HomeMy WebLinkAboutApp# 5502v I N vc_ti u% w N10 M •21�� gglVE) o Oc OC) �ON IAI z (D CQ Aa r1loop W O W - 2LAS ook CSI crATU 1/4" = 1'-0" DATE: 12/17/2001 PROD. NO.: 21-1140 DWG. NO.: N u 5O F1 O O F -i n h5 r (D �IC%) 47 crATU 1/4" = 1'-0" DATE: 12/17/2001 PROD. NO.: 21-1140 DWG. NO.: TOWN C! EHK 111 JAN 10 AN 9- 2 VMIic -VrKirr IN FIEI.17 r - . - SUUTN i¢ND QST, f OJcc�'Ty GlNcs Tv srAKt° YARMOUTH APER PLAN ay &4mb SveVWOe �PPVOX -To Ste'-���C�� SYSTEM PROFILE ;urs f rA: �"aTA�%'A:=: ^°! UlN CLERK ".r. ro rxrAYATlor Ara To YEWir San / SCALE: 1"- 80 � NOT TD SCALE ApOYAL Ara /IruL LruOIM o� S.A.S. S -- rin'A.rl GRADE LwC JAN 10 AN 9- 2 - FINISH GRAD I •- ✓rNiNOTES T:. •t`.:� r I . SS - ' I r. OVEA TANK FrNISH DE OVER CES ` .It / I _ . • - 3r l/ r A / • r r o7�r .�rT' Zr[ 1 'r Lµtt Il TJP Fh'U '. I .•.' ytu.J�.7/�.�/:+'T�, 'irk^ yrX' %`<°nle'/,.ti1t'/"a',(re�"-K~' °�' A r: `'! (e: r+. T "'r�l "4taY/C'�.MRi%A. ',iGw/`°7r p/. ." / i'/fi` �"Y/A ilt•'>.x.�`4d�rw��/�,v%/� /�+��.i%�"��q�' ' �.• ELE.VA,TION,S BASSO ON N.S.L. ;•.tet i .-„• ::•.•..•r•• • -- -� FL000 [ONES - "B' 6 'A4' (e1. 5) - _ r ... . - SCM ♦0 PVC - �1 TOWN WATER ON SITE --- i, til : CAsr r DN Ices �. ` / .�. _.l rea• — 19 00 r91v�`� r o.0 IRkat LM rIIAC rrflnO a - I _ y'I rMLM eo' a- Lor, Limu 1 J ., _ - L:,..,1� -. I. I� ACLWCgETED •, GAS �6Aux/.SNF�. . I r tUUAL I'ER-+ '1 •; ' I DIST. BOX srae •• •• -4 L+ •-r—• •.I _'' BAFFLE ,Tp Inc INSTALLED O .-L •,' IIWO SEPTIC L. r r—r— - __-__--__._ LOT 9 rL�__ I • l - ' LEVEL STABLE BASE / l4 5 TRENCH LENGTH .• a.r ,, ` / , wna+.n:u«i: - SEPTIC TANK s• Wrt. ---. NOTE' rTnnewm - \' --' rre+o+rlM fu �V.S"CD SrO••E---- • n �r 'VIn, 1 N ' E• / - lwrL?Mmw VIM _ \\ AL t Roo N[ LME \ 1L I --r• o• 8FOW AIM" TD B£ INSTALLED ON A e EL.Ar 30 - 0' L,.,, [0 Sri - - •. r `- /'TlC srPrtcj I_ _ . TO @£ CONTAlr�D .L �• \ or• x r -u• - r ,are -'rr trAr JI f u a.� •!. fN IN FRENCH naAtxs - . __ . _ "� 0 ` L txr r.u•.ltp LEVEL STABLE BASE nii m AC ocrJar, r a.sA /` •MIN. HEIGHT ^-v"-ur= - sL AaOVc OBSERVED ---- l 1", 15g.0 e. y 3 -- .. - -- rrSTErr /Anl YI I /� IrarALLAa a. 1K aC O _ \ Od•M \ �•1 I Kr�1rSVMyLl I,'� T E' L'�� NOT AUN HEA VY EOUIPHENT OVc'R SYSTEry Elwl� r A rl a �"I GROUND MATER NN •1 is .. �... .. j` ♦ `♦ f µ '1 j A[7AlN'l�Mr a '�-� + CACHING INFIL TRA TOR SECTIQN -, N OA TA � - ^�-° SOIL AND PERGOLA Tl �' \ ,LAPIr &APIUDM S 1 >; ` `,.' . ' �—” . ' �1 ., NOT TO SCALE scAte !•-lo ffii� oS �A•�•rOAA 9!' Jr+IILOtITY Ire I .- ,t l•Vt — i,lr'1 FIND^• iFrALG ••�.J uNrnn'a■m Iran I-��.;-�. - ._�.• .. - - J ^ r A,I/:._ - l;R -!/_ PERC.RATE s ♦ " V1' 4 �%,\) ;LVE' ; r� lf•• A wOrlt e , • 1 MIN/IN. • \\ •' \ `Y N .,t i.A/M'^9/•!`�/" /A• A'.