HomeMy WebLinkAbout910 West Yarmouth Road Details 2_j . _ - .. _ _ . _ -- _ .._ _ _. . �, _ ....�- .._,. - ..... _ .. .: .. _ _ . _.._...�._-'_-----.___ .-._._-_.._:.__ t.-; _ - - -- -- - ' ... _ ..__..... .... M_ __..._ w - . . --- . . ... .. . ...... - _ , : -- - - .A WC Guide to Wood Construdtion in High Wfitd.4reas; I,14 astpli Wind,Zone AppLICANT TO COMPLETE & SUBMZT WTTN PERMIT APPLICATION i--yC GuFde tti' fT�oad Cnlzrtrlrcl�ort (rt !(ig(t FYirI Ar rrs: ((U irlph 3F'(nrf Zone (crtri lyuor(G'>ons'trrtctiriitin.(-(i;;h 1GitulArerrs;•.1I0M/rlc f'Knr l,'Lone - �Ma'sS`dctiltsetts CElec'Idist fioi- Collip) IaLnee ji80CNiit5301.2.1.1)t Massae ltIse>ts C�teelilLs� �3 e CAIIt53m.2.1.1), fez Com 'Tian a (so'. ,4 X/( (ru.0 - - ., .•r•-.-, •.I-.1. I- ., : �.e: 4 . ftC(lto fple) C j7ecl(list f01-C.OTil pj.fa qC C7R0(',,4tR;3ftf.2,1:,>). Loadbear!ngWaitConnections -- a. Sheathing gull p e tF ll. LN4HSS - 0 Check . Latera((no. of 16d common aaitsj...._..... Ta61i:s 7............:..f.:bzi7...hk�Xl-£1z.....,._.... � r...... ( y From Tables 10 and 11 and location of watt cathing and d)ng As ecil Ratio determin Pe u -Height ' Complialtcc Non-Loadbearing Wall Connections Sheathing and 'I ac f e i + •' TableB...•.,.-. Spacing Uf meats al n req • • Latest (so, of Y6d common na{fs)..,:....... -• • ( ) _ __ b. Wood Structural Panels shah be minimum thickness of 7116 and ba Installed as follows: ' 110,mph '✓ Load Bearing watt Openings (record torgest opening but check all-opeo�ings for co�+olian� in Tahle 9) Panels shall be installed with strength axis parallel to studs, _........... Header Spans (table 9)_ f? t� CYLxt (�'�+ tn, s ij' _ ......................•...........»., 11• All horizontal joints hall occur over a ben ileo o am 1.1 SCOPE. ...:...............•.............................. ..:...:•,•8 - t _ - Ill, try ctl , panels h attached to tes a embero thedouble .._..:.......... _...,....__ ............_......, .....,.,,-,•_,. •. Silt Plate Spans (table 9} t r v �+ n 51 ' -a.� On single story o constru 'on uta els s all be a heiirto bot m• la and to m .tit ' Wind Speed re'Ca, gust} ..................... y .........................._ able 9 ., ... .. p tate. � A Wind Exposure Category ............. _.:• - Full Height Studs (no. df studs) ................_ •...... ... • (T' ). .., _ .,. `J _ � (o p , stones 52 stories .Non -Load t3eadng Watt Openings (record largest opening but check ail openings for coriFo ,ace -n Table construction, upper panels shall be attached to the tpp member of the upper double top . Nit On story co 8 in 12 slope shall be considered a story} _ , - ._......,, t 512:12 Header SPans..,.....•................... » (Table 9)...•_•,.._.:......__...... b plate and to band Joist at bottom of panel. Upper attachment of tower panel shall be made to band joist t.2 P,PPLICABIUT�' ..(Fig 2} ...:.......:.. . , f( _, . "' ft, Srlt Plate.Spans.................„,_......._.._....»......_..•. (Table 9)._.....,. _,.......,_...__ . U `( in. s ,_�/ and lower'attachment made to lowest plata at firs/ tlaorframing. Number of. Stories,(a roof which exceeds .. 5 �- ht Studs no.ofstuds -,._., ••,••„_,_•,_,•.(Table 9)..__.._ .....................:..... __-i-.. - _; .✓.. -.