HomeMy WebLinkAbout89 Baker Road - Wind Compliance ChecklistAPPLICANT TO COMPLETE & SUBMIT WITH PERMIT APPLICATION AWC Guide to Wood Construction in High Wind Areas: 11 D mph Wind Zone AfYC,Gnide to WoodCorrstrucllorr to ffigh fYinrl Arens: 110,nrph rf'ind Zone � y¢i�' (;uirlc to flood CUn•struction in ffigh YFinrlAreas:..110 inl;lz T.rinel Zoni (t/18SSiC11(lSCtts C17eCfClESt ilii' C()iil )IlRf1C( 780 CNt[t 53t11.2.t,1 t Massachusetts Cheekhst for Compjlance (7n am5mi.2.1.))t ' Massachusetts Ctiecl(list for Co fiplianee (7 O cntRs�nt.z.7..;). . .... .. _ _..._ , , a Loadbearing Wall Connections Q Cbeck Lateral (no. of 16d common nails) ............................... (Tables 7) ...... _... x+,14,?...1::1!':14£!'x.....,.._.... Z= a. and Bu p Percent Full -Height From Tablas 10 and 11 and location of wall sheathing a lulling Aspect Ratio, determine Compliance Non-Loadbearing Wall Connections Sheathing and Nail Spacing requirements Lateral no. of 16d common nails s ..:........................... able 8 ._....,,........................................_.... ' • � ( ) Cf ) �_ b. Woad Structural Panels shall be minimum thickness of 7116' and be Installed as follows: 1.1 SCOPE ,-.,-,. 110 _mph Load Bearing Wall Openings (record largest opening but checkiafl openings for comptian--to Tahte 9) L .Panels shelf be installed with strength axis parallel to studs, Wind Speed (3 -sec. gust).........:......................................................:......:........•• ,,:,,.B Headar Spans ....................................,......:._..._....._ (Tab a 9)._.........._................ In. 5 11 ii: Ali horizontal Joints shall occur over and be nailed to.framin . ................................................... P ........-... Sib Plate Spans - , . . (Table 9) ....................:... •.. t... �I,' in,:5 Wind Exposure Category ................... g " """ Ili, On single story construction, panels shall be attached to bottom plates and top member of the double 1.2 APPLICABILITY t Full Height Studs (no. of studs)......................... .......... (Table 9) ..... ............. I........................... ......._ top plate. Number of. Stories (a roof which exceeds 8 in 12 slope,shall be considered a story) T� stories 52 stor es Non -Load Bearing Wali Openings (record largest opening but check all openings for comp"ince', Table 9) ..................(Fig 2) ...:.... ........ ... - 512'12 Header Spans..,................_........,_._............................. (Table 9) ............ . .. '6 ":(D'_ in. 5 12 / Iv. On two story construction, upper panels shall be attached to the top member of the upper double tap V RoofPltGh................................................... 533'I ban ............................ t 2 l.d� ft, Sill Piate Spans ................... .:..............._.........._....... (Table 9)._.........._,._..........._ ... 3 .'t O_ in_ 512" plat and to b Joist et bottom of panel. Upper a attachment o I d joist Mean Roof Height ....................: (Fig )•••••••"""""•'- , � and lower made t lowest plate t first floor framing.' Fi 3......:.......................:......!� ft 5 80" Full Height Studs no: of studs r panel shall be made to .9 g ........................ Building Width. W ............................•, { g ) —�- 9 {)_...._,.....,...-...-........__..:.(Table9)._-.-.....,-.-._ - - — v. Horizontal Hall spacing at double top plates, band Joists, and girders shall be a double row of 8d F 3 t F3 ft 5 80 Exterior Wait Sheathin fo Resist U lift and Shear Simultaneously Building Length. L.....................................:.....................(F g ),._............ g P staggered w, V I o II inert Building Aspect Ratio UW) - Z •.---•••-•-•••....•'( ig 4)•••._..:^' -' a t.2 ,,,,s 3-' Minimum Building Dimension, W' a r at 31 a ing for el Attach ......-:2 ............. U Nominal Height of Tallest Opening ...._.(Fig 4)......' [ i:. vs 6'8" . �� Nominal Nei htof Tallest Opening - ...._.:....... nc es on center perfigures bolo ertica and Horizontal Pan '9 ........................ .._ Sheaihtng Type._ ..........................._.........-,. (note 4).-_.-,.._...-........._.......... ...... f,2._r2.{�t"i 1.3 FRAMING CONNECTIONS Edge Nall Spacing ....... :..................... .._......_(Table l0 or note 4if less) ........... I ............ • in. ................................................. Nati S'psring.._._..._.,;,._-..._.....-:._.._-..-..:: (Table 10)..,.-..-_..._.........._-..._;.....,__......_..� General compliance with framingconnections.................(Table 2)............ - Shear Cohnectlon (no. of 16d common narls)(Tabie 10) ............................ ............ 4 Field. PercentFull-HeF ht Sheathing .__._:_.....:_-_... (Table 10) .......... _„_...... .............I...._._._ 2.1 ,FOUNDATION h g r Walt with Opening 6$ ( Concepts) Foundation Walls meeting requirements of -780 CIO 10.4:1 [ 5% Additional ..._ �!- I She for O e ing> ' ' Design ce is .._ � - - ................_._.... Maximum Building Dimension, L Era aEslaoN Concrete ................................................... .... - 'NominalHel ht ofTallest0 enin z - •` -:1:.,6,8' ad ue 9 P 9 • ................................................ _ Concrete Mason •••-••••••......... _ Sheathing Type ..... ....................................:(note 4)-_..: ..... _........_....... ........,t�LQf3. t a I Edge Nail Spacing... _ able 1 t or note 4 if. less ...._._...._.,.. in.=' - --- 2.2 ANCHORAGE TO FOUNDATION' 9 P g•.• .........................•...__.-.: .: {I 5(6" Anchor' Bolts imbedded ors/8' Proprietary' Mechanical, Anchors as an alternative In concrete only Field Nail Spacing ......................................... (Table 11)......._•__...._.._,._...,..._.._.._.__..�_ in, 2 in- ' � II tl • ...... Table 4 .............................. .. ... .-. Shear Connectlan;(no- of 16d common nalls)(Tabie 11).c._..._....:_.__._...._......._._.... / 11 I1 II . -BoltSpac,ng.-general.........................._........ ( ) Bolt Spacing from'endfjoint of plate ..........................(Fig 5)..-: ........... :...:.-..:.--..-._. 6 !n -.S 6'-12' _ Percent Full -Height Sheathing ......................(Tablell)............_._..___._...,_____. .;ZI % v II li: ... '' 5% Additional Sheathing for Wall with Opening > 6'8' (Design Concepts)._-_._:._ .. 3� " Bolt Embedment- concrete.........................._...-.......(FigS).,....