HomeMy WebLinkAbout23 Carriage Lane - FramingJ Jo csl 1 m I J 121 611 'tv-aperc- naming pian requires Lae iLevei- rramer s rouxec vuiue See iLevele Framer -9 Pocket Guide for Product Trademark Information 961 121 311 — 01 -IN Rml 15' 121 611 Web stiffeners Be diameter maximum hole for required each 117/" - 20" deep blocking panels; side at ESW 6" diameter maximum for blocking panels 9Y" deep or shorter than 12" long �a ��] Do not cut flonga,, Trus Soist rim board 311 611 Load from above squash blocks Use 2x4 minimum squash blocks CS to transfer load around TJI® foist Load bearing or shear wall above (must stack over wall below) Blocking panel equired each side at BIW Trus Joist rim board as N N I rA 00 1 LM-T-r-Xpert HANGER LIST - Simpson Strong -Tie Company, Inc.® Plot ID Qty Product Label Top Nails Face Nails Member Nails Notes H1 6 IUT3512 10-N10 2-N10 H2 3 IUT11 10-N10 2-1110 H3 4 MGU3.63 (H1=9.25) 24-SDS1/4 x 2 1/2 16-SDS1/4 x 2 1/2 Hanger Notes: DO NOT allow workers to walk on joists until braced. INJURY MAY RESULT. LEVEL NOTES File Name: PETER TROUTMAN RESIDENCEA.JOB Level Name: FIRST FLOOR Plotted: 2/25/2008 17:34 Design Status: FIRST FLOOR.... 2/20/2008 15:51 SECOND FLOOR ... 2/20/2008 15:38 ROOF........... 2/20/2008 09:39 NOTE: Level design times indicated above provide assurance for proper level stacking. Design Methodology: ASD Floor Area Loading Is: 40psf Live Load and 12 psf Dead Load Maximum Joist Deflection: L/480 Live Load L/240 Total Load TJ -Pro Rating Information: Weighted Average; 43 Lowest Rating: 30 HigheSt Patina: 56 Glued & Nailed Deckinq is Required Direct Applied Ceiling is Not Required Floor Decking: 23/32" Panels (24" Span Rating) Normal O.C. Spacing = 1611* *Unless noted otherwise Layout Scale: 1/4" m 1' NAILING REQUIREMENTS TJI® joists at bearings: Two 8d (V22") box nails (1 each side), 1Y2" minimum from end. Blocking panels, rim joist or rim board to bearino plate: TJI® blocking panels or rim joist: 10d (3") box nails at 6" 1 Trus Joist rim board. Toenail with 10d (3") box nails at 6" 1 or 16d (3Y2") box nails at 12" o.c. Sheartranster Connections equivalent to decking nail schedule Rim board, rim foist or closure to TJI®joist: 1%4"width orless: Two 10d (3") box nails, one each at top and bottom flange. 2%5"thru 2%"widths: Two 16d (V2") box nails, one each at top and bottom flange. 3%" width: Toenail joist to rim joist with one 10d (3") box nail each side of joist top flange. 2x4 minimum squash blocks: Two 10d (3") box nails, one each at top and bottom flange. WARNING Joists are unstable until braced laterally Bracing Includes: • Blocking • Sheathing • Hangers • Rim Board • Strut Lines • Rim Joist —6 DO NOT stack building materials on unsheathed joists. Stack only over beams or walls. WARNING NOTES: Lack of concem for proper bracing during construction can result in serious accidents. Under normal conditions if the following guidelines are observed, accidents will be avoided. 1. All blocking,hangers, rim boards and rim joists at the end supports of the TJX • joists must be completely Installed and properly helical 2. Lateral strength, like a braced end wall or an existing deck, must be established at the ends or the bay. This can also be accomplished by a temporary or permanent deck (sheathing) fastened to the first 4 feet of joists at the end of the bay. 3. Safety bracing lines of 1x4 (minimum) must be naled to a braced and wall or sheathed area as In note 2 and to each joist. Without this bracing, buckling sideways or rollover is highly probable under light combustion leads - like a worker or one layer of unnailed sheathing. 4. Sheathing must be lately smashed to each TJI •joist before additional loads can be, placed on the system. 5. Ends of cantilevers require safety bracing on both the top and bottom flanges. - B. The flanges must remain straight within a tolerance of M' from his alignment. LEVEL COMMENTS FIRST FLOOR LAYOUT JOB COMMENTS VARN PHILBROOK, BUILDER PETER TROUTMAN RESIDENCE 17 CARRIAGE LANE YARMOUTHPORT, MA CREATED BY Hinckley Home Center 13B Route 137 PO Box 1819 Harwich, MIA 02645 (508)432-8014 FAX: (508)432-5011 I SYMBOL LEGEND I Point Load Line Load CJ Area Load O Detail Callout Label (See Framer's Pocket Guide) bRequired Bearinq Length in inches (Adequate bearing has been provided if bearing length is not indicated.) 