� WASHCL, .irL:.0 ,S� ,♦_ Fl•;\ .. :: \ '• RICXARO FFJNJEIRA YAIER , N EItsTING @t}rl \ NIN.1 i TAKEN BY / °ir ` `- /\• \ r aEAr�tt -- - TO REMAIN (12 WITNESSED BY aRYA L. Plit ,7x`�t.�.:>a:, 96 DATESEP, i 9{ ! T, /� e.• !1� t�u,au p_ °tai y• •�:;}' ''�a'.ti: TEST PIT ELEV. (1) 2 0 f2J 1 11 i /ilO7•``� Uwf7 L j• o_/ tl 'kr J •[ : ' t' IPI ' �. • - ` TEST I!1 TEST (?J p :a ... �' ,P\•.\ •� • - N I. , I.:• i •:=FFE.?TI YC Y LOAN �Y LOAN �R VZ 'a \ .` \.. „ h%rf 'rJC .JI% rhe :r \ Q �� ).'SPIN l� SOYR 9/2 1._�_- T• • Y.. '` .moi` '�`• \ I - 1 .a •r•i .1:' '.• N ri I •@. 'B• .�.r y. �,,, \♦ ` •♦ 01 Z I " - •i •ii•••••'•r:'` •.1 , ''% SANDY LOAN SAVOY LOAN _• \ \ \ \' Q •r•:•� ••: r• •�f'r.••''..r. .•+;•.��... 'r j, JoYR 5/D 1 10YR 3/G -_ 35• R.p J `SLS .\ \ •\ `. O1 Q MASHED JrCNc. ' . ` • _ P.Sy 519 MUDDY u. i� �\ h '• O . . ' EFFECTIVE wIGTH n' 1 .cJ. •cJ' E. \ \\N ' cxCAVAreC• SlDewA�t• _�J 9' -JO• i SAID SAraT I 5e' — LL ° Nt1McER OF TRENCHES ' '_ __ - �• \ -1 �—s o w — _- ,'\ '•� ILS .x... .,y�`.t -- _ - 1 - ?.3Y C✓I : 1 - '\ ,. �rG .J/ M Ar a+•rf: r1 -•U i.-'.^aarroeliJ"@SAX A .,,LiE, „reel, .- - �±. •� �• NUMBER OF INFIL TRA TORS: 4 , � C3. 2.5r @�� L 07 y •`\ • •L, 1,p A1Anrlr alrOCrrR 7rlor ro //]OVAL. \ ?.3Y ivA L � I Jz0' (TIDAL! :•OrAL1 z 1F v calipF� Tmq ?A 4F2 SF WETLAAVS` S. F. S�DEHALL AREA . 74 GALS/SF fY7 -ALS. No OF POSAL RpoA+s 9 '\ DISPOSAL NO 'm Pia S. r. IbdrTOM AREA 74 GALS/SF 2S8 GALS. V EST. TOTAL DAILY EFFLUENT SSO GALS. �• 1L 454 S. F. i O11 TAL AREA GALS/SF 335 GALS. SEPTIC. TANK 14900 GAL. ,� CREEK• ' .�._� 1,� �• \ ; '' _ *� ` 4 ' 310OW-15..005, m� rnArarrrav RLCEs J GENERAL NOTES / �C ♦_� ' x �. _ e6RAACrA7NS1?EO ISOLATED_ LOTS' NOTE 1. ALL SYSTEM COMPONENTS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN _ ACCORDANCE WITH TITLE 5 ' OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE Z _\ `• ` J E=AATE TO ELEV. Zi -.Lt OR LOVER AS REOUIRED DATED MAPCH 1995 ANO ANY LOCAL RULES APPLICABLE... ` •_' W TO Ari ovE ALL LOAM AND CLAY :.-ONrArNrNG ' HArtr;JAL BENEATH THE LEACHING AREA. REPLACE 2. ANY CHANGE IN THIS PLAN MUST BE APPROVED EXCA'YATEJ MATERIAL WITH CLEAN. CLAY FREE GRAVEL BY THE BOARD OF HEALTH AND FERREIRA ASSOC. M6CH:INICALLY COMPACr60 ITN PLACE 1. WHKN CONSTRUCTION xx COMPLerva, Paxam r0 0ACKowrL1-:lIY14 • , ` 1 �" _-_._._____ NOTIFY BOARD OF HEAL TH FOR INSPECTION NEMAND DELfACATIaN rtAwlsmw Md re �� 4. FND. ELEV. MUST BE CHECKED WHEN COMPLETED 9Y -Fl K7R0 EAtT'. Ant? ShO O 4 THIS PLAN IS A REVISION OF A PLAN I C AS FLAGBIA0 NUVSERS Ft -F7 ` 1 '� Z LEGEND DArm OCTOeoa 2z Ism Ifry REVISED 5• THESE ARD OF NOT BE HANGED WITHOUT arcs t 11/1/9LC 12/9/9x; 1/x1/97 , THE BOARD OF HEALTH APPROVAL ALSO x/19/97, 0 1/25/97-` 6. BOARD OF HEALTH INSPECTION REO 'D WHEN EXCAVATED IRESERVE AREA CAtCa! rtOn5J -- rc --- FJTISr. GROUND ELEv. EVISELY HAY 12 1999 fall ADDITIONAL NOTES) (REVISM JULY J$ 19991 V •�/� 1 @E&IILAAC' /Av 1 11. ag.sr l o m YREVISEa AUGUST 24 1999) (R d S71,' top flange Dolt rdJAcent [o-�.