HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecision 3151I -_- YVCYX� LOUVEtC �l'E_.1�S-i- y Ct^l iKie5730 I 1 G I W•C. "..�H it-4r-Lra \\.. UJ/ =-It y j - ,JJL x48' G-ao' x 4e" --. IvtN�W C.&e74 NC To r.,t&-rGH GYJ=7 -Ic' w�t'*tGit 'N• _I �'� fiplec% 70 MA ,CH CO>�°J� Ems. Ta 1 /1u = r� •U4 - — cc.�r cpeAv><,ar y.�tir,� y��ra f`. �ATc'-H ESC t �; rYr ._kx-• =-- - '31 N� 'Trs r�,ocT a�6 Y W.M.SHIN¢SWSS Wf5°f EXFtn,' b To M ATC1-4 S)O 5T. V 3 • ° 1 � � � gr � � �iiii9999 g SY7 s ,• 1 - H l ' rt.. j a. I NOtE: PRIOR TO CONSTRUC110N Cr— MUST. VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS condntoM cr assume the rospon; y tar y dige t uncle! or IncenilltvieN not brouglif t^ TO , attehlloln of the aeslotter. C3 A 2><�,rT,%il-<,, `aev�`✓yyIC��ZxB �l OC>IJN�r #_f�TIINF TcO� t/�iQC^ice! 121vW eR— , 5&1 as /•-- C—�(,�"^-i r`t �.� cJ�v I/� tY%� r l_r Y�✓. l W,N-TCH E$KI-37'IN"— Rc>^;= f `rrc*+ s/s'" 1 r Ixmr:> oN �1F!N C I�"oG_ 4"-5" CnQtf. LAY's c+r-4 CLEAN camp. X10 / I n cvC�av>ri.Fr FIT TRI P G�r.YT1z1�G-j•j ov.I �+.0. A? 6�0" O.C. � 2" FK Z`v° P IC-� b FG,N , - el"x I i A;;Z r I r n Ghl G.LaAN cSANA P _ C�--T� f SII t}° I 7 y�r12 I ,4 I I I cX Win° Ac ,`?�• FEW til ll;. 00 43 -- x 2fV I I� 1 - > lit 44 ---- ---- e- >1 pill Ira tir to -------- ---- r I I S I I (bI I i X91 _ . e#x4'.41 I I __- �r-��-' �--M•.1G . 9-.f�� or`l 2'. g" ; � "' O CL.E's�a.1-J 1 Ct7r.P. nw-Jt-/ �'.4N, ((1 J 1 a49 Lisp 1 � F---�_�, �_,� -ter I I r� nrzc=� �1:^r�� �cl�rlr•.ti� � �I I N � n �rz T , I �R1 I !SHsr- Oz r 11 I /41 a r C ; >t/(7•, /Ow 1 r a . YI 41 141. tQ TE: PRION TO CCNSTF1UCT;0N, CC%f)TRAc; III r` w k ,)ST VERI�V I Ll O'A1c?I�IC t and cr a r( g c,aFz it-Arvdpions Or ZCS,bTP 1119 rn )rlcl'TIiIV !Or ly d crepaneies or ir=nsrSlencies not brought 10 110 , a entiono9 the designer. C w a 0 0 — i (n I }dam f W f? - A- I EZ ;I {{ r, -- ------ __ 0 U7 - �I F`' ! Win° Ac ,`?�• FEW til ll;. 00 43 -- x 2fV I I� 1 - > lit 44 ---- ---- e- >1 pill Ira tir to -------- ---- r I I S I I (bI I i X91 _ . e#x4'.41 I I __- �r-��-' �--M•.1G . 9-.f�� or`l 2'. g" ; � "' O CL.E's�a.1-J 1 Ct7r.P. nw-Jt-/ �'.4N, ((1 J 1 a49 Lisp 1 � F---�_�, �_,� -ter I I r� nrzc=� �1:^r�� �cl�rlr•.ti� � �I I N � n �rz T , I �R1 I !SHsr- Oz r 11 I /41 a r C ; >t/(7•, /Ow 1 r a . YI 41 141. tQ TE: PRION TO CCNSTF1UCT;0N, CC%f)TRAc; III r` w k ,)ST VERI�V I Ll O'A1c?I�IC t and cr a r( g c,aFz it-Arvdpions Or ZCS,bTP 1119 rn )rlcl'TIiIV !Or ly d crepaneies or ir=nsrSlencies not brought 10 110 , a entiono9 the designer. C w a 0 0 — i (n I }dam f W f? - A- I EZ ;I {{ r, -- ------ __ 0 U7 I ab ! cn I I 87-393