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App# 2-A036
All trim to match existing Andersen® Windows & Doors with wood interior muntins with site applied sill & ix4trim replace window Andersen® TW2431O �,, TI_i I- Q'I< New door Andersen@ ✓ FWH31611AK 68 Pine Street Left Elevation I Yarmouth Port, Massachusetts Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Gordon Residence March 8, 2002 scale 1/4" = 1' drawn by: jnb :!?U\ i ?t 21 1,1"T09 Courtyard fence 6' overall height 6x6 post 1x5 vertical boards 12' lattice panel All trim to match existing Andersen® Windows & Doors with wood interior muntins with site applied sill & 1x4 trim 68 Pine Street I Right Elevation Yarmouth Port, Massachusetts Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Gordon Residence March 8, 2002 1 scale 1/4" = 1' 1 drawn by: jnb hr 71 "W36 Y" 21i'12 INAn 21 11 a o 9 All trim to match existing Andersen® Windows & Poorr, With wood interior muntine with site applied sill & Ix4 trim 68 Pine Street Rear Elevation Yarmouth Port, Massachusetts Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Gordon Residence March 8, 2002 1 scale 1/4" = 1' 1 drawn by: jnb Y" �I TO 3-4' Pink/Red Hibiscus 7v 2,M7 „an i,li 111 0-9 RCS' iL Scientific Name Plant List Common Name Size 1 Abelia grandiflora 1 Acer palmetum 'Dissectum Everred' 1 Althea syriccus 'Aphrodite' 3 Amelanchier grand. Autumn Brilliance 4 Azalea Blaaw's Pink i 2 Azalea Conversation Piece 1 Azalea Parade 3 Azalea Rosebud 1 Azalea Satsuki Higaso 1 Azalea Silver Sword E 4 4 Betula nigra 'Heritage' 1 Buddleia devidii Black Knight 1 CaHicarpo japonica 9 Collura vulgaris Tib 1 Cercis conadensis Forest Pansy 3 Chomaecyparis nootkenensis pendulo 1 Chamaecyperis obtuse gracilis nano r 1 Chionanthus virginicus i 1 Cladrastis kentukea 3 Clethro alnifolia Ruby Spice i 1 Cornus kousa ( 3 Cotoneaster odpressus praecox 3 Cryptomeria japonica 1 Enkionthus companulctus j 3 Euonymus fortunei 'Moonshadow' 1 Fathergilla gardenii 1 Franklinic alatcmaho l7 Hemerocollis Happy Returns 3 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Lemon Wave' i 3 Hydrangea macrophylla Nikko Blue 1 Hydrangea macrophylla Pia fi 1 Hydrangea quercifolia Snow Queen 3 Hypericum Hidcote 7 Ilex glabrc Shamrock 3 Ilex mes. Blue Maid r 1 Ilex mes. Blue Prince f 2 Ilex mes. China Girl 1 Ilex mes. Golden Girl 7 Juniperus procumbens variegeta 1 Kerrie japonico pleniflora t q 3 Leucothoe catesbaei Scarlette i i' 1 Magnolia stellate Royal Star 1 Mahonia aquifolium j 1 Metasequoia glyptostroboides 0 3 Miscanthus sinensis gracillimus i 4 Pennisetum alopecuroides Hameln / 2 Picea glauca conics 1 Pieris japonica 'Mt. Fire' 1 Pieris japonica 'Valley Valentine' 4 1 Pinus cembro 3 Pinus strobus G 3 Potentillo Coldfinger 2 Prunus lourocerasus Otto Luyken 1 Pyracontha x. Mohave 2 Rhododendron Minnetonka 3 Rhododendron PJM 5 Rhododendron Scintillation I 4 Rhododendron loetvirens 1 Rhododendron yak. Princess I 