-•;•. - -FINISH GROUNf7 ELEV, - letter N In .'ora •OPEN• on V' x 10• x Sox - 1u sr `, I I�,o ^ �.�►!„ OF A SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PLAN eyorrnt locrtrd In YAAMOUrN ' 21• r to r Sox - 7.T—%r �' 15• north of p4IFT►tlg7 LN� I• x 10�x 5ox��? SF I e _ ZO.JJ PIPE INVENT CtfY. rs'�R� PREPARED FOR 0 @• rut of pole no. 6 R£S£RYE AREA rOTA& • 310 SV 11 �✓ fill,, C. •VARIANCE REOLESTS FROM 310 L7r4' 1 - TEST PIT LacarrON, CRAWFORD Y < - - 5.2t! NI/✓IMM SETBACA' RISTANCES \� ' JOHN NOONAN O O SEPTIC TAhK %., �" J. STRE£rtIAE SM4M.. -PLAN REFERENCE ' ' _� LOT 8 NOATN DENNIS ROAD lg• IS fAnWRED ro The LEACIQNG AREa p DISTRIBUll7n' 0014 ��• ' 3• Is slaw Ala REOWSTO. , LAND COURT' PLAN ` /' � _ ' ?• MASS FROOS LINE SErMAOC NO. 23382© Tr lo' IS REOtUAEO ro TW LEAaaAA9 AAEt a1 19 MUW AAV PEOSTO J. #aWf W YE#TATEO WnAAO SEMAW �Jdd• IS REDUVID ro rw Loaaffle Anu F. E. M.A. MAP AV. A' IS SM W M Ile wrINARY c REOt.ESTEO 250015 00027 H • Is Stake TD rw ;KsmYE 0 neWXSTO— SEC IPCL IL 4'c. r. DR SCH !s0 PVC YANhlOUTK t .,r., 4'BIT.f18ER_PIPE-TIGHT JOINTS SIfEET OF Z PROPERTi LINES DESIGNED: SAP DATE: MARCH JRoJ FERREIRA ASSOCIATES _. SETBACK DISTAnCE - 1 /`. :' DRAWN: }p SCAL&AS SHOWN 131 SPRING BARS ROAD • FALbIDUTW - MASS'. ., �'' CHECKED. 93 DRAWING Na 09120Y _ TIMBER WALL DETAILS TaP OF WAa E/Eu 2¢ O f _ TIMBER WALL DETAILS TaP OF WAa E/Eu 2¢ O 0 LEACHING CHAMBER CONSTRUCTION PROCEEDURE Retaining hall construction should be planned to as to be completed within o+u working day. 1.) Stake out South and East property lines within limits of work. 2.) Prior to excavation operations, constructbellom of timbrr wall In two sections to be Joined at the angle point, two ties high with deadman secured in place: Pre—constuction will minimise Hme of open stop@ out 3.) E2cavate arra o chambers from Ileo! to East down to elev. 2t.0 !o a point! two feet beyond front face of retaining wail, providing shoring as necessary to insure against any enmachmenm on abbuting property. A.) Install bottom eecitons of watt in their final location and carbfu 1y backfill to lop 0 e.deadman elevation on the rear and top of bottom tis cn the watt fact' backjUling as t¢�ddl tonal of layers oftimber are added handelWisUing deaaddman as shown. 6.) Finish grade. dope to frilling ground and elabilike with mulch and plantings. 7.) Excavate carefully the 9,-10' wide area for insiallaiton of the chambers down to elevation f6.50 being careful to as not to undermine wall. Hand digging and or sheathing may be necenary. 8.) Install chambers as per pian and backfill to finished grade. Inspection* Vf system installation fhatt be property co—ordinated with Engineer and oard Of Health. 