HomeMy WebLinkAbout935 Great Island Road Proposed Sewage Disposal SystemRelief Requested from Yiifrnout hBqnd of I lealth �Re jjjations Relief is requested from Town of Yan-nouth Board of I Icalth Regulation 3, subsection 3.7 "Distances and Location of Disposal Facilities" to allow the top of the foundation of the proposed building to be less than two (2) feet above the highest point of the road M. affronting the lot. -IMI-r OF- UN I 4-7 (75E E R opos VF -NT C) �-4 Z MAP L Lz DEEPOBSERVATION HOLE V 1 LOS __71 PM Vara Hr "I, r_r�IIlAM*K : Depth f orn Rre Soil Horizon Soil Tewo. (USCA) Soil Color I S^! &I"t1mg Utter (5tructjre, stones, boulders, com!stency I I'6 raw f &4 - 1!:-. s C 1<0 M5 ICYFZ, 15/2 No 15,--14-.71 10-7-1 125 LS -7.5 YR. 5/� N c 14'1- 11 fli- 21-40 CI LS loyw, 51e, No I 1 /1-- 10.1 &0 e_1 Z LS 10 YZ, S/4 NO I\A S I C yrz -7/4 556C fro LS N40 IZ4 - I -;q Parent material (geologic) Depth to bedrock Depth to GromdAnter _ Weeping from pit face Ne Standing water In hole Estimated seasonal high groundwater EL. --11.9 DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE V 2 LOG .1 i7 rxY: t_>4,N 'SULUV6N 7j/ -\Tc-. - V!,1,nI SIP" W ITN C-51' V RY'l.N"Y k/e)M 1-Inmc Parent material (geologic) OVTW^-SH I Depth to bedrock _ Dcp',h to G:ound�,,jW Wcepingfrom pit face talo Standing water In hole "I-- Estimated seasonal high groundwater I. 1`C2r_CXATIO" TE-5771KI Ll LAA(EKI 'Z4tS,*-\t_ T'', -_ - _, ('A-77 < -Z r, ll r- ll a General Notes < J 1. Elevations refer to NGVD. See benchmark located on top of spike shown on plan. 2. All construction and materials shall conform to Title 5 of the Massachusetts State Environmental Code and the Board of Health requirements for the Town of Yarmouth. 3. Any changes to this plan must be approved by the Board of Health and 'N 4 Schofield Brothers. 4. No permanent structures shall be constructed over the reserve area. 14 5, For proper performance, the septic tank should be inspected at least Z IX once a year. The septic tank should he pumpnd when the total rionth ni so' c!- exccI�� 1.1,1 th'e! dppth o"liquid in !" tank. Z17- 6. All topsoil, subsoil or any de!eterious rr,,tarials encountered must be excavated and removed to a'distance of 5 ft. from all sides of the S.A.S, and to an average depth of 4 ft. below existing grade. Excavation to be backfilled with clean send material meeting Title 5 specifications. I\Contact Schofield Brothers if any doubt or questions arise regarding soil quality. 7. Installation contractor shall contact Schofield Brothers prior to system Q� Q Installation for verification of soil conditions. N• LAURA B. Schofield Brothers does not assume responsibility for materials -0 On" 11Q_ encountered during excavation. K�' t`7 9. Existing driveway; Great Island Road pavement; and existing utility locations shown are approximate. rlArtiARtE 10. Contractor shall verify location of all underground utilities prior to excavation. 11. Installation contractor shall contact Schofield Brothers prior to backfilling for system certification if necessary. Z 12. No known wells exist within 200' of proposed leaching area, except that which is proposed. E G`E N D 13. No known septic systems exist within 200' of the proposed well, except that which is proposed. PletPOSED COA.IrOLAR LIA.IR 14. Site restoration requires all stripped topsoil and subsoil to be stockpiled and reused at owner's option. Re -spread over all disturbed areas to E)elsrl"G Cou'rroLlIq promote optimal growth. fr?