- - V. Horizontal nalispacingat double to plates,band olsts a d de shall row of 8d. Roof Pitch ., . _ (r'rg 2j ................ ' - 26 . `tt 5 00 -.. _ - Full Helg ( ) ..... s { ch 5 t b V Mean Roof Height ......................: _•,.,(Fig 3),..............•._._ .-.. - S80 Exterior Wall Sheathing to Rests£ uplift and Shear Simultaneously` - gg n e on ren p r g es a ow, ment W ................................:............._..,• t3uilding Width, :(Fig'3)....................•: 5 3:. Minimum Sui(ding Uimenslon, W' ,1 41 «, Building Length. L ........... . ; (Fig 4)........... . Nominal Height of Tallest OpeningZ _ / ad at 3 nd f loriz J to .. �.r , ,+s fi'&' _._� note 4) ...............»_..., 1 . er er a fl ur 1 ettirat a ontahNafling forPanel Attachment 6uiiding Aspect Ratio (LJW) ......:.z». o e e _ ` . .....,..,..._•(Fr9 4).....:• . Sheathing Type...,...__•,,,•_•••_» ................. _.. (' _.... _ ,12_C�.C?7 - r✓ Nominal H eight of Tsilest Opening .....,.. (Table l0 ora ( 4iff ss)......................•� 1n. ,,,1 1.edge Natl Spacing......: : ...... .........._.,....._ . . - .._.._. . - Fie(d.NatlSpacing�.....„,.,:._•..._......:.........•.;.Gable 10)_....._.........._...:..._�.,,_,.:_._....._.. i , - 1.3 FRAMING CONNECTIONS - •__,. -. $/{eat Connection (no. of led common nails)(%s Ie, 10)._,.__,._.......,....-._......._„ ,�'ID _•, _ . General compliance with framing connections.._.....; -(Ta hie 2)........:..Peccant Ftiff-Nelght Sheathing .:_.._:............... (Table i0).._....._......_.___...:._.__, '% , � / . 2.1 :FOUNDATION irements x(•780. Ch; 10,4:1 ............. ......... Max(M. for with ••p n g•'• 6.a. (........ Concepts)............,-•-• - . - _ . 5% Additional Sheathing ' O e in > ' " Destpn um Building Dimension, L z foundation thralls meeting fequ , . 1Jomma£ Dimension, siTallestOpening, 6�' 6'8" Concrete .................. ,. '.=..-,-,­-.- ---- Sheathing Typo.....__ ........................._..._,....: (note 4}.....,_..._....:..._...,...._._,..._ ,iJ.2cu,s __�� '[fable 17 arnote 42ffess)^in, �'' ^ -- EDGE REStirC`t 1. CoLlcrete Mas ry ••-•'•'• Edge Nail Spacing •-....•...'...•••• -- _ adwtffs ,'-L4GE TG FOUNOATION"' ,. , ^�ical An. ors as . alternative in concrete opply. 1 Feld Nail Spacing' ....................... .--....- ­(Table 11)......,.•.....--,•-_»_.........._._...._..:._�_ in. ,_� . 2.2 ANCHO (rnbedded ors/8'Proprietap k,echz, 4.''• cru ' � , ' ShearConnactiot: (azo. ofl6dcommon,naits able ti}.:,_„____....__._._._.,......._,,.._..,..,. EI M j ;; 5fa' Anchor Bolts .{'fable 4) .......:......:................ Persen 11 It - -" . aCtn,:,te/at....,......•........•_..:.............. t� In..56'•-12 tFutl-Ytefgfit5heathtng...__.....__..,_.._.(Tableil),.....„..._....___ ..._. ....._. .�Z1..-% '- ;I li F�' Bolt Sp g - 9 5%AddiGonat Sheathfng.for Wa wl i Opening > 6'8' (Design Cancepis)...,._.._ , ;l,1.M „ • 3 (Fig 5 Spacing from endlolnt df Plate ........... ( g )..:............•........ I Ii Bait Sp 9 in, ? T _.],(- :._..(Fig 5) .................................:......:.: Bolt Embedment -concrete----•-••••••^. ••„•,,,•„ IY^ in. -• 15' Wall Cladding •„ ._.•. ,•. (Fig 5}.:...._,......• ............... - ted for ind ped?..._.._...._....._.._....._.._...,.._.,,._......_......._...•...__..._. ..