HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015 Sep 21 - Sign Off Transmittal Sheet, Plan - z_ __ _ _ �_. . R , _ - � ._ _ i of�qR,� TOWN OF YARMOUTH y2 -��� HEALTH DEPARTMENT o z 1-r � '^� ••`' x PERMIT APPLICATION SIGN OFF TRANSMITTAL SHEET To be completed by Applicant: � � i Building Site LocaUon: � �i S �J rJ c �c �S ��r� �� 4�- G � {c� L � � Pxoposed Improvement: � ���✓ .1 c i� r oG . + � c� �C �c c c t� E � �z l� � �� - _1` — � �.. i �C i�i ( � � i� � c_/� c, tif� z � Applicant: � Tel. No.: ��J d /�/ .���� Address: �. Date Filed: � / •*If you would lrke e-mail notification ofsign off,please provide e-mail address: ✓O ��QX� I �o(p SQ . (' :�r� � Owner Name: ��.�-P p`� �P ��(-� ��� �� Owner Address: �.�''L,��i�'� S�GN ��'K �Owner Tel.No.: �oUa)G� 5 3C � I .._................._......................_......._......_....._......._......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... i i RESIDENTIAL AND/OR COMMERCIAI.BUILDING ( HEALTH DEPARTMENT: Determines Compliance to State and Town Regulations; i.e.,Requirements For Septage Disposal and other Public Health Activities. Please submit three (3) copies of plans, to include: (1.) Site Plan showing existing buildings, water line location, and septic system location; � (2.) Floor plan labeling ALL rooms within building (all existing and proposed) — Note:Floor plans nat required for decks,sheds, windows, roofing; (3.) If necessary, Title 5 application signed by licensed installer with fee. REVIEWED BY: DATE: � o�� � � PLEASE NOTE I COMMENTS/CONDITIONS: - _} � 0 9'-4 y " Il' -0" 11 5'-1 %4" 1 4'-0" existing MUD ROOM EXISTING TO REMAIN proposed OFFICE 4X6 EXISTING TO 4X6 block solid to . BE REMOVED block solid to exist. column below cexist. fnd below (A° D s D EXISTING TO iY) BE REMOVED n 28"p.d. �---_---, proposed ._=7N32-1 I FAMILY WII I I I I '� �-- --� ROOM Edge of ---- --, I �___________, level ceiling ------rr--------- -------; proposed O ' PANTRY00 I ' ------- w ' Skylight Ab,. 7'-5/2" 1--16`1`--� REF 'I © 0 0 I Proposed FIRST FLOOR PLAN Scale: 1/4"=1"-0" WINDOW SCHEDULE M 3 12 Qty, Sgft. EXISTING TO ROUGH OPENING COMMENTS AQ VELUX M02 REMAIN 6.27 (2)2x6(typ.) *TEMPERED *TEMPERED *TEMPERED *TEMPERED Velux © B F F 25.2 2"-6 1/8"X3'-4 7/8" Andersen 400 Series proposed beerI rn 20-) 11.70 81.9 DINING co OD DHP31046 ----------------- ----- ---------- ------ *TEMPERED (2)2x (typ Andersen 400 Series 2'-0" 7'-0" 2"-0" T-8/1/2' 12'-3 /2 " 8.54 17.08 Edge of EXISTING TO AD OF TW2452 existing level ceiling BE REMOVED O Andersen 400 Series BEDROOM ---- - - - - -- --- -------------- - DNI *TEMPERED 215.84 proposed "� proposed 3K2 KITCHEN/DINING NOTE: SUNROOM (designed b others) g y Gas fired fireplace make/model to be (OPEN TO ABV.) M� O specified by owner o (verify prior to construction) EXISTINGO EXISTING TO REMAIN existing X(2)] (by owners) TO RE AIN BATH - - - 3/4"Xll /8" Versa -Lam 2.0 3100 SP DNI 4X6 AD wine Ibloc r exist. solid fnd k I 4X -- - 3K2J -- Ca CLOSET ° o L((2)]/4"X18" c --- block solid to 0 exist. fnd Belo i Interior -- 3K2J sash Versa -Lam 2.0 3100 ------- - --� ------------ -------- -- existing MUD ROOM EXISTING TO REMAIN proposed OFFICE 4X6 EXISTING TO 4X6 block solid to . BE REMOVED block solid to exist. column below cexist. fnd below (A° D s D EXISTING TO iY) BE REMOVED n 28"p.d. �---_---, proposed ._=7N32-1 I FAMILY WII I I I I '� �-- --� ROOM Edge of ---- --, I �___________, level ceiling ------rr--------- -------; proposed O ' PANTRY00 I ' ------- w ' Skylight Ab,. 7'-5/2" 1--16`1`--� REF 'I © 0 0 I Proposed FIRST FLOOR PLAN Scale: 1/4"=1"-0" WINDOW SCHEDULE M DESCRIPTIO Qty, Sgft. Total Sgft. ROUGH OPENING COMMENTS AQ VELUX M02 6.27 6.27 30 1/16"X30" Velux © TW2432 8.40 25.2 2"-6 1/8"X3'-4 7/8" Andersen 400 Series © TW2446 20-) 11.70 81.9 2'-6 1/8"X4"-8 7/8" Andersen 400 Series OD DHP31046 18.69 18.69 3'-11 7/8"X4'-8 7/8" Andersen 400 Series OE TW1846 � 8.54 17.08 1'-10 1'8"X4"-8 7/8" Andersen 400 Series OF TW2452 13.34 66.7 2"-6 1/8"X5-4 7/8" Andersen 400 Series Total: 215.84 Note; Contractor to verify all millwork information including rough openings, clearances and quantities prior to construction, *Tempered as noted DOOR SCHEDULE M DESCRIPTION Qty. Sqft, Total Sqft ROUGH OPENING COMMENTS OI FWG6068R 39.34 118.02 6'-0"X6'-8" Andersen 400 Series 0 Total: 118,02 rn Note; Contractor to verify all millwork information including rough openings, clearances and quantities prior to construction. NOTE: This drawing is protected as an *Refer to "General Nailing Schedule—Table Architectural work" under section 102 of 2. WFCM Wood Frame Construction the copyright act (title 17) and may not Manual be reproduced, copied or used without express permission of its author. Note: All construction shall be in accordance with American Forest and © Copyright 2015 by Paper Association "Wood Frame Construction Manual for One and Two ZIBRATSMcCARTHY LLP Family dwellings (WCFM). Contractor shall be responsible to review all e s i g n s details to assure proper installation methods. NOTE: Contractor to verify all existing dimensions prior to construction SD Indicates Smoke Detector CD Carbon Dioxide Detector Edge Nail Spacing 11'-8 5'-4" proposed QUILT CLOS, of PROPOSED FENCING - 5'-4 M" D 2 S D 30" LANDING DN 2 RISERS S proposed BATHI I - I C I REMOVE EXISTING STAIR Im 3 12 C 15'-8 Y2" proposed DECK 3K2J 3K2J 6'-10" EXISTING TO REMAIN Existing QUILT ROOM NOTE: Contractor to verify all existing dimensions prior to construction SEP 212015 HEALTH DEPT FIRST FLOOR PLAN 0 4 8 12 1 2 3 a 1� ICY) CY) U�NN rn U 20-) o_ CO c co o Cflr, coLn � U MM N ISSUED REVISIONS A3 Sheet 3 of 4