--- POSG r-> W R Lt - 7F V r= W-4T.FR DES/GN D 7A A neo peOj-OSED C .4UOy Sfpr.0 rAXpt\q 1C.) (-..E5T74ATfD A�7WALVJC I.OACNIM; &WR 00"_1 Ar i I o cA L Lo"s Pet DAY 'fr AfPW�044- 1:A.C"J;L 01 -"O -SAL. 1.5 h T ALLOW r 0 2. SE?rc rANK s/.rF 1 .0 wjn4 ^QLW'O5ED LEACH A-� EA-(�4 2c AVt9AC-X AIILr 2 Ns `l, tr P"'"Os--D LEACly PESIERVE APEA rAm�e PROVInED C7,�f:,C. GAL40 0 3- DIISAW P,',rCOLA7-j0" J?AT'E < E XI!Ttivr, 5mr ELEVATIONS -500EOIALL LOADING borroAl LOAol"r TES" NOLE LDC T 4,15ACHI,, __.r3R2/5•F, AREA I rDrA{ '10:WALL AA?.'.A PROVIDED 5_ PROPERTY LINE CTPD PROPOSED _S�PDT ELEVATION 710rAL 80TTOM AROA PROVIDED 5 0'VF-%l4l1A> UTILi-riFS CT -P p MAMIA��. A110WA^Lf tDADINO fUA�r&e rjrLZ _X) i Op+L5NW_RqPrw"r> UTILITIC!>'Ar.1`104L "rVAtALJLIC LCLADfAI6 e,�, 6 CTPD 31-4 A4INIA1'U1W $ICE LFAC"YAk-, AREA EXCEEDS THAT ALLOWED b OrM rW 7Dwm 0,r ii N' I nC ITW B C14 PP Of Pf: A t rH rWqj%hm vrrs PROF/LE OF 9 -r57 -E14 AND r1rLE s. —II,10 SCALE TrPICA4 LEAC14,SrS.rcM CROS c SECT QN f,JAX, 4\1 AJAM10LE 4 COVFP - A,41,V. D44 - e4' — 040 SCALE Fq e. Rck�ryr up ro wjryt" a- 0,, rjNjGRADE 2"L/syEi:z Ye—Ag' ;s WAS E! I=) —SIT N rq )rINt5AXD0APAD,* I(0.0-r0j5,0 WITHIN Q, CIP, (6sr n -&I-1) F G. 17 yF`lC_jSL_, ------ PROPOSED SEWAGE DISPOSAL -SY67-EM 7!� 1*2 Kr I L L L,7: 3' t3 71 0 J T_ 1-4 \A1 s M INV. 17-1 ',A r7�_ — F/,% P', G': ANIL IrA Arr I I—C, V Lz 0* uE T_'X E3 r --t C1 t -L TEL 1'j Zt'C1C1C1t1C7��, L KO, -7 VF D157ptl;UT/ON 60'y 4. • IT .7, WAG� NA SCALEt As o7oye�qf S f PrICI -rA N/Af I I pr - 5 TANK CAPACITY- erALtew$ 1`6 M 8C r t- r)UCA5r A,r CONCXrrE �7s14A T, t"V111pr SE T Lr-_Ac-l�_4 DJZAWW F&rt t -11C (_E Z�IT' T'Zf7cA�, (� O^�g _!y** CNECKw8r., T &I -ITE: ALL PlPf 7-0 8F 'd'! K PVC. r16),,r S A S CONSISTS OF (a) 102-L X 58-W X 2-1- EFFECTIVE DEPTH LEACHING CHAMBERS, PLACED END TO V _,0jW7 _�C"40 OUTLET PIPES 5NA1.1 8r I.EVCL END INA E!,POTWEr2S Cr C,,�xpE_ FX7 Ar LFAsr rwo rEEr 0 ELEVATIONS SHOWN. "SINEIF elm's -.SL4VVZyIf* - pLAxNIuF 01 Po A50X /Of Ia/ F �,l IT �,P, W TRENCH WITH'/.'- - 1 1/2 - DOUBLE WASHED STONE SURROUNDING SET T )WN coD 5:5 nTHFR�WZr 5LXr CrAMffFjZ!7y 1441�WAY, O A(A. Z*qff Uepth from Surface (kw.) 5-61 Horizon Soil Tex Ura (USD, Soil Color Soil Mottling Other (etructure, stones, boulders. consistency, PIye!) M5 I C) y F_ - s/'3 NO LS t 0 YR, A,/G No NAS loyrz. r5/� NO CZ I\A S I C yrz -7/4 NO Parent material (geologic) OVTW^-SH I Depth to bedrock _ Dcp',h to G:ound�,,jW Wcepingfrom pit face talo Standing water In hole "I-- Estimated seasonal high groundwater I. 1`C2r_CXATIO" TE-5771KI Ll LAA(EKI 'Z4tS,*-\t_ T'', -_ - _, ('A-77 < -Z r, ll r- ll a General Notes < J 1. Elevations refer to NGVD. See benchmark located on top of spike shown on plan. 2. All construction and materials shall conform to Title 5 of the Massachusetts State Environmental Code and the Board of Health requirements for the Town of Yarmouth. 3. Any changes to this plan must be approved by the Board of Health and 'N 4 Schofield Brothers. 4. No permanent structures shall be constructed over the reserve area. 14 5, For proper performance, the septic tank should be inspected at least Z IX once a year. The septic tank should he pumpnd when the total rionth ni so' c!