HomeMy WebLinkAbout 2-A171SPECIFICATION SHEET (YARMOUTH Please all out the form in its entire ' o `I fill f entirety prvvt . ing color chaps where necessary. /INDICATE LANDSCAPING, EXTERIOR L"TLYG do ELECTRIC METER ON SITE PLANS FOR NEW HOUSES PROPERTY 7 2 t1biG 29 9; 34 ADDRESS: 90 Rfr�.v ,:�;r FOUNDATION (18" MAX. EXPOSED): CONCRETE/OTHER DRIVEWAY: WALK WAY: r( -A G, s -ro N ST E' STEPS (INDICATE BRICK/CEMENT/OTHER): � `� �j�YG1L SIDING TYPE & MATERIAL: 5�zveG w Nj:�Te� c6ptm- Sflx►vt,G ' ' COLOR: N6ituK AL- �i�-a�y� cEp�� GLr9P�f1/z.DS r�La� ; anr�„rois C�r�� CHIMNEY (INDICATE BRICK/STUCCO/WOODFACED) $ ti� COLOR: NW/ usa� ROOF MATERIAL: AS N at...r PITCH (7/12 MIN.) COLOR: r„Ar� d MAX. EXP. /v�2- WINDOWS (GRILLES REQUIRED} -INDICATE SIZES'IF NOT LISTED ON ELEVATIONS: RiIJD��,�orU 2414& G o to yr,`IIs DOORS (INDICATE SIZES AND STYLE IF NOT LISTED ON ELEVATIONS): COLOR: ti�'�'+'�� ✓� TRIM: (ALL WINDOWS & DOORS TRIMMED WITH 1X4 OW 00'L COLOR: $gsy u.ar�1 FOUFF"T u SHUTTER OOD � L)"?(PANE + D/LOUVERED COLOR: n GUTTERS (WOOD/ALUMINUM): „l u ✓„ n m<i)OLOR: +� GARAGE DOORS: SIZE & STYLE:P ' I � a. 9'X 7 COLOR: STORM WINDOWS & DOORS: COLOR: (INDICATE. SIZES IF. NOT LISTED ON ELVATIONS) 'v U SKYLIGHTS: TYPESIZE: IUGNL COLOR: DECK: SIZE &MATERIAL: COLOR: p&-rwus-& t - FENCING (MAX. HEIGHT 61): STYLE;R COLO (SHOW LAYOUT & RUNNING FOOTAGE ON SITE PLAN)AR11iOH OKH�'t' �D1 RETAINING WALL. (P.T. OR FIELDSTONE --CONCRETE INAPPROPRIATE) Na N (s1 (SHOW LAYOUT & RUNNING FOOTAGE ON SITE PLAN) SIGNS: (indicate size, style, colors) Howe SIGN POST: (indicate size, style, color) wv1V, ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: REV. 12/01 C01'0R Annapolis Grav 70 Sail Cloth 77 Narragansett Green HC -157 Cl! ML TOVvT,! fin"? AUS 29 t'li 9. RECIE\rED iI TO t Z<<� 29 t`I i= 4 p� REC' rIVED ALL DIMENSIONS SUPERCEDE SCALING OR OWGSe ALL E)IMIEtISIONS ARE FLUS OF' MINUS ACCORDING TO FIELD & MATERIAL CONDITIONS, . LAYOUT IS SUGGESTED ONLYAND IS SU@JE6TTO CHANGE AS CODES & FIELD CONDITIONS _. DICTATE --' SOPA M/ERIM B SU TIT TH QU ,,LI AS BIS P BU! CS/DFNCF.Foe Tifa r,�sfd, s' S.f.%X0,,4.//., DE.un�/SOAI.i(Z SCALE: Its< ,1072'/1 APPROVED BV: D WN BV ' DATE:/%_ 27-oZ REVISED j go DRAWING NUMBER c119/171 > 1' tom\ TO,"i j1�1 '•,� t -,-'iii 70? AUS L AN 9: 4 J� RECL.- C� �. — 2s?nifloNr _�x�sriw�:T-��Es. We y4G 2st SS . �E�i�� n1c�` .t`-e�.z ry©.;ate � .s''si�,szc+il � �E,v�f� <�.✓ ,r ��/�YoN 2Lr 2 2MDUrr`lPD2% YW4,.0ZG? SCALE. y APPROVED BY: DRAWN BY DATE: -- • -. -. DRAW IND NUMBER `fa,r..�, n....s,4 n...ons.-'aevr.a'+^m.+.c^'F�:+vm-leve:. s...v--• -r o.....r-...� _..-........^CM-.^rm^.._:mer.—^,..r:rR.�—'^^,.^r-_-a+T^--ata--.r•. a---.aam-�...._+..-:._-_ .. m_•-s•^'Tm'^F'..-ns - _...mss _ _ _ _ _ -. -_ R DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG SYSTEM DESIGN CALCULATIONS Test Hole Depth From Soil Soil Texture Soil Color Soil Other GENERAL NOTES LEGEND fl 1x' yi Number ,- : r Surface (inches) Horizon (USDA) <. (Munsell)' Moftiing (Structure, Stones, Consistency, f - A) Neither driveway nor parking areas are allowed -___ r %Gravel) Y P g - 32 Existing e / L) Basis of Design g contour / 1 r� g over septic system 32 EL _ ri.3 Number Of Bedrooms - -4 6) 1 Proposed Contour B) The designer will not responsible for the system 205 Existing Spot Grade p- { v C o teaulc try.xr- -'/ c Other' . as designed unless constructed as shown. Any changes r l P Sive {, !'t a 2.)Design Dail Sewn e Flow, .fdp G.P.: shall be approved In writing.: '� Proposes spot Grace kl tr S Y 9 - �.. —w— Water Service:. q• zf3.)Septic Tank Capacity Re uiredt .....