HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 Apr 18 - Soil Suitability Assessment FOR114 11 - SOIL EVALUATOR rORhi � � '� r� � �� 14 �� PaQ= lof3 - a_ APR 2 ti 2000 HFALTH DFPT. No. Date: Commonwealfh of Massachusetts , Massachusetts � Soil Suitabili�v Assessment {or On-siis Sewage DisDosaZ Pe�ormed By: t�,1�HAElr �EC�(�i� .............._....... Dace: 9�15/00 _ -... ........ ..... ........................ . WimessedBy: K�i._DR ....60P�tAt�..... ... ....._....__....._......_.....---. .._..._.. ��°,�,a q0 No-tTlt�vHAt1 DR��VE �,�. SETs� YoUNG �� YP�NotrrHPo�.T � MA026�5 T�`'"; 21h SETuc�sT �os�D - LoT � I yA�MOVTN Pp�T� MA �z6'I5 ew Construction L Repair ❑ ( 5 08) 3°�5-489g Office Review Published Soil Survey A��aila6ie: No ❑ Yes �. Year Pubiished � �`1'� .......... Pubiicaiion Scale � :Z ss.00� Soil Map Unit Cd (CA�vE�) Drainaee Class A ._......... Soil Limitacions ----___._..._._...._._......_..___. ...._...._...... ..._........._.....__.._. SurFicial Geologic Renon Avaiiable: No ❑ Yes ❑ Year Publisned ... _. . Pu6lication Scale .. ,._.._,..„ Geologic Material (Man Unit) _______.�._�. �_.._...--.—_•_......._�.._r.___ Landform .�.._.______.__ ---._....______..._.._...__ _�.�._�__.---..__.__..._._� Flood Insurance Rate Ma�: Z 5 0 01 5 DOO I D � Z01—E t �— Above 500 yeaz flood boundary No �.Yes � W'ishin 500 yea� fload boundazy No �Yes ❑ Within 100 year flood bound�ry No �Yes ❑ Wetland Area: National VJetland Inventory Map (map unit) _.__..:_. _...:_..__._..___....__.—_._...__...__. Weilands Cqnservancy Pro .�idIR Map (map unit) . .—_____�.___._....__.._._—__._...._ Cuaent Water Resourr_ Conditions (USGS): Month MA�LI{ L'��.,..,_ Range :Above Normal ❑Normal ❑Below Normal � Other Refer�cs Revievti'�: � n�errxors FoxM-ivmrss FORti1 Il - SOII, EVALUATOR FORA,q" . Page 2 of 3 o�� �pr:� ��d a/E ;��r+/�. Location Address or Lot No. On-site Review Deep Hole NumberT� " �.. Date: �II�BIQd Time: �t %�� Weaiher Gt,O�i�v Location (identify on site plan� „ _ Land Use �.�`�1DENT��+L Slope (%1 Suriace Srones ��TM'!� Vegetation }A�G�:�=� ' Landform . � Position on landscape (sketch on the back) Distances from: � Dpen Water Body ieet Drainage way feet Possible Wet Area feet Property Line feet Drinking Water Well feet Other DE�P OSSERVATION HOLE LOG� Dep[h from Soil Horizon Soil Texcure Soil Color Soil Dther ' Surface Ilnches) NS�AI IMunse�il Manling .S:rvtture, Stones, Boulders, Consistency,�% � Gravell p- � /� 4o�Y ioY�3/2 No�aE vE�Y ���nBt� , < 5% G�A�rF�. `3AtF(� '�_ ,9 � �o,�r�d � z,� Y Sj� t�io�4E vE�-Y� ��€,�8��f < 5�p �����. � SAr�� 14 - i9� G �AMY iov� 5jg NoN� vE�-Y ��f�S�E , � ��oe�c SAND • I t � L;, ParentMaterial (Oeolagit! �UT��VAS�{ Depthm8edrock- � �9� �( . DeothtoGroundwater. S[andingWaterintheHolc 1`GO�= WeepingfromPitFace: I�d!�t 9 a Esumated Seasonal High Graurxt Water: �`6 � � nee,irrnovm FowH-um�ss � �- PPR FORtif 11 - SOIL EVALUATOR FORhi� � Page 2 of 3 Location Address or Lot No. �fl �� ' � �r���%�'�F ��'IEl� On-site Review Deep Hole Number TP'�� Date: '} I� aIQO Time: °1 ��''• � Weather L���'Y Location (identiiy on site planl Land Use :�t5�.���T���— Siope [%) Surface Sco�es t'`1�'�"Fr Vegetation 4�o�D�D ' Landform . - Position on landscspe (sketch on the back) Distances from: Open Water Body ieet Drainage way feet Possible Wet Area feet Property Line feet Drinking Water Well feeL Other DEFP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG` - Dep[h from Soil Harixon Soii Tezture Sail Color Soil Other ' Surface Iln�hes! �USDA1 IMunse111 MoT[ling .57utture, Stones, Baulders, Consis[eney,�% Gravell d , � /� �-o/`�Y IoY� /2 N01�lE �i6�Y F�tAt3�-�< < �°f ��Nx",,� 5,�r�D q + I � � LoSA.+�it� 2,SY 5/6 (`I�1�� V�R-Y t=Kif�BL.6� � �jo GRAV�� � 5 - i44 �. �-o,a�^�.� IbYK g�� NONE v��Y F��.��c.�€ .c 5�� �k'�r�r� s,���. - � L r' Parent Material f0eologi�)_ �(jTtlij�`^�FE � f� � ,�. oeoe�+m5edcock: � 7 (�l� . Deoth to Graundwa[er. Standing Water in the Hole: f'�U`'�� W�ping from Pic Faee: .�O?�� q Es4maied Seazonal High Ground Water:_.�Z (> � . � DEP AP . ' . . . � .. � , PAOVFD FOW.f- 1]l07R5 - FOP1Vp I1 - SOIL EVqLUATOR FOItM : Page 3 of 3 Location Address or Lot No. °�� ?