HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 Jan 27 - Sign Off Transmittal Sheet, Plot Plan, Floor Plans, T5 Insp. Pages _ _ _ _ _. �_ . -� �� �+� � `' T�WN OF YARMOUTH �'o�'` ��� ��__ _ . � - � w��° HEALTH DEPARTMENT o,�� )� � �'�"'���`'��� PERMIT APPLICATION SIGN OFF TRANSMITTAL SHEET To be completed by Applicant: Building Site Location: ��.. M��, C��C� �t�,. �OLt� yQ,l� VI��f t��L.? , � Proposed Improvement: C G�C X �� C f1. ���.' ro e v � Applicant: � C� � Tel.No.:�,���-�q�-n��,� . \ . �lddress: 01't,�l, �V . y � �O Date Filed: 1 �7 r�' **Ifyou would like e-mail notafication ofsign off,please provide e-mail address: Owner Name: ��V L ��,Q�.r 0 C�C�l`f �-�.(,' � �K 4umer Addres�7�o�, ���.�.�l. �,, �Q.���� Owner Tel.No.: ��3 "�('o ' �Q ��1 �`".��� � � i � � �, � ,,� ���k �..r�..�.���......I�A.........._O..I:.D.�..: � .., ........ ....... . �.�x .......... ....... ....... ........... ... '�....................................................................................... ..:... .................................. �� �f � � � ,.� __ �. .�,��;�� � _�.�;,,,� .. A+�,."� �" .� '��ri`� `' RESIDEN�IAL AND/OR COMMERCIAL BUILDING ; , , � � t,ti � ,��� HEALTH DEPARTMENT: Determines Compliance to State and Town Regulations; i.e., Requirements - For Septage Disposal and other Public Health'Activities. Please submit three (3) copies of plans, to include: _ >,;,�1.) Site Plan showing existing buildings, water line location, �_. .. � ' "�w and septic system location; ,' (2.) Floa�plan labeling ALL rooms within building (a�l egisting and proposed)� Note�loor plans not required for decks,sheds, windows, roofing; (3.) ` If necessary, Title 5 application signed by licensed installer .. with:�ee. .......................................................................:.......................... ............. ...:.........�.:.::..........:. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... , ,: � REVIEWED BY: DATE: �7 � G+ PLEASE NOTE � COMMENTS/CONDITIONS: 2 � ���� '�.... l �� �JL l��" � I�`U� • 3 ��rN '�'�c�'"`�, .S�z-��``C. 1 ✓� 4 � �jzc'�• � "a S` �� 1 �oa �Q. �s—as NQ�� Ro ers.dw ' 1. LOCUS IS A.IA. 25. PARCE� 144. FB 31-55 f 2 LOCUS iS lN FIOQD ZONE AE (EL 11} ON FiRM DATED JUIY 1&, 2014. � 3. OFFSETS SHOWN ARE TO THE CORNERBOARDS ON EXISTiNG � BUILDINGS. QR TO FQUNdATidN ON NEW GONSTi2UG'RON. NQTE:'fFiiS IS A SITE PLAN SURVEY �OT COVE�AGE BY TNIS QFFICE AND NOT A GOM— � PIETE PROPERTY UNE SURVEY. n EXiSTING HOUSE 970tS.F. BLQCK MATH CLOSES WITH BIOCK a EXIST{NG SHED 127tS,F. 1EN FEET DEEPER, AS SHOWN HERE, � EXlS71NG DEGKs 325tS.F. SIDE lOT I.INES ARE �RAFTED ON PLAN PROPOSEO ADDITION 544 5.F. 800K 148, FG. 79 AS 206.71' aEEP. f a TQl'Al 1966tS,F, lOT COVERAGE=1966tS.F./18,270#S.F.=10.8� ' I k � N fF ' I � � DAKIN N/F I c,�' S s�•a�'�oM DAHL— ; 63.1' 12.7� E BURG O 10,6' 2i�.69' (CqLC,) � w _ r. __ '-.....�� � � ; LOT 6 ' ��sr.;�" l O 0 0 18.270#S:F. S;Fl4U5£ � .•------- SYSTEM FROM�C f W � � �r�. $� AS—BUILT � �� a�� 58.4' ��_>:� � � 3� f , � � - �.., � = o � ,.� �_�.�, ��t o --� .