HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding PermitsONE & TWO FAMILY ONLY - BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT, REPAIR, RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING Towii of Varinotith Building Department 11.16 Routc 28 • larntotith, AIA 02661-4492 Tel: (508) 398-2231 1261 • Fax: (508) 398-0836 Office Use Only Planning Board Information Assessors Department Information: Permit No. 'e�- t G Map la i"�ype �/ Permit Fee $ ,� Endorsement Date I -I - 1(01 / ,uo ecording Date New Deposit Recd. $ n.SfN Date& an o. 1.4 Property Dimensions: Net Due $ Other Lot Area (sf) Frontage (ft) Lot Coverage I This Section for Office Use Only Buildinq Permit mber. Date Issued: Signature: Building Official Date Certificate of Occupancy is is not required Section 1 - Site Information I Use Group: R-4 Type: 5- 1.1 Property Address: Sg 1.2 Zoning Information: A5 Zoning District Proposed Use 1.3 Building Setbacks (ft) Front Yard Side Yards Rear Yard Required Provided Required Provided Required Provided Q /ty rIA4Water Supply (M.G.L. c. 40. S 54) Public Private 1.5 Flood Zone Information: Comments I Zone: BFE: Section 2 - Property Ownership/Authorized Agent 2.1 Own r of Rec Consfar►�tnri s � e,(iCA Name (print) `- Signature _ V E D 5 P 1IO vnu-lalb Y� b iling Address 2012 L1143- Ju t Telephone 2.2 Authorized Agent .. UILCNG Na ri t Signature ephone D ARTMEN A� EN0NDitE tie FA �M w - %% r44� S Fax Section 3 - Construction Services 3.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor: Not Applicable ❑ CS COLO ( Address License Number 13 Expiration Date SignatureTelep one 3.2 Registered Home Improvement Contractor. Company Name ,nitla ILIA Not Applicable ❑ UcenseNumber ro .TS Addres, Signature nj I( Oj. Telephone 10 Expiration Date -1-1Z 7 -1 -12- . -In nwc Section 4 - Workers' Compensation Insurance Affidavit (M.G.L c. 152 S 25C (6) Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the Issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached Yes ....A-.`� No .......... Section 5 - Description of Proposed Work (check all applicable) New Construction ❑ I No. of Bedrooms No. of Bathrooms Existing Bldg. ❑ IRepair(s) ❑ Alterations Addition ❑ Accessory Bldg. ❑ Type Demolition r I Other Specify: Brief Description of Proposed Work: t 1A' h lr .. �. ' w r) . J ►, D...:, C___ T._ J_.. 1... A—J. .Fs'a Y_ _N // I w it v . 9I wrr J _ r. Section 6 - Estimated Construction Costs Item Estimated Cost (Dollars) to be completed by permit applicant_ 2. Electrical 3. Plumbing / Gas 4. Mechanical (HVAC) 5. Fire Protection 6.Total=(1 +2+3+4+5) 7. Total Square Ft. (new houses & additions) Section 7a - Owner Authorization - To be Completed When Owner's Agent or Contractor Applies for Building Permit Check Below ❑ Conservation -Commission Filing (if applicable) ❑ Old Kings Highway & Historical Commission approval (if applicable) I, pp tt rr , as owner of the subject property hereby authorize. to act on my behalf, in all matters relative to work authorized by this building permit application. Signature of Owner w.. r _ _ Date Section 7b - Owner/Authorized AgMtRa m ' 11 , as Owner/Authorized Agent hereby declare that the statements and information on the foregoing application are true and accurate, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed under the pains and penalties of perjury. + rs Soc:nl l -- Print name Signature of Owner/Agent 9-15-99 2 of 2 Date For Office Use Only Permit No. Date TOWN OF YARMOUTH AFFIDAVIT Home Improvement Contractor Law Supplement to Permit Application MGL c. 142A requires that the 'reconstruction, alteration, renovation, repair, modernization, conversion, improvement, removal, demolition or construction of an addition to any pre-existing owner -occupied building containing at least one but not more than four dwelling units or structures which are adjacent to such residence or building' be