HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981 Jun 26 - Recorded Quit Claim Deed � r , i J � µ:. .. �,. ,�� ��:t.. � '' . fw � . ' '- - . . ' ��. , c?i �. . "Y1.# _xr �_ .} �x . .: �_�:_ h � rv . x _ '.i � ' � .: .-,. . w ... . . � ,4 C, s.�* , a �-,r : .• . ' _ ...:_ u �R�. " : .:.�� ' .. W:� . � a .. .� . � .�... ,�y, Y rc' . .L'.'.-..``d . e.' =$ 'p .'_`. - �� � ' . ,.�, r. �.- .,.. � . . � ,.;...h � .. _ . .... ... .. , ' � .. ,:., ,'._ , ,.,:� ` ` . .: .,�y,� .. : ti.�,. : "" ` ..bd�"'..'k r:�� < � rM G�� �'C� tU � ^ � ��2�- � �/� �2..sd.v� ��� l �" � BOOK��ZI�P'GE Z$�. 1.8���� RONALD, S.._ BUDN��Ii,,_T�u�t�e__of .South Sea Realty Trust under a Declaration of Trust dated January Z3"; � I98S and recorded with Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Book 3231, Page 49 of Yarmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, _ in consideration of less than ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100 . 00) paid grant to RONALD S. RUDNICK Trustee.of_ South Sea Village Nominee • _ Tr_ust, under Declara�ion of Trust dated April" I, -"I981�and regis- _ _ _ tered with the Barnstable County Land Registration office as Document No. 278, 924, of 652 Route 28, West Yarmouth, Massachuset � 02673 . • with quitclaim covenants i the land situated in Yarmouth, Barnstable County bounded and described as follows: FIRST PARCEL: SOUTHERLY by the northerly line of Sea Gull Road, six � • hundred eighty-five and 57/100 (685. 57 ) ' feet; ' WESTERLY eighty-one and 81/100 (81 . 81 ) feet, and . SOUTHERLY three hundred fifteen .and 92/100 ( 315 . 92 ) ' feet, by Iand now or formerly of Lillian W. '' Crowell; _ � SOUTHERLY and SOUTHWESTERLY by the northerly and northeasterly line of said ' . Sea Gull Road, seven hundred ninety-six and 06/100 (796 .06) feet; NORTHWESTERLY by land now or formerly of Edward H. Weeks et �" al , two hundred fifty-seven and 87/100 � (257.87) feet; � : NORTHEASTERLY by land now or formerly of Evelyn S . 4Jallis, one hundred tfiir ty-two and 92/100 (132 . 92 ) feet; WESTERLY by lands now or formerly of said Evelyn S . Wallis and George Bogie et al, four hundred twenty and 63/100 (420.63) feet; SOUTHWESTERLY by land now or formerly of said George Sogie et ' al , th�r teen and 37/100 (13 . 37) feet; 47ESTERLY by land now or formerly of George B. Hann�, two f hundred twenty-one and 28/100 ( 221. 28 ) feet; 4 NORTHEASTERLY by land now or formerly of South Sea Village r Inc. , about three hundred ninety ( 390 feet; r . __�-���__-- -- � �,���:.0 �,.,n�....�.,�.ar� �„a E A S�E RI,�, N�R`1'HE F�LY'; "E A S T�`F�'Y;tC'O'R�BE'��;_� , NORTHEASTERLY by Lewis Fond; NORTHEASTERLY by land of Owner �r Owners Unknown, about fifty (50) feet; SOUTHEASTERLY, EASTERLY and NORTHWESTERLY by Lewis Pond; and . : � NORTHEASTERLY by land of Owner or Owners Unknown, abOut , � � fifty-seven 57 feet. t '� Being shown as Lots 1, 2 , and 3, and 11 on , ; � plan hereinafter mentioned. � � � �` MYCOCK. KILROY. - � �" i ' REEN & McLAUGHLiN� � r . � D r � J 1, arroRNEr3 Ar uw I � 171 MAIN 6TF7EET- ..� /l � I �l �I ��ST OF�I�E P'�K 7�te � � _..._ . . � . . . ^.�ss�,y .... - ._ „. . . ._.. � -- i _, -.�..` . __.�___.__ .. -�'. .. � q1{; _.. ;.. ,+r..?w,� � ._ .: .. _.;'�.� . . . ..._ _.. i z ' . � e . ' uw . �. t -.. . "' � 1 � ,�, - � . � .