- exccI�� 1.1,1 th'e! dppth o"liquid in !" tank. Z17- 6. All topsoil, subsoil or any de!eterious rr,,tarials encountered must be excavated and removed to a'distance of 5 ft. from all sides of the S.A.S, and to an average depth of 4 ft. below existing grade. Excavation to be backfilled with clean send material meeting Title 5 specifications. I\Contact Schofield Brothers if any doubt or questions arise regarding soil quality. 7. Installation contractor shall contact Schofield Brothers prior to system Q� Q Installation for verification of soil conditions. N• LAURA B. Schofield Brothers does not assume responsibility for materials -0 On" 11Q_ encountered during excavation. K�' t`7 9. Existing driveway; Great Island Road pavement; and existing utility locations shown are approximate. rlArtiARtE 10. Contractor shall verify location of all underground utilities prior to excavation. 11. Installation contractor shall contact Schofield Brothers prior to backfilling for system certification if necessary. Z 12. No known wells exist within 200' of proposed leaching area, except that which is proposed. E G`E N D 13. No known septic systems exist within 200' of the proposed well, except that which is proposed. PletPOSED COA.IrOLAR LIA.IR 14. Site restoration requires all stripped topsoil and subsoil to be stockpiled and reused at owner's option. Re -spread over all disturbed areas to E)elsrl"G Cou'rroLlIq promote optimal growth. fr?--- POSG r-> W R Lt - 7F V r= W-4T.FR DES/GN D 7A A neo peOj-OSED C .4UOy Sfpr.0 rAXpt\q 1C.) (-..E5T74ATfD A�7WALVJC I.OACNIM; &WR 00"_1 Ar i I o cA L Lo"s Pet DAY 'fr AfPW�044- 1:A.C"J;L 01 -"O -SAL. 1.5 h T ALLOW r 0 2. SE?rc rANK s/.rF 1 .0 wjn4 ^QLW'O5ED LEACH A-� EA-(�4 2c AVt9AC-X AIILr 2 Ns `l, tr P"'"Os--D LEACly PESIERVE APEA rAm�e PROVInED C7,�f:,C. GAL40 0 3- DIISAW P,',rCOLA7-j0" J?AT'E < E XI!Ttivr, 5mr ELEVATIONS -500EOIALL LOADING borroAl LOAol"r TES" NOLE LDC T 4,15ACHI,, __.r3R2/5•F, AREA I rDrA{ '10:WALL AA?.'.A PROVIDED 5_ PROPERTY LINE CTPD PROPOSED _S�PDT ELEVATION 710rAL 80TTOM AROA PROVIDED 5 0'VF-%l4l1A> UTILi-riFS CT -P p MAMIA��. A110WA^Lf tDADINO fUA�r&e rjrLZ _X) i Op+L5NW_RqPrw"r> UTILITIC!>'Ar.1`104L "rVAtALJLIC LCLADfAI6 e,�, 6 CTPD 31-4 A4INIA1'U1W $ICE LFAC"YAk-, AREA EXCEEDS THAT ALLOWED b OrM rW 7Dwm 0,r ii N' I nC ITW B C14 PP Of Pf: A t rH rWqj%hm vrrs PROF/LE OF 9 -r57 -E14 AND r1rLE s. —II,10 SCALE TrPICA4 LEAC14,SrS.rcM CROS c SECT QN f,JAX, 4\1 AJAM10LE 4 COVFP - A,41,V. D44 - e4' — 040 SCALE Fq e. Rck�ryr up ro wjryt" a- 0,, rjNjGRADE 2"L/syEi:z Ye—Ag' ;s WAS E! I=) —SIT N rq )rINt5AXD0APAD,* I(0.0-r0j5,0 WITHIN Q, CIP, (6sr n -&I-1) F G. 17 yF`lC_jSL_, ------ PROPOSED SEWAGE DISPOSAL -SY67-EM 7!� 1*2 Kr I L L L,7: 3' t3 71 0 J T_ 1-4 \A1 s M INV. 17-1 ',A r7�_ — F/,% P', G': ANIL IrA Arr I I—C, V Lz 0* uE T_'X E3 r --t C1 t -L TEL 1'j Zt'C1C1C1t1C7��, L KO, -7 VF D157ptl;UT/ON 60'y 4. • IT .7, WAG� NA SCALEt As o7oye�qf S f PrICI -rA N/Af I I pr - 5 TANK CAPACITY- erALtew$ 1`6 M 8C r t- r)UCA5r A,r CONCXrrE �7s14A T, t"V111pr SE T Lr-_Ac-l�_4 DJZAWW F&rt t -11C (_E Z�IT' T'Zf7cA�, (� O^�g _!y** CNECKw8r., T &I -ITE: ALL PlPf 7-0 8F 'd'! K PVC. r16),,r S A S CONSISTS OF (a) 102-L X 58-W X 2-1- EFFECTIVE DEPTH LEACHING CHAMBERS, PLACED END TO V _,0jW7 _�C"40 OUTLET PIPES 5NA1.1 8r I.EVCL END INA E!,POTWEr2S Cr C,,�xpE_ FX7 Ar LFAsr rwo rEEr 0 ELEVATIONS SHOWN. "SINEIF elm's -.SL4VVZyIf* - pLAxNIuF 01 Po A50X /Of Ia/ F �,l IT �,P, W TRENCH WITH'/.'- - 1 1/2 - DOUBLE WASHED STONE SURROUNDING SET T )WN coD 5:5 nTHFR�WZr 5LXr CrAMffFjZ!7y 1441�WAY, O A(A. Z*qff