- Bolt Embedment- masonry"' ....:.......... .............,......._............ I to .•.0,.•..:..... . Plate Washer........_.•..... / i` t a , I.oI'll I i ti to ! h :o / 5.1. ROOFS _ s -(per 780 CMR Chapter 55}., Roof framing member spans chocked?..•...... =. -••„:<F' V ' } _e-•-••• S iV-,aIle , G or w Website) -.1� , .... 3.1 FLOOR .............:.......(¢ � a 0 w i 12. ..K VP,SP � _ _:.o ,... - ' embef spans. checked •,......-HY+:>. ... .. ...»r_...:^ ti2afters us _ _ ...._...�..... ... .. ,. AWG Snan Toot. see SSRS Webs1 _ .. .. .e itis_,. , .•, ,` Floor framing m . '- -' _ Truss adbear g ails • ' qr,s, ........ .:........ . „•, -„ or Rafter Connections at La In w w i . 11 s[if, Maximum Ficoi%Perurlg vlfilo-"` .....•.;:..... ...............• a ec 1�t Studs at Floor Openings less than 2' from ExtehOr Wall (Fig 6) Propri lacy Conn tors t 'f l 1 1 I� : / ,i 11 - Full Height Wall : •' - _ - b u u 1 %i ft s d Uplift...............„....•..._.....,..�...,...» (Table 12)........... .... _....._............. fJi�plf Maximum Floor Joist Setbacks - _ _ _ , Supporting Loadbearing Wallt or 5hearwall...............(Fig T)................; ;: Lateral.._......_.....,....._..._..._.,_..,.:.•_,_(Table 1,2).........,_......,._....,_...,........,...._ !f Maximum Cantilevered FI'oorJoists ' • ft ` - Shear ......................._._..._.....»..:...(Table 12).._-_»...._.._.._.,........,..,....___..S=plf - , 't ....................__,........•..... ' earinr Watts or Shearwall...............(Fig 6) .......................... Ridge Strap Connections,.tfrotlartles not used perpage 21.._ (fable i3j. ♦�._..__ _ __ f=1G3 ptf I' `: � ' Supporting Loadb .! _� - - -. . (F g g)..• ............................_ ......,.,..........., .....•. . . Gable IRake Outtooker.........:...:_..........__:...._..-_.» (Figure 2U) ......__.. ifs smelter of 2' orU2 Floor Bracing at Endwells...................... - . _ - , (Per 780 CMR Chapter55)........_.....,.....•..,.. --- Floor Sheaftiing 7ylte ..............•..._....,_, ,._.....,..,.,._.._,...••(per 760 CMR Chapter SS)..._.....,.....:.....0 +n• TnPssarRafterConnecGons at Nan-Loadtrearing Walls _ , in ftetd, �.:sF Proprietary Connectors e . / t �t Floor She Thickness )., �d nails at ' m•adge / . - } / N . Fto .7a61 2 _ . abi'e,i4).. - ._!j'=•�2tjN4. ,�✓ unx.&F•n .� .��, , ,. ( Upilla i ........................_».__,_...._... ..._._....._ Floor.8heatirl Fastening ..:............ -,;,;, .. ., - I, Lataia! (iio_ of 1Gd common ttar7s).. (Tact Y4 _. _ t alb. Roof Sheath{ng Type...:..._.„_,_._ ....................... M .»..{per' 80 CMR Chapters 58 59) ..........,:_ . 4.1 WALLS �i' S 1A'4 - ax ilei htt (Fig f'0 and Table 5),..... .... ; Roof Sheathing Thlckrress:.............:..._..,......_...............»:..r........•-.-...,,•._._,.•.......2 .in_ z 7(16' WSP ,�- -k Page - i Wall . 3 ................( 9 2 tY S20 -•_••_•••,_.» etail on N t 'Loa'4,'bearin�.Walls ............. /Roof:Sheathing Fastening. .................. .._. .. {Ta te2)..._......._................._._ r / �} See D ' None'�B.wSts...._..........................:............(FigI0andTat leS)triSFt� in, <.24'. =L. Notes: i . Spacing ........................(Fig 1,0 arid Table 5)..:,_...:• ....... _ ft G'Q. _ - . Wali.Stud p g ............. � ...