-__,..._.._......, rt�in.:2.T �,f_ ... ............... F 5 .. .._:, -I% n. - 15" _ Walt Cladding . _._. SoltEmbedment- masonry .......:....:.......... ( g )'-'.__.,.__....._.,._ _ z .; 9 ' :,-(Fig 5) ................_........_.,............,_,2 3: x 3''x 1/ _� Rated for Wind Speed?.__..__._._....._.....__............._....__........__...._..._...-'•--•._......r_...._._.....__...,._......... ............................ ._. Plate Washer ................_.....-................................. - •� � ,..:5200FS 3,1 FLOORS Ed Rafters rs usa AW12Floor framing member spans checked ............... (per 780 CMR Chapter 55) ......... Roof framingmember spans checked? Snan.Tool;see BBRS Webtte j....._,....-,_............_.-.....-..:.... RooOerhaur79 Maximum FIGorOpening Dimension ........ .....:.............(Fsmaller of2'-or a IhI ' U3 l 6 tl Full Height Wall Studs at Floor Openings less than 2' from Extefior Wall (Fig 6).... --._._„` ................... ... Truss or RafterilConnections at Loadbearing Wails _ Maximum Floor Joist Setbacks Proprietary Connectors U lift ..................................... _..,...__ ahie 12 ......_....„......._......:._.......o.... tJ= ✓ ', „ „ , 9 )................................................ / ft sd P. . Ra ) _'�i7Plf a � u , iSupportmg Loadbearing Wall§ or Shea wall...............(Fi 7 •Maximum Cantilevered FI'oorJotsts .' Caterel.-•................._..._..-_.._.......:.(C ole i2}..._-.._,_..........._._...-.-__........,.,L=•��-y�:� pif —� Supporting Loadbearing Walls or Shearwalt...............(Fig 8)_ ...................................... ....... / it ` Shear ..................................... _..._-. (Table 12) ............. ........................... -...S=-�C-pit „ Floor Bracing at Endwells.................................................(Fig 9)........._.,...,......... ••,___,••___......-- • Ridge Strap Connections,.lf collar ties not used per page 2.L.. (Table 13) _ +....._..__....... T Ji6Lpif g Type .........................I... (Per CMR Chapter 55 ..,....._.........-... Gable flake Outfooker........................(Figure 20 Floor Sheathing T e._,ss................. (P P ) � ).._....__, _. ,Pts smaller of Tor II r er 780 CMR Chapter 58 Floor Sheathin Thickness {P ) ,dgc• ....... � rn Truss or Rafter Connections at Non-Loadbearing Wells - F1oor.Sheathing Fastening...............................................:(Table 2).. JLd nails at _in edge / !� {n Held �” Connectors t7Pilft;i ..._............................... ..... (Tabic 74)._.._...._....._........._.._......»..1 `�P _ h• V , -} H SEP Proprietary 4.1. WALLS / j Latetat (no_ of l6d,common naffs)._ (Tatz T4) ...................... ......._..t. Wall_Heightt 7 it 51A' �/ Roof Sheathing;Type'...:............_...._....-......:..._..___.._..(pet'T80CMRChapters58......5g)....._..__.: a® ' (Fig 10 and Table 5 . s 1 f S Detail on Next Pa Loadtrearipg .walls .........:.:...........:......:....... ( 9 ) Roof Sheathing, Thickness:._..._... _.:_........__...........__...... ......._..._..,.._._.._...._.. 4 .in. 27/16"WSP ! 9e .. F' 10 and Tattle 5 --....,... ` : _ ft 5 20' � I — --4� Non�t1hezzin26;vr&its__•- ..............__.._......... { C9 ) l _ Roof. Sheathing Fastening..._..-__._.... _._ _..___.. (Ta 2).,.__..___.:___......._...._._...._....