` .".:.:..._G01: C) Contractor shall be responsible for verifying the --ohu— Overhead Utility Lines) + q t tjG location of all underground and overhead utilities u _+— -` 25- iii" -� Mrs SAr�F• t7rrr Provided: -...:.:..,. Gal. — Underground UtilityLine(s) , 1121-7Z8 ` c.Z` fir.,r 5!`a �.?' a/5 4.)Soii Absorption System Capacity prior to commencement rof work. —p — Gas Line iFl L ... GP. D. ; $TH Test Hole and/or Boring Location Required Provide d: ate` ..:.. G.P.D. ST. septic Tank '11A04-'xY?;-4p.')>?T, M4 - C -%.?{-a:, r D.B. Distribution Box r. e X 7.r- -: i.El, '+} - �F ,/, P.' �:F 2,:. �JJ. �--AL`N '.: � S.A.S.Soil Absorption stem S L-tt" A Lr4My sar,r L X 74��a 5a.1 e�• _ ° Y KEY MAP no scale �..�..... S . _ _.....�. <.r"... ...i Res. Reserved for System K " �� 5.)A Garbage Disposal is permitted w/this design, o urtilry Pole in Catch Basin Plan Book.- _..-..: .. Page...:;.:: Lt, } 25A S-A iGE 174 Cr Ix. s+ 2. _ r'Z W e !C : .- • . ; 4' Fire Hydrant p +. -iLsy `Y hC VJ�Trr�-e/. turl,rr✓f -o Well Deed Book .:::......Page.... Assessors Map::...... Parcel... .... Date of Test'"Z,n 4 Use Soil Class..i.,with a - r Percolation` Rofe..,=ft!.�h, tri A.'{G perc.'rate of less then.. 1 00 r tAr}v'��� -1.. )' �,^:.:. ... Min./in: for a loading ,rote of r�M-_:`s' - �J`'�\rr%j/ \` Lr GPD/sf. ,% i.ZS #G. ZS` G.ZS LS'I l.Z4'>� Witnessed by -°.t '�, = ` / - -x-- t- —._ --' �t �Z;p,r t FLOW PROFILE } / --- r)ErA IOjg�✓tLC i � I � CiJLT t ? 0 7'ELr1d'yf Top of Foundatio . _rZI?mtJALl Elevation= ...�.� - t_ , Finish Grade_Qy' 5 µM �__h.rr�s�.�_ ^^. �_ // N FinishGrade-..�... .. ,4.-:54.$(mlie} ! LCAT L4o- 36 max. g"min. 36 Max. rl flow line 10"min 14" gas baffle . .. I ....... IS al. Septic Tank Distribution Box - T\ �' / -1-�r 7.H i I i I Gi:!!I r.. _.L 'GL. �}4 O' 1' i Ti£? Af c - I 4+�. —�; :`/ sti.f . trrtl✓i iii" ! r ,/ ��• / - - CONSTRUCTION NOTES L) All construction shall conform to the State 10.) Bose aggregate for leaching facility shall' f�,} t W/.)E e -{ c4jt_)TP_4-r_7`c31 Tr KfV1 F`/'1/)T/Z9 s Environmental Code, Title 5, and the requirements of consist of 3/4"to I•t/ "double w washed l�GOSE. LDe 4;1nr-) Y" ryirJ,•, Di^f� \ 2 a ed stone free (3 ro Fke the local Board o! Heolth. p} Iron, tines and dust and shall be Installed from �t/A7?O/J'belowthecrownofthedistributionlinetothebottom \e`'O;s 'RA,-rnr-.Ta2J Septic tonk(s),grease trap(s),dosing chamber(§), T7 {( ofthe soil absorption system. Bose aggregate shall PJIL,C!t-?C; _ �*.-"'.'ri":�:C.✓[.: �. �/�.'