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Location: AM �Z. LOT� Date of Subdivision Approval
Street� Zone of Contribution: In Ou�
Village ov7.� � �✓� Commercial Residential
Owner: ���/E ,���l�fS��r/n/ Installer �-it�L
Buflder: En�ineer �.cJ �'i91�E
�l� — -¢S L_
1. Re uired num er of c ies receive . /
�,�ate of soils exam an percolation te�r not older t an 2 ye�n
3. 4 teet of naturallv occumng nervious rtLterial. above water table(n w con tructionl ,i
4. Foundation 2 feet above hi int of fron ' g road for new consr_ruction. , i -
5. Water av 'labil' 1 r fr a De me ' n
S�. Benchmark indicated and shown- NG D if near wetlands /
�uilding sewer does not e�t center of house _.�
8 Sentic tank a 'nsnum of 10 feet from ho �ce and dP�k ,_�
9. Leaching a r�nimurr� of 20 feet from hou e and 10 feet from deck ,i
10 Leaching a�nimum of 100 feet from wetla d
I. chin 1 0 w well .
1 the ��
. U s ad'u imu undw ter
4. achin 4 -5 et ve ad'u wate %
1 S s no " to r s i f val
16. Pr000sed contours are suitabie. ;/
17 Svstem meeta slo_pe re uirements - �n 1/8" 1/4" prefeaed r
18_System meets breakout requu�ements-�eastone elevation carried out 15 feet ini tim. �
- 19. S eci d te ' es o er ba e o tlet t ✓
• 20. Sewage flow under 10 000 for.pazcel ,
1. N b di 1.
` 22 Svstem a eouatelv '�ed for its intended e
' 23 Muvmum 6' crone or mechamcal�y comnacted below the t�nk d d box
24. Manhole covers wrt1Ln 6" of grade - seotic tank and�tim_,p cha_mber. ��
25. Electrical perrrut for pump chamber. , �
26 Pum�vstem 2" line ween hole check valve s nitarv in d box a�a*r*� r,r, ceR�ate�' cuit i
7. e anV ump chamber to be Factorv wateromofed. �/
�8. Vent nrovided i leactLn� below 3 feet or Lnder drivewxv�parking `/
29. Engmeer to in pect and cert�fv : a,__cl�v removal
b. wall construction schedul� �/
c: commerc�al svstem ,�
30. En�ineer and Land Surveyor cramo and signature �/
31. H2 1 m= wh 'e t to veh'c I r t
32 Title V aonlication and fee signed by a ficensed installe* ,
�3 Foundation footine 2 feet above adiusted water tabie. ✓ —
�4. Lot subdivided orior to Julv 31. 1986 - Nitrate T oading
�5. Subdivided nnor co Apni 7 19R9 - Phosnhorus Zone 300' /
Plan reviewed by: /f`��