done by registered contractors, with certain exceptions, along with other requirements. .41, Type of Work: 6(tk i0✓1 Est. Cost WID. Address of Work SeC NI(L Owner Name: Date of Permit Application: I hereby certify that: Registration is not required for the following reason(s): Work excluded by law Job under $1,000 Building not owner occupied Owner pulling own permit Other (specify) Notice is hereby given that: . OWNERS PULLING THEIR OWN PERMIT OR DEALING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS FOR APPLICABLE HOME IMPROVEMENT WORK DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE ARBITRATION PROGRAM OR GUARANTY FUND UNDER MGL c. 142A. Signed under penalties of perjury: I hereby apply for a perm h of the owner: 103 57 Date ronctor Nam Registration No. OR: Notwithstanding the above notice, I hereby apply for a permit as the owner of the above property: Date Owner Name TOWN OF YARMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR FORM Pff34SSE PRIM: fob Location: ? Owner of Property: Construction Supervisor. Address: Cs G nse No. ,-5bY*-7iS• 177Y Cet 16 Licensed Designee: !%& (If other than Supervisor) Name License No. Phone 2.15 Responsibility of each license holder. 2. 15.1 The license holder shall be fully and completely responsible for all work for which he is supervising, He shall be responsible for seeing that all work is done pursuant to the state building code and the drawings as approved by the building official. 2.15.2 The license holder shall be responsible to supervise the construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, removal or demolition Involving the structural elements of building and structures only pursuant to the state building code and all other applicable laws of the commonwealth, even though he, the license holder. is not the permit holder but only a subcontractor or contractor to the permit holder. 2.15.8 The license holder shall immediately notify the building official in writing of the discovery of any violations which are covered by the building permit. 2.15.4 Any licensee who shaliwillfullyvialate subsections 2.15.1, 2.15.2 or 2.15.9 oranyothersection of these rules and regulations and any procedures, as amended, shall be subject to revocation or suspension of license by the board. 2.16 All building permit applications shall contain the name, signature and license number of the construction supervisor who Is to supervise those persons engaged in construction, reconstruction. alteration. repair, removal of demolition as regulated by section 109. 1.1 of the code and these rules and regulations. In the event that such licensee is no longersupervWng Bald persons, the work shall immediately cease until a successor license holder is substituted on the records of the building department. 2.17 The license holder shall be responsible for requesting all required Inspections. Failure to do so may be deemed a violation of the permit conditions. I have read and understand my responsibilltles under the rales and regulations for licensing construction supervisors in accordance with section 109.1.1 of the state building code. I understand the construction Inspection procedures and the specific inspection as called for by the building official. INSURANCE COVERAGE:.. I have a current liability Insurance policy or its substantiae equivalent which meats the requirements of MGL Ch. 152 Yes No Q If you have checked Us please kxkate the type coverage by checking the appropriate box A uablury Insurance potiw�—Ev Other we of kwarnnily ❑ Bared ❑ OWNERS INS am aware that the 11cmum !n not have the insuranp coverage fired by Chapter t s L to Laws, and that my slgnaGue on this permit application waives this requ iramonL Check one. 1. Slanswuwner e of Oor Ownsls AGM Ow OdW Menf� Signature: Building Official Approval: The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Print Form Department of