HomeMy WebLinkAbout910 West Yarmouth Road Details 3» _ p.. I ' t _ .__.._.. ... _. __ .... _.. .. ......... _. ..._ .. .. ._�.......-.-.. .. ... _... .. .. . ... _----- ... _.... _ ..� AWC Guide to Wood Construction in High MrtdAreas: L{Q mn It Wind Zone PITH pE12ttLT APPLICATION fYCGuideto fY/aodiAJ73tYfrCtfCJ1r fn Kigls fYiJtrlArerrs: !I(1i:rplr i4'irJd2orre Massachusetts CIteCIilzStfe>"CUinj)lien@e(184Cl1gt5301.2,I,I)X AWCGuidetoWoodColrstrtze"ion inHighWindAreas:110m IzWind2oxe APPLICANT TO COMPLETE & SUBMIT 41JT - �=.•I-!t(GinrtArepr:,•itOzrJ�rlci•Yzrirl2nne jVj�SS2ChttSef{SC(1e�1{;ESQ_POt'COltti)lia[lc0(713nervit25Zn1.1.1.1)`� Massachusetts it St�OrCO p ( CMR 5301.2.. . _ assach s C eckl:� Compliance iso � r aide Go 1f%nd GonatrJJctlaft rn IIt� .• 4. C Gr 3 t.factc_e (7Rn c tr?z3nt,z.x•.�] Ii�t A id l fol- 4CtC _ Loadbearing Wait Confiecdons �{ a. From Tables 10 and 1t and location of wall sheathing and 13uliding Aspecl� Ratio, determine Percent FulhHeight , eIe.usetts C,Jjel kfis D CUcck abibs7) ...... z4?...N.._!. 3 .....,_...,z� --' / � SSS' Latera((no, of i6d common Harts}: ............... r,•.•., (r G , Compliuuc Non-Loadbearing Waft Connections _ ✓1Sheathing and Nai(Spacing ufr ants requirements (Table 8j .............._.:..._. b. Wood Structttrai Panels shaft be minimum thickness of 7/16' and be Install d as follows Lateral(na.oft:6dcamrnon.nails) ........ ..,. --but ..........................:.... '1/ Load Searing Well Openings {record largest open(... but check ati'bpenings for co Holten in Tahie 9} / i.. Panels shall: be installed with strength axis parallel to studs. i 10, mph .... .. (Table 9j ......,-fit trS3� s in. s Y 1' � ! ii: Alt horizontal Joints shall occur over and be nailed to ftaming. Header3pans B (table 9)_ tr.: LJ t�'atia / pj in.:9 ?f' _ til. On single story construction,pane(s shall be attached to bottom•piates and Lop member of the -double a double - L1 SCOPE 1 .................• f :.........._......• Sill .................$).............._.,....... Speed (3 -sea gust) ..................... ._....,...-....._._...,......... .... "� - _�! Wins:, P Full Ne+ ht Studs (no. of studs} ................_....-..,_....__ (Table 9),.............. ...._....:..«..... , top plate. "" Iv. .'On -two story construction, upper panels shall be attached to the top member of the upper double top Wind Category ............. - ! e- - - " . stories v , ' Non -Load Bearing Wail Openings (record largest open:... (Ta check al( openings for cortto"]nee ' Table 9} panel ba sones s 2 ......,,,,•.,,•.............. Table a -... 3 O"' In_ c i2' 1� plata and to band joist at bottom of Dench Upper attachment of lower pa shall {Je made to nd Joist ( ITP 2slo eshallbeconsideredastory)_� -._ 54212 �'-••'- - - ICAB L ds 8 m 1 P .: �' ' ' Header Spans..,........... ( able 9} ...,.... .0v, in. S 1'2" and lower -attachment made to lowest plate at first ftoerframing, 1.2 AP PLIC oo/whicS excee F+ 2) ... ............. i,i. tly .............................. / rof.Stones (a r . (Fig } Z:re,.' ft.5 ' _ Sill Hate.Spans_.: no.'.» ................ ,� / > Number • • _ 2 ,? Studs no. of studs _.,,_.__ ......................... (Table 9)......_..._._ ....... _.......... ,... _.. ...__ _ _ ,✓ v. Horizontalfial! spacing at double fop plates, band joists, and girdtbrs shall be a double row of 8d. i 2 it - dorWal Stet ( ) 4 " g ' 80' --aj g to Resist Uplift and Shear Sfmuttaneousiy staggered at 3 Inches oncenter per figures below ;Vertical and I�odzontaLNailing for Panel Attachment Root Pitch .:......:........... (rig )........... 'Mean Roof Height ..........,-•••••---'•••'•• ..............................-._.... Fl 3 g 580 1=xterfor Wail Sheathing P _ ` .{Fig 3}............ 