9.) Conshuction and instatlation of retaining wall shall be inspected and certified by Engineer. I c��Nrt3t�ies- -' "--• I xe.Q<2LO' D 6 21D2 JAN 10 AM 9= 2 RECEIVED .t 5� ELEVATION VIEW vA�'°� END VIEW (NO SCALE) 1(NO SCALE) cam' Lyj L 14 /N4 o o: t ` A+2E11 TiA4B,rC. P/,4 LL C secs � 1 ,` vt 30.0 •• � _ e- °..._tlrV 174 PLAN VIEW (NO SCALE) SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PLAN PREPARED FOR JOHN NOONAN LOT 8 NORTH DENNIS ROAD �i YARMOUTH, MASS. SHEET 2 OF 2 Q DESIGNED: R.C. DATE: APRIL 18, 200* EmPONNENrAL 485 FURNACE STREEr DRAi►N: R.C. SCALE: AS SH01►N ENCINEERINC NARSHFIELD, MA. 02050 ' A TECHNOLOCIES TEL. (781)837-3152 CHECXED: S.C. DRAIIINC NO: INC. F6. E',hu. 2/. S 0 LEACHING CHAMBER CONSTRUCTION PROCEEDURE Retaining hall construction should be planned to as to be completed within o+u working day. 1.) Stake out South and East property lines within limits of work. 2.) Prior to excavation operations, constructbellom of timbrr wall In two sections to be Joined at the angle point, two ties high with deadman secured in place: Pre—constuction will minimise Hme of open stop@ out 3.) E2cavate arra o chambers from Ileo! to East down to elev. 2t.0 !o a point! two feet beyond front face of retaining wail, providing shoring as necessary to insure against any enmachmenm on abbuting property. A.) Install bottom eecitons of watt in their final location and carbfu 1y backfill to lop 0 e.deadman elevation on the rear and top of bottom tis cn the watt fact' backjUling as t¢�ddl tonal of layers oftimber are added handelWisUing deaaddman as shown. 6.) Finish grade. dope to frilling ground and elabilike with mulch and plantings. 7.) Excavate carefully the 9,-10' wide area for insiallaiton of the chambers down to elevation f6.50 being careful to as not to undermine wall. Hand digging and or sheathing may be necenary. 8.) Install chambers as per pian and backfill to finished grade. Inspection* Vf system installation fhatt be property co—ordinated with Engineer and oard Of Health. 9.) Conshuction and instatlation of retaining wall shall be inspected and certified by Engineer. I c��Nrt3t�ies- -' "--• I xe.Q<2LO' D 6 21D2 JAN 10 AM 9= 2 RECEIVED .t 5� ELEVATION VIEW vA�'°� END VIEW (NO SCALE) 1(NO SCALE) cam' Lyj L 14 /N4 o o: t ` A+2E11 TiA4B,rC. P/,4 LL C secs � 1 ,` vt 30.0 •• � _ e- °..._tlrV 174 PLAN VIEW (NO SCALE) SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PLAN PREPARED FOR JOHN NOONAN LOT 8 NORTH DENNIS ROAD �i YARMOUTH, MASS. SHEET 2 OF 2 Q DESIGNED: R.C. DATE: APRIL 18, 200* EmPONNENrAL 485 FURNACE STREEr DRAi►N: R.C. SCALE: AS SH01►N ENCINEERINC NARSHFIELD, MA. 02050 ' A TECHNOLOCIES TEL. (781)837-3152 CHECXED: S.C. DRAIIINC NO: INC.