HomeMy WebLinkAboutReview Checklist � - � -� TOWN OF YARMOUTH . �� �f� SEWAGE PLAN REVIEW CHECKLIST Location: AM� LOT /�3 Date of Subdivision Approval d��/��e�� Street 3 � Zone of Contribution: In � Out Village Commercial Residential � Owner: �'�f9/iO�[�G61..��' Installer � � �G"GY Builder: ,/ Engineer N/A YES NO 1. Re uired number of co ies received. ✓ 2. Date of soils exam and �ercolation test not older than 2 years. � 3. 4 feet of naturallv occurrin�pervious material. above water table(new construction�, � 4. Foundation 2 feet above hi h o' t f frontin road f r w con truction. 5. Water availabilit letter from Wa De artment f r n w c ction. 6. Benchmark ' icated d s - V i ear we 1 7. Buildin sewer does not xit cent r o house. 8. Se tic tank a ' ' um of 10 f et h use and dec . 9. Leachin a minimum of 20 feet fr use and 10 fe m deck 10. Leachin of 1 feet fro wetlands. 11. L a ' a ' ' u f 1 f t fr d inkin we 2 e from ' ' 'on well . 12. S st m meets all th r tb c ire ent . r' v ✓ 13. Uses ad'ustment for maximum hi roundwater. 14. Leachin 4 -5 feet above a 'u ted wate table or tom of est i . 15. S stem n t in to or u soil or f r m val. 16. Pro osed contou are uita 1 . 17. Svstem meet sl e re irem ts - min 1/8" 1/4" re erred. l.g. Svstem meets breakout re ' ement - e ston 1 vat'on carried 15 fe ' um. 19. S ecified tee sizes are ro r a baf�le on outlet tee. 2�. Sewa e flow under 10 00 d f r c l. 2�. No rba e dis osal. 22. Svstem ad atel ' d f r it ' te u e. 23. Minimum " stone or ec 'cal co acted below t e tank an d-box. 24. Manhole c ver within 6" f ad - s ic t um ham er. 25. Electrical ermit for um cham er 26. Pum s stem - 2" line wee h I check valve s nit in -box al on se arate circuit. 27. Se tic tank and um c a ber F to wat ro fed. 28. Vent nrovided i leachin�below 3 feet or under drivew�v or�arking� � 29. Engineer to inspect and certifv : cl r moval . wall c structi n dul c: commercial s stem 30. En ineer and L nd Surve or stam d si nature. 31. H20 loading when sy,�tem subject to vehicular traffic. � 32. Title V a lication and f e si ned b a licen ed in aller. 33. Foundation footin 2 f et a ove ad'usted water table. 34. Lot subdivided rior to Jul 1 1986 - Nitrate Loadin 35. Subdivided prior co Apri17. 19R9 - Phosphorus Zone 300'. Plan reviewed by: //,t.l'��