HomeMy WebLinkAboutInspection Report 2004 Oct 12 � � � � �� `��- � , Co�oivw�.� oF MassAexus�-rs �� EXECUI`NE QFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTM$NT OF I�11iVIRONMENTAL PROT�CTION Gu � 'a ���s ;i ���� �� �.� : - �- ����' Q �r Z���r HE�lLTH �EP?�. TITLE � ' OFFICL4►I,INSPECTION FORM--NOT FOR VULUNTARY ASSESSMENT� 3UBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYST'EM FQRM PART A CERTIFICAT'�UN r��ey��z�w,rs Ao�n,w.Y�ov�,�rw� ' OwMer's N�:CARLS AND SAHARON FORTE ' Owner'a Addreas:Z2 LE'1�f$ROAD,W.YAiiM4iPTI�,MA l�tte+o�I�a:tX,7C/BER 1?,Z11�4 Nsme af Ia�ector: REIA C ELI.uS � i Ca�ay Namez ELLi3 BA(?THERS CONST.C4). Maeiting Addt esa: 23 EN'ILR�SE RUAD, ' �!Q BOX 3+9,YARMQUIB PUR1',MA 8Zb7� ': T�oae Na�ber: SOS-362�6Z37 � CERTIFICATIUN STATEMENT I ce�tify that I havB p�sona!!Y insPeded the sewaSe disPosel syst�n at this address and that the infarmation reported below is true,aocurate and c�mplete as of the time of thc inspection.'ihe inspection was p�formed besed on my trainin�and expaience in the proper fiu►ctian and maintenance af oa site sewage disposai sy�s.I sm�DEP aPPr����'Pa�rs�nt to- _ 15.340 at THIe S(31�CMit 15�000}. Th�system: �c�, �_ , Conditionally Pa4sts ' Needs Further Evaluation by the Local Appraving Autharity Fails �nspector's Signatsre• __r�� �L=�� Date: /U -"G/— O � . � � The syst�n insp�shatl sub��t a rropy of this inspec�ion repart ta the Approving A�o�i'ty(Board of Health or DEP)within 30 c�y�af canpleting this inspedion.If the systena is a shared syst�n or has a�siga flow of 10,Q00 ' gpd or Sne�r,the inspector and die syst�n own�x shall submifi t�e report to the apg�'a�riate regiona!office of the ' DEP.The originai shoe�ld be s�aat to the sy+�mvtter a�xl copies s�at to the buy�r if applic�able��d the approving authaity. ' Ncrtes and Cornmeuts '"**"T6is nPa't ua1Y d�cri�res a:oed[dms At We d�af�s�ui ander d�e�ot eae�C t�at coedltto�a af��de�s aot addre�s�v t�e�wiil perform ia t6e fhtare a�kr tl�aqme a�di@'erent 1 � Page 2 of 11 � ' UFFICIAL INSPECTION FORM—NOT FOR VULUNTARY ASSESSMEATT5 � SU�SURFACE SEWAGE DI3P03AL SYSTEM IN3PECTIUN FORM PART A CERTIFICATION(coutinued) Property Addrars:22 T.�VIS ROAD,W.YARMOITI�i,MA.62673 Owner:CHRiS AND SSARON FORTE Da�e a[In�Ctiort:OC'TnBEB 12,29�4 �iion Samm�rys G�ck A,B,C,D or E I A�WA�comPl�e�A of 5�xtta�D A. 3ystem Paa�es: (�Q,� � ' ,�, I have not found�y informatian which indicatc.s tha�any of the failu�e cxit�ia da.scn'bed'm 310 CMR ; 25.303 a in 310 CMR 15.304 e�ist.Any faihne�ianot evatuated are indic�ted belor,v, Goa��eats: B. Sqe�ean Ca�ditioa�lly P�c: N�� . One a more systexn ca�mpone�ts as de.