- o r` 1 , PROP. ADDIT.' : `r� 58.5 �. LOT 6 c `�'� �. i � + .r..._.. �� .. ��,27ots.�. o °0 � '"'_ ^ `� �, , �o �� � v� ; � � � y , ��SJ.U�i ��.�� f � (cA�.c.) nr �t.��,4Q» w N/F � � 'SM ALL r � ^ ; � �lF G,31�C�[��MC�D N ETTLES : � �t� ,a� 2016� ��� � HEALTH DEPT. CB/DH. FND. CBfDISG. FND. 1 CERIIFY THAT THE LOCA S SHOWN ON TFlIS PLAN PLQT PL.AN UVERE��+1�1c D I E ! ON 1 f & 1/26/16: ��_a FQR � ���,��� FtVE SHAMRaCKS, LLC ��.�� ��������'.� L.OT 6. 82 MATTAGHEE ROAD. S0. YARMOUTH, MA ���4s � FEBRUARY t, 2a16 SCALE: 1"=40• � �A�J[�LF,G � . �, #��779 �, ' �'������1��� RONALD J. C/lDItUC. PLS, RS, P.C. .�����U�`��c� PROFESSfONlU. LANQ SURVEYOR dc REqS7ERED SANlTA�AN P.O BOX 258 NIE�7 YARMAQtJTH, MA OZ673 � � � i �+ 02016 BY R.J. CAWLIAC �508� 775-97� I I l ! , . , � � COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS . EXECUTIVE OFFICE �F ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS � DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION � I TITLE 5 OFFICIAL INSPECTION FORM—NOT FOR VOLUNTARY ASSESSMENTS SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPQSAL SYSTEM FORM PART A CERTIFICATI4N Property Address: 82 Mattachee Road South Yarmouth MA Q2664 G°3 G �.�^'' }� n �,� � p Owner's Narue: 8arry Netiles Owner's Address: 27 Brusl�Hil1 Road D E C 2 2 2006 Sherbarne MA 0177d Date of[nspection: November 9,2006 Job#06-288 HEALTH DEPT• Name of Inspector: PATR[CK M.O'COHNELL Compan Name: SEPTIC INSPECTION SERVICE . Y S CO. Mailing Address: 189 CAMMETT ROAD J t A� MARSTONS MILLS MA 02648 • l�,V . Te[ephone Number: 508-42&1779 . • • ��/ " � CERTIFICATION STATEMENT , I csrtify that 1 have personally inspected the sewage disposal system at this address and that the information reported betow is true,accorate and complete as of the time of the inspection.The inspection was performed based oa my ` training and experience in the proper funcEioa and maintenance of on site sewage dispasal systtms.I am a D�t��i=1ljti approved system inspector pursuant to Sect(on 15.340 of Tit[e 5(310 CMR 15.040). The system: `, P �t OF/,�,q i���� . _X_ Passes � •• .� .�'Z: ConditionaUy Passes _� ' • T„� K •-N� Nteds Further Evaluation by the L.ocal ppmving Authoriry = M . s-�-i= Fails � t 0' � :�� � r . . � Inspector's Signature: Date: 11/9/06 ''�.�T������coQ�`� ���i�F5!�lSP�G����O� ��j•":ti tl�ltt�\ The system inspector shall submit a copy of this inspectian report to the Approving Authoriry(Board of Health or DEP)within 30 days af completing this inspection.If the system is a shared systerr�or has a design flow of 10,000 gpd or greater�ihe inspector and the system owner sha1)snbmit the report to the appropriate regional office of the DEP.The origina)should be sent to the system owner and copies sent to the buyer,if applicable,and the approving authority. Notrs and Comments: Leaching system has no standiag water,pump and alarrn are properly[unction�n& "*�*This report only describes conditions at the time oi inspection and under the conditions oi use at that time.This inspectiun does not address how the system wiU periorm in the fnture under the same or different conditions of