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2006 Jul 13 - Drinking Water Well Test Results
l`,i of HAR't�;. '� '9` CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS P°�e 1 ;o � M 's, ,�,��5%' Barnstable County Health Laboratory �s�1CHVS�.: ��--- Repor[ Dated: 7/262006 } ;; m , � ��j Report Preuared For. � oraerlvo.: Gobsb� o ��i ;� 7 2�J0� Gary Seel ey HEALlN DEp7. 271 B Pleasaot Street South Yarmouth, MA 02664 '�. 1,3b01'a[01'y ID�S: Q63674�–�1 Description: Wnter-DrinkingWater �i Sample#: S:unpling Location 211B Plexsan�SL S.Yannouth,NIA Collec�ed: 7A3R006 II � Collecled by: G.Secicy Received: 7/13/2006 �I Routine t ITEM RESULT UNITS RL MCL Method# Tested � jLAB: Jnorgattics � � Nitrate as Nitrogeu � 1.8 m�/� o.oi io Eansoo.o �i�aizoo� � Ij LAB: Metals �� t�opper 0.28 m�L o-io is smaiuB visrzoos � I IrOn BRj, �n@/L O.IO 03 SM37IIB 7/13/2006 I il SO(�1UIn 46 mg/L 1.0 20 SM3111B 7/13/2006 jl LAs: Microbiology ITotal Coliform Absent P/A o 0 309 �i�aizoo5 1 ILAB: Physicul Clte»tistry i � Conductance 530 u�„ons/cm z.o ePn izo.i �ii3izoo6 � i ��i pH 5.$ pH-uni[s 0 4500-H-B 7/13/2006 � __._ ._._.— .___.__- -_ . —__. _ ._. ._. __ __. __— — —___ _._ __. — _____: Sodium level is above the mazimum contaminant level. Those on a low sodium diet may wish to consult a ph sic�an. ♦ . Approved By: ___ __ (Lab � ctor) � 7�2��Za'o6 RL = Reporting Limi[ MCL=Maximum Contaminan[Level Superior Court House, PO.Box 427, Barnstable, MA 02630 Ph: 508-375-6605