�cxIbod' d�e"C�didonal Pgss"section need to be replacsd ar r�air�d.The system,upon completiva of the r�l� t ar repair,as apjxov�by the Baard of Health,will pass. Answ�yes,no ar not determined(Y,N,ND)in the fa t�e following statemcnts.If"not�eimined"ple� . explain, 'ihe s�tic ianlc is m�l�d over 2U years old'� the septic tank(whether metai ar not)is sdvcx�nally : uasamd,exhibits substantial infittratian a exfild�etic� tsnk failt�e is immin��Syst�n wilt pass insspe�cxion if the pcisting t�qk is r+�laced with a oomPlying septic tank approved by the Board of Health. *A metal sepUic t�k will�S i�ecti�if it is saind,nat leaking and if a Certificate af G�tpliance indic�ting that the tank is less tl�20 y�rs oid is a ' le. ND explain: Obser�ati�of sevirage b�dcup�or b�reak out a static wst�level in the distritx�tion box due to broken� obshuded pipe(s)or due to a broken,sdtted or on+even 'stributi�n box.Sy�d»will pess inspedion if(with ap�raval of Bo�rd of I3calth}: brdcar pipe(s)are lacaed : ob�ion is rem ved distrib�ti�brnc is eveled or rep�ced ND eacplaia: � The systean required p�g more than 4 tien a year due to broken ar ob�ed pipe(s).The system will Pess in�ian if(with a�ro�l of ti�e Bo�rd Of H ): ' brdcen pipe(s}are �c�ed ob�on�s rem ed ND e�cptain: 2 , • � Page 3 of 1 t � ' 4FFIGIAL INSPECTION FURM-NOT FOXt V4LUNTARY ASSESSMENTS � SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DLSPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION FORM PART A CERTIFICATION(caatinuod} r��y Aaa�:zx�wrs�oAn;w Ya�ov�i►�t.�.�� Owuer.CRR.IS AND SHARON FURTE Date of Inspec�toa:OC'PO$LR 12,2004 , / �, /1/ C. Fnrttier Evale:t�q�R�eq�by the Ba�ard� . � Conditions eutist which require fiuther evalt�ation by e Baard of Healih in order to d�ermine if the system ' is failing to prc�tect public heaNt�,saf�.y�the�virunment. 1. S�+Stem w1�llll�as anleas Bo�atd�HeaitL d�e ia accardagce w�th 310 CMR 15�343(Ij(b)ffiat We system b aot fi�actia�iag ia s mnaaer w6ich w�l pablic Leatt�,safety and t�c ranviro�meah � Cesspool or privy is within 50 feet of a� _ Cesspoal or}�ivy is within 50 f�uf a barderin vegatated wetland or a salt marah : 2. 3ystem a�7t f��the Bo�rd uf Healt6(a�l Water�Iier',if saY)determises t�at tLe system�faactioaing ig s�oaer that protects t� �eslt6,satety aad esvironma�h The system has a septic taak and soil absaptian (SAS)xed the SAS is within 1 t�feet af a • stufac;e water suPP13'or Ln'butary to a s�tace water ly. � The syste�n has a septic tank and SAS end the S S is within�2one l of a public watcx supply. ____ The systan has a septic t�ilc�d SAS and the S is within 50 fioet of a private water supply wsll. : The system has a se�ic tank and SAS and the S is tess� 1t�f+e�tnet Sd fe�or more from a private water supply we11**.Methad used to determ' e distance '*This syst�n passes if the wdl water analysis, �a DEP c�tified laba�atory,for colifa�nm bacteria and volat�e or�ie c�npaa�nds inefieat� thg vwell is fi�ee frv�poilurion from t�at facitity and the presence of ammonia nitrogea a�nitrate ' is equat to o�Iess than 5 pp�n,lx�ovi�rd that no other fail�re criteria are trigg�ed.A cx�py of the analysis m be attached to this form. 3. 