use. ;., . Page6of11 , OFFICIAL INSPECTION FORM—NOT FOR VOLUNTARY ASSESSMENTS ' SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION FORM PART C SYSTEM INFORMATION ; Property Address:82 Mattachee Road,South Yarmouth Owner. Barry Nettles Date of Inspection: November 9,2006 FLOW CONDIT[ONS RESIDENTIAL Number of bedrooms(design): 3 Number of bedrooms{actuat): 2 DES[GN flow based on 310 CMR 15.243(for example: 110 gpd x#of bedrooms):330 Namber of cunent residents:0 Does residence have a garbage grinder(yes or no):No Is laundry oa a separate sewage systom(yes or no):No [if yes separate inspection r�qvirerlJ � Laundry system inspected(yes or no): Seasonal use:(yes or no):No Water meter readings,if available(last 2 years asage(gpd)): Two years total:57,040 gal.=78 gpd. Sump pump(yes or no}: No Last date of occupancy: Weekend ase COMMERCIAWINDUSTRIAL I Type of establishment: Design flow{based on 3l Q CMR 15.203):� �epd - Basis af design flow(seats/persons/sqft,etc.): . Grease trap present(yes or no):_ Industrial waste hotding tank present(y�s or no):^ • Non-sanitary waste discharged to the Title 5 system{yes or ao):_ _ Water meter readings,ifavailable: I..asi date ot'occupancy/use: OTHER(describe): GENERAL tNFORMA'fION Pumpiag Records: Tank has never been pumped Source of information: Owner Was system pumped as part of the inspection(yes or no): No If yos.volume pumped: gallons--How was quantity pumped deiermined? Reason for pumping: TYPE OF SYST�M X_Septic tank,distribution box,soil absorption system Single cesspoo[ Overflow cssspool _Privy Shazed system(yes or no)(if yes,attach previQus inspection records,if any) InnovativelAltemative technology.Attach a wpy of the current operation and maintenance contraci(to be obtained from system owner) �Tight tank _Attach a copy of the DEP approval ____Other(describe): Approximate age of a11 components,date instalted('sf known)and source of information: . Compliance date:6R6/04 Were sewage odors detected when arriving at the site(yes or no): No SPR wall w/ continous header '— — 9'-8 1/2" ----------- 1s"--------- ------- I I ----------------------� ---------------- 3 _.. .o.a -------------- DECK I I F A I m Isthdb @ corners 6066 �' IFAMILYI 0 Mood I r — — — — — — - — I 51ab on grade foundation, see I I I o foundation section for details _I -- — — — — — — — — — — — — I I 0'^ ,.7..x I I I I —_----------- V/ 0 Wood teluCL a DINING I — M04 Laminated Glass A_ N_ I I I I I I I I I N IHAL I A �' I I I �_ existing sla � 2 z __ BATH r z. m , I I foundationNood � o � I —° ° i Tile. 2666r „ .� .:u�c . �s ,�w�PP'r e I Z : GL058T ' ; I I I I Mood. — — — — --------- q.a z', 406 2466 ry I 3'-0 3/4"3'-6 1/2" 1'-10" I I I I I I I I I I < nc i2 Nood I a�c�tod�� _ I z MAST R ORM 3 CO 0 2 2016 iiEALTH DEPT, � I ® 0 ® ;fir 3 I I I DATE: above1�3'-9" 9'-5 1 /2" I I--------------- 16' IpthdB iz/v/zoic I �' I Isthd8 L I I SCALE: as noted -----------------J SHEET: Floor Plan shear wall # 2 Foundation Pg -2 L ----------------------------------J O 0 m Z 0 SN-2: 1/2" cdx outside & 1/2" (MB on inside. solid block all