Industrial Accidents Office of Investigations ' 1 Congress Street, Suite 100 J� Boston, MA 02114-2017 www.mass gov/dia Workers' Compensation Insurance Affidavit: Builders/Contractors/Electricians/Plumbers Applicant Information Please Print Leeibly Name (Business/Organization/Individual): Sprinkle Home Improvement Address: 199 Barnstable Road nynr o iw, mn vcvv r none o: c,va 1 1 a- 1 1 , v ' -&- 1 v Are you an employer? Check the appropriate box: Type of project (required): 1. lama employer with 10-12 4. ❑ 1 am a general contractor and 1 employees (full and/or part-time).' have hired the sub -contractors 6. El New construction 2. ❑ 1 am a sole proprietor or partner- listed on the attached sheet. 7 Remodeling ship and have no employees These sub -contractors have g, ❑ Demolition working for me in an capacity. employees and have workers' g Y P tY• 9. []Building addition [No workers' comp. insurance comp. insurance.• required.] 5. ❑ We are a corporation and its 10. [1 Electrical repairs or additions 3. ❑ 1 am a homeowner doing all work officers have exercised their 1 l.❑ Plumbing repairs or additions myself. [No workers' comp. right of exemption per MGL 12.❑ Roof repairs insurance required.] t c. 152, § 1(4), and we have no employees. [No workers' 13.0 Other comp. insurance required.] $Any applicant that checks box # 1 must also 611 out the section below showing their workers' compensation policy information. t Homeowners who submit this affidavit indicating they are doing all work and then hire outside contractors must submit a new affidavit indicating such. Contractors that check this box must attached an additional sheet showing the name of the sub -contractors and state whether or not those entities have employees. If the sub -contractors have employees, they must provide their workers' comp. policy number. lam an employer that is providing workers' compensation insurance for my employees. Below is the policy and Job site information. Insurance Company Name: Associated Industries of MA. / A.I.M Mutual Insurance Co. Policy # or Self -ins. Lic. #: 7004943012012 Expiration Date: 01/01/2013 Job Site Address: Qd_�� City/State/Zip:VMPr Attach a copy of the workers'. compensation policy declaration page (showing the policy number and expiration date). Failure to secure coverage as required under Section 25A of MGL c. 152 can lead to the imposition of criminal penalties of a fine up to $1,500.00 and/or one-year imprisonment, as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of up to $250.00 a day against the violator. Be advised that a copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations of the DIA Agee9verage verification. I do Phone #' 508 775-1778 Ext. 10 1 that the informatton provided above is true and correct. Oficial use only. Do not write in this area, to be completed by city or town official City or Town: Permit/License # Issuing Authority (circle one): 1. Board of Health 2. Building Department 3. City/Town Clerk 4. Electrical Inspector S. Plumbing Inspector 6. Other Contact Person: Phone #: TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146ROUTE28 SOUTH YARMOUTH MASSACHUSETTS02664 4 51 Telephone (508) 398-2231, Ext. 261 — Fax (508) 398.2365 BUILDING DEPARTMENT DEMOLITION DEBRIS DISPOSAL AFFIDAVIT BUILDING ELEurRICAL GAS PLUMBING SIGNS Pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 40, Section 54 and 780 CMR, Chapter 1, Section 111.5, I hereby certify that the debris resulting from the proposed work/demolition to be conducted at tea$ neG Ne - Work Address is to be disposed of at the following location: - 0.,f rna,-VA -E",v%Ar su"Cn Said disposal site sliall be a licensed solid waste facility as defined by M.G.L. Chapter 111, Section 150A. 0 Signature of Applican Date Pennit No. 06/13/2012 09:25 9784438824 LINCOLtSUDBU2YHS PAGE 02/02 3 Parmenter Rd. Sudbury, MA 01778 June 12, 2012 Town of Yarmouth Building