-,: - �..v, . �, �,r. „_ �_ . � _� � _ �� �. _ ' R BOOK332O Pr.GE 282 SECOND PARCEL: NORTHERLY by the southerly line of Sea Gull Road, six ,� , hundred ninety-nine and 23/100 (699 .23 ) ' feet; NORTHEASTERLY two hundred forty ( 240) feet, and EASTERLY about two hundred fifteen (215 ) feet, by ; - _ _ _ land of Owner or Owners Unknown; � SOUTHEASTERLY by Nantucket Sound; and � SOUTHWESTERLY by land now or formerly of Lillian W. Crowell, � about five hundred fifty-four (554 ) feet. Being shown as Lot 4 on said plan. ; THIRD PARCEL: SOUTHERLY by land now or former�y of Town of Yarmouth, ' about eight hundred twenty-six (826 ) feet; '; SS�UTHWESTERLY by land of Owner or Owners Unknown, about two ' hundred thirty-five (235) feet; . NORTHWESTERLY and NORTHEASTERLY by Lewis Creek; and SOUTHEASTERLY by Parkers River. . � Being shown as Lot 5 on said plan. , � � i FOURTH � PARCEL: � � SOUTHWESTERLY by land now or formerly of James F. Ruhan et ' � al, about tweive hundred seventy-six { 1276) feet NORTHERLY six hundred forty-nine and 71/100 ( 649 .71 ) � feet, and ' WESTERLY seven hundred twenty-four and 94/100 (724 .94 ) � feet, by land now or formerly of Leonidas B. Lewis; , + NORTHERLY three hundred eighty-four and 80/100 ( 384 . 80 }'� � feet, and , � NORTHEASTERLY four hundred sixteen and 07/100 (416. 07 ) , feet, by land now or formerly of Yarmouth � Theatre Corp. ; � NORTHERLY by lands now or formerly of said Yarmouth � Theatre Corp. and James F. Ruhan et al, ' � abo�t two hundred seventeen (217 ) feet; �, � _ ___ _ _ __, EAST�$L�_.__-_-- - . bY�_�Pa rkers River; and i SOUTHERLY by Lewi s Cree�C. �'-" : , : _�� Being shown as Lot 6 on said plan. i FIFTH PARCEL: ; ' � SOUTHWESTERLY by land now or formerly of South Sea Village ' Inc. , about t�ro hundred eighty-nine ( 289 ) � ; � feet; ° WESTERLY, NORTHERLY and � WESTERLY by lands of sundry adjoining owners and the end of Salt Marsh Lane, being the edge of upland 'i about eight hundred seventy ( 870) feet; MYCGCK. KILROY, uREEN fl A1cLAUGHLIN � jATTORN�YS AT LAW � I 171 MA1N STPEET � i ��. ' . ....�. -. . .r v.r /.IR � � _ . . ... +r�.-....r......"...'. . _ . .' . � � � � .. . . � � „ � T=��� .. ._ `^ pr4:: .y , ' - . .�_ �„�.,� ,. �. 4�s- .� � _ �..... .. _ ;�. ., „cr_ `u" .. .r . ��-..� a . ,.,,,i� :_,& : ' � :`,.�-. ' ��. . . � a ff- ...� .,�s .. . - � . � - ��;d >g �.:� .::f 3g ,. A,..., ��pz. _ 4 '�2 � . � � � � k , �. �a : ,.:.. . .-`. �.._. :.. ,- t � . .-:'.., _ „ y,,, �r ._ . - .: ,b; v.y ; � �� , _, � . .- y ., � � X�. ` i �ooK3320 P��� 283 ; _ ! NORTHWESTERLY by Zands now or formerly of Katherine Rafter and Barbara i�lalker, about two hundred forty- ( 242) feet; ' NORTHEASTERLY by land now or formerly of Louis G. Sorgi et al, two hundred seventy-one and 44/100 (271. 44 ) feet; NORTHL9ESTERLY by the end of Acres Avenue and by land now or formerly of James R. Connors, one hundred seventy-nine and 50/100 (179.50) feet; WESTERLY by land now or formerly of said James R. Connor� ' eighty-seven and 67/100 (87. 67) feet; NORTHERLY and ' WESTERLY by land now or formerly of Lillian B. Thompson, being the edge of upland, about five hundred ' � - - ninety-seven {597j feet; , NORTHEASTERLY about three hundred forty-five (345) feet, and � ' NORTHWESTERLY one hundred fifty-five and 66/100 (155 . 66) feet, by land now or formerly of Leonidas B. Lewis; EASTERLY by land now or farmerly of James F. Ruhan et al, about eight hundred sixty-f ive (865 ) feet; SOUTHEASTERLY and SOUTHERLY by Lewis Creek; and WESTERLY, SOUTHERLY and � ' SOUTHEASTERLY by Lewis Pond. ' • � _ Being shown as Lot_7 on said plan. — � SIXTH PARCEL : Three islands bounded on all sides by Lewis Pond. Being shown as Lots 8, 9 and 10 on said plan. All of said boundaries, except the a�ater lines, are determined by � the Land Court to be located as shoWn on a plan drawn by Gerald A. Mercer & Co. , Inc. Surveyors, dated July, 1959 and January 6 , 1970, as modified and approved by the Court, f iled in the Land Registration Office at Boston. � ��1 � Said Lots 1, 2, and 3 are subject to rights in a 16ft. V7ay, ` approximately shown on said plan, as set forth in a grant made by ! South Sea Village, Inc. to the Inhabitants of the Town of Yarmouthai dated September 4, 1951, duly recorded in Book 791, Page 567. Said Land is subject to and has the benefit of an easement over a 16 ft. Way extending from Sea Gull Road to South Sea Avenue, for ' all purposes for which pubiT�roads are generally use in the Town of Yarmouth, in common with all, those lawfully entitled � thereto, as set forth in said grant made by South Sea Village, � Inc. to the Inhabitants of the Town of Yarmouth, dated September _ _. �� .