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Decision 2652 - E - SP-4 Septic System Profile
y{envy duly 24.9icz• Traunc6 � CoYers ' :extensions 4� car«de ('jyF� X50" Y1.3 hole �n3loN (T t' ��Cv Gr«vel rD ta'-o ro ra=o"1 l5'-0' Levelling f5use r DETAIL -GREASE TRAP 2,500 GAL. la7 _ _p (STCcI<I4-E5-MODI LIED) I F0I7LJ15ti 105MLL Design L-,ocxdinc�: H520-44 t..lepvV du�tj Z4 9)Q• TrdTGS � CoY¢rs 5cQEEN MESH on K\eriroie exi.ensiorts to grcc$e ("gyp) 4"CM.T l20N Sit• Fa.•;nc� (iyt� Ar OPEOWIGa I I � 4MIL o1.r�ttol-�rl� 1: �'4 :: ts7:r�Af?•:T .):% NEclw_ rU2N 00WO ao Z N (tYGG1R, M1901,07 -1,.)i , I• E Masonry �_1g` 77 72a e° F� 62AVE TQEAI69 Ah v < -- ria '' zl - po(JREP IN PLACE. Eup o{ ! let lees -see �X{orator} i.... T¢Eti'r N ' ,a.. 0' ..1.., for location �TyP3 tioneje F., U o C l4 a N ce O 4'PVC S5� �-r i U 5E£ ?LAO Foa_ I'-b� ( CAST —'f— IRON PIGIIJC,(4") z ..1....t.as•.-t L.EtiGTM 2C4 D ls..-r,,.a,.+� - soup VENT PIPIu6 - VENT PIPE Ll DETAIL —" 6'--4•' 8 5'-� 6•' � E-�� w/l-Eulyl RubSCr �i d 4' C=54 Iron lea C7yp}) LIQUID i L -VELA. (o. [quwden:) –, , et - Leve -----<-t--� Ci DETAIL- SEPTIC TANK G,000GAL.5T9X1(n-67 De3ian Load�na: !'.520 -GG l Pxlra heavy cast iron I ape 4Cover(Wal c,iigt.l)� I e All XMoeon•YILA { yI .s Jjj�(�_ extenaien to n•aiG j 4- PJC / ,.. E i -11 -e4-+1 -r- r✓CSDCD Di,In6.l lug 55 Pipm9j5 ee plan) 44 r,.. r,r• b=i fit _ - TT pf aced on undl5tu•bttl - + soil or compacted nub• base. PLAN SECTION DIS?RIBUTION 130X— DB -14 VcT nr0r0SCO._-finis VICLdc WU 10.00'1 _ 4 71 Z- 2 ------- - 4-12�_V✓esit ed_on c a!Z' I I f j �esiyn �rotana Wa�'erEi• BA zi _ H. N -- Q ____—.-__—_.--__ _ __. f 7 ----» SIL-� �H- I ! I F0I7LJ15ti 105MLL �--FIDE 5cQEEN MESH 4"CM.T l20N Ar OPEOWIGa rive ;t1YG00"a 4MIL o1.r�ttol-�rl� 1: �'4 :: ts7:r�Af?•:T .):% NEclw_ rU2N 00WO ao Z N (tYGG1R, M1901,07 -1,.)i , I• F �_1g` COLIC« ETE W14 e° F� 62AVE TQEAI69 Ah v < w � ria '' zl - po(JREP IN PLACE. Eup o{ ! < p CpuCRE•fE ANCHOR i.... T¢Eti'r N ' ,a.. 0' 5LOC V. To 5ECueE ..1.., v s F v VENT (_ISER. (rYP.) F., U o ut a N ce O - O i U 5E£ ?LAO Foa_ I'-b� ( CAST —'f— IRON PIGIIJC,(4") z ..1....t.as•.-t L.EtiGTM 2C4 D ls..-r,,.a,.+� - soup VENT PIPIu6 - VENT PIPE 215ER DETAIL t ! 3n 4MIL o1.r�ttol-�rl� 1: �'4 :: ts7:r�Af?•:T .):% t V 4iEOrECrIt'6 FABR1G N (tYGG1R, M1901,07 -1,.)i F �_1g` TQEAI69 Ah v < w � z Z s v s F v F., U W zn�T� L" t -t ( t-�eflw rA'GI 1. I TY �4 1l2 WaStitc� Stormy r�'in�s�, Ctrud.c _ r { 2 Layer oT 1�g- 2 WnS�J Sto»C IZ« M{TI, . Ef4 ' � � li 4 i � i c Ttl�UYC KCSCYV'L'�'ll'tC1 2� 3 U 3 U 3 U 4 1 tt�orn�td CIVIC. RPC 3-0-o: 3 Eff.Wiad; I /4 - -0 7jPIn- cA Section Sap�ic 5ys�em Leachinc�'7aci�L�� s FI COII9TRI.C-TTON SPECIfTG1TT@8: SCOPE The intent of this project is to construct a subs :face sanitary scw,-nge disposal system to serve the proposed restaurant facility. The contractor shall perform all work in conformity with plans & specifications p=idcd and in compliance with regulations established under Title 5 by the Lrpt. of Environmental Quality Engineering of the Camnnwealth of M.issathusetts as well as regulations established by the Board of Health of the Tew)n of Yarmouth. The Contractor is warned to visit the site of the proposed {work and familiarize himself with the field conditions. Qaestioru regarding the intent of the work will be answered by the Dgin:._r. 