HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001 Jun 21 - Zoning Administrator Decision - Petition #3701 , � � � ; � � TOWN OF YARMOUTH , �t E-�-,-��{ ' ���Y'`�� ZONINGADMINISTRATOR ��� `�`�' ,rlr � �k � _�_�;r �'� � C DECISION T��ti� �i i i`�. O .. � �H �'' �n;►�r �S ^�" ���� ��.��� �� � ��= �� �,��mw�.,ca"`''�'� FILED WITH TOWN CLERK: June 21,2001 ����'+i � �� PETITION NO: #3701 ' i HEARING DATE: June 20,2001 Q (� (�; [� � � � p PETITIONER: Barry & Amy Robichaud ,U N 2 5 �Q�i1 HEAl�T!-� �FPT. PROPERTY: : "��� � �'�est Yarmouth —�---� �. -�:_._�,r_ Map: 64 Parcel: 24 Zoning District: R40 ZONING ADMINISTRATOR: Joseph Sarnosky � = It appearing that notice of said hearing has been given by sending notice thereof to the petitioner and all those owners of property deemed by the Zoning Administrator to be affected thereby, and to the public by posting notice of the hearing and published in The Register, the hearing was ' opened and held on the da.te stated above. The petitioner seeks a Special Permit from bylaw §202.5, Q3 (footnote 5), in order to construct ' an oversized two car garage, 26' x.30' with three gazage doors. There will be two doors at the front of the garage and one door to the right side of the garage to allow vehicles to pass through. The petitioner represented that it would be used for their personal use for storage of their vehicles and their personal items. The upstairs of the garage will be accessed by a hallway from the house and from outside stairs. The second��tr��he�gardgc v�=cv����r�i, p�s� and ; 't�it�r3om. i f The following appeared in fa.vor of the petition: Barry&Amy Robichaud. � No one appeared in opposition to the petition. However, Mrs. Whiteloek and Mrs. Bedigian, neighbors to the Robichaud's, were concerned that with a 3 car garage there ma.y have been some commercial activity planned. The petitioners assured them that was not the case at all, they own two large vehicles and a classic car which will be stored in the garage. Ai�er hearing and review of a11 materials presented the Zoning Administrator finds that the criteria. set forth at §202.5, (Q3) are met and the Special Permit is granted as represented and shown on ' the petitioners site plan and sketch plan received and dated May 31, 200I, on the condition that the three bays are used for residential use only and the upstairs remain part of the single family ; home and r�et b���t}��s�p2n�c�ii����ip,�(�rters. I � _ i � � � � N j G . 9 i t _ No permit shall issue until 30 da.ys from the filing af this decision with the Town Clerk. Appeals from this decision shall be made pursuant to MGL c40A section 17 and must be filed within 30 da.ys after filing of this notice/decision with the Town Clerk. Unless otherwise provided herein, the Special Pernut shall la.pse if a substantial use thereof has not begun within 24 months. (See bylaw §103.2.5, MGL c40A §9) Unless otherwise provided herein,a Variance shall lapse if the rights authorized herein aze not excised within 12 months. (See MGL c40A §10) � � oseph S osky Zoning Administrator � . � I ; i � i