HomeMy WebLinkAbout285 Old Main Street Existing Conditions Plan of Land 4x2)16.7' [07 ®NEN: l Maureen Carser Suzone Bozner ZONE. 285 Old Main Street South Yarmouth, MA 02664 RS -25 Area (min.) 25,000 S1 Frontage (min) 150' FLOOD ZONE: Setbacks: Front 30' Zone C Side 15' Community Panel No. Rear 20' #250015 0004 C o June 17, 1986 Shed ASSESSORS REF:: 7.476 Map 60, Parcel 219 OVERLAY DISTRMT: Lot is not within the Aquifer Protection District As shown on a Plan Entitled "Town of Ydrmouth Zone 2 Area's of Wellhead Contribution" Revised June 1, 1999 �1 111 l 1 71 a 3 � i z i 7' LCB (found) 16.7'x Q MHB i (found) \ i Benchmark: Top of Concrete Bound Elev. 15.73' (NGVD 1929) Title: PREPARED BY:' Ran of Land ave , h - V Y(SrM(DUf h, (Bass River) Mass. o 285 O§d Ma§n StreW v 20 Date: March 13, 2002 scale: 1 �, = 20' N V ED �l/ 71 a 3 � N 15.5' V[)CCV �ZgS storellin9 Wood 0� L P, 1 o.aX\Vyv/ ED �l/ N o � X15-9• Shed \ 7.476 o (j U) a ` I 9 � i 0 X,5.7• � 50 5 LCB 98, , (found) 40 E o� 1 o CB N��o a- - NleorG" s Borbo9r68FP9 kt9 e Abutter rOrlve Stone PREPARED FOR: 7 Parker Road Osterville MA 02655 (508) 420-3994 / 420-3995fax CopeSurv*capecod.net 10 20 40 So Field: WHK/M. Camp.: MDH Proy' # C487 7.4' Maureen Corser 285 Old Main Street South Yarmouth, Mo. 02664 Draft: MDH Review: RLN Drawing # C487Gl.dwq Notes/Revision NOTE. 1.) The property line information shown was compiled from available record information. 2.) The topographic information was obtained from an on the ground survey performed on or between 6/JULY/01 and 6/FEB/02 3.) The datum used is NGVD '29, a fixed mean sea level datum.