HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 Feb 01 - Notes Re: Deed Restriction, Documentation � � � j � � 1/� v_' ' � _ � ��1/ �YU�/� � _ _ _ . � --- --- --- _ _ _-- __ _. _ _ _ . , ___ __ - _ __ . __ ------ -- , _ _ _. . _.__ ____- --____ _ _ , _--- - __ __ __ _ _. __ � � c, _ �`-,/� ___ --- __ _._ _._. _ _ �� _ _ ._ _ . . _ _ _ __ . _ _ ____ __ _ . �_�__�.,5 C�f-c1 � _ _ __ _ ��� �''t 5 _ --__ _ -___ - _ ____ __ _ _____ � ____ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ - - __ _ _ _- -- __ _----� � ��„��� _ (___ ��1.-- .�����_ _�, . _ _ ___ __ _ - _ __ . _ _ _ ___ ��-r�S � � � _ _ _ ��---Ca�� _ _ _ _ _. _ -- ____ _ _ _ . _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ cL� _a_�-,-cvL. .v.�.�►.� � (�� -�-- . _ _ __ _ - ___-- - - _ __ _ _ - _ _ �e ��s T �' c e� — __ __ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ , . __ � _ _. ��`ti` � _`-"`��. _ �1�-c� C����__ � _ _ _ w!� �--,�.P�-�-�`.' _ ( __ _ Q _ �� ___ __ _- - __ _. _ _ __ __ _ - -- _ - _ _ � _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ I�-�-� �� _ C U,✓� w��L /�C�J -- _ � _ -- _ _ -- - _ _ __ __ __ _ _ . �'_L -- �`�'l-�-�__ _�'�---�_�-�v"--- __ _ _ __ � _ _ ---- __- - _- __ _ . d'�o��e c c -_-�_ �,�-e_.��-� � _ tv,�_�� _ l�-�-�_�_ ' _ _ _ - -- -_ . ___ ___ _ _ __ ___ - _ — _ o v�c�� _�t��c, __ .�, C�t C ----T''S__ _ _ __ �-- _ _ __ . _ __ . ___ _. _-- ___ ___ _ __- - -- _ �fi_ __ __ - _ . _ __ _ _ __ --- _ _ ( _ _ _ _ ___ 1_ _ _. __ _ .��'Y��„ TOWN OF YARMOUTH � o � "— ,,, ,' 1146 ROUTE 28,SOUTH YARMOUTH,MASSACHUSETTS 02664-24451 ���� Telephone(508)398-2231 ext 1240, Fax(508)760-3472 BOARD OF HEALTH NOTICE OF DEED RESTRICTION RESIDENTIAL Notice is hereby given of the applicability of the Town of Yarmouth Board of Health for a deed restriction,45 Lower Brook Road , shown in Town Assessors Book dated 2015 , Map 58 ,Parcel 199. As Deed is recorded in the Land Court at the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds on the Deed Certificate#207028 and Document# 1275331. As plan of land is recorded in the Land Court at the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds, on a subdivision plan titled Subdivision Plan of Land in Yarmouth bv Gerald A. Mercer & Co., Inc. Surveyors, Plan 30561-B (Sheet 6), Lot 255 and dated November 2, 1964. The engineered plan prepared by David B. Mason, R.S. , dated November 20,2015 approved by the Health Departinent on December 28,2015 , requires a maximum,not to exceed: (1) the number of bedrooms not to exceed Two (2 � per design restrictions, Title 5, Section 15.214,Nitrogen Loading Limitations, Zone II Areas of Wellhead Contribution. Yarmouth lth Depart nt: , � � � Bruce G. Murphy, R.S., C. .0., M.P.H. Date Health Director Owner/Representative: I have read and fully understand the conditions of the above restrictions and accept them as written: Mary B. Malone, Owner Date James J. Malone, Owner(Deceased) 45 Lower Brook Road South Yarmouth, MA 02664 .��'Y��, TOWN OF YARMOUTH � � � �' 1146 ROUTE 28,SOUTH YARMOUTH,MASSACHUSETTS 02664-24451 ���� Telephone(508)398-2231 ext. 1240, Fax(508)760-3472 BOARD OF HEALTH January 6, 2016 Mary B. Malone 45 Lower Brook Road South Yarmouth, MA 02664 RE: Two Bedroom Deed Restriction 45 Lower Brook Road, South Yarmouth,MA Dear Mrs. Malone: Please find enclosed the Two Bedroom Deed Restriction which is required as part of the septic system approval process for the replacement of the septic system at the above address. The Deed Restriction must be signed and dated by the current owner(s) or legal designee. Once the restriction(and the enclosed copy) is signed,please have the original restriction recorded and the additional copy stamped with the new Registry recording information at the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds,Route 6A, Barnstable. The copy of the stamped Restriction must then be returned to the Health Department as proof of the recording prior to issuance of the Title 5 Certificate of Compliance which is typically issued upon installation and approval of the septic system. Your septic designer may be available to assist you with this process. If there are any further questions, please contact this office at 508-398-2231 X1240. Thank you for your prompt attention. Sincerely, . Amy von Hone, R.S., C.H.O. Ass' t Health Director cc: file i DEC/29/�015/TUE 0$; 4Q AM F�K No. �. 