- l e( �/. and distribution boz es) shalt be set on'a level stable r '- 1 i~ • 'tv be covered with a 2"loyer bf 1/8" to I/2"double G`CM^L1AiJCF-.h/ 70rJ,R' ),; p , cr, ��base which has been mechanically compacted, or ons itt C /,y i-( coached stone free of Iron }Ines and dust, .:_T'. iM 4'Ec Cr:`61nch crushed stone base.d J�z 'l1CCi 'r, ., 3.) Septic tonk(s) shall meet ASTM standard C _ IL) Vent soil absorption system when distribution —"' ,�! r/ 1_ •, �+� /J 1127-93 and shalt have at least three 20"diameter lines exceed 50 feet, when located either In wholear, manholes. The minimum depth from bottom of or in part under driveways, parking, turning' areas, ✓ �/ y%., )\ , or other impervious -material, or when dosed. I25. ._: septic tank to the flow fine shalt be 48 i A , A LOT Z 5. > _ Schedule 72.) Sofl absorption system shall be covered with a _ i { �a: , ,l r'/•t \ _ r 4J a 40 PVC Inlet and outlet tees shall " i S� �,, f it ff \ �,d extend o minimum of 6"abovs the flow line of the minimum of Soot clean medium sand {ezelvdmq - c,F r F. i_ 1 \� t `� ` " ` ,) 1"4< 4 , J ?PRQti'ED \� septic tank and shall be Installed on the centerline topsoil) .``': (L, ,irpfOQ?H CO)r"+t+il of the tank directly under the cleonout manholes. 13.) Finish grade shall be o maximum of 36' over the ` - top OfOU4 : . �r<, - system Includin the septic tank 1 S.)Raise covers of the septic tank and distribution+ distribution box, dosing chamber and soil absorption box with -.pre -cost conerete`water tight risers. over - Inlet and outlet tees to within 6"of finish grade. system. Septic tanks shall have o minimum cover of 6.)Piping -shall Consist of 4" schedule 40 PVC or � `� � �� \ i 0 ��z ..5 ) r PROJECT 14.) From the dote of Instaltatfon of thesoil equivalent. Pipe shall be laid on a minimum \ I �Q \\ / ..0 . l , {/� etc i�OlrtCt _ m-, Jim i.''V SSry. n F.�y yn-1-�'T_'S' /'•,24':i,!.•" ' �.. , aborption system until receipt of o Certificate of � � " ': ;.. � .,� p. ,; ` , , / 7 , � �, �' • /i tiff.. continuous grade of not less than I /., \ . ` - ` 7 - Compliance, the perimeter of the sell absorption - - ,; , . ;` TITLE 7.) Distribution lines for soil absorption system _ system shall be staked and flagged to prevent the - - - S'c�1lYH` G E S �. , . DISPOSAL, SYSTEM v jos req'd)sholl be 4"diameter schedule 40 PVC � nse'ofsuch area for ail activities which might - �, - r\ � - t an a laid at 0.005 ff./ft. Line shall be capped at damage the system. aVOn�„,rJ,.C'1tiv.r/- ..`'�.` Via; OF tdq �' �� 6* i\f .`•�% r \ •1 , ( _: :. 'end or ds noted. l f�- 15.) The Board of Health shall. require Inspection of e y �s y B.) Outlet pipes from D -box shall remain level forst -all construction by on enrol the Board of e .To, ' ` +�_ . '°� -: � ' % - `�-- - �� - �._ . r - BENNETT It. O REILLY . Inc. a4 Health ,}t 2 1C.,,1 fR. ,. c(too. .,LLnlOtt v \\ire least 2feet before pitching to soil absorption system. lar the designer If this system requires a variance o O'fiE,LLY ret z;- • . r y q ) and': a '* 4 - `\, - 5� Engineering R) Environmental Services =�Z Water test D -box to assure even distribution. may require such person to certif Inwritin h 4 � C�YfL �+ - `}q#RT, 7R �� G - Y 4 f at of 1 , p Na. vw237 v 4.;q..t2'35t R- e Ir L. F,y �. 9.) D -box shall have a minimum sump of 6"measured work has been completed in aceordbnee with the terms " + e ;`%.`. r 1573MamStreei Rome 6A c l of the permit and approved af'C•^Fe� ¢ '...a. i'x CrSt tE� -Z.. . below the outlet Invert. D PO oved plane. 4B hours P.O. Box 1667 notice requested. -;iss'o E"G a`i° '- •-=-r- :�r” -` 508-896.6630 Office Brewster, MA 02631 508-896-4687 Fax 4 R ,,,�._�.t•...,-,: '` - - DATE: SCALE: BY: CHECK: JOB NUMBER. z l IZaSj Tz3 _ trace s.;