HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015 Sep 23 - Sign Off Transmittal Sheet, Floor Plans, Notes - Basement Family Room a , I roF�q�,� TOWN OF YARMOUTH I o y ��y HEALTH DEPARTMENT i �' �/? � , ^•_••` PERMIT APPLICATION SIGN OFF TRANSMITTAL SHEET � ,� To be completed by Applicant: Building Site Location: ,3 0� �l I'rt`�� ��, ;� C.�c �¢ �l �"`��� '� Pmposed Improvement: � � �, ` � � � .. � Applicant: f �.. �� a r� Tel.No.: J�� J��i g��3 � ` C a�l�l 4 1i3 � Address: �." 4� �"' J ,.— Date Filed: - i ^ -/i� 'slfyou would like e-mail notrfication ofsrgn o,�;please provide e-mail address: Owner Name: -�-� ,� �.e- i � �,t.- Owner Address: � «;� �,� �" C7 p�.! Owner Tel.No.:S� d� �J 9 9�3� � ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... RESIDENTIAL AND/OR COMNIERCIAL BUILDING HEALTH DEPARTMENT: Determines Compliance to State and Town Regulations; i.e., Requirements For Septage Disposal and other Public Health Activities. Please submit three (3) copies of plans, to include: (1.) Site Plan showing existing buildings,water line location, and septic system location; (2.) Floor plan labeling ALL rooms within building (all ezisting and proposed) – Note:Floor plans not required for decks,sheds, windows, roofing; (3.) If necessary, Title 5 application signed by licensed installer with fee. .._.........................................._....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... REVIEWED BY: � /J"�� DATE: `�/J-��I S PLEASE NOTE COMMENTS/CONDITIONS:_ (3 ccs-�w�r�.T �-v�, � (� 2u�nn — �� �tv �� (iSr� a S c� ��<-c�✓cx>v�.-. � (ill,t � z w.cziH ( -r Vo�wc- -1 S 1�7� ✓ � �� i � , � � � � I _M � _ � � �—T � � � � � f� � � , � � "' a �` C�J o > � � � V£ � � M ;, � fi � � � � � a ._,. ° N = U L �/ I � i � � � ��..�....�..�-.� ._._..._...e -r 4 r---.__.-_-_-_ : �} � � f � � V' I . � � ` ? .' � c.r- �_ 4 � � � � � �; 1 �--... _�. i� . -__ { ��O �y ! � �1bT�E: =n5�'At.� i^�eGhaNicq-� VCn�<<..c�r�oN S�s+-cn� t=or� ��tM��y R�vrn If�S�-� IMCL�tRiVlcPcL Lt�i1��'iNcj 7 N�A'1-0 S�� l C LRNS W1TH 4 wA-rr' t-en T�,MS I � � > Z�B�x ��� /T � DoaRS rK�sTrn1� (�a-sEr1ENl q '�'+ - � To ��k�N ( NEW 2xy wA�-�.* I l�AIF�lNIS� L� 16'� o,�, =a �X�sT�NG s�"�4iu � n -° E�(�s�iN[� Ch�mne� `.l SP� �wetil Ch�Mne� ArND n�E � WA�L � i _+ � z� !�` FINISµ �� GEl�lf� (� Zo�� E �(1�TIN(� �12.1 � 11 �� iSriN� �n �z �S� u� 3oa�.D �nl�+c�,S N £ GEr��nl�, , Zh(� WhL� VNDE�Z �I2T �A�LA�E. � -� � 3�q" 5��c�rpp„�� -O Z��1 F Zxb P.T Si��S ^ � 2xiv � �c�sr�a� FIo�rZ Sois�� 16�� O,C s� ��+- = o � ' I' G3�C5�G��DD � 7� 0 -1' - SEP � 3 'LUi5 HEALTH DEPT. a�� 1-oa�M DN ��ie.� u�r�tLS �A-TT In�Su�A=�loni bnl A�Lc. INTU�eiLWr4f.l.s /`{�� l I � Dit � ��/.7// � !�"' ��C.