4t�er: 3 � �Page d of 1� ' � OFFICIAL INSPECTIUN FQRM—NOT FOR VOLUNTARY ASSESSNIENTS SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAt.SYSTEM iNSPECTION FORM ' PART A CERTIFICATIUN(continued) r,�ercy�aare�:n�wrs Ro�w Ya�to�,�rn� owger.CHlus A1�ID S�IARax LEWtS ': Date�`Inapaxiou:t)C"I'OBER IZ,ZOA4 ' D. System Failure Cri�eria app�iCable to all�a: ' "Y�x r�,t indicate"yes"or`Snd'to eac�of the fc�llllc�wing for�,inspections: Yes Backup af sewage into facility�system cbmpo�nent dae to overlo�ed ar clogged SAS or cesspoal ` '�ge or pond'mg of efguent to die s�aface of the gcamd a s�f�ce waters due to an overloaded az ; clogge�t SAS ar cesspoal - - Stahc licptid level in the distribution box above artlet�v�t d�t�an overloaded�clogged SAS a � _+, 1 1Y[a iquid depth in oe.cspool is less than 6"below invert or available valume is l�s than'l=day flow _ �P�P�B more tbaa 4 times in the last�ear N�,T,�to clogged or�pipe(s}.Nwnber of times pumpad ; Y P�an of the SAS,ces�Ool a�r pnvy is below higlt gound wate�r elevarion. � Y po�rtiar of c�spool or privy is within 100 feet of a swrface wat�supply or in'initary to a s�rface ter�pply. : _„_ y portion of a c�spool a��xivy is within a Zone 1 of a public well. � ,/�y portion of a ces�o�l ar�ivy is whhin SO feet of a private water supply vNell. �. .._]L �Y P�ar of a cesspool or�ivy is less th�100 fe�birt greafer lhan 50 fieet fr�t a pzivate water � supply well with no a�ble wat�c�uality analysis. [T�is sy�em�es if tke wieU water saalys?�, : pertoraied�tt a DEP�oerfiRed bbora�ary,fer�bacberf�sad vob�t�te org�tn�c compoemda : iadica�aa that ttie w�eH�fr�e fl�poUation from tiu�t fncitity and ttie preseace�ammoaia ' - ai�rogea sad��e�u is eq�si to or k�tln�n 5 ppm,pro�v�dad tLat ao other failare cri�a are fi�red.A�opy of t�awly�ia mast be�ttAcLed b t�is forn�.] : /�� (Yes/No)T4e system�.1 have determined that oaie aa�mare of the above failure criteria exist as descaribed'm 310 CMR 15.303,th�efore the syst�n�aits.Thc system owner should contact the Board of Health to determine what will be necessary to carec�the fail�e. /v � E. Large sysUems: To be�de�a Isrge sysUem tbe sy�em ma�ec s�Cility w�a desiga Ha�v o�18,000�xl to 15,800 � : You must indicate either"yes"or`5no"to eadi of the foll ' g: (The f�llowing caitaia apply to lsrge systerns in addition the cri�taeria abave) : yes na — ____ 1�►e system is witi�in 4�f�eet of a su�face " g water supply : ._ i the system is withia 2�feet of a tribUtary W a drinking water supply : .