1 of 2 FOR THE TJ-XPERT WARRANTY SEE FRAMER'S POCKET GUIDE TJ-xpert 6.45 (9694) a6.45 D8.45 S8.45 P6.45 JOIST AND BEAM LIST Plot ID Length Product Plies Qty A See Layout 11 7/8" TJI 110 joist 1 B See Layout 11 7/8" TJI 230 joist 1 M1 44' 1 3/4" x 9 1/2" 1.9E Microllam LVL 4 4 M2 28' 1 3/4" x 11 7/6" 1,9E Microllam LVL 3 3 M3 28' 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.9E Microllam LVL 2 2 M4 22' 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.9E Microllam LVL 2 2 M5 20' 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1,9E Microllam LVL 2 4 M6 19' 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1,9E Microllam LVL 2 2 M7 13' 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.9E Microllam LVL 2 2 me 10' 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.9E Microllam LVL 2 2 M9 8' 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.9E Microllam LVL 2 2 M10 7' 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1,9E Microllam LVL 2 2 M11 5' 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1,9E Microllam LVL 2 2 M12 4' 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1,9E Microllam LVL 2 4 ACCESSORIES LIST Pill 16' 1 1/4" x 11 7/8" 1,3E TimberStrand LSL 1 19 Ski 1' 2.25" 11 7/8" TJI 110 Blockinq Panels 1 9 Ski* 1' 4.5" 11 7/8" TJI 110 Blocking Panels 1 1 Bk2 1' 1.7" 11 7/8" TJI 230 Blockinq Panels 1 7 Bk2* 4' 6.5" 11 7/8" TJI 230 Blocking Panels 1 1 Bk*, Random length blocking panel cuts Bk, Blocking Panels; Rm, Rim Board DO NOT allow workers to walk on joists until braced. INJURY MAY RESULT. LEVEL NOTES File Name: PETER TROUTMAN RESIDENCEA.JOB Level Name: FIRST FLOOR Plotted: 2/25/2008 17:34 Design Status: FIRST FLOOR.... 2/20/2008 15:51 SECOND FLOOR ... 2/20/2008 15:38 ROOF........... 2/20/2008 09:39 NOTE: Level design times indicated above provide assurance for proper level stacking. Design Methodology: ASD Floor Area Loading Is: 40psf Live Load and 12 psf Dead Load Maximum Joist Deflection: L/480 Live Load L/240 Total Load TJ -Pro Rating Information: Weighted Average; 43 Lowest Rating: 30 HigheSt Patina: 56 Glued & Nailed Deckinq is Required Direct Applied Ceiling is Not Required Floor Decking: 23/32" Panels (24" Span Rating) Normal O.C. Spacing = 1611* *Unless noted otherwise Layout Scale: 1/4" m 1' NAILING REQUIREMENTS TJI® joists at bearings: Two 8d (V22") box nails (1 each side), 1Y2" minimum from end. Blocking panels, rim joist or rim board to bearino plate: TJI® blocking panels or rim joist: 10d (3") box nails at 6" 1 Trus Joist rim board. Toenail with 10d (3") box nails at 6" 1 or 16d (3Y2") box nails at 12" o.c. Sheartranster Connections equivalent to decking nail schedule Rim board, rim foist or closure to TJI®joist: 1%4"width orless: Two 10d (3") box nails, one each at top and bottom flange. 2%5"thru 2%"widths: Two 16d (V2") box nails, one each at top and bottom flange. 3%" width: Toenail joist to rim joist with one 10d (3") box nail each side of joist top flange. 2x4 minimum squash blocks: Two 10d (3") box nails, one each at top and bottom flange. WARNING Joists are unstable until braced laterally Bracing Includes: • Blocking • Sheathing • Hangers • Rim Board • Strut Lines • Rim Joist —6 DO NOT stack building materials on unsheathed joists. Stack only over beams or walls. WARNING NOTES: Lack of concem for proper bracing during construction can result in serious accidents. Under normal conditions if the following guidelines are observed, accidents will be avoided. 1. All blocking,hangers, rim boards and rim joists at the end supports of the TJX • joists must be completely Installed and properly helical 2. Lateral strength, like a braced end wall or an existing deck, must be established at the ends or the bay. This can also be accomplished by a temporary or permanent deck (sheathing) fastened to the first 4 feet of joists at the end of the bay. 3. Safety bracing lines of 1x4 (minimum) must be naled to a braced and wall or sheathed area as In note 2 and to each joist. Without this bracing, buckling sideways or rollover is highly probable under light combustion leads - like a worker or one layer of unnailed sheathing. 4. Sheathing must be lately smashed to each TJI •joist before additional loads can be, placed on the system. 5. Ends of cantilevers require safety bracing on both the top and bottom flanges. - B. The flanges must remain straight within a tolerance of M' from his alignment. LEVEL COMMENTS FIRST FLOOR LAYOUT JOB COMMENTS VARN PHILBROOK, BUILDER PETER TROUTMAN RESIDENCE 17 CARRIAGE LANE YARMOUTHPORT, MA CREATED BY Hinckley Home Center 13B Route 137 PO Box 1819 Harwich, MIA 02645 (508)432-8014 FAX: (508)432-5011 I SYMBOL LEGEND I Point Load Line Load CJ Area Load O Detail Callout Label (See Framer's Pocket Guide) bRequired Bearinq Length in inches (Adequate bearing has been provided if bearing length is not indicated.) 1 of 2 FOR THE TJ-XPERT WARRANTY SEE FRAMER'S POCKET GUIDE TJ-xpert 6.45 (9694) a6.45 D8.45 S8.45 P6.45