��t CL4w� C��� 7 1 a, 6-��-� ,�=� �� a`�q -f- � - �� � r o��� S � �,-� -' � -a 3 7� l-�.� , � C c, ` � ` C�..� � �' p�- - ��s� J�a`� �. G'✓c .r�ap �. , /� LbT N0-~L�ADDRESS:3a �oe�P,�,�,y�, fl�, OIJNERS NAPiE: Q/�i/G� SEWAGE PERMIT NO. :_os.S�NEW: REFAIR:_� DATE ISSUEU: OL / OJ DATE INSTALLED:d 0� ' IP�STALLERS NAME: /�}/J S��T( INSTALLATIOPI OF: ,f� q� ������ JJ`V� C� ��,..7�'C � �7�bJrC�c17'Zt WATER TABLE: FINAL INSPECTION BY:� DKAWING OF INSTALLATION ON REVERSE SIDE: - - _ ,. w� 6'/�6-P 1�T�o ag�� �= �.s � n .t=s�6�6�' • ' �=027�6 r. L .� 3=31�S�� g �5 3 = 3a�6'`, y- s � Y�� � ' Y' y ? ' 1 S, , � y ��,,Q���y �- --�' `. - - . , \ _ , . . y ' . Page 6 of I] OFFICIAL 1NSPL'CTION FORM-NO'C FOR VOLUNI'ARY ASSE55MENTS SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM I1�ISPECTION FORM PART C . SYSTEM TNFORMATION Properry Address: � a �'�R�'EN LA Np C12CC.E �IARvrni)rA �MA, • oWo«: -�R�Yu A �a«���.� _ Date of Iaspcctloat_ a-9 - 7..00S . FLOW CONDITIQNS RESIDENTUL � Number of bedrooms(design): o� Number df bedrooms(actual): o?— DESIGN ilow bued on 310•CMR 15.203(for exainple: I 1D gpTMd x N af bedrooms):�-O Number of eurrent rcsidenu:_L Does res[denec have a gubage grinder(yes or no): N o Is laundry on�scpvate sewage system(yes or no):/VO (if yes separate inspection required� Laundrysys�eminspected(yesorno}:ivo N�j�CGONnetTe..Cy-� TJ,es snr.i Seasonaluse:(yesorno):�1p �o0 3yeoe Ys�r gi•�S- 6•/�� 1�• Water mescr rcadings,if available(last 2 ycars usage(gyd)): + 7000 ' Stt �� �,�� 6.P c1. Sump pump(yes or no):�o Lase date of acupsncy: -u2tN,,�rc7 Oe e�.e�ar ec.( of esublishmea[: Dcsign• based on 310 CMR 15.203): ¢od _ Bssis ofdesi� �eaWpenons/sqh,ecc.): Greue trap presen�(ye o):� Indus�iat was�e holding tank nt(ycs or no):_ ' Non•sani�ary wasze diseharged eo[he ' S sys�em(yes or no):_ Waccr mner readings,if available: Lui date of occupancy/use: • 07HER(describe): r CETVEftAL INFORMATiON PumpirtY Records ' Sourct of information: q�-Z6 �y�f.7t��oocf �„�k�„� � was syseem pumped as part of� e mspecuon(yes or no): .vp I f yes,volume pumped: -O- eallons•-How was quan�iry pumped decermined? Rcason Ior pumping; TYP yPlP SYSTEM �,�Sepeie urilc,discibueion box,soil sbsorp[ion system Single cesspool . , Overflow cesspool _Privy _ Shued sysum(yes or no)(if yes,a�tach previous inspection records,if any) ' ob]nnovativdpltemative technology. qttach a eopy of the eumnt operation and mai�tenance eontraa(to be, �ained from system owner) —T�81��� _,Atueh a eopy of the DEP approval _O�her(describe): Approximate a¢e of 1 eomponents.date insralled(if knawn)and source of infarma�ion: I ^� �� //-.��/4g •4•p /IO x 2�-YC�IY2 S 3 YLt6S OGG . Were sewage odors detecced when uriving at the si[e(yes or no):/l�0 6