__ �-�-_�_9�-�du2y recor�cc�"iii"f�'oo7�"7�3'"�';` e � • � - -�- __ � Said Lot 4 is subject to an easemen� in the 20 ft. Way, approxi- mately shown on said plan, and has the benefit of the rights set `dYCOCK. KILROY, ( EEN �Mc1AU6HLIN ; �TTORNEYS AT LAW l 171 MAIN BTREET . f �sT OFFICE BOX 140 � f ANN18. MA99. 02E0� �'. F_L. (617J 771-9070 i � I a I � � { , i . } � � ..��.. . �� . � . . . '. _ . . � . . . � _..,;.r.,rteA;::— � -- ... . _ _ �.. - .a,r�_ .i_ _.: ._ _ .... . . . , ,� - . �+4. f-. .... � __ � ; _ - ��3. .. . . .. . _._,� , . ._ .. � .... _. _ , ..: ,. �:.. } - . . .t{ . .... .,�.� . z . . . . . � . . . I � �., _ . » . . _ . l_, . , - _ . `��a��''��'��?"�y��+�''`` �;. � �,� ,, � �� � �. , , ,, �,� :� � — � w � . �.. .. � .� . �.,.; �� w r . :� _ .�.r .,,< ; � .. � . ,.,_ � . .�.. , �,� ; �,�� ... v_ ts; T � } �, h'..� ..y. q.^�.v,:'e i�. . � , ., . . . . ,.. . . - ... :. .. „ .,,��.���r.� a. �, ,y-.. .; _,.. ;: .,,;. . ,.... _..y . . ,. . a -� � ,w.� ,- .._ „ .. . . ,. . . . :...: . . . . . °� _a� „<< -- 4 ..% e ,... � .s� . � BOOK332O P•'.GE 284 forth in a grant made by Frederick J. Lacker et ux to �outh Sea Village, Inc. , dated April 18, 1950, duiy recorded in Book 747, Page 459 . . Said Lot 6 is subject to any rights legally existing in the Ditches as approximately shown on said plan. There is appurtenant to the land hereby conveyed a right of way over the Way extending from Sea Gull Road to South Sea Avenue, as set forth in a grant made by Lorena Sears Lacker to South Sea � Village, Inc. , dated May 15, 1946, duly recorded in Book 647, Page 190. The land hereby conveyed is subject to any and all rights of the - - - public in the tidewaters of Lewis Creek, Lewis Pond, Parkers River and Nantucket Sound. • The above described premises are conveyed subject to takings by the Town of Yarmouth for Sea Gull Road by instruments recorded in Book 837, Page 241, Book 940, Page 162 and Book 1745, Page 142. The above described premises are aiso conveyed subject to an easement to the Inhabitanfs of the Town of Yarmouth by grant dated October 1, 1974 and recorded in Book 2112, Page 325. The above described premises are also shown on the Petitioner' s • Plan filed in Land Court Registration Case No.- 29835, a copy of which is on file at the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds, excepting therefrom that portion taken by the Town of Yarmouth,by instrument dated March 9, 1972 and recorded in Book 1618, Page 234. For grantor' s title see the de�d from South Sea Village, Inc. dated January 23 , 1981, and recorded with Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Book 3231, Paqe�45. Executed as a sealed instrument this �4�'�. day J e 1981 _ � THE COMMONWEALTH QF MASSACHUSETTS Barnstable,ss June �( , 198 � Then personally appeared the above named Ronald S. Rudnick, Truste ' � and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his free act and d � . , � _. _. _,�.�... . . _._�. __.e,_ ---�9 - ___.�. _,_.�..y._.�.�...�... � �. �,:_�..:.�.yl: -� Before me, G � ft"' ' .` ��L'(���`�" Notary Public - Justice o the� Peace � � �C C ,�.�� My commission expires � �L.�, � �J � j a � � — � _ ` ' � _ 1 �-� � -! � � � s � rii.��i���k.�l JUL 9 B I �� _ � i � t � � :. � �'��n---����_._.. ��.._ _ . . <-:, • �. � - - — .�. _ -_.. _.. . " �'q. -:��+n�— .._..__ *e _ - .__' �e s" .. . . . "` � .-� �: . , ._.._ Y..�.... � ' ' " _ .. . . . .� : ' _ . ... _. . .. + ..y� _.,.... a a . .. .. +o + � � ' . t.. . . . . . ���P