'II VEM=.T•s The Disposal Works Construction Permit ns issued upon approval by the Board of Health of the Town of Yarmouth shall be applied for and obtained by the owner or his representative. The Disposal Works Installer's permit shall be obtained by the Contractor from the Beard of Health of the Town of Yarmouth, Massachusetts. The Contractor shall obtain the Certificate of Compliance from the Yarmouth Board of Health. EXTRA WORK The Contractor shall not perform any work beyond t*.e plans and specifications without written approval by the owner. - PflOGPYSS OF THE WORK The Contractor shall put=e the work in a manner to accomplish the completion date in the shortest possible time. The Owner shall be notified immediately by the Contractor of any work interruption due to labor, material, equipment or any other conditions. 9UP=E6loN Supervision of the pzcposed work shall be providedby the Omer. The Owner shall obtain the services of the design engineer. The design engineer shall be responsible for but not limited to: (a) material and workmanship inspection and approval (b) coordination of inspection dates with Yarmouth Board of Health The design engineer shall asstmie the role of the awner's representative and insure compliance of the work to plans and specifications. GRFASE TRAP Contractor to provide and install new 2500 gal. precast concrete crease trap as per plan and with the following: (a) cont. min. 28 day strength to be 5,000 4P.S.I. (b) steel Minf. AS14-A-615-79 grade. 60, 1" min. cover (c) AAS I1D-IS20-44 loading (d) tees of the dimensions shown where indicated (e) construction joints sealed with 1" din. butyl rubber or equivalent (f) 24" din, manhole extensions w/H.D.C.I, watertight frame and cover to finish grade (typical) Tank to be 25CO gal. precast mnc. grease trap SI -6x14-25 mYiified as manufacturd by Rotondo & Sons, Inc. or approved equal - Contractor also to provide 6" min. gravel leveling base below tank,. BEPPIC TANK Contractor to pra.•ide and install row 6000 gal. precast concrete septic�� tank, as per plan and with the following: (a) cont. min. 28 day strength to be 5,000 #P.S.I. (b) steel relnf. A=I -A-615-79 grade 60, 1" min. cover (c) TV Si TID-bS20-44 loading (d) tees of the dimeensions shown where indicated (e) ccrsstructicn joins sealed with 1•' dia. butyl rubber or equivalent (f) 24" dia. manhole extensions w/H.D.C.I. watertight frame and cower to finish grade (typical) Tank to be model no. St -9x16-6, 6000 gal precast cont. Septic tank as manufactured. by Rotondo & Sons, Inc. Contractor also to provide 6" min. gravel 1e'.•elirg base below tank. DISTRIBt7nON BOR Contractor shall provide and install 1 new 14 outlet distribution box as shown. Distribution box to be DB -14 as manufactured by Rotondo & Sons, Inc. w/24" dia. manhole extern,ion- to grade, w/H.D.C.I. watertight frame ani cover, inlet and outlet locations and elevations as indicated. Contractor shall stabilize the distribution tax by providing a 611 min. com. lcvelim base, poured on urdisturted soil or on a car,7ecled sub base. DTSTRIBi CN PIMIG All distribution piping from building to the leaching trenches to laid with tight joints and size as noted on the plan. All pipe shall br_ placed to true alignment and grades and encased where noted on the plan. All piping to be P'A'C SDR 35 (sch. 40) and to be installed in strict accordance with manufacturer's instrncticrs. I.E T,a= TRE RIMS Contractor shall provide and install F'iC SDR 35 perforated pipe to