• : 1. This checklist shall be met In Its erttfrety, excluding the specific exception noted tn•2, to dompty with there uirements of Veriicel and tiorfzontat Nailin 4 for Panel Attachment 780 CMR 53E)S.2 i.11tetn 1. If the checklist is tnet in Its entiratyiizen the £ollbwing metal scraps and hold downs are not Wall StoryrCfsPs-••T__.. . . r ere lstr FC �i i 10 mph5 urde: .. .. equhad S 4.2 EXrERIOR WALLS -- // 5 per Figure .• . in: V . • P Wood Si dr (Cable o) ¢ t � " -11 20 Gage Straps per Figure tf .. . a in. Coad'oearing walls ......................... : hP 2 ; p a ilPltfl Straps petF7gura 14 ' (Table .._. Non-Loadbearing watts ......: .......... `t%• U. All Straps pecFlgureY7 . . . . Gable End Wall Bracing t ...••..=••••-•-• . tt2V ... a. ComerStud Hold Dams per Figare 18a and Figure. 18b . . . Full Height Endwall,Studs:.........................•....• ,,.,•(Fg 11).........._.........................:_.. I,' Exception: Opening heightsof,up to 8 ft. shall be pentiittedwhen 5°/B is added idtha percentfutt height sheathing .. • WSP Attic Floor Length :.............. ... ....>......... _ ft 2 o_gW s requirements shown in Tables 10 and all ;. Gypsum Ceiling Lerngth (if WSP not used)_ ...............(/ f9'11}...,....,........ , , ..........._........•••••...... --•• I, The, bottom silt plate In e4adorwalts shall be a m(nlmtim 2 In. nomfnai th[ckness pressure treated #2 grade and 2 x 4 Continuous Lateral Ssca @ 6 °min_ whit 2x4 blocking Q 4 ft. spacing in end joist ortntss.bays� 1l' or 1 x 3 ceiling fur Ing strips @' 16'spacing11 . OoubleTop Plate -..__........ - _� _ _ . .. (• . _.....(Fig Y3 @nd Table 6)....-......_..... , % ' Splice Leng "' ' Splice Connection (60. of 16d common nalls)..•......._(T'ahle 6}. .................• : _ _ , • . .. Lit .. . ._ . � , • , c I 140:MPH EXPOSi1RE S WiND ZONE I I 00P EXTERIOR vlE-VV OF GARAGE OPENING NAIL 6 rEDf ad co"ON AT O.C. Noll smecule 8d cortimon _ at.3• O.C. � 4�- L�. f Swall �, sheaf Ill fs: 'sheathing 1 � : fr f1 ,must extend I „s x,. ': aid up over . 8 - heoder - a: : . Vi 1 Y, , ° �M q4°.- bi`t C - �Y-(rV. 0 O� le Wall. . I t +.,ro .t; iSini of - sheathing v Nail schedule °„ V- `.�lVe . � . mid - ah , mus/ extend f .{7 } [� �T y -¢F �- IIj,e , up over - �I, NAIL TOP PLATE E I��r e�l3f: heoder -Wi p':., TWO ROWS C,=. 16d 00P EXTERIOR vlE-VV OF GARAGE OPENING NAIL 6 rEDf ad co"ON AT O.C. Noll smecule 8d cortimon _ at.3• O.C. � 4�- L�. f Swall �, sheaf Ill fs: 'sheathing . ,.acs al.�sv�rj,a- r , fr f1 ,must extend I „s x,. ': aid up over . 8 - heoder n'.: "g t S;iN a: : . Vi 1 Y, , ° �M q4°.- bi`t C - �Y-(rV. 0 O� le g o Sheathing . I t +.,ro .t; iSini of A,, a;Z . opprox. heighi v Nail schedule °„ V- `.�lVe . � . mid - 8d common � z I 3'B Y bT$e BTM B. Of 3' D.L ` ,i 1 , --, .{7 } [� �T y -¢F �- . �I, NAIL TOP PLATE E {.„.� 1 .. 70 HEADER WiTH . -Wi p':., TWO ROWS C,=. 16d �y�'/�''a p '11 t� . • . - ' APA - "' __ 711E ENINEERED '. . . • . 24' o,c. WOO I ASSOCIAVON . . Jq� .. . ,. :6 ,. EXTEND HFADER a I '' ' '4.A, o . , ,p ip. ' Table 2. General Nalrng Schedule. 1 TO ICING STUD - . q♦ ♦• d c • .JOINT DESCRIPTION _ •' :.- .. •� dumber of ,; . Commbn Nails r, Lam ," 1 .. - ` N.Zeif4;t . - `2-8d Y•!•`' • 1 ... • each -end- . 