HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997 Mar 5 - Memo from Town Adminstrator to Town Atty., with 1987-1988 Letters . �. . . . . . ... _ .. �. _ _ . .. . _ r f ,; '! i . pfc'Z'q�r BOARD OF ; � � T O W N O F Y A R M O U T H SELE�TMEv � ��,, �� y 1146 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4492 �MATTACMEES � Telephone (508) 398-2231, Ext. 271, 270 — F� (508) 398-2365 T�wN � ���„'"•,"�6�"� ADMINISTRATOR , Robert C. Lawton,Jr. MEMO TO: John Creney,Ariy. FROM: Robert C.Lawton,Jr.�� Town Administrator SUBJECT: Water from an Abutting Lot DATE: March 5, 1997 � We have received the enclosed letter from Mr. William Gagnon of 99 Old Main Street i concerning the allegation that water from a neighbors lot is going onto his lot. I have spoken to Forrest White and he indicates to me he is unsure as to what legal steps j he can take to assist in resolving this issue. I am aware that the Board of Health has a ' regulation which requires that water from a particular parcel may not flow onto another ; parcel at the time a building permit is issued. I am unsure as to the enforceability of this -� rules after that date. My question would be are you aware of any general law which prohibits water from going from one lot to another? Secondly, is this matter a civil matter or is it a matter for the building/health departments to resolve? i -- ' jd Encl. Bd of Health Reg. 04 r♦"♦ Printed on Recycled Paper , . , , i � ' WILLIAM N. GAGNON, D.M.D.. INC. ; � i LB MAIN STREET - ROUTE BA BASS RIVER, MA 02684 NORTH TRURO. MA 02652 396-8322 497-8272 April 29 , 1988 .,.,� � Y?' i�+��._.__ _.---_ _. �. �., i Mr . Forrest White MAY 2 19�8 Building Inspector ^ - , Town Hall So . Yarmouth, MA 02664 � I Dear Mr . 1�hite: - ; Since we last communicated wi.th �you concerning Mr . Rolli 's property on Carrie La�e adjacent to our �f ' yard, he has evidently installed a lov► retaining item i of several boards of about a foot in heig�it whieh he [ has braced and nailed to our fence to prevent his i graded backyard from coming through our fenee (instead of regrading his lot) . Sand and dirt - and small rocks continue to wash tMrough this barrier proving that his � ru�-off is coming into our yard and we would �l-iFce you to come --ovEr and look at it . He has also b�i1t a per- manent structure onto the back of his house--a deck of railroad tie5 or treated bea.ms filled i� u�ith what looks like gravel , which may be closer to the lot line than allowed . He has also installed an outdoor 5ho�er on the back of his hou�e and we wonder if the run-off from this is channelled into his dry we�ls as mi�ght be re- quired by the Board of Health conditions under which he was workir�g? �_ _ � � � ;� ; Thank you in advanee for looking i-nto this, and please le�. us know what you find. Sincerely, William N . Gagnon ' Sheila A . Gagnon � . f WNG/SAG :sg cc : Mr . Bruce Murphy Board of Health � ; � � . t LAND USE TECHNOLOGY, INC. (FORMERLY R.J.O'HEARN,INC.) ENGINEERS/SANITARIANS/LAND SURVEYORS Swan River Plaza Unit 3 Q Y� ', ��� � P.O. Box 237,35 Route 134 �����/� ' South Dennis, MA 02660 ' 394-1265 ' _. + � - � �� � February 29, 1988 "" " ^ _ �"��� Mr . Bruce Murphy, Director Yarmouth Health Dept . 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth , MA 02664 RE: 7 � Carrie Lane ( lot 2�) � i South Yarmouth Dear Mr . Murphy: On February 26 , 1988, a representative of this office witnessed ; the changes made to the rear of the above property to stab�ilize the fill behind the dwelling . It appears that the timber wall � built along the rear fence is sufficient to prevent significant soil erosion from the lot, as required by the Board of Health . , If you have any questions or require further information , please ' contact me at my office, telephone 394-1265 . Very truly yours , LAND USE TECHNOLOGY , INC . ; � ,��� _.. _ David M . umas , R . S . ; DMD/js cc : #2934-2 � I � I � : L LAND USE TECHNOLOGY, PT� - �-�---� (FORMERLY R.J.O'HEARN.INC.) ENGINEERS/SANITARIANS/LAND SURVEYORS Swan River Plaza Unit 3 k � p,p. Box 237, 35 Route 134 -� South Dennis, MA 02660 . , 394-1265 � _ t � � �' , i , December 9 , 1987 � � � , � � . �� Mr . Bruce Murphy , Director € Yarmouth Health Department �� 1146 Route 28 � � South Yarmouth, MA 02b64 ' RE ' Lot 2 Carrie Lane , South Yarmouth �� ��' j Dear Mr . Murphy: ; j' the Yarmouth Board of Health in granting a As required by this office has variance for the aforementioned lot , witnessed and inspected the installation °Allhsuchnsitey ' system and the final grading on the lot . erformed substantially work witnessed by this office waSlan, on file in your ,� in accordance with the approved p office . If you have any further questions , please contact me at my f office , 394- 1265 . Very truly yours , � � LAND USE Y , INC. � g, . 0 'H a n, President RJO/js I � � � �i I � ' _ . ,.,.... . : _ . ,,...�,��-�n;�-�.��:�.,���..�..;.,- - . r,, ....: � •.�;,.