Department 1146 Rt 28 Yarmouth, MA 02664 Dear Sir or Madam, This is to inform you that we authorize Sprinkle Home Improvement to act on our behalf to obtain a building permit for work to be done at our home on 228 S. Sea Avenue, West Yarmouth. Thank you. Constantine J. c Sprinkle Home Improvement 06/13/2012 09:24 9784438824 .LINCOLNSUDBURYHS PAGE 02/02 5 Parmenter Rd. Sudbury, MA 01776 June 12, 2012 Town of Yarmouth Building Department 1146 Rt. 28 Yarmouth, MA 02664 Dear Sir or Madam, This is to inform you that we authorize Sprinkle Home Improvement to act on our behalf to obtain a building permit for work to be done at our home on 228 S. Sea Avenue, West Yarmouth. Thank you. Constantine J. Digenis c Sprinkle Home Improvement • � `11++.11111411• 11.I.. ':Il.0 1r4��,. , 1 {{.41111 ..1 I{1111.1111 _ I<. "111.111•.11• 111.1 :onstruct-an .....••. t •, • • •• 6643 BRAD K SPRINKLE 190 LOTHROPS LANE W BARNSTABLE. MA 02668 .L + tOtl:01.i 6004 Failure to possess a current edition of the — --- Masischusetts State Building Gude I% cause for revueation of this license. Referto: WWW.M11a%s.Co%1DPS 0 I llcraYo+rumcr'\/i ••• muse" cgs 41106 HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR s Registration: 103757 Type: Expiration: 719!2012 Private CorporatK SPRINKLE HOME IMPROVEMENT. INC Brad Sprinkle 199 Barnstaple Rd _ Hyannis MA 02601 1 aderwerelar% Liciraw or registration %slid for individul use unh helore the c%piration date. If found return to: Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulatwn Ill Parti Plaza • .Suite 5170 Itimon. NIA 0:116 \ul %alid without sinnurc 1 I 12/20/2011 9:35:33 AM 8740 0 02/09 . CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DA -M OGMW"10 12/20/2011 Tess aaflrsaa Is Imww as a B01TT■i or INroammxo■ o1LY Am co■raax ■o ai■afe Ston Tss QaTlrzaa BOL=a. saI■ caWltrlCATE DO" Not AfrlBMZV■LT OR ■S■aTIVC.T AEmI, =rNZO OR ALTum Tax cOVaaaEs arrOww ■Y was romczaa ■Q,ON. Tai/ CamiriaTz or IlataalCS DOSS NOT conniTTfs a COKaaCT ■ mr s TO IOSINo INESaia(N). AMORISSD uVaKSMATIVZ OR rRWVCSa, AND TQ CN■TlfiafS SOLma. ISEO■TANTi If the certificate holder Is an ADDITIONAL IE■P■sn, the poliCV(ISS) Nelst W e■dM$Sd. If BCM04RTICN IS WArVED, sahJeot to the Lerma and conditions of the policy, certain policies any Inquire an eadorsaeent. a stateeent on this oestifioate does not ceetnt rights to the Certificate holder in lieu of such endarseeent(s). Ssydsa i Sullivan zba Agency Xuc VOLELT NEW , ,a 88 lalmouth Road ram """•"' Hyannis, M1 02603. mYm .1 Y/r•rI• f•K.K. We LZ1Clf IMNAM $prinR:lHome ZmprWement 331C e ra•a L.A.I.M. Mutual Insurance Co 33758 aKm •. 199 Saxastable Road Hyauais, M9► 02601 aKm C. Y4 Ktrr►P •aeVm • m • � ►�IIa►IP•.•wrr.wl m•m ►. COVERAGES . CEarrrICATE XMISM: REVISION rolaca: Tau Is so Comm TSBN NEW SAWS ims rssm so go WINES ■LmL Xbova ETSICD Zvolza >o. ND .Sam N ANT parr. SEND ad; COmrMs or ANY CO/OafA as O>ENK SOCIUON WITS IMMI .T TO M= WIN CNSTfr== ARES Y MISS a Par MILIN. VMS IBWRANCR ArEONDm or m VOL== DESCRIBED ]MORRIS Is SUBJECT ND Ya INS gym. ESCLfrIONS am CONDITIONS or NOCR PAL . &nun soon Her Nath SEEN DESPOND ST earD CLLUM. I.. pl,� NaNDES foa.Ier m VOLELT NEW W ra m■ or asaNa ...a.el.n . rw..►, LZ1Clf ems" pCew•K Rai M•••Y. LL•Y In p► K❑YL a•••mn LIe1T Analu UP. Y4 Ktrr►P •aeVm • m • � ►�IIa►IP•.•wrr.wl MM& a rt lot► amelL +.onK*P mems - Ewelm aK • Amin pnonn pus • arommaa Amon• •Iw La1► a IN r1•rrl plan La►a •�Iu Is►v I•.. ••IFI ❑LLL aru arra• tutu l 48.1 .I l • ❑Karan arra p•Ia• a.Iw IM rYM! • pK•-ern ANDA ' p emax" LW •Ira MW Karrae p•lna LL• p mane CRU• ••reYn • , K•KTIN • pai•RIK 1 • aNEiDVii OM LZAAZLZW Amm OND n •.L. ucl eKmPTI P 500,000 THE raDFRUTORIPAai•maf/ A atctnTic orriCLn An ® incl 0 excl 7003943012012 01/01/2012 01/01/2013 S.L. •Ioao -••L191 LOUT • 500,000 N.L. Llama - aa mL•aP a 500,000 oe•NDI• I 66IMMM a •►•Waaa r ales, WOREEESI COMPENSATION COVERAGE APPLIES TO MASSACHUSETTS