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"1'liis recognizes that ` 11tis rrcognirrs th:u '
� y :� '� Carol [iruwn � yN ,o�,
V O o h:is complered the requirements for � 'i'rlcl� '�'ibbetts.
, �, v O a has comp ete t�e requirrmrnts tor
y V � Water Safeq�Today ��V �' �
Q� o d9 � Water Safety Today
t' � �) v
� conducted b�• Q� �i cunelucted h�
.� Cape Cod and Islands Chapter �
� Date com leted Ca e C d and isiands Chapter
�$' r 4�4/2007 � �n t��te cBmpqeteer
"i�he.ameriean Red Crosa recognize,ihis cenifica�e �' '1'he Americ.u�Red Cro;C�h���ie+thix ierufic:i�i.
a>valid forNlA Year(s)frum ceimpletion datc. :is�;Qid fur ce:u•1•1 fn�m cumplruun�Lur.
__. _ . ___ �
This recognizes that "Chis reco�nizrs that
� y � Harold Dean �� � Carol Genhman
V O o h:i>cumplete�l the requirrmenes for ��` o has completrd the rryuirrmen�+fur
ai V � �Vatcr Sefrty Today ai V � 1Varcr Safetv 7'oday
�'� q E m �
Q� � conducted by a� � cemducted hy
.c Cape CuJ and lslandc Chapter Capc CuJ and Islands Chapter
� �, Date ce>mpleted . . � �, Dare complecrd
~' Phe:\me�i�an Ned Cro,�recognizes thi�cettificate �' The.ao�eriain Red f.ro,4r�co�,ic.(hi.�crtilicaic
:u+:did forN/A year(s)from contplelion date. a.i�.t1id�b��A ycar(sl Irunt r��mpletion d:uc. i
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Page 1 of 2
American ;
�� Red Cross
Certificate of Completion
Shannon Coutu '
has successfully completed requirements for
_ -__ Water Saf.ety Today - Does not expire_
- - - �
conducted by '
American Red Cross �- - -�
Date Completed: 02/18/2015 �
Instructors: Richard A. Stabile Cert�cate ID:GR8314
To verify,scan code or visit:
redcross.o /confirm
� � � . . . . . � � . � i
Heartsaver� � American Heartsaver� � a��a�
First Aid CPR AED � �o�a�o�. First Aid CPR AED � ",���.
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�Harold De�n Raineria Laftsidis
rms cara ce�n�et nre a�e�nd�i�l ntt s�cesstwN comaetea me obJecwes nas cxrd�es a�at nre above tr�ivi�dw�nas succ�(uay comwetea nie� i
�d�ciils evaluaUais�accadance with tlie currkWum of Me AHA Hearfsaver Firsl Aid and skilis evaluetions in atcadenu wiM tlie WrtiWWm of dre At1A Heartsaver Fkst Aid
(�R AEU Pragr�n.UPtbna�camDkted modules are ttase NOT marked art: �R AED Program.�Dtbnal cpmp�ted modules are ttpae 801'marked oul:
Chib CPR AED I�ant t�R Wrliten test Chib CPR AED Infant CPR Written test
�n nn�d----�— —A�A-1-6-- 2/1 n/14 �Q�� ,
Issue Oate Recommen ed enewal Oate Iseue Data Recommernle0 R�fewat Date �
Heartsaver� � ����
First Aid CPR AED � ,"$o�;�,o,,. Heartsaver� � Heart
First Aid CPR AED � ����
m��a�nm�ma�oY,�,e;,�a n�$5,,,��,�„�„ Donal� McCordick '
and sW71a evaq�tlo�m ux Y Completed iha�ives
�with Ihe curricuWm of the AWi Hear�aver Flrat Aid ihis prd cerpfies ihat the above i�ividual has successfu�h�P1e���
_����'�0"°�� �rk"ed ouf: _ - _ �nd skNts-�wioauansln-ecc�rdance with Me curticu�um of tlre AiIA tlwtbi�RBt Aid {
Cht�CiR AED hNaM CPR Written test CPR AEO Pro9ram.Optionai compkted+�wdu�es are th�tWT ma�e-d3dt: --`- �
� Child CPR AEO �� �B"�
Issue Dat�"•`�'�� Recomme� � 7/1(1/1� �------
a1 Dete ____---,,,-,.�: �m�� �p�
t�ue Date
Heartsaver� � �,;�„ Heartsaver� � �e���
"�a� First Aid CPR AED � "��oM
First Aid CPR AED � Association.
Carol Gershman f
— Tri�aa �ibt�eit�s • i
ih5 card cerM�s that tl�e abmre individual has suuessfulty completed the objectives Thts card certifies that the above k�dividual has successtuly completed tlre objectives
and skiNs evaluadons in ac�rdance with the curticulum of the AHA Heartsaver Rrst Aid �b slulls evaluaUons m accordance witl�the curticulum of the AHA He�sav�Frst Ald j
CPH AED Propram.OpHon�l complel�madWea aro tl�e NOT merked out CPR AED Program.Optlonel comPteted modules are Uroee NOT marked ait:
Child CPR AED Iniant CPR Writlen test ChiW CPR AED IMant CPR Wtitten test
�t�t�w��_� -��-�-j�_ �.2�1 Q/14 �,(2Q l 6
Iswe DatE�'�1 vT i�'� Recommer�etl'�nBJd61 Affie Issue Date RlCOmmended R9newel Dete i
Heartsaver� � ,�„e��a� Heartsaver� � �� �
First Aid CPR AED � �So e�o�. First Aid CPR AEQ � "e�M
Sha�n_on Co�t� —�ol ��a�vn
m�s caro cerdfies ma�me above��via�nas wccessrmry canp�oed me otl�es mis card arur�s n�me�ove�nmvwu�nas�a�,u�r�nvbred me a�acuves
ana sktlls e+raq�a�s in aaardu�ce wMh tlro curricWum of Me NW Nearba�ror Frst Aid end skNls evaluedona in eccadamx wiCi Ure curt�ulum of tlro NIA Heaitsaver Frst Aid I
CPR AED Progrem.OpN�el camDkEed modules me tlwse NOT madced art: CPR AED Pragrem.Optlabl comPkted modulee ue ttaae NDT r�arked auC
Child CPR AED mMnt[�1 WrRten test �
Child CPR AED b�fant C�i 4Vririen test {
Issue Dat�I�O��I Recommen�ed R�en�ew�al Date I��— Hecomme 1 t�e �