11 A': ••� AI ' �-Md. . .1 fl l ', each end - 11 . �I, NAIL TOP PLATE E {.„.� 1 .. 70 HEADER WiTH . -Wi p':., TWO ROWS C,=. 16d 4-16d t NAILS AT 311 O.C. , etjoinls ` °l 2-16d _ V it . • . 24' o,c. . Header to Header•(Face-nailed) - - - 18d' h, 16'o.c..along_edges 2 518° ANCHOR BOLTS WITH �• (I 311x3° PLATE WABHERe a I '' ' '4.A, o . , ,p ip. ' Table 2. General Nalrng Schedule. a D 's' D O ? i? n 4.4 .' . q♦ ♦• d c • .JOINT DESCRIPTION _ •' Number of •� dumber of ,N -Alf SpacIng . Commbn Nails )3ox'Nails - ` Rpof'Framing •r Bieckingto- Rafter(Toe-nailed) ' • . . - `2-8d 2-10d- ... • each -end- . P,lm Board to Ra#er (End nailed) '- ' �-Md. . 3 mod • _ each end - Wall framing , ' ' ", . . -Cop plates at -intersections (Face -nailed) 4-16d 5-16d , etjoinls ` • Stud to Stud_ (Face -nailed) 2-16d _ 2-16d. . • . 24' o,c. . Header to Header•(Face-nailed) - - - 18d' . 16d 16'o.c..along_edges Floor Framing' �• `4-10d • Joist tb Sill, `fop Plate or Glyder (Toe-Nalled) (Fig.14) : • :_ 4-8d . `per jolst . Blocking to Joist'(Toe-nalied) . . ' .' 2-8d 2-10d each end . Ellocking.to Sill orTop Plate (Toe -nailed) 3-16d. 4-16d .' 4 16d .each block' . .Ledger Strip to'Beam or Girder (Face -nailed) 3-16d each joist. Joist on Ledger -to Beata (,pe -Nailed) 3.8d . 3-10d per joist- BandJoisttoJolst(End.naiied)'(Fig.14) . 3"16d .-4A6d per -joist , -Band Joist to Sill or Top P!ate (Toe -palled) (Fig. 14) ' 2-16d 3I per foot - 'Roof Sheathing -. . • Wood Structural Panels . • . Rafters or trusses spaced up to 16" o.c. 8d 70d ' . 6' edge/ 6m field Rafters or trusses spaced over 16' Oita. ..• . Gabbs endwall rake or rake truss w/o gable overharr!j' 8d 8d. 106 10d .4'.pdge/ 4" field • - 6' edge/6' field . ' Gable endwall rake or rdke.truss w/ structural out lookers , . 8d - 10d 6' edge/ 6' field Gable endwall rake'or'rake truss wl lookout blocks 8d Tari . 4° edge/ 4' field - calling Sheathing ' Gypsum Wallbo6rd • ' 5d coolers • . T edgel 1D' fibid ' : Wail Sheathing . . . _' - _ . ' Wood Structural Panels . . - - ' ' Studs spaced up -to 24" o,c. 8d - 0d 6` edge/ 12' field • I%" and 25132" Fiberboard Panels Sd {`1)3' i edge/ 6' field ' YT Gypsum Wallboard 5d 000!ers - ' Tedge/ 10' f ild Moor Sheathing ' '' t!VQQd,5truottlral:P6nc(5 . f f _ 1" or Less 8d • 10d 6'edga)12- field ,- Greater than 1" '10d 16d 6' edge/ 6' Meld ' . . ' (".1) Corrosion resistant i I gage nails and 16 gage staples are permitted; check ISC for additional requirements. - ' Nail: unless otherwise stated, sizes given for nab§ -are coirlmon wire sizes, Box and plIa6matic nalts of equiv�leht . diameter and equal or greater length to the speo!fied common nails may be substituted unless otherwise; '. ' prohibited . . • - - • . _ .. - ' a D 's' D O ? i? n 4.4 .' . q♦ ♦• d c 'o' D '°' I, p s p4 4♦ b'a d' a D. le' D'♦p' D �°' n Q p C° C d'n d'o d o, a 4 .. t D +e' D se•'.A r°,i. p C A^ 4 fl'c . 4 b.'a , 4/ d 4 - `..+. •. w>•.'n i�y�_V �+_- 111 - I 1 . • 4dn 4ba a� - - , �• ry- .k 1- L i<• - - _ , 1 - i ...rr�- " f f . _ • . '. '.. • ..,. ..:.. SCAtEt_.. .... . '., .�. •...-:-` N -A-6.. :.--.....A .. PPA VEO • .. O 6Y .':: -.r',: � PRwWii °I •. - 'Y ��+1{y��7I ' i t k 1 - ,._ ' ,.. . ,. -- Q1b . ,. _.... ___.-_ 'i , ,,. j , ., _ -- - _., ,, .