OLaLOYEES i I CERTIHICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION PROOF or ISNDaaSCt NEW= A" or TS■ ,SOTS DNSCRaND VOLECESS ES CAmK•" nY TSS awznfz N DAVM TaESNON, Nom= WILL P■ DELIVERED IS a00omomm rm m POLICY INOTISIONS. erl.alm orrmotr` yn .Q 5289 TOWN OF YARMOUTH Building Department Town Hall Yarmouth, MA 02664 (508) 398-2231 ext.1261 BUILDING PERMIT TRANSMITTAL Temp Permit No.: T-12-435 Applicant Name: (OFFICE USE ONLY Recorded By: Ic Permit Fee: $0.00 Deposit Rec: $25.00 Payment Type: Check ChkNo.: 8796 Net Owed: ($25.00) Application Date: 6/13/2012 Issue Date: N/A: Expiration Date DATE: Applicant Name: Sprinkle Home Improvement Applicant Phone: 5087751778 Building Location: 0228 SOUTH SEA AVE Owner's Name: DIGENIS, CONSTANTINE J Owner'sAddres 5 Parmenter Road DATE: Sudbury MA 01776 Owner's Telephone: (978) 443-2614 Comments: Map/Lot: 017.167 remove existing deck and construct new 16 x 12 deck Zorj hJlr a -X- ow l4t.a . 4..• SSL; r3 a;-� w'SrL� (� . REVIEWED BY: 1. WATER DEPARTMENT: DATE: WA: 2. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: DATE: WA: 3. CONSERVATION: DATE: WA: 4. HEALTH DEPARTMENT: DATE: N/A: 5. BUILDING DEPARTMENT: DATE: N/A: 6. FIRE DEPARTMENT: DATE: N/A: PLEASE NOTE RECEIPT OF COPY: SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT: DATE: Date Printed: 6/13/2012 TOWN OF YARMOUTH ° HEALTH DEPARTMENT '•%� PERMIT APPLICATION SIGN OFF TRANSMITTAL SHEET To be completed by Applicant: Building Site Location: aa,`�- �% Seo— Proposed Tel. No.:$D'S" 17 5 -177 5 W-16 Address:t 1 rnt�clo�— Kd- Anhis Date Filed: / *Ifyou would like e-mail notification ofsign off, please provide e-mail address: SP Pi'n O/YI tAS T• �fiT Owner Name: �,� �in� : 4e��•C� _bitlev%t5 OwnerAddress:,5 P0.yolen114, %��. SuAbcn�. M+ OwnerTel. No.:278 4y3•2bly RESIDENTIAL AND/OR COMMERCIAL BUILDING HEALTH DEPARTMENT: Determines Compliance to State and Town Regulations; i.e., Requirements For Septage Disposal and other Public Health Activities. Please submit three (3) copies of plans, to include: (1.) Site Plan showing existing buildings, water line location, and septic system location; (2.) Floor plan labeling ALL rooms within building (all existing and proposed) — Note: Floor plans not required for decks, sheds, windows, roofitrg; (3.) If necessary, Title 5 application signed by licensed installer with fee. REVIEWED BY: Y — PLEASE NOTE COMMENTS/CONDITIONS: DATE: — TOWN OF YARMOUTH WATER DEPARTMENT 99 Buck Island Road West Yarmouth, MA 02673 Telephone: (508) 771-7921 • Fax: (508) 771-7998 . BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION DEPARTMENTAL SIGN OFF TRANSMITTAL SHEET Bldg. Site Location O'I r S'u -IV s'f,4 A"e Map #: 111(7 Lot #: /(0-5- Proposed (0.5 Proposed Improvement: Applicant: SPRIMENOMceu p NE 199 Banafab)e RQ Address HyamkMAam Tel. #: .-yoT --7,)5-(7'7�- Date Filed: �xf I D RESIDENTIAL AND / OR COMMERCIAL BUILDING ") lG x la da1L Water Department: Determines Compliance of Water Availability and or Existing Location Engineering Department: Determines Compliance for Parking and Drainage Conservation Commission: Determines Compliance to Wetlands Acts; i.e. If Lot(s) Border any Type of Wetlands, Streams, Ponds, Rivers, Ocean, Bogs, Bays, Marshland, Etc... Health Department: Determines Compliance to State and Town Regulations, Le., Requirements for Septage Disposal and other Public Health Activities Fire Department: Determines Compliance to State and Town Requirements for Personal, _,�Sgfety, Property Protection;, Le. Smoke Detectors, Sprinkler Systems, Etc... Signature of applicant PLEASE NOTE: COMMENTS: Date sa•� v / V 3�•bt sQ:A v✓fof JDU7f' 1d• T°"'ice � T CcrT/: �rmccy' -li 7' c 2,0in 1j9 1-a W► l a;°y►ic %<►,/r; o . }grrr�acJrri v✓!�n G'ors{rue71� r..yr :./ham �� m i.•r„�., :, I�♦.l ��r i�1 %.