HomeMy WebLinkAboutPool Inspection Reports`f► TIA ADDRESS A THE COMKINIFALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS TUM OF YAMCU1N HEALIM DEPARD&W POOL II piuriw REPORT DATE �- /9 —)b 1, TELEPHONE NUN4ER OPERATOR _F0 /j'+ %k 6 D(L 4 ( C 1'(f PERMIT POSTED # Regulations of the Massachusetts Sanitary Code: Article VI, Minimum Standards for Pools; and Town Amendments to Article VI. 1. All items approved on the construction plan are of permanent nature and need not be checked at each inspection. ;c 2. HEALTH: Shower and health signs posted which state that bathers take showers; no sick or infected bathers; no glass or dangerous objects; and children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult swimmer within. 3. CERTIFIED POOL OPERATORS: Must staff at least two (2) certified operators in First Aid, Water Safety, C.P.R., and have one available on the premises during pool operating hours. 'f 4. SAFETY: One shepards crook and one ring buoy with adequate rope for each 2,000 sq. ft. water surface. One pool divider for shallow end with floatation buoys. 5. FIRST AID: First aid kit (see back), emergency telephone numbers posted, local police, state police, fire department, and several available physicians. Telephone available or other means of communication (not pay station) 6. RECORDS: Written records available of daily operation of the pool, including attendance, water tests, chemicals used, hours of operation, backwashing and other information required. �{ 7. RECIRCULATION - FILTRATION: Purification system capable of maintaining quality of water, turnover every 8 hours, maximum filtration rate 2-3 gal. per min. per sq. ft. filter. Disinfection equipment finely adjustable. Flow meters and pressure gau es are required. 8. DEPTH MARKINGS Must be clearly marked on deck and wall of pool. Markings must be displayed for eve oot down to a depth of 5 feet, and then at appropriate places of not more than 25 foot intervals around the deep portion of the pool. 9. DIVING BOARDS: Rigidly constructed, properly anchored, braced for heaviest load, sound no splinters or cracks, non slip surface. Not over 10 feet above water level and at least 13 feet unobstructed head room. v10. WATER SOURCE: Water used in any swimming pool shall be from a source approved by the Health Department. 6 t`-•11. BACTERIOLOGICAL QUALITY: Health Department shall cause water samples to be analyzed as considered necessary. Quality shall meet the USPHS drinking water standards. Untreated water not over 2,400 WN Coliform. k12. CHEMICAL STANDARDS: Treated with chlorine or other effective method. Tests taken at least 4 times a day as required by Health Department. Free Chlorine 1.0 - 3.0, pH 7.2 - 7.8, Bromine 2.0 - 6.0, Total Alkalinity 50 - 150 p.p.m. and Qxbined Chlorine less than 2 p.p.m. are required once a day. SWIMMING POOL: Cl = �` d pH = -77, T.A. = 90 Combined Cl = SWIMMING POOL: Cl = pH = T.A. = Ccrrbined Cl = WHIRLPOOL: Cl = pH = T.A. = Canbined Cl = WADING POOL: Cl = pH = T.A. = Combined Cl = !_Q3. TESTING EQUIPMENT: Testing equipent rovided, n good repair and complete with fresh reagents. k- 7`E�f )!r 6X14- WATER CLARITY: A 6 inch black disc at bottom of deepest part of pool visable at 10 yards away. A1�15. WADING POOLS: Quality of the water shall be the same as swimming pools. Turnover 4 hours or less. NA 16. WHIRLPOOLS: Quality of the water shall be the same as swimming pools and shall be equipped with a thermometer and a time instrument for the use of bathers. `,,4 t( 17. ENCLOSURE: A 6 foot high fence in accordance with M.G.L. c.140 with self-closing and self -latching gates or doors. Indoor pool must also be restricted in a similar manner. Pool entrances and exits to be locked during non-operating hours. 09:x18. CLOSURE: Operator to close pool when water does not meet the requirements of this code. Operator understands their responsibilities in regards to operating a public/semi-public swimming pool. NOTES: L- 00/-k S 60 on SIR PERSON I ERVIEWID 10/96 �,.. _ , . _ . _ _ -�n.r-.- ,_._._ _ _-4.�_.�—, � aoaecr�.n� ae u�n�is ' mwr or x�am� I - �,� n�r�r I POOL II�PHT1Qi RFP'ORT '�, PNME -7/P/S�/ V/ LLKo E. �WTE ��(��� � aooxFss �a� 12r,t1-e d R c�r,�,+l„ a csbo rQ.EexoNe Nu.