plywood seams (this section). Nailing is standard 4" o/c maximum for all joints and edges. c U) C o C o CU SY�I-2 asphalt shingles to match N 1 3l4" x 11 7/8" Y-L 2.0 3100s existing, 1 /2" ply, 2 x 10 continuous ridge w/ 2xb collar ties, (2) rafters @ 16" oc, H2.5 Front Elevation 13/4" x 5 1/2 " Ivl header over round window. balloon frame this gable end -------- clips to plates, R-40 open cell foam insul. +� and double king studs for headers N � p 5 pitch IE O � O O� O Z 105" to bottom of window m psi Exterior walls: match existing wall height, W.C. < siding, housewrap, 1/2" FTT APA wall, continuous header ply, R-21 f.g. insul. 2 x 6 studs @ 16" oc, vapor L W 4- � barrior, 1/2" gyp brd o O ----- ------------ ------------------------ E N > c� �— Q� cv � Q O see foundation detail DATE: 12/17/2015 SCALE: section as noted SHEET: Rear Elevation Pg-3 3 w H O mI M11 ml I z O V V) 0 z 5Y�1-1 SY�I-1 WINDOW SCHEDULE Right Elevation N > o ca c� rn� � Z — existing roof to overlay on to addition, match m� existing roofing L a--� 5N-1: 1/2" cdx outside & 1/2" 67V IB on inside. solid block all plywood seams (this section). > Nailing is standard 6" o/c maximum for all Q ojoints 5Y�1-1 and edges. DATE: existing deck iz�i��zoi5 SCALE: as noted Left section / Elevation SHEET: Pg-4 CALL QTY. MANUFACTURE DESCRIPTION ROUGH OPENING note OUT Q3 Harvey classic 2442 2' 6"x4'9 1/2" egress Q3 Harvey Gassic 2646 (2) mulled FU 1� IL Z� t Harvey classic 2646 (2) mulled Harvey round 1 t Harv ey 6066 slider Le 2 x 4 pt sleepers @ 16" o/c o w/ rigid foam insulation between for first two bays, m 3/4" pt sub floor 4 1/2" concrete floor slab on 2x6 TREATED PLATE w/ sill seal 0 L, compacted sub grade w/ vapor o barrior and 6x6 mesh. floor slab to be. 3500 psi w/ 3/8" - 3/4" blend ° 5/8" x 12" anchor bolts w/ 1/ 4" x 3" steel plates. space �.i r bolts 24" o/c plus corner D, bolts w/ in 12" of all outside (� and inside corners. ensure N min. of 2 bolts per each wall a panel section C O CU C 24" #5, drill and dowel @ 24" o/c1. w � F p continous #5 top and w bottom bar 2" ridgid foam insulation 3 D 8" x ?" CONCRETE l FOUNDATION WALL, a uj bottom of footing @ grade ° # 5 @ 24" o/c N O � Z 10" x 18" � CONCRETE m FOOTING o 7. U) L water table - - - _ U LH=u U l UU U `�' U -'-'-U � U -L, U .. U LTJ U L U -U L - - - - - - U U u u u u U u u u u U u u u u u u O O �/ V UU U UU u U UUUU U uUUUuUUUU ZIUL"-j U U U U U u u u u u u uU U U U u U U U U U U uUU U U U U U U U u UUu UUUU U U U u U u u u u u u u u u U U U u Uu U U U U U u U U U u u u U U U u U U U u U U U u u u u u u u u u u u u u L 12" of 1 1/2" gravel u u u u u u u u u u u uuu i u u u uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu�uuuuuuuuuuuuuu u u u u u u u u u u u u u w/ fabric under Q u u u u u u u u u u u u u Ll u u u u u u U U U U U u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u\ O U U U U u iu U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U '' U U U U U U ,U„U„U 'U u U U U U U u U U U U u U U U u U U u U u U U U u u U U u u DATE: iti Addon Foundation 12/17/2015 SCALE: as noted SHEET: Pg -5