� _.._ �e system is located in a nitrogen sea�sitive (Int�rim Wellhead Pru�ectian Area–IWPA)ar a mappe�t Zane II of a public water�pg1y w�ll If you have answered"�es"to any questia�n in Section E e systean is considered a signific�nt threat,�answered ' "yes"ffi Soction D above the l�ge sy�em has failed.The er ur�of any large sy�em consid�ered a signifx�nt threat unda Sedion E or f�iled unc�Serxion shalt upgisde tf�e system ia acr�dance with 310 CMR 1 S.3Q4.1'he system ovm�r should�ct the ap�ropriate egiaial office vf the Depmt�nex�� ; •, �Pa�Ce 5 of 11 � . OFFICIAL IN3PECITON FORM—NUT FOR VQLUNTARY ASSESSMEN'TS SUBSURFACE SEWAGE AISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION FORM PART B CHECKLIST �rey Aaare�:n LEvvrs�oax�w.Y�►x�ov�r�e�,�►a�� Owner:CHRtB AND SHARON FOSTE Dste of I�on:OGT4BER 12,?A04 Check if the followin�have�b��Yai r�ast indicate"ye�"or"no"as to each of the Eoltowin� , ' Ye,�l No 1/ Pwnlrin8 informatian was provided by the owner,occuPan�a Board of Health , cre any of the system campanea�ts pumped out in the previous twa weeks? : ,! the systc�n rec�ived narmal IIovvs in the�evicws two wedc period? i Have large volumes of water b�introduced to the systean reoe�tly a as pa�rt of this inspecti�? ` 'Were as built plans of the systcsn obtained and examined?(If they wesre not avaiiable note as N/A) . ^ Was the facility�dwelling inspected for signs of sewage back up? � Was the site inspeded far signs of lxeak aut`t ,_ Wae att system c�npone�nts,cluding the SAS,located on site? ; _ Were the septic tank manhales w�covered,opened,aad the interior of the tanlc inspected for the conditia� oP ba��or tees,mat�ial of oonstrudion,dimensions,depth of liquid,d�th of sludge and de,pth of scum? ' Was the facility owner(and occupants if diffex��t fram owner)provided with info�m�i�on die proper maintenance af subsurfaoe s�wage disposal systans? Tlte size aad locAfiiog aR'tlre Soil Ab�orp�oa System(SAS�oa the site has bee�c�ta�mined�an: Yq� no Y ` Existing informatian.For exampt�,a plan at the Board o�I�ahh. _ Detesmined in the field(if any of the faihue cxiteria related to Part C is at issue approximatiaci of di�ance is�a�avce�tabte)[310 CMR.15.302(3xb)] 5 , ,Feb 07 05 09: 24a Sharon Ellis 508-362-6266 P. Z . Page 6 of 11 OFFICIAL 7AiSPECTIOPt FORM—NOT FOR VOLUNTARY ASSESSMENTS SiTBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTI011T FORM PART C SYSTEM INFORMATION Pr'vperty Addres�:2Z LLWLS ROAD,W.YARMOUTS,MA U2673 Qvimer.CffitIS AND 3HARUN FQRTE Date of Inspecdo�:OCTOBER l2,2004 FLOW CONDITIONS RESIDENI7AL Number of hedrooms(design):� Tlu�ber of bedrooms(acival}: � DES[GN 8ow!�d on 31 D CMR 15203 (far example: I 7 0�pd x#t of bedrooms)__�� ,�C Z f��p �,Numb�,r qf s��t �, t�separ sei�rage system(yes�r no: � i y�v separate iaspectioa reQuired) Laundry system inspe�ted(yes ar no):��!! Seasonal us�(yes or no3: i�':� �r�,,,i i �,�.c-,.�. f;- ,-,�.. �d' ./J . � � J c.^...�'0�;�� .G7•y iQ r.y'�tiGG��^�erij Water meter readings,if ave�able�last 2 years usaSe(g�di )): �'v/��i..y�s� SumP P�F f3�s or na):�f� �2°..� �003 �ol ic.._ ll Lasc date of occ�epancy: �-1�--��;= vZ o p4� f z��. CUl►�I�RC 'Type of esrabtishmen� 3`� l���l�+-v�''ir' DesiBn flow(based on 310 CMR 15.203): Basis Qf design$ow(sCatS/per5ons/sqft,etc.): ��.rr�i<�:c �r- .