�r� �n v Kc;[rcr.cc Larr,s�A6/, PIQr, bK !8 9 P9 9/ JUN 'I 1 t61Z HEALTH DEPT. DEPT f is t GEORGE e LANIDES No. 22723 n a • _ Y 1. c. J. l A nr D s k cc• /sr� : JakvElo A2 v': e lUSHti N. �V.YAki,1ouTH /i1h t Sj W/ . � LoJb•'c h' , � u ti o 7 b � 3 � D T� 3�•bt sQ:A v✓fof JDU7f' 1d• T°"'ice � T CcrT/: �rmccy' -li 7' c 2,0in 1j9 1-a W► l a;°y►ic %<►,/r; o . }grrr�acJrri v✓!�n G'ors{rue71� r..yr :./ham �� m i.•r„�., :, I�♦.l ��r i�1 %.�r� �n v Kc;[rcr.cc Larr,s�A6/, PIQr, bK !8 9 P9 9/ JUN 'I 1 t61Z HEALTH DEPT. DEPT f is t GEORGE e LANIDES No. 22723 n a • _ Y 1. c. J. l A nr D s k cc• /sr� : JakvElo A2 v': e lUSHti N. �V.YAki,1ouTH /i1h r • Vision Govemment Solutions Page 1 of 2 S)Yarmouth, `/VISION MA GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS Search Street Listing 228 SOUTH SEA AVE Location 228 SOUTH SEA AVE kBLu 27/167/// Owner DIGENIS, CONSTANTINE J Current Value Sales Search Assessment $348,400.00 Map Feedback Back Parcel Id 165 Building Count 1 Map III 1 Print Assessment Valuation Year Building Extra Features I Outbuildings I Improvements Land Total 2012 1 $141,400.001 $1,800.001 $0.001 $143,200.00 $205,200.00 $348,400.00 Owner of Record Owner DIGENIS, CONSTANTINE J Sale Price $0.00 Co -Owner DIGENIS ANGELICA L Book & Page 3791/063 Address 5 PARMENTER RD Sale Date 07/06/1983 SUDBURY, MA 01776-1270 )wnership History Ownership History Owner Sale Price Book & Page Sale Date )IGENIS CONSTANTINE J $0.001 1 Building Information Building 1 : Section 1 Building Area: 1406 keplacement Cost- $201,982.00 Depreciation Percent: 70 Replacement Cost Leta nenreciatinne 1141 Ann -M http://gis.vgsi.com/yarniouthma/Parcel.aspx?pid=165 Building Layout 6/15/2012 Building Attributes Field Description Style Cape Cod Model Residential Grade: Average +10 Stories: 1 1/2 Stories Occupancy 1 Exterior Wall 1 Wood Shingle Exterior Wall 2 Clapboard Roof Structure: Gable/Hip Roof Cover Asph/F GIs/Cmp Interior Wall 1 Drywall/Sheet Interior Wall 2 http://gis.vgsi.com/yarniouthma/Parcel.aspx?pid=165 Building Layout 6/15/2012 Vision Government Solutions Page 2 of 2 Y Interior Fir 1 Carpet Interior Fir 2 Pine/Soft Wood Heat Fuel Gas Heat Type: Hot Water AC Type: None Total Bedrooms: 03 Total Bthrms: 1 Total Half Baths: 1 Total Xtra Fixtrs: 528 _Total Rooms: 0 .Bath Style: Average Kitchen Style: Old Style Fv*rn Fantsiroc Extra Features Code Description Sub Code Sub Description Size Value t05 End Outs Shwr 1 UNITS $0.00 FPL2 1.5 STORY CHIM 1 UNITS $1,800.00 Land Land Use 11,160 Code 1010 Description SINGLE FAM MDL -01 Zone Land Line Valuation Size (Acres) 0.32 Size (SgrFeet) 13939 Assessed Value $205,200.00 Outbuildings Outbuildings No Data for Outbuildings Valuation History Building Sub -Areas Code Description Gross Area Living Area BAS First Floor 964 964 FHS Half Story, Finished 884 442 FGR Garage 528 10 FOP Porch, Open, Finished 90 0 UBM Basement, Unfinished 884 10 WDK Deck, Wood 320 0 $0.00 $140,300.001 3670 11406 Extra Features Code Description Sub Code Sub Description Size Value t05 End Outs Shwr 1 UNITS $0.00 FPL2 1.5 STORY CHIM 1 UNITS $1,800.00 Land Land Use 11,160 Code 1010 Description SINGLE FAM MDL -01 Zone Land Line Valuation Size (Acres) 0.32 Size (SgrFeet) 13939 Assessed Value $205,200.00 Outbuildings Outbuildings No Data for Outbuildings Valuation History I(c) Vision GSolutions, Inc. All rights reserved. http://gis.vgsi.condyarmoutlima/Parcel.aspx?pid=165 6/15/2012 Assessment Valuation Year Building Extra Features Outbuildings Improvements Land Total 2012 $141,400.00 $1,800.00 $0.00 $143,200.00 $205,200.00 $348,400.00 2011 $138,500.00 $1,800.00 $0.00 $140,300.00 $218,100.00 $358,400.00 2010 $138,500.00 $1,800.00 $0.00 $140,300.001 $242,100.00 $382,400.00 2010 $138,500.00 $1,800.00 $0.00 $140,300.001 $242,100.00 $382,400.00 2009 1 $137,000.00 1 $1,800.001 $0.001 $138,800.001 $291,100.001 $429,900.00 2011-2012 , I(c) Vision GSolutions, Inc. All rights reserved. http://gis.vgsi.condyarmoutlima/Parcel.aspx?pid=165 6/15/2012 Lo T A4, 46 e,I„n t 1l` 1.