2 Skimmia japonica female 4 1 Skimmia japonica male 1 Spiraea Little Princess f 1 Spiraea Shiro Bona 1 Stewortia pseudocomellic I 1 Styrax japonicus 1 Syringe prest. Donald Wymcn E 1 Syringe vulgoris Charles Joly I i 3 Thuja smarogd Emerald Green r 1 Viburnum sargentii Onondaga 1 Vitex ognus—castus j i The Gordon Reside) 68 Pine Street, Yarmouthport By: Philip L. Cheney 508-394-1373 Scale: 1 = 10' 3/19/2002 Glossy obetio 3—Gal Red Threadleof Jcp. Maple 3-4' Pink/Red Hibiscus 7—Gal Autumn Brilliance Shodblow 4-5' Pink Azalea 3—Gal Pink & White Azalea 3—Gal Pink Summer Azalea 5—Gal Pink Rosebud Azalea 3—Gol Late Dark Pink Azalea 3—Gal Pink Variegated Azalea 3—Gal Heritage River birch 6-8' clump Dark Purple Butterflybush 3—Gal Jap. Becutyberry 3—Gal Red—Purple Heather 1—Gal Purple—leaf Redbud 7-8' Weeping Alaskan Cedar 5-6' Dwarf Hinoki Cypress 18-24" White fringe tree 4-5' Yellowwood Tree 2-2.5"—Cat Dark Pink Summersweet 3—Gal Kousa Dogwood 7-8' Early Cotoneaster 2—Gal Japanese cedor 7-8' Red—vein Enkianthus 30-36" Moonshadow Euonymus 2—Gol Witch Alder 3—Gal Franklin Tree 5—Gol Happy Returns Daylily 1—Gal Yellow Variegated hydrangea 3—Gol Double Blue Hydrangea l 3—Gol Dwarf Pink Hydrangea 3—Gal Snow Queen Ockleof Hydrangea 3—Gal St. Johnswort. 3—Gal Shamrock Inkberry 3—Gal Blue Maid Hotly 3-4' Mole Blue Holly 30-36" China Girl Holly Golden Girl Holly 30-36" Ver. Jap. Garden Juniper 2—Gol Double Japanese Kerrie 3—Gcl Scarlette Leucothoe ( 3—Gal Royal Star magnolia 3-4' Oregon gropeholly 3—Gal Dawn redwood 15-6' Maiden Grass I 1—Gal Dwarf Fountain Gross 1—Gal Dwarf Alberta Spruce 30-36" Mt. Fire Andromeda 24-30" Pink Andromeda 3—Col Swiss Stone Pine 3-4' Eastern White Pine 6-7' Yellow Potentillo 2—Gal Cherry Laurel 3—Gol Orange—red Firethorn 5—Gel Esp. Compact Purple Rhododendron 124-30" PJM Rhododendron 1 3—Gal Compact Pink Rhododendron 124-30" Wilson's Rhododendron 124-30" Pale Pink Yak Rhododendron 3—Gal Skimmia 2—Cal Male Skimmia 2—Gal Dwarf Pink Spirec 3—Gd Pink & White Spirea 3—Gc! Jap. Stewortia 1.5-2"—Col Jap. Snowbell 2-2.5 —Cal Dark Pirk Lilac j 7—Gal Magenta Lilac 7—Gal Emerald Green Arborvitae 6-7' Onondagc Viburnum 3-4' Chaste tree 15—Gal Existing Plants to remain Oak O 'Native Fieldstone retaining wall to be 3-4' tapering to 18" at front of house Mortar w/ hidden joints Note fencing from house to wall at two locations Stepping stones and patio to be flat, "garden path" fie!dstones 1 Jap. Stewortic 3 Maiden Grass — 3 Scarlette Leucothoe 3 Weeping Alaskan Cedar 1 Pink Variegated Azoles 1 Mt. Fre Andromeda 9 Red—Purple Heather\ 1 Jap. Becutyberry hJ 1 White fringe tree 1 Snow Queen Oakleaf Hydrangea/�j� 3 Autumn Brilliance Shodblow Bark Mulch ~ r' 4 Dwarf Fountain Grass — �1J� tit a 1 Dawn redwood Mulch'Path----. 7 Happy Returns DaylTly 1 Yellowwood Tree 1 Pink & White Spirea 1 Chaste tree Wood Fencing 3 Dark Pink Summersweet 3 Eastern White Pine Existing Plants to remain �r ti 0