the lines and grads on the plan and profile. MCAVATICN PPEPARAl•ICN AND BT,=LL All pave:. t, topsoil, and n ,bsoil containing fines shall be zc^K^✓rl and disp�,ed. All unsuitable material below the inrierts of the leiehirg lines shall be r_ ec aur: repiacea with approved gramllar m3teri.l for a rvnrrru: distance of 25 feet arotmd the leathug trenches. After the trench—_ have been e>toa•.atd to the required depth, stone, co:.fcrminrg to the rzquir>arents —of Title 5, arra awroved by the O."fl..r's engineer, shall be place. Clean backfill, as nY..d on the plan, shall be approvd prior to plan=n:. b•: the Owner's engineer. YMIMIE ERT=C?o All manhole extension w'me-e noted, shall be 24" I.D. built of: (a) brick, rasorry w/1" ertericr cement pargirg and mortared joints- (b) oints(b) 8" solid ooncste ciralar masonry, w/r, reared joints (e) poured ccnerpte or prsot' con -rete r_ser units as ma^ufacturnd by Pay. Precast Inc. (units available in 6" and 12" heights arrd 24" I.D.) Provide and install heavy duty watertight cast iron frames and ecve_-s. Contractor to confirm size and dimensions of all item; prior to setting in place. Grading to be such that surface water is diverted away from dizDosod. system. OTOM CLERK & T's -m (s0.) YARNC.Rd h SSS G C C II&YJ L=PJ ,MAY, 3, © 1983 S '1 MIN,,i COII9TRI.C-TTON SPECIfTG1TT@8: SCOPE The intent of this project is to construct a subs :face sanitary scw,-nge disposal system to serve the proposed restaurant facility. The contractor shall perform all work in conformity with plans & specifications p=idcd and in compliance with regulations established under Title 5 by the Lrpt. of Environmental Quality Engineering of the Camnnwealth of M.issathusetts as well as regulations established by the Board of Health of the Tew)n of Yarmouth. The Contractor is warned to visit the site of the proposed {work and familiarize himself with the field conditions. Qaestioru regarding the intent of the work will be answered by the Dgin:._r. 'II VEM=.T•s The Disposal Works Construction Permit ns issued upon approval by the Board of Health of the Town of Yarmouth shall be applied for and obtained by the owner or his representative. The Disposal Works Installer's permit shall be obtained by the Contractor from the Beard of Health of the Town of Yarmouth, Massachusetts. The Contractor shall obtain the Certificate of Compliance from the Yarmouth Board of Health. EXTRA WORK The Contractor shall not perform any work beyond t*.e plans and specifications without written approval by the owner. - PflOGPYSS OF THE WORK The Contractor shall put=e the work in a manner to accomplish the completion date in the shortest possible time. The Owner shall be notified immediately by the Contractor of any work interruption due to labor, material, equipment or any other conditions. 9UP=E6loN Supervision of the pzcposed work shall be providedby the Omer. The Owner shall obtain the services of the design engineer. The design engineer shall be responsible for but not limited to: (a) material and workmanship inspection and approval (b) coordination of inspection dates with Yarmouth Board of Health The design engineer shall asstmie the role of the awner's representative and insure compliance of the work to plans and specifications. GRFASE TRAP Contractor to provide and install new 2500 gal. precast concrete crease trap as per plan and with the following: (a) cont. min. 28 day strength to be 5,000 4P.S.I. (b) steel Minf. AS14-A-615-79 grade. 