HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 Railway Bluffs Section9, 1 Proper vents c 1 fo" o.c. (new) I x_ 4f:2 Pine trim to match existing --o"T T Continuous soffit vent (new) --- WG �hinq(es e 5" t.w. (new) ---- - ---- ryvek,v housewrap----- ( A F rated sheathing (new) 2 wall studs o I fo" o.e. (new) ---- 1 2 a rchitectUral asphlat shingles — 2 Av I---� I / 2APA, rated sheathing F, BI 2y,1o1'�afker`' .. .................... 2 x!o Ceiling foists Ifo" o.c. t x_ 2 Pine trim tc• mateh existing —� I I - Continuous soffit vent (new) I xfo r.44Pc Adboare1 paneling - • �eUse existing porch post ---- WG �hir.gles Ea 5 ' t.w. (new) ryve{_s housewrap (new) ^F A rated sheathing (new) 2 x 4 wall studs I lo" o.e. (new) -17 1 / 2 " HIP. insulation • F- 15 ]MV ,a.rchiteetural asphalt shingles AFA rated 4ea4-hinq (new) 2 xfv (`afters Q 1 da" ac. (new) ----- W6x I °, sqt el beam w/. 2 x_ ledgers6 oth sides and 1�2impsondP L U 2 2 fo hangers a I " o.e. (new) w----- remove wall — 2x8 Floor joists G Ifo" o.G. new) ExFstmg 2 x6' floor ,lois s e o.c. In We x 13 gs:7t el beam w/ 2 x_ ledgers oth sides - - And 47iTrip son LUQ 2 eP .......... hangers t " 0.4. (new) ..... - Now stairs -- F-emove wall 2 x8 Moor joists e I ea" o.c. (new):, Existin 2 x8 floor joists e f fa" OX- ` fo" F.4. nsulation • r- 19 (new) EXistinq Gontlnuous ridge vent (new) - f rahiteetural asphalt shingles (new) -- Existing roof framing 1 2 17 1 2 " F.4. Insulation • F-'/ 8 (new) Existing 2 x8 floor joists a 1 lo" o.c. W8x 2 1 4P4 -eel beam w/ . 2 x_ ledges-. both sides and Simpson® L.tSS;7 2 e, hangers e 1 67".0.6. (new) Existing 2 x& floor joists G Ifo" 0.6. (new) I / 2 "O steel/ concrete support post set on T O" x'J O"x I ' concrete footing (new) — Existing %" eonerete slab MIMIE Proper vents c 1 ea" o.e. (new) E --- ,ontlnuous soffit vent (new) --- I / 2 " x 40F-cJ cedar clapboard (existfnq) . MP lSN • REPRDOUCTION ' • O%• Of THESE PLANS BY •• ANYMEANSISPRONBCED •. • BY FEDERAL LAW VIOLATIONS • I ARE PUNISHABLE BY FINES UP A BEIMEflIC1N IMBTITUTE pF YIIILDIN40Eil16M • TO $100,000 PER OFFENSE )�. CALL THE DESIGNER TO OBTAIN LEGAL COPIES ••Q OF THI$ PLAN 11,2//. '•....•_,���� 7 L ILL W c � 'E p£ C N .- Q N 41 � 0 ° 0 J Q proQ�EQMq z (iEl dJ li CIDo X� "E. a c ° � C ILL 0 m . of � 0 Com? IS O vaNi iu a'°uca��a, uj iy c IIIE ri O m °a Q o. - D 61 p i` C LN rn p p tl U C N v L N N -3tp ON �9 X m U 0 0 7 r c � � 0 ° 0 J �. L L h z ms's dJ li CIDo X� "E. a c ° � C 7 0 m . of � 0 Com? v O• N N uj iy c IIIE ri O m °a Q Its pRA,NING TYPE: f�Uildin9 �e.e-{'ion "A" SHEET NUMBER: 1 7 r S 4- O N N OpN , J �. L L h z ms's dJ li CIDo X� "E. a c v) 4 0 m . pRA,NING TYPE: f�Uildin9 �e.e-{'ion "A" SHEET NUMBER: 1 N O N N OpN , J V) C6 W J N ms's dJ li CIDo a c 4 m . Z is o a 0 Com? y O• N N uj iy c IIIE ri O m °a o. - i` CL .� 59 X m 0 pRA,NING TYPE: f�Uildin9 �e.e-{'ion "A" SHEET NUMBER: 1 N O N N OpN , N N ANO � � c m . Z L 0 Com? y uj iy L 01 0 L�� pRA,NING TYPE: f�Uildin9 �e.e-{'ion "A" SHEET NUMBER: 1