__... j _ F 10 and Table 5)-.._ m_ 524 t :r "" Vertical and Horizontal Nailing WaILStud Spacing :....................................{ g.. ft �•T" Notes: W It Sto �ifsl+s .......................(Fags7&8) .._.......__.., ......... _ t Thi ch kfstshall be metln Its a tir excludin the specific' xception noted !n 2 to com fv with there ulrements of for Panel Attachment AWC Guide to Wood Construetion in High Wind Areas: 110 mph Wind Zone Massachusetts CheckUst for Comphance (780 CNIR 5301.2.1.1)' P... ----- _ x cera Eo asnacraeDZTTAe Detall Vertical and Horizontal Nailing for Panel Attachment a ry ._.._--- ..............:• s ea r n ety, WI 4 ' - / 7 M 80 CR 53b` 1 'Item'- If the cheickfist Is met in its entirety �tlBan the following metal straps and hold dawns ars not 4.2 EXTERIO R WALLS ! - _ Wood StudlE' , ^ • V qua. d Steel Straps per figure 5 uide: - Loadbearrhgwatls.-._._._,_........................... ...............(Tabie•5).,.t •. .. 'U b in. b. 20 Gaga Straps per Figure II - re g .......................... Table 5 .... • ....... , In. c, .Uprift Straps per Figure 14 . Non-Loadbearin walls .................... ( ) � � - Ful( Height Endwall.Stvds.......................... .......... ( g )...._....._.-_..."--..._...._- - per Figure 17 Gable End Wall Bracing • d_ All Strips+ 9FF 10 * •--• j e_ Comer Stud Hold Dcwns per Flqure 18a and Figure. l8b WSP Attic Floor Length ............................................... (Fig 11) ...... ......... .................._...:.;.._G,� ft2W13 - G sum Ceiling Length (if WSP not used)_______________(M-511)........-__.:-_...._ ...... f ft 2 0.9W _' • L Exception: Opening heights of up to 8 ft. shat(be permitted when 5% is added to the percent felt height sheathing ' Gy .... requirements shown in Tablas 10 and 1'1_ :......I.... I_ The. 1a p and 2 x 4 Continuous Lateral Brace sp 6 i o.q. _(Fig 11) ....:.........:........ _� or 1 x 3 ceiling Purr ng st Ips @' 16 spec ng min. w th 2 x 4 block ng Q 4 tt spacing to end joist ortruss bays; V plate n exteriorwalls shall be a minimum 21n. nomirtat thickness ressure treated #2 -grade. DoubleTop Plate Splice Lengthth _.is . -j..., _ ........... 13 and Table 6) .... Splice Connecton (no. 16d common ra...... ...._...:.__-..... /DOUSLE TOP PLATE. OR . Wall sheathing must extend up over header 5heathing joint at approx. mid height ' EXTERIOR VIEW OF GARAGE OPENING A P_ . 'TNE ENGINEERED WOOD AS3dcrATloN Nail schedule Ed common at 3" o.c. -at•3• o.c, NAIL BCSEDI ad COM%ON AT 3" 0.:, EXTEND HEADER TO KING STUD —",+•� NAIL TOP PLATE • �� TO HEADER WITH TWO ROWS OF 16d NAILS AT 3" O.C, 2 5/8" ANCHOR BOLTS WITH 3"X3" PLATS WA8HER8 rn u•n P•e D•n d•° d•n 110.MPH EXPO&URE B WIND ZONE Table 2. General Nailing Schedula. .JOINT DESCRIPTION Number of Number ot-Nall Suac(n„g Common Nails Box Nalls Roof Framing DOUBLE HEADER Blocking to Rafter(Toe-nailed) 2-8d 2-10d' each end . Rim Board to Rafter (End nailed) - 2 -Md. 3-18d each end Wall Framing Top plates at Intersections (Face-nalled) 4-16d 5-16d at joints 7" edge/ 10" field UIREPIENTS :AT EACA END OF, HEADER a MINIMUMRIE FULL. NU ER: G?I UPLIFT LATERAL HEADER. SPAN HEADi� Stud to Stud (Face-nalled) 2-16d 2716d. 24" o.c. gl FULL -HEIGHT CLB.J (Li3,) HE=IGHT STUDS 21 Header to Header (Face-nalled)16d 16d 16" o.c..along.edges 1 711. 