`'tD r T�1`� i����� ��4�� �eterminQlZD�z fnT 4PncnnnT zs• z r�. it 1'Yai T ?' le Method Used• ❑❑ Depth observed standing in observation hole...�.--.- i�ches Depth weeping from side of observation hole. � ❑ Depth to soil mottles inches inches � Ground water adjustment ...�,.�'. feet Index Well Number ._SDtV-252 Reading Date ... 3/60 � Index weli level �7•4 Adjustment factor .....1...5..., Adjusted ground water level �O, S' � Deoth of Naturallv Occurrina Pervie��� nn « • � Does at least four feet of naturally occurring pervious material exist in all areas -observed through�ui the area proposed for the soil absorption system? YE 5 tf not, what is the depth of naturally occurring pervfous materiaf? —�_ Certificatnr+ I certify that on IO�IZ��� (date) I have �assed the soil evaluator examination approved by the epa�of Environmenta Protection and that the above analysis waspertormed by me consiatern wnh the required�training, expertisa and experience described in 310 CMR 15.0'17. 5ignature ��'"t ���i� - ��`��'�` ��2 g�p0 Date �� � . � aQ�ereovm�ow-mn,ra , FOR1�4 1? - ?ERCOLATION �j-I- Location Address or Loi No. �S� 1�1E�'E"T(!'�s` u��P�1 j��E t�� COMMONWEALTH OF M�,SSACHUSETTS , Mzssachuserts Percolation Test` Date: t�. �(4�� r„7� Time: � ;<( 5 Observation Hole # I �-�y — � Depth of Perc �� �� _ 67 �� Start Pre-soak I D ; Ob End Pre-soak I � � ,� d r Time at 12" 6 ; � � • Time at 9" 3 ; 5 O Time at 6" q : io Time !9"-6") I �. I� �{� Rate Min./Inch �Z M�� / �N * Minimum of 1 percolation test must be periormed in both the primary area AND reserve area. Site Passed � Site Failed ❑ _....._........___._.._... ._..._.._....__.._.._....._........_...__. Pertormed By: MIL+��EL 1�ET�'-fi� ._. Wimessed By: KE�pA Ga�M�r� Comments: _._M......._..��...........w,.._, ___..,..__.._._.�._._._, .._ ...�,.......w..._..,.,...:....,... � ➢EP APPROVF31 FORM-13/07/95 . w � Permit Number. Date: - �� � Completed by: HIGH GROUND-WATER LEVEL COMPUTATION Site Location: �1C ��������� i/�'S �� Lot No. � ( Owner. bETSY Y�U{.�� Address: �LIO `�C�(/GK�T �D, �/RK���NO�D�.T Conxractor. Address: � Notes: V j STEP 1 - Measure depth to water iable / B��D� O� HOLt tonearestt/10ft. .....................�...NO WhT�� R�'rJ�,�V��7�Daxe � '�$�OD {�.O . ......... ............................ monthltlay/year STEP 2 Using Water-Levei Range Zone and Index Well Map locate . � site and determine: OA APPropriate index well................... ............ Sp�-252 OB Waxer-level range zone ..................................................... '� STEP 3 Using monthly repott "Current Water Resources Conditions" determine current depth to �'oO q.7 A water level for index well ........................... � � � month/year . STEP 4 Using Table of Water•level Adjustments . for index well (STEP 2A), current depth to water Ievel for�index well (STEP 3), � and water-level zone (STEP 2B) dexermine water-level adjustment ......................................... � � 5 ................................................. � STEP 5 Estimate depth to high water by subtracting the water- level adjustment (STEP 4) from measured depth Yo water - levelat site (STEP 1) ............................................................................................................. . �.S Figure 13.—Reproducible computation form. 75 Apr-25-00 10:OBam From- T-354 01/01 F-568 USGS 013SERVA7'ION WELL DATA March 2000 To be used in cor..junction witki the USGS procedure for e stimating high groundwater levels on CaFe Cod, Massachusetts. The following water level measurements are taken monthly and will be available the last week of <;ach month. Water Level Betow 'W'ell T.an SlirfA[!P l�arnr 1 Barnstable .:30 24.5 Barnstable :!47 25.6 Bouxne :.98 33.8 Brewster :! 1 12.4 Chatham :. 38 25. 1 Masbpee :! 9 8.6 Sandwich ::52 47.4 Sandwich :?53 50.9 Truro !3 9 12.0 Wellfleet l7 11 .4 S o,ct,eD Al -D - Cfid � Yyy. qa- h a Z io _ dCJ _9 .eo&Ez7- /OZ,,3zi LOT f/ D y O � ' o ��. ` .�/L/•SG So' E Z3o.#--� ,c/ �07 _ - - 11 d.o '� `3p.4F `�, • �- ,/,�leEcT/fes ZZ, 7- / ', LDT GZ it ,t 11 3 (dasu�ui+acE) m i�• m 0{ 1? 4S`s ate{ ✓ae wv � lA� 3w = .1/ S` , Z, t• ' 1 Ik11 P J T �• S1,osor S. WErc.WD 1 it r�nrPL/.t/E a Ta , 1 io9 Soa �F rQraL II o 3o (ESE. To /-71 • 2 4 00 t' 1 N ry J 11 d.o