60, 1" min. cover (c) AAS I1D-IS20-44 loading (d) tees of the dimensions shown where indicated (e) construction joints sealed with 1" din. butyl rubber or equivalent (f) 24" din, manhole extensions w/H.D.C.I, watertight frame and cover to finish grade (typical) Tank to be 25CO gal. precast mnc. grease trap SI -6x14-25 mYiified as manufacturd by Rotondo & Sons, Inc. or approved equal - Contractor also to provide 6" min. gravel leveling base below tank,. BEPPIC TANK Contractor to pra.•ide and install row 6000 gal. precast concrete septic�� tank, as per plan and with the following: (a) cont. min. 28 day strength to be 5,000 #P.S.I. (b) steel relnf. A=I -A-615-79 grade 60, 1" min. cover (c) TV Si TID-bS20-44 loading (d) tees of the dimeensions shown where indicated (e) ccrsstructicn joins sealed with 1•' dia. butyl rubber or equivalent (f) 24" dia. manhole extensions w/H.D.C.I. watertight frame and cower to finish grade (typical) Tank to be model no. St -9x16-6, 6000 gal precast cont. Septic tank as manufactured. by Rotondo & Sons, Inc. Contractor also to provide 6" min. gravel 1e'.•elirg base below tank. DISTRIBt7nON BOR Contractor shall provide and install 1 new 14 outlet distribution box as shown. Distribution box to be DB -14 as manufactured by Rotondo & Sons, Inc. w/24" dia. manhole extern,ion- to grade, w/H.D.C.I. watertight frame ani cover, inlet and outlet locations and elevations as indicated. Contractor shall stabilize the distribution tax by providing a 611 min. com. lcvelim base, poured on urdisturted soil or on a car,7ecled sub base. DTSTRIBi CN PIMIG All distribution piping from building to the leaching trenches to laid with tight joints and size as noted on the plan. All pipe shall br_ placed to true alignment and grades and encased where noted on the plan. All piping to be P'A'C SDR 35 (sch. 40) and to be installed in strict accordance with manufacturer's instrncticrs. I.E T,a= TRE RIMS Contractor shall provide and install F'iC SDR 35 perforated pipe to the lines and grads on the plan and profile. MCAVATICN PPEPARAl•ICN AND BT,=LL All pave:. t, topsoil, and n ,bsoil containing fines shall be zc^K^✓rl and disp�,ed. All unsuitable material below the inrierts of the leiehirg lines shall be r_ ec aur: repiacea with approved gramllar m3teri.l for a rvnrrru: distance of 25 feet arotmd the leathug trenches. After the trench—_ have been e>toa•.atd to the required depth, stone, co:.fcrminrg to the rzquir>arents —of Title 5, arra awroved by the O."fl..r's engineer, shall be place. Clean backfill, as nY..d on the plan, shall be approvd prior to plan=n:. b•: the Owner's engineer. YMIMIE ERT=C?o All manhole extension w'me-e noted, shall be 24" I.D. built of: (a) brick, rasorry w/1" ertericr cement pargirg and mortared joints- (b) oints(b) 8" solid ooncste ciralar masonry, w/r, reared joints (e) poured ccnerpte or prsot' con -rete r_ser units as ma^ufacturnd by Pay. Precast Inc. (units available in 6" and 12" heights arrd 24" I.D.) Provide and install heavy duty watertight cast iron frames and ecve_-s. Contractor to confirm size and dimensions of all item; prior to setting in place. Grading to be such that surface water is diverted away from dizDosod. system. OTOM CLERK & T's -m (s0.) YARNC.Rd h SSS G C C II&YJ L=PJ ,MAY, 3, © 1983 S '1 MIN,,i p F v < w � z Z s v s F v F., U o V ,e• N ce O FI O ce U