5 3:• Minimum Building Dimension, W' Building Width. - _ """ (Fig 4 .........-'*"- Nominal Height Tallest Openingz ,� G eultdin Length. L ............... ; {. g ) os 6'8 ) (Fig ShealSingTypa._.,,...... C, " Building Aspect Ratio (L --V) 4}•••••:' -. ...... Table 10 ornote 4 iftessj ...y��ln- i� _ _ - 1 7 a Nominal Heigh( of Tallest Opentn edge Nail S aur • -•• f _...... I Reid.NaflSpec!...»..,......-i6d...,......:_..,,.«,,.(Table?0}.....,.... _ M.y✓ _ e_� �4 ', 5 - le....................... ..."....... -•''f- Sttiear Can.ection (no, of Led commonwits}(Table. ie.}........ ..,,......... _..._«.............._.....,.,_._ i.3 f?RAtdING CONNECTIONPercentFotl-i-1e19htSheatbfng.:,....:.«_.:.._.,,(rafrte fOj......».._...,....._....»................ . t °/" �,_ - e -MhiEN'itlgFDGE . -. ... T - General compliance with framing connections ........:.... :(Tab 2)....-•- - Q >f - - S% Additional Sheathing for Wali with Opening > S'II" {Oeslon Concepts} -•,••,_:• ...:... - - MsxlMum Building Dimension, t 6 8 AT10N .. ph; ' '104,4 s"oa 2.1 .FOUND - in requirements •-••••••••• - , •(Jomtn"al-Hei ht ofTallest0 opening z ' p g .................................... ^� l x oundation Wails meeting q 9 - - _s__ F g YP :{note b) :....:......... !iZL5 �,� Concrete ...:....:...... . sheathing T e......_...«.,.---_._.._.._.,,,..,.... .._«.._......»_ . ...,,.,. 10. __+ ..' _. it - A141Ahlitle [15EEJ tJf.G9 . I able f 1 or note 4 if lass ....,....._._:....,_.........._.»__..(" )._...__..... �r __� 1, N � !, ;� � s• �. CoPcrete Mascnry .....:....... Pdge Nall Spacing " e - _ F1eId Nall Spacing ..........................{Table ii).._._.._.....«_.....«................._.:...So_,..in. e..3 - - .' ON alternative in concrete o ly - •• ..., ._ t� _ , Ali s as an . � •' Shear Connectiot: (no, of ifid eommdn naiEsj(Table ti).:«-_.._.,._...,._._,,..,..__,-.._....• I. I y , � ANCHO AGE'rUfvUND o .eta • f:Iechanica6Anottor . In � .:. -�! - 2.2 5!8 PrP _._.. able i i g... (t j...,_..,,..._.. _ __..........__. bedded or Table 4 .....:.:........ -:•• Percent Full-Hetght5heathln . ... -_. • Anchor Bolts imbedded ...{ ) ........'..-.' 56' •- 12' ' . ° .. > 6'8' Desi n Conce ts)...,_..._ .-_,.. . " :" . srAAGeAs_D , a 5/8 ....:.... ........ G In.. for Wall wI6O enin zG' ° Additional Sheathing. P 9 (Design 'Bolt Spacing - ge erid ., .._ (Fig 5)..:,..:.... P �. .. ...,.L� , in. Z 7 _sL ' e digin! of plata .................. . r1 ._--'•=WLAAiIEii P,WCL - acln from 1 .. Fig 5) ............................... a tis' _ N Wall Cladding P , 11 1, K I Bolt S 9 ........_.... t Ila In. .... ._.::-�.. ._._ A .. . _ .r. N P.................. .,..,,,:...,. .._....,......_.,.._....._...., ........_., _.,..,_.,., «..... ..._.,. ._.. .. , I 4 ii `ti'4' , ... AtCC-1. EDGE ' � bntietEtt@CEDGESPAGYyD DEl'AL 4 ,. Bolt Embedment-concrete.....(Flg5}.:...._...,.-.,..._..,..... 23 X3 Xy �/ RafedforWmdSpeed?. »_.............. _ l w ii 13 < Bolt Embedment - Masonry ,......:....1.... .(Fig 6} ...................................._...... - , ....__._... - t < i i O % / Plate washer ...... ,:••... j : 5.1 kOOFS � � 4!. � n (•, � " ' z _ ° • ..............:...:: .. _,,.,-, _ Roof framing member spans checked?......_.... ... (Fac Rafters use AWG Rnan 7aoi; see 88RS Webslta) ��/ � (per 780 CMR Chapter 55) _....,.,, . er .:.. i•-•^^te �, m s.,,alterof 2• or vo _ _ ^, Wg :1 i i I a) and Ho,^aon'tal Watling .. _ 3.1 FLOORS w •eT �.;nE rt.r:..................................».. ....,.r,.,. �..�.. . «r....,,._..,.. embe[spans checked................:....:.......(p.. �P.3:<- ,_ : =see_ .a rJ n Floor framing m o :...................... I - .. -� Truss or Rafter Connections at Loadbearing Wafts • � J _. >rGn........:..... all Ft 6 .,.,........;........,........ _ ximum poor ipanuly U,"'�^ Proprietary Connecfnts tl t. VerGt: s less than 2' from Ex! I Ma ✓ `t Full Hei ntWaliStudsafFloorOpening � :' ,. (Table ' Height / ft sit` UpnFt... ...........-... (t ) .,,..».._......_..,..__.:.....0 �pif f:rrPanelAttachm�nt -� - - Maximum Flnnr Joist Setbacks - Fi 7 ....................:_....... .. able t.2 ......... L= DIP •-, " r1 Il - Lateral........ ..._...•..._.._......• {T ):-..........,-.......-,......._.. Su porting Loadbearin9 Wall's or Sheatwall............ (Fig 1'••-••••-• % ft - - P Jokts Shear......................................._.(Faolef2)........_........,.._.-.._ ..._.. S pit W imum Cantilevered Floor ---••••-•...... •••• - -hlax Ridge Strake ou ections,.lf collar des not used perpage 2L,. (fable ?3) . Tf2! orU f r Waits or Shea walL..............(Fig 9). f1 ii i i) i Supporting ..••_.•._......._*......... .. _ F ure20' _,�f1.5smalSerof2'orU2 _�__, � � ,i•t.. _ -,. .. .. p g} ......................... - ( 9 f:...._..., Floor Bracing at Endwells...................... .............:..-..,,,, -_ (pet 780 CMR Chapfer55)..:.....:. � in: � � •(G-yba o Rap Or Connecb'ons at Non-Loadbeaiing Watts ,Y t' Flo 9 - ........................................... .{per 780 CMR ChaPter55)....,....,...»....... Floor Eheattiing Tyne ..,...... in field PropdetaryCannectors ,J ' ails at ' in..edge / f - • .........,.._.. d nabTe,i........tJ`='62�N6. �_ wuLsaACINa Floor Sheathing Thickness ...(Table 2).. $ __S�_.- l................} ._..,,«..............�.__. _ _ .. 3 Yp » f F1oor.Sheathing fastening ............... e ' i ate' l (ao of t6d co mon nails ._{Tab•' i'4) ......................:. 1t ICOb- _ . ............ e{ 84 CMR Chapters 58 59 :t x 'n.1 i Roof SSeathtn T e•.......- _•,,, See detail an Next Page. • • 4.i WALLS S1F - tt Fi tt3andTablt 5)...... Roof SheathingThlckttess,...... ,-.:._.«............_..... ..:.a.._,«....»....;,.... .»..... 2 In.'71t6'WSP _ - - g - Wall l3eigh :.................... { g tt 520' - « _...._.__.......... Loa56'esnin3. l)s, .................. (Fig ?0 and Tatife 5} NSPt>= @ 2°: RooFSheathing FastentOg .. »...« .« .« ................. {Table 2)..._..........._.... a Vert cal and ti�rizontai Nailing _ on. tai 9B.vrvra ls._.:..............»,._......:........ to 1 <24 .o:c. �C Notes: ), for Panel Attachment .J: .,....:.(F+g :I,O andl3Tate 5)..,._...,._._.% i. .. .. I s spacing - R wd 1. 'This checklist shall be metin its entirety, excluding the specific exception noted ln•2, to dompiy th the're ulrements of •lNail.Stud p g..........................y......• ......... q (Figs a E3) .............:...... . 780 CMR 530i.2 i.1'iterti 1. if the checklist is,net in its entirety tIten the follbw)ng metal straps and hold dawns are not. t Wail Storyses r idle. r .-___:-5--... / U WF�'UI1tOmp u ' ° d.2 EX:fI°RIOR 4YALLS' in: Vj• . Steel Straps per FigureG t'` equlred _ a Ste p p _ - b. 20 Gage Straps per Figure 1i' Wood Snr85 (Cable o): ;Y !r° 2 • - oadbearin walls., ............• °.:.ln. lift Straps peff-i re 74 (Table �).:..-_ .- ....... _ d, All SEraps Per Figure 17 i Non-Loadbeanng walls ................._.... � ' � � � Gable End Wall Bracing a :•---•• •••'••'•''-••' e. Comer Stud Hoid Gowns per Figure 18a and Figure; i8h . • ....(Fig 10) ............................... -- .-.... alt Studs ............. (Fig 4 4)„•__ .................................. 9VV Fxceplton: Opening heights of uP to S ft. shall be permitted when 5% is added to the percentfu[I height sheathing :.._• P Attic Floor Length.............._I...... ..:....... „ / fi 2 0. ` reQuirements shown to Tables 10 and i'?. vVS, ..... Fi 11 n" 'n' th (if WSP not used).........,.. ( 9 )•••�••• - _ w I, The,bottom sill plate In e#edOrwsl[s shall be a minimum 2 In. nomfnaf thickness pressure treated 9 -2 -grade