00: ; � � ` Tow �v oF � A �z � o � Tx Bo��daF �, ; Htalth � 1146 ROUTE 2�;SOUTH Y�ARMOUTH,MA55ACHU5ETT5 026G4-24451 - '��� Telephone(SD8) 398 2231,ext. 12a1 HcaIth ' Fax(5d$}760-3�72 D'tvision . ( G'�LC�C�OMC�D , ; ��' I �+l{!/I`��'r/� � ��� ' Ut:G �. � �'�J15 . c�r� � PLZCATZON FO� TIT�� 5 DE�D RESTRICTION , HEALTH DEPT. .� I .��� �I � . I 'li � , The informati�n requested below must be accurate and completed in fuZ�tv ensLue the deed restriction can be completed pro�perly and in a timely manner. � 1. Tv p af axznouth As s or's Boc�k(mos��zrer►t): p� Ma Lvt � Address ��� �`��i Q��� � � � 2. Tk�e property deed is recorded at the Barnstiable County Registry of Deeds in ��f � � t Deed Book ,Pabe pr Land Co�ut Certificate /��'1 8 c�7 � . � , ; 3. T e t ' icat�d ab ve 's s �a Ian of� d entitled: 5�� �� � � � �� C � , C�.�' �,'T t�d Il � . . The plan of Iand for the 1 t is recorded at the�arnst�ble County �gistr��of De ds Plan ,, Baok Page. �vz�Land Court Pla �S C� � �,l'��,� � �S� 4. The engineered s tic p an has been prepared by �� � �• ���"`� �`� and dated �� - 5. $oard of Health approval da.te �� ' ?�'I � 6. The aurnber af bedraoms is restricted tta �'" ��.1�'1-C� .J������ :� ��a/��� 7. owner Name: -'l�llc�Z� Address: t� 11�� ��� . �`--�1 ��-�,�,,-�`�(,� t�l�l ° ,� ���� The reqt�ired information supplied to this dcpartment for the appl�cation of a Title S Deed Restriction is�orrect as shourn above. ` APPlican Date �Z �l �� I asnaio ; , � ; i � i I vonHone, Amy From: vonHone,Amy Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2016 9:39 AM To: 'Mason, David' Subject: Deed Restriction info. for 45 Lower Brook Road Dave- There is a discrepancy with the information you provided on the deed restriction application and what is listed in the assessor's records and the Registry. There appears to be two owners. Could you confirm the current owner names and the certificate number for me inorder for me to finalize the paperwork for processing? Registry Land Court will kick it back if the information is incorrect. Thanks, Amy 1 . �_ , Ti com - Partner�� '��nE TitkRe rt-Tirk Testi ... � - Su est�d 5ites � F�ee Hotmait ' �� Po �9 i� 99 � :.�_.� �,_.� � � <Pr+evicx�s �oom In Zo�m+C�ut �e'ta�E �� , : • , . - ' . f� !• #. • + . - ........................•._.----•-----------------------_._._.------------------------------ '" -�..� �. �� �� _ ,�, € -., pnge 1 pnge 2 . Qil'ITCLA We, Jam�s J. Malone and Mary B. Malone, af 45 Massa�cchusetts 026�4 ("Grantor"�, in consideratic sut�iciency of which is hereby acknowledged, gr Jaznes J. Malone and Maiy B. Mala�, as aqual t� �urviv�rsehip, whosc addr�ess is 45 Lower Braak � ("Cxrante�"}, Prnpee�ty Address: 45 Lower Br�ook Raad, Sa That Iand situ�ted in YARMOU'�H in the Counh Massachus��tts, described as follows: { L47 Plan 3056I� There is appurtenant to said land a right of way o •��t1�r a11 istl+s«n 1�s�srFi�lle• sr�l�itl sa t1��r�4tr • < 11 2 vonHone, Amy From: vonHone, Amy Sent: Monday, December 28, 2015 2:55 PM To: 'Mason, David' Subject: 45 Lower Brook Road Attachments: TITLE V DEED RESTRICTION APPLICATION 4_.pdf Need copy of certified plot plan and completed 2 bedroom deed restriction application prior to issuance of perm it. Thanks, Amy Amy L.von Hone, R.S., C.H.O. Assistant Health Director Yarmouth Health Department 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 (0) 508-398-2231 X1241 (F) 508-760-3472 avonhoneCc�varmouth.ma.us 1