��r,,. •/�s� o� ��--�.�Q-�+.. Grease trap�esent(yes or no�.,�/v lndustrial wasfie hold'mg tanlc�sent Cyes or no):�c7 7 �e�1 E-�,.,,s. � L- /�'"�o Norrsanitary rvasbe discharged to the�fle 5 syste�(yes o�no):,�/�C� Water meter readings,if available: oZ���£3 Z I� a-�o 3 �1!� �o� l t_.8 L . Lastdateofoccupnncy/use: �-�'-_.-!}�.—r��. �--�-�� OT�R(desaibe): ��- GENE.RAL INFORMATTON Pumping Rec�ds Sonaccofinformatiom �/�95� �i.Ji��.� �—;�--- ��% Was system pumped as part of the iaspectio�(yes m�no): iF If yes,volume pumPed�llons-13ow v�as 9usntiiY P�P�determined? ��✓�I�- 4�i ��/WL� Rtason for P�P�g�_ .�%'f/'-�-iit/'i�.+�/-�-rVt.�- ..�P�'O, � +/'�,.5��`'�r r ��i����' TY�E OF SYSTE�I �r � �5eptic tgntc,distribution bax,soil absorption sy.coem Smgte cesspool �Overflow�ool Privy _SF�ed system(yes or no)(if yes,afitach previo�inspection records,if anY) lnnwative/Alteroative teclsnology.Attach a copy of the c�ent apaatia�and maiQtenanee contrad(to be oirtained fro�system ownes�) ,Tigh[tank ^Attach a copy ofthe DEP apprwal __.__Ott�er(descr�e): Apprfl�' ate age of all c�poaent/s��date install�(if lmown)and source of in/f��rmatio�na: ,/' /,� � ./ LfS�i'- 1��:��1J ,,�� 3.`�'"' �� �!/S �rJf/��� % O 'Y� .�fi n � n . !� � e� __� �TT��f�yr �'1!" y�_/Q� IV � f7 Were sewage odas deEe�d when arriving at thc si#�(yes or ffo)::l� u � 'Page?of 11 � OFFICIAL INSPECTIUN FORM—NOT FOR VOLUNTARY ASSESSMENTS SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DLSPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION FORM PA►RT C ' SYSTEM INFORMATION(c�,tin�ed) r��a�w�:n�xow�w.Y.�ov�,�a�r3 : Owuer: CHRIS AND SHARON FORTE Dste af Iaspecbto�: OCPUBER 12,2Q04 BUIGDING SEWER(locate am site plan) N Depth below grade: Materials of constructi�: c�st ircxi 4Q PVC Wher(explain): Distance from private wata'suppiy well or�ion line: 3�S� Commeats�an cxindition af joint4,veating,evidence of leakage,etc.): • ' s i•✓4 �+,,{// � � ,r�,� 2ic/ %l/ �- �—� ' SEP1'IC TANK:,l��loc�te�site p�) I.�pth below grade: /� �� D?�'l�`� Material of constr�b�cx�ncrete metal_fiber81ass�pO�Ye�Ylene other(e�cPla�) ���If taak is m�al list age:_,_,_, Is age oonSrmed by a Ca tific�te of Compli�ce(yes c�no}:_(attadi a cc�y of ) / ' Dimens�'��s:/�� �- c�i'o�L�J�- �� /�/.S�t� .D-2N��r.t/s��r.� Sludge depth: � Dist�nce fran t�of sludge to ba�to�of outiet tee ar ba81e: � : - Scum t�uickness: C7 Distance from top of sc�n to tap of auttet tee a b�le: � ' Di�tce firom bottom of scum to botto�n of aut1�tee�baffle: C> How were d'ua�stons detexmined: 6.c._ i Commgnts(on P�I�S reaomm�dati inl�and outle�tse or b�ffle conditiam,�a�l integritY,liquid levels as related w outiet ffivat,evidence of leakage,e,tg.): � _�,ir/.�.�' �'��-�"Za� ��T— A A �at�N� it/��.