HomeMy WebLinkAboutApp-Permit-ComplianceNo. 0.601*t) C-/57 " V V 6/// � 1 66e FEE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSAC14USETTS 4-49 73yv Board of Health, Ytiq=Mo Ln --A , MA. 041v I-rer APPLICATION FOR DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT r Application for a Permit to Construct( e a' Upgrade( ) Abandon( ) - ❑ Complete System ❑ Individual Components Location e j'76- RdJ Owner's Name G � Q Map/Parcel# Address L Lot# Telephone# g • 7 Installer's Name e� �W �(�/� Designer's Name Address !Io ybVUG?C-- /:Z/Lt,�fwlftAddress Telephone# `jQ+� /;��T-6�' 7ep+a4_57-,3 7 Telephone# Type of Building Dwelling - No. of Bedrooms Other - Type of Building Other Fixtures Design Flow (min. required) Plan: Date Title Description of Soil(s) Soil Evaluator Form No. C.«/ gpd Calculated design flow Number of sheets Name of Soil Evaluator No. of persons Lot Size sq. ft. Garbage grinder( ) Showers ( ), Cafeteria ( ) Design flow provided Revision Date Date of Evaluation DESCRIPTION OF REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS Re LcGam- I/ — W gpd The undersigned agreesVimnstheabove described Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 and further agrees to no e sys in in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the Board of Health. Signed Date Inspections No. ''' f���J FEE Cjlf i COMMONWEALTH Of SSACHUSETTSCk4 �'�r� f� � Q7✓�`� Board of Health, nLM4 MA. CERTIFICATE Of COMPLIANCE Description of Work: C3 Individual Component(s) Ll Complete System The undersigned hereby certify that the Sewage Disposal System; Constructed ( ), Repaired ( ), Upgraded ( ), Abandoned ( ) by: /�]YZ'C 3DB WIND %21 V at —%C" , .,., l -,e,-7 ,- has been installedi�fcdit�ce v6itlthe r iouof 310 CMR 15.00 (Title 5) and the approved design plans/as-built plans relating to application No. dated.. Al)� / SApproved Design Flow (gpd) Installer ,-GIr .e'er-- ''r- fl ( Zo Designer: Inspector: Date: A2 -.06-,% The issuance of this permit shall not be construed as a guar/tee dat the system will function as designed. ty.��.^o�co?c�000u:;'��� uccc:c.cru-^o�,cc>ooe�bo��eoc,�����ioc�o�o� No. 60 x. Oe �D z vG t6, Glu v i rc ° FEE t _. i �- -,?-2--) COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS c -*-973 Li`l Board of Health, V,"M t - , MA. DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Permission is hereby granted to; Construct(- �pair( Upgrade( ) Abandon( ) an individual sewage disposal system at 2 lac 9!6� 1?n> , 9� // as described in the application for Disposal System Construction Permit No..•y� �with�in thr' dated Id Provided: Construction shall be ccOpkel&ees of the date of this permit. All local conditions must be met. Form 1255 Rev. 5/96 A.M. Sulkin Co. Charlestown. MA Date oard of Health Ar No.:BOHDC-15-4500 �� Commonwealth of Massachusetts Fee 555.00 Board of Health, Yarmouth, MA APPLICATION FOR DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Application for a Permit to:Repair-minor-Individual Component(s) Location: 79 WEBSTER RD,WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 Owner: GROHS GEORGE L Map/Parcel#: 150.46.1 GROHS SUSANN 15021 LAKESIDE V[EW DR #2302 . FORT MYERS,FL 33919-8474 Phone: Septic System Installer Designer WIND RIVER 577 MAIN STREET, SUITE 110 HUDSON, MA 01749 Phone: Type of Building:Dwelling Lot Size: 11Q207.00 Acres �� Dwelling-No.of Bedrooms: Garbage Grinder: Ot6er Type ofBuilding: No.of persons: Showers: Other Fixtures: Plao Date: Number of Sheets: Cafeteria: Title: Revision Date: Design Flow(mio.required): gpd Calculated design tlow: gpd Design flow provided: gpd Description of Soils: � Soil Evaluator Form No.: Name of Soil Evaluator: Date of Evaluatiou: DESCRIPTION OF REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS:SEPTIC DISPOSAL-MINOR REPAIR-REPLACE DBOX TO EXISTING t000 GAL SEPTIC TANK,2-30'X 2'X 1'TRENCHES Tha undersigned agrees to inatall the above descrlbed Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance withlhe provlslons of TITLE 5 and further aarees not to olate in ooeratlon until a Cert'rfitafe of Comollance has heen issued bv the Boartl of Meskh. Signed Date Inspections S � ; Commonwealth of Massachusetts Board of Health, Yarmouth� 1�1Li Fee ' DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT $55.00 i � Permission is hereby granted to; WIND RIVER ENVIRONMENTAL, 577 MAIN STREET, SUITE 110, HUDSON, MA 01749 To perform: Repair-minor an individual sewage disposal system. ' Owner: GROHS GEORGE L i GROHSSUSANN 15021 LAKESIDE VIEW DR #2302 FORT MYERS,FL 33919-8474 Location: 79 WEBSTER RPAD, WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 � Disposal System Construction Permit No.: BOHDC-15-4500 ,Dated: October 06,2015 j Provided: Construction shall be completed within six months of the date of this permit. All local conditions must be met. 1 I CONDITIONS: SEPTIC DISPOSAL-MINOR REPAIR-REPLACE DBOX TO EXISTING 1000 GAL SEPTIC TANK, 2-30'X 2'X 1' TRENCHES 1. SEPTIC DISPOSAL-MINOR REPAIR-REPLACE DBOX TO EXISTING 1000 GAL SEPTIC TANK, 2-30'X 2'X 1'TRENCHES U Bruce G. Murp , PH, R.S., CHO/Amy L. von Hone, R.S., CHO H alth Director/Assistant Health Director The issuance of this permit shall not be construed as a guarantee that the system will function as designed. k G I � I Commonwealth of Massachusetts Board of Health, Yarmouth, MA Fee CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE $55.00 a Description of Work: Individual Component(s) SThe undersigned hereby certify that the Sewage Disposal System; Repair-minor ; by: WIND RIVER ENVIRONMENTAL at: 79 WEBSTER ROAD, WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 , Has been installed in accordance with the provisions of 310 CMR 15.00 (Title 5) and the approved ; design plans or as-built plans relating to application No.: BOHDC-15-4500, dated 10/06/2015. � �j Installer: WIND RIVER ENVIRONMENTAL Address:577 MAIN STREET, SUITE 110 HUDSON, Inspector:AMY VON HONE R.S. j MA 01749 ' � Designer: C� Bruce G. Murph , M H, R.S., CHO/Amy L. von Hone, R.S., CHO Health Director/Assistant Health Director The issuance of this permit shall not be construed as a guarantee that the system will function as designed. � I , i ' BOH_Disposal_Construction_CofC.rpt