HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 Jan 29 - Sign Off Transmittal Sheet, Floor Plan - Renovations ��.-Ya�e TOWN OF YARMOUTH �' '�`. .�� ` `�,o HEALTH DEPARTMENT 4 �� )� k �:� '�:� `��=�%' PERMIT APPLICATION SIGN OFF TRANSMITTAL SHEET I To be compdeted by Applicant: j Building Site Location: �j t�q r ��wr,� � t'. k � Proposed Improvement: �. �1 w� i v+���. � ho.�l'• � ��' !<, �I.�.o v� � �^� vr�u�,� a d;G�.<v�1` , (d�u I l '�'v C�In�p� :wn �o �(.i�*�. t N. . P I�i✓N� N ck�`F �A I L1 Y w h l..t,.� N c� �"�+ � T Tel.No.: v 3 �� �'b 5� A p p h c a n t: ��� � ����-i v�a S � ' Address: �/v )i,-���ow h r«a I� 2ck w�S E-- �u v w�.��c,�. Date Filed: /-d I- /6 , i j **Ifyou would like e-mail notafication ofsign o,f,�'please provide e-mail address: Owner Name: '�ob�e v'� �.e�v�v' v�t0.k ; Ownen,Address: 5 �.r ��^�'�c�. \�t`. Scw� �4��'�'f l� Oumer Tel.No.: 5 U�v S`i ; - y S 6 l � .............:........................:......:...:.......................................:.:...........:...............................:.....:..........................:.... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ', RESIDENTIAL AND/OR COMMERCIAL BUILDIATG '' HEALTH DEPARTMENT: Determines Compliance to Sta.te and Town Regulafions; i.e.,Requirements I` For Septa.ge Disposal and other Public Health Activities. ! . r ! Please submit three (3)�opies of plans, to includes (l.) Site Plan showing existing b�ildings, water line location, and septic system location; ', (2.} Floor plan labeling ALL rooms within building (all ezis�ng and proposed) - Note:Floor plans not required for decks,sheds, windows, roofing; (3.) If necessary, Title 5 application signed by licensed installer , with fee. � , . y�..� . . . i� . . .✓ �� ................................................................................::::......... .............. ..................................................:.......................................................:...............r:.............................. ...............:.......................:........................................... l , REVIEWED BY: DATE: / � � �� PLEASE NOTE t COMMENTS/CONDITIONS: j�, ? — � V�. � t j�-W`�'�+eat.� t.� � �x��U fi^�.f , � � '.,' � -� s &..._