HomeMy WebLinkAboutReview Checklist � �,�� - �� � TOWN OF YARMOUTH SEWAGE PLAN REVIEW CHECKLIST ' Location: A.M.� Lot�� Zone of Contribution: In, Out N Acreage � � /�v�� Commercial: Residential:� `• Slreet: Village: , /Q�/ � Floor Plan: �/ #Bedrooms: � Owner: � Installer: (�ic��� Address: Phone: Phone: r Builder: Engincer: Address: Phone: - Phone: ��� r � 5--� �C��S N/A YES NO 1.R ired#of ies received ✓ 2.Date of soils axam and ercolation test not older than 2 years 3.45 ft of natura occurrin ervious material, above water table ✓/ 4.Foundation 2 ft above lri int of road H.P.: Fnd: Vaz.: 5.Watex line 10 ft from s fic com one�s Vaz.: �--�' 6.Benchmark indicated and shown-NGVD if near wetlands C.� 7. S tic tank minimum 10 ft from foundation, deck Vaz.: 8.Leachin minimum 20 ft fiill, 15 ft crawl, 10 ft slab Var.: � r 9.Leachin minunum 100 ft from wetlands Var.: 10.Leachin minimum 150 ft from drinkin welU25 ft irri tion well Var.: 11.Tank/leachin minimum 10 ft from ro erty line Var.: �f 12. S stem meets all other setback r uirements Vaz.: 13.Uses ad' stment for maximum hi oundwater Vaz.: 14.L,eacUin set 4-5 ft above ad'.water or bottom of test hole Vaz.: 15. S stem not in to or subsoil(A,B horizons)or 5'r�oval 16.Pr sed contours aze suitable '✓ 17. S stem meets sl e r irements-min. 1/8", '/a" eferred 18. S stem meets breakout r uements PVC ]iner: Wall: 19. S ified tee sizes aze ro , ba$ie on outlet tee 20. Sewa e is under 10,000 for azcel 21.No bage dis osal �� ' 22. S em ad tel sized for its intended use 23.Minimum 6" stone or com ed below tank and dbox 24.Manhole covers withiu 6"of e, chamber cover to ade 25. Ins ection ort on lastic chambers/leach field �/ 26.Electrical ermit for um chamber/S azate m�er for du le�ces / 27.P stem-2" line,w hole,check valve,tee in dbo�[, um size 28. S ric tank/ um chamber to be factory wa roofed 29.Veut rovided if leachin below 3 feex,under drivewa / azkin 30.Buo anc calculations for tank/ u chamber 31. En ' eea�to ins ect and c ' soils: wall: commerciaL• � 32.En ' eer/Re ' �'ed Sanitarian and Land Surveyor stam s/si ture 33. H-201oadin is sub'ect to veluwlar traffic, undwater 34.Title V A lication and ermit fee, install�si ture � 35.Foundation footing min.2 feet above adjusted ound water for new house / 36.Deed Restriction r ired max. #bedrooms: ma�c. flovv: d � 37. Check area lots for oundwater/Label undwater in Assessor's Ma I� Plan reviewed by: r �� d03ro'