HomeMy WebLinkAboutReview Checklist TOWN OF YARMOUTH
Location: AM S/ LOT��� Date of Subdivision Appr al
Street 'S -�-�SGt B �iv�l[., !`��s� Zone of Contribufo . I Out
Village _ S_ U Commercial Residential
Owner. a.oa �.s�� Installer �/�
Builder: Engineer �!�/ �
3G.2 - �
1. Reauired number of copies received ;„
2. Date of soils exam and percolation te�r not older tha 2 yea�r k,
3. 4 feet of naturallv occumng pervious matenal above water table(new constructionl �,
4. Faundati�n 2 feet above high pourt of frantmg read fmr new cenctruction X
�. Water availabihty letter from Water Deoartment for new construction. >C
5. Benchmark indicated a�d shown- NGVD if ne r wetland �
7. Buil ui s wer doe n t e c nte of h e.
8. Seotic tank a�n�num of 10 feet from house d deck
9. Leachme a rr�nunum of 20 feet from house and 10 feet from deck. x
10. Leaching a�n�num of 100 feet from wetlands �C
1_l. Leachine a c�in;rT,um of 150 feet from drink�ng wellc/25 feet from irrigation wells x
12. S st me ts th r setb ck e ents.
13. Uses adiustment for max�mum hi�groundwater
L4. Leachm� 4 -5 feet above ad�usted water table or botto of test p� �
�. Svstem not m ton or subsoil or 5 foot removal. �
16. Pro sed ont urs are surtable
17 Svstem meets sl e requi�ements min 1/R" I/4" �ref�rred
�$ Svstem m et reak t re uu e - easto el v tio a ' d ou 1 f m.
19. Soecified tee s'zes aze proper �as baf�le on outlet tee
20. Sewaee flow under 10 000 gnd for narcel X
21. No earbaee dicaosal x�
22. Svstem adequatelv stzed for its mtended use 7c
23 Muumum 6" stone or mecharucall c�o�acted below the t�nk and d box �
24. Manhole covers wrtlun 6" of grade - septic tank and numn�hamber �
25. Electncal oemut for pump chamber ,
26. Pum st - 2" line wee h le ch k valve sani i d- x I e rate ci uit.
27 Sept�c t�a k, anc�pump chamber to be Factory watemroofed
?8. Vent nrovtded tf leachm�below 3 feet or under dnveway or�arking A.,
29. Engmeer to mspect and ceRtfv • . cla r oval
b. wall construction chedule
c: commercial s�tem
30. Eneineer and Land Curvevor stamp �nd signature ' �
31. H20 loadme when svstem sub�ect to vehicular traffic. y:� '
2. Tit1 V a lica ion an f i ned bv a licensed mstaller ��
33. Foundauon toohn feet ab ve d sted water tab e.
34. Lot subdivided orior to Julv 31 1986 - Nitrate Loading
35. Subdrvided nnor io Apni 7 19R9 - Phosphorus Zone 300' ��
Plan reviewed by:_ ;� Y,��