�',Ge,¢,Lq , /r/� G�tEASE TRAP:(loc�te on site Pla�►) Depth below grade: Matrriat of c�struction: c�nc�te m�al fi __poly�hyle�e otiter (exPtain): Dim�ensians• Sc�mi tbidmess: Distance from top of scum to top of artlet t�e or b�le: Distaince fran bottom of scum to bottan of outl�tee� e: Date of last pumpin� Comments(on punnPiuB recommeadatio�ns,inlet and c�utl tee�baffie ca�ditiat,�1 urtegritY,liquid levels as related to outl�invert,evidence of leakage,etc.): , 7 � Page 8 of I 1 . 4FFICIAL INSPECTXON FORM—NOT FOR VOLUNTARY ASSESSMENTS SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION FORM PA►RT C SYSTEM INFORMATIUN(continued) property Address: 22 LEVVIS ROAD,W.YARMOUIB,,MA 0"1673 Owaer: CHRTS ANIa SHARON FORTE ' Dste of Iuapectioa: CICTOBER 4,2004 �� TiGHT or HOLDiNG TANK: (tank mu�be pum at time of inspectionxlocate on site plan) Depth below gr�de: Materi�l of cx�nstruc�iac�: c�nc�e raetal fi lass__��Y��e �her(exptau►): , Dima�sions• Capacity: �allons Desiga Ftow: gatlonstday Alarm presertt(yes or no): Atarm level• Alacm in working or�r(yes�n Date of la�pumping: Comments(c:onditiun of al�n and flo�t switcfies,etc.): DLS"TRIBUTION BOX:�(if present must be�enedKlocate on site plan} . ' Depth of liquid levei above c�utl�inveat: �n � Cvmme�rts(note if box is level and distribution to outlets equal,any evid�ce of solids carryover,any evidence of leakage iato�art of box,etc.): - �, t3c>>c Cs �.o.�.�P.L- rN���-� � �d✓.�l.Q�.s � G�l� . 41/l�/ �19�t7 � ' /y � PUMY CHAMBER: (locate on site pl�►) Pumps in working a�der(yes or no): Alarms in working arder(yes�no): , Comme�ts(nde condition of pump chamber,condition f pumps and appiutenances,etc.): ; . 8 • t . t'Ag6 Y OI 11 a�CIAL IlVSPECTIQN FORM—NOT FQR VOLUNTAgy ASgESSMEIYTS SUB3URFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAI,gYST�iVI INSPg,CTI4N FQRiVi PART C SYSTEM INFORMATION(candn�t} : ��Aaa�: zz�a�s aoa�w Y�o��►.es�� °�r c�s��utax��, n�c�o�r�; ,�v�B���,� SOII.ABiSpRP1TON SYSTEM(S,A3): (bcate oe ske p�ts,e�v�ttio�t sat regairedj If SAS n�locatecl e�cplain why: ' �'t� l���5�' � ba�: /I �B p ,n�ba . , leaching t�mnbe�,number:� �,k� C.l►� 1r� i�' �" Gi't/t-� �MQ�t7�� ��8 8��es,number• � � �n8 h'�dies,ntenb�,tength; t ���8 fields,aumber,camaisims: i�'�'t-L7-k ` � overflow c�poo�l,number: � '�- inu;avativeJalteaaative system Typ�y�e of technology: ' Commarts{nate conditiae of soil,si�s of h�c fail��Ievel of � �� ` �'�&�P��c�ortdition of vegexati�, r'�'t-'' /t�a '��v N.�C.14�� �.. t„3G�.� �' . '6�' �ll.�� �� /��t,�.� k � d�" t�w�' � 3� �� � � a � e�sr+oorrs: t�l��t��,�a��c ;� ��x�«�«�s�p��� Number�d c,�n8guration: �-�op uf liquid to intct inv�t• �h of sdids layer: �of sc�m 1aye�.; Materials of con��,i�; Indic�ion of gY'oumdwater�$rnr(yes or no): Cc�mm�ts(ncxe oonditi4n of soil,si�gns of hydrautic fail le�ve!of P��ng,conditian of v�etetipR,�c.j: PR1vY: (locate on site P�) �f'" Materials of oonstru��on: : Di�measions: I�pth ofsolivs: �-` ' Co�nm�nts(note caonditian ofsoil,sig�na ofh 3�lrautic ' level ofponding,con�ition ofve�e�suon,e�e.): 9 ------_____.