� L L / ^ T -7 , CCS/ •)' ;7.�� �C �(///!Y//1:f ♦,`rJ VLr/,.' , '•/c 2an/r/9 z1aw-- d=7"ic /t�ti:ri C' •O!r'r)•JCJ-i. l'V/,:/7 .�'..J/;�,'YrUr•L�'!, r fir; r: r,.- f- 47, a r t" 4,arr,s=no !ja o to GEORGE I IAHIDES H No. 21723 n f �f ►` �OT'�r �,Gv� per, ��._,_• W/ A/ 4��:,•'uSHti:n/'. ouTr. /h1=. L----- _. E��STIN C-. I W iJ.- . it �:1=✓wwRsrl.r .r.w..��� ��.�++�� .us: 5w:_:,i...:./ -- Ol N QF YAR , UTH vFa� �uIL rte. ERROR$ OROMMISSIONSW ©T RELIEVE THE APIII ANT FROM THE RESPONSI IL OF "AS BUILT' Cfn% 01IANCE ,t " BUILDING OFFICIAL FILE CDPV -- - � to or., - T PERMIT 782 10/22/96 LOT G11 F2 10/22/96 Digenis, Constantine 228 So. Sea Avenue West Yarmouth, MA 02673 Strip & re -roof $2,000.00 SHEET 10 FIELD COPY BUILDING #yv5q70 PERMIT TS- U 17 �6 G A!01 TO"wN OF YARHOUM DATE June 4. 2001 PERMIT NO. B-Oln:f9 - APPLICANT David Gibson ADDRESS64 Camelot Rd- RrPvatnr 043315 - ""`r,`- (NO.) (STREET) (CONTR'S LICENSE) NUMBER OF PERMIT TO ^� (_) STORY DWELLING UNITS TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT) NO. (PROPOSED USE) ZONING AT (LOCATION) 228 South Sea Ave W Y 02673 DISTRICT R 25 (NO.) (STREET) i o BETWEEN AND m (CROSS STREET( (CROSS STREET( a MLOT 17167 SUBDIVISION LOTG11 BLOCK102P 10 S ZE--�2 U O BUILDING IS TO BE FT. WIDE BY FT. LONG BY FT. IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION m O S Z TO TYPYB USE GROUP R4 � BASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNDATION rc ' O REMARKS: Siding — 13 nnunrnn (TYPE) AREA OR PERMIT VOLUME ESTIMATED COST $ - 6,500.00 FEE $ 25.00 77,,..TT,,.. (CUBIC/SQUARE FEET) OWNER Mr. S Ifts. Digewis 5 Parmenter Road Sudbury, MA BUILDING DEPT. /_ J ADDRESS BY INSPECTION RECORD MTC NOTE PROGRESS • CORRECTIONS AND REMARKS INSPECTOR i v3 -63 - 0 JS.0-b Mee use Oaty O� PermitilQ/ O Fee a5 OZ Permit Wires 6 months from .¢t U EXPRESS BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TOWN OF YARMOUTH Yarmouth Building Department 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 (508) 398-2231 Ext. 261 CONSTRUCTION ADDRESS: 2�0 15�0 SR►1 6UZ W Yr 1o0d t -rt ASSESSOR'S INFORMATION: 3 Map: Parcel• 167 /06// MIM 01 NAME &u rij GLl 0 Suva& 1186 KD WiWSW 506y2 - JQUHoResidential ❑ Commercial Est. Cost of Construction $ N 6w - Home me Improvement Contractor I.ic. # lam' IConstruction Supervisor Uc. # Qq 3 ✓K Workman's Compensati#nce: (check one) ❑ Iam the hometun the sole proprietor C I have Worker's Compensation Insurance Insurance Company Name: Worker's Comp. Policy# WORK TO BE PERFORMED ❑ Tent (Fire Retardant Certificate attached) Duration Siding: #ofSquarcs3 �_ ❑ Replacement windows: K ❑ Replacement doors: q ❑ Re -roof. # of Squares () Stripping old shingles' () going over layers of existing roof 'The debris will be disposed ofat: I declare under penalties of perjury tM the t en h in contained are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief: I understand that any false answer(s) will be just cause for denial or rev not y d for prosecution under MOL Ch. 268, Section I. Applicant's Signature Date: Owners Signature (or attachment) Date: Approved BDatc & / p � rtrL3. � ltJN 4 0 2001 Building Official (or designee) Zoning Distrid Historical District: ❑ Yes No Flood Plain Zone: 0 $ S t5D Water Resource Protccti Within 100 ft. of Wetlands: ❑ YesN9' o ❑ Yes srol r BOAR OF BU LMO REGULATIONS .,,CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR Nwwii; Z 013315 i Eapinit: 1F/10!{= Tr. no: 5505 PA5!4v*o T9c ' , i DOW ;ra. 64CA)"TPIP ; SREW6TM BAA CMI AdffdnlWatW - NONE INPROVENEBT CONTRACTOR _ ReyistestIos: 100910 � ' Expinlin: 1/11/02 Type: OBA DAVID B. QBSON : I Divid 6ibsoo 14 Clulot Rd ADMNSTRA.raR Bressler NA 02131 ' 4. I 1 . I Y 1 ' •I i til ' r I ` l ,I i' W > o N LLI -N U fL LU LLJ ix Cn COaurwaWea[tl, V/ %/%a//M" Official Use Only 20parlsrea! 