ia]krn+elct deolared the heu'inB continued vntil �uguet 18, ae voted. � ROBEffi' DAYID DEPECA�iAT'!ON The legal notice vae read bl Z'1�'• a+lko�ski. +s iollowss "Notioe ie hereby givsn Sor a requsst of a Detarmination of Applicability iram Robert David, �Fh Avon Road, YaimouthPurt, Masa. to dig for �bw soil teste on ' Lot #13 Merchaat Avemie, Ya�sout�, in accordance with plans filed vitb the Conaerration Cao�iesion. "Hearing on the abave xill be hald 8t the Ya:mouth 1b� Hall, South Yatmouth� MaeB. on Thureda9, Auguet $. 1963 at 8s00 Y. M. 3/ Mark S. aalkrnraldr CLai�an Coneervation Ca�ieeion Trnm of Yarmouth." Mr. Rnbert David and Mr. Rcbin Wilcoz irere preaent. Mr. �►ilco: ezplaiaed that 'hbe eoil teeta Lave bena done before. The ourrent Health OfYicer iri.ehee additi.onal teate. 'Phey �rant to go t�hrough the Si11 and through the peat to find nstural materisl belox it. After tbat� Mt3� David xauld apply for drrelling e�esvatione for the eeptic syetem. Mr. White: Do you bave the locatlons of tAe previoue teete. Mr. Wilcox: It ie ehorai on a plan by Mr. Sxeetaer. There ie a soil log ahowing eeven testa, but they can't be correlated. Mr, White: It almoat looks like it ie the eame area ea done Defore. W111 you be digging in the same area? Mr. Wilcox: Yes. The purpoae 3e to satisfy the Board of Health by going through the peat. One oY the requiremente �en they filed for the Louee sise to excavate and remove all Lhe peat in #hat area and put it back xith the eeptic syetem intact. The man applied for a peimit rrithin the Lti+o year period. �lowever� the Health Inepector Wae not happy about the test. In the interim, the tao year time period had gone by. �