132' 3, STUD 2 416 lea, 4' 2-2X4 Floor Framing 534 264 ' 2-2X4 DOUBLE JACK 8TUD _ 693 330 6' 2-2X6 3 Joist tb Sill, Top Plate or Glyder (Toe -Nailed) (Fig:14) _ 4-8d 4-1Od per joist 396 1' 2-2X8 3 N 462 8' 2-2x12 .3 1,101$ Blocking to Joist (Toe -nailed) 2-8d 2-1Od each end . 9' 3-2XIO 3 1,241' ' WINDOW SILL PLATE 10' 3-2X.12 4' 1,385, 660 Blocking.to Sill or Top Plate (floe -nailed) 3-116d 4-16d ' each block 472XIO. 4 1,524: 126 1 Ledger Strip to Beam or Girder (Face -nailed) 3-16d 4-16d each joist, %" and 25/32" Fiberboard Panels 8d {"1} , ' 3" edge/ 6" field Joist on Ledger -to Beam (Toe -Nailed) 3-8d 3-1 Od per joist a'- Band Joist to Joist (End-nalled) '(F)g.14) 3.16d 4"16d per joist _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ a 4'a _ _ _ d •:, _ "' Band Joist to Sill or Top Plate (Toe -nailed) (Fig. 14) 2-16d . 3-16d per foot d m d •aY - " — Floor Sheathing 'Roof Sheathing Wood 5truoturial- Panels Wood Structural Panels ° b'n d d'a 4 9'e -d d d'� ° d'd' n d •a ° d Rafters or trusses spaced up to 16" o.c. 8d 10d 6" edge/ 6" field 1" or less 8d 10d Wedge? 12" field . -= _. . �... . Rafters or trusses spaced over 16"o;0.,.' 8d 10d .4".edge/4"field' ' ---r�; --------------, __.___ ________ __ 16d 6"edge/ 6"field Gable endwall rake or rake truss w/o gable overhang' 8d . 10d 8" edge/ 6" field = _ _ - - #C%- Gable endwall rake or rake truss w/ structural out lookers 8d 10d 6" edge/ 6" field r • ° c R : • a. ; . 4 U Gable 6dwall rake or'rake truss w/ lookout blocks 8d 10d 4" edge/ 4" field ° o r A m d.4 d o 4-4 d u 64 4 n ., d'a Ceiling Sheathing j A do ° 8 oA ° 0, v,," o ? o ° v a A . a n a n c , p,r• Gypsum Wallboard 5d coolers 7" edge/ 10" field UIREPIENTS :AT EACA END OF, HEADER a MINIMUMRIE .d NU ER: G?I UPLIFT LATERAL HEADER. SPAN HEADi� (FT.) gl FULL -HEIGHT CLB.J (Li3,) STUDS 21 2-2X4. 1 711. 132' 3, 24X4 2 416 lea, 4' 2-2X4 2 534 264 ' 2-2X4 3 693 330 6' 2-2X6 3 831 396 1' 2-2X8 3 N 462 8' 2-2x12 .3 1,101$ 528 . 9' 3-2XIO 3 1,241' ' 594 10' 3-2X.12 4' 1,385, 660 Ila 472XIO. 4 1,524: 126 Gypsum Wallboard 5d coolers 7" edge/ 10" field a .dOm ,oda .d dm .°dm .rid^ °A•A °A,. °A,� ddo'o�d p Q 1.JL 'II I ^may �I *I �i LL =1 TYP, ANCHOR BOLTS AND 07. W d o- rZ Y I I V a�7 VyaII Sheathing Structural Panels c ° "X. e'AX /k. " PLATE WASHER , q D' N 'n 'a , o AC . d . aI d a '4 Af LOADPEAR NC WALLei10 spaced up to 24" o.c. 8d 6Studs edgel 12" eld 1 %" and 25/32" Fiberboard Panels 8d {"1} , ' 3" edge/ 6" field a'- Gy psuWallboard . n a 4'a d m d •:, d •n d^n d m d •aY - " — Floor Sheathing Wood 5truoturial- Panels ° b'n d d'a 4 9'e -d d d'� ° d'd' n d •a ° d 1" or less 8d 10d Wedge? 12" field . -= _. . �... . Greater than l" 10d 16d 6"edge/ 6"field _ _ - - (".1) Corrosion resistant 11 gage nails and 16 gage staples are permitted; ct@ck IBC for additional requirements, Nail: Unless otherwise stated, sizes' given for nails are cornmon wire sizes. Box and pheumatic naris .of equivoleht diameter and equal or greater length to the specified -common nails malt be substituted unless otherwise prohlb!led. - 1 ]Bruce DRAWN BY SCALE -.14T APPROVED BY: - - -. cmfio ATE..-• �- L„„�,.: , - REMED 77+21”' 773 -.-. --.. - DRAWING NUMBER