001M Son*" Permit No. E- (Z-- 217 BOARD OF FIRE PREVENTION REGULATIONS Occupancy ,.1/7and Fee Checked � lave blank ---' APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO PERFORM ELECTRICAL WORK All work to be pafartrud in aaordsecs with the Maaachusetn Electrical Code (ME 1V 32 CMR 12.00 (PLEASE PRINT IN INK OR TYPE ALL INFORAM710N Date: Cite or Town o[: w4, To the Imp oro B�jl hu application the undersign ver notice of his or her ia1=600 to peri'orm the electrical work described below. Lq jadon (Street A Number) <zn.. j-1— sRa A-t/Q or Tenant s Address Telephone N0. Is Ibis permit In conju ctlon with a building permit? Yes ❑ No ❑ (Cheek Appropriate Boa) Ldngsar uilding UtWty Authotisado■ Na 6ovice (oil Amps 1'k:/ olybVolts Overhos� Undgrd❑ No.ofiNeten (ed Amps �a/ c cVoits Overhead Uodgrd ❑ N0. of Meters Number of Feeders and Ampacity Location and Nature of Proposed Electrical Works N0. of Recessed Luminaires N0. of CeiL-3usp. (Paddle) Pana Fa w ppav Do warvea Vy I" lKs /OIOf wl"S. Tnasformtn KVA No. of Luminalre Outlets Ne. of Hot Tuba Generators KVA N0. of Luminaires Swimming PoolAbe13° d, ❑ ea ° Uor —cyupus t N0. of Receptacle Outlets Ne. of OB Boners F1Ri ALARMS Na otZones " N0. of Switch" N& of rias Human. ma.f 1 Lmg a and In Devica N0. of Ranges N0. of Air Coad. Tons Ne. of Alerting Derleee N0. of Waste Disposers Heatnm ow ° Total dAlido Devkes N0. of Dishwashers Spaa/Ana Hosting t °C� ❑ ❑ other Conneitlon N0. of Dryen Hosting AppliKW «N0. No.o Water KW •` °L ° ° or Equivalent Data WhinHeaters Slllasts Ne. of Dt�vkas or 6 slvalent N0. Hydromassage Bathtubs IND. of Motors Total HPawmm Na of Devlees er E aiNine OTHER: I Attack aA&1orml defaU ydukvA of as requ&w/ by the Inspector of jr1rea. Estimated Value Etc 'cal Work: /JD() (When required by municipal policy.) Work to Start . Inspections to be requested in accoedance with MEC Rule 10, and upon completion �- INSURANCE OVERAGE: Unless waived by the owner, no permit for the performance of electrical work may issue unless e/a �tho licenses provides proof of liability insurance including "completed opmlioe coverage or its substantial equivalent The M undersigned certifies that such coverage is in force, and has exhibited proof of saute to the permit issuing oiflca. \N CHECKONB: INSURANCE ❑ BOND ❑ OTHER ❑ (Specify:) fa �Y csrr!A under the pebw ant penaldesolpaJary, that the /nfafnattow an this opplkadow is tree and completes F110111 NAME: 0 LIC. N0.. .J Licensees Q1 C.yL Signature LIC N 3.: (P3.S p/applkaele.enrs'ue "Infkellcauenum bell� Bue.TtLN0.• o - Address: % ( IA /4�, ru .o �.(r, �3 lCc� �� �/e, .ci� Alt Tel N0.: �y •Per M O.L. t» 147, s. 57.61.:taunt work requires 0cpartmettt of Public Safety "S" License: Lie No. 01VNER'3 IN3URANCS W,11V[R: 1 am aware that the Licensee doss not have the liability insurance coverage normally required by law. By my signature below, l hereby waive this requirement. 1 am the (check one) r1owner M owner's astent. Owner/Agoot Sigosturs Telephone V0. PEIZH/T FEE: S , WPS - Permit OLI NSTAR WPS - Permit Work Order Information Utility Auth/WO #: 01849005 Date: 09/22/2011 Company Rep: Page 1 of 1 Report By: YAR 228 S -SEA AVE DIGENIS ANGELICA L Status: PLAN Service: Type: RES Nature of Work: EXISTING O/H 100 AMP SERV --CHANGING SE CABLE—SOCKET & PANEL -- RESEAL AFTER INSPECT. Service Information: There is no Service Information. Permit Information Permit #: E12-277 Meters: 1 Reseal (Y/N): Y Date: 09/23/2011 Inspector: W10060 Description: Search Detail Contacts NSTAR Home WPS L000n WPS Helo Comments WO Reouest WPS News � l�' 1h • IT' Copyright 2003 NSTAR, 800 Boylston Street, Boston MA USA. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part of any graphics, Images, text or other content at this web site must be granted by NSTAR, Boston, MA, USA. Unauthorized modification of any Information stored at this site may result In criminal prosecution. http://www.nstar.com/appslwpslwpspemiit.cfm?Page=Permit&Unique=(ts—'2011-09-23-1... 9/23/2011