�n �n� �mM� IUC (X.nr�l� o��,,�ea�� �,IT �n x I � 1�e�c�+-�S�e� . Regulations of the Massachusetta Sanitary Code: Artiele VI, Ninimm Standarda for Pools; azd Town Mcn3oents to Mticle VI. �'�.. 1. A1l it�s approved on the eonetruction plan ue af pexmanent nature ard need not be eheeked at each inspection. � 0��2. F&HLTH: Shower and health eigns posted ufitch state that bathere take ahowers; m aick or infected bathers; '. no glass oz dangerous objecta; and children under the age of 16 �at be aeemipanied by an adult svimner within. � �. �3. CFXfIFIID POOL OPIItATORS: Must staff at least tuo (Z) certified operatora in First Aid, Water Safety, C.P.R., ard '�, have one available on the pranisea during pool operating houra. ' ; �K q, SAFhTY; One shepards c�od ard one ring buo�wiih adequate rope for esch 2,000 sq. ft. water surface. One pool ��'� � divider for shalloa end with floatation buoys. , �I v K OK 5. FIRSf AID: Firat aid kit (see baek), eaergency ielephone �nvrbers ?oated, Local pohice.�� �state police, fire �'� T department, azd several available phyeicians. Telephone available or other meane of-. camunicarion (no+ pay staei«,). TeS'tC� ��9.enc.� �nE WtriS�.� 6Cx-� �6. R�WR�6: Written records available of daily operation of the pool, ineluding attendanee, water teets, chemieals �'i used, hours of operation, backwashing ard other infometion required. '�. (� 7. RECIRW[4TICN - FILTRATIQJ: Pur3fication syst� capable of mintaining quality of waler, turnover every � 6ours, �'' maximun filtratim rate 2-3 gal. per min.� per eq. ft. filter. Dieinfection equipnent finely adjuetable. Flow ,� .meters and'�pressure gaugee are required. � � ��� lit,ta cttu,a. l.i�.t 'S p5= 6U 9P� P�� 30 5 rk 1� p5r li7a'C�+1 � 5 V�2S ' Q,� 8. DEYfH M41tKINGS: Mue�t be elearly marked on deck and wall of pool, Maskings�miet ba di�iplayed for every foot dovm I� to a depth of 5 feet, ud thm at appropriate placee of not more than 25 foot interv�s aroued the deep portion of '�.. the pool. . . .� � �< '��. � 9. DIVING BQ4R�: Rigidly �onstrueted, properly anchored, braeed for heaviest load, soied no splinters or cracka, '�, non slip surface. Not wer t0 feet �above water level and at least 13 feet unobetructed�head roan.� j Il��` 10. NY�TF7t 90uRCE: Water ueed in any ewimoing pool ahall be fran a swrce approved by the Health Departmecet: ��:.j �,11. 9A(TE7tI0LOGICAL ('�JALI17: Health Department -shall eause watu sartQlea to be analysed as :qonsidered neceeesry. �� .�i NQy,t��iality shall meet the USPNS drinking water stardards. Untreated water not over 2,400 ApN Gnlifoxm. � �'� (��v-2. (]¢�LIIGAL SfMA4Rp6: �� Treated with chlorine or other effective methad. Tests taken at� least 9 times a day f�- ��I as nquired by Health Department. Free Chlorine 1.0 - 3.0, pN 7.2 - 7.8, Branine 2.0 - 6.0, - Total Alkalinity 50 � 150 p.p.m. and Caobined Q�lorine less than 2 p.p.m. are required once a day.�� � swnr,+u�c eo�.: c� _�._ p, _ �H T.A. = GC� c�a:,�a c, _�_ i SV1lMING POOL: Cl = pN = T.A. = Cavbined C1 = ''��. wHiw.eooL: ci = C L U 5 C� pH = �c � /- T.A. _�� / Cambined Cl =. >V G V�ING P(70L: Cl = pN = T.A. = Cmbined CI = . . �, , �' li (J K13. 1FSfING EC1UIfMkM': Teating equipcent provided, in good repair and cmptete with frea6 reagenta. E I K—�Oofo TES� ��� oK �14. FNITFR ClARITY: A 6�inc6 black disc at bottam of deepest part of pool visable at 10 yards away. N�15. WApING pppLSt' {j�ulity of the aater ehall be the eame as swivming pools. Turnover 4 houre or leee. �16. WHIRIP(lOLS:� Quality of the waler shall ba !6e eame ax�swimning poole and shall be equipped aith a t6ermooeter and �� a tiaie Inetrunent for the�use of bathesa. >- r� t.wnQ�Qool SHu- u�— oK TL�c�v�n4� 4K �.lc�cr c�1t v'�17. QJQ,O6URE: A 6 toot high fence in aeeordanee with M.G.L. c.140 wlth self-closing and xlf-latching gates or doors. I � Indoor pool muet alao be reetrieted in a similar mvmer. Pool entranees ard exits to be lceked during n�-operating houre. i OK 18. Q.OSURE: Operator to cloae pool afien aates does not meet �the requiremente of this code. Operator �aderatude �',� their rasponsibilfties ln reguds to operating a publie/emi-public ewimning pooL ''�.. r�a,�s: .-� L c�cs GC7�� x %��i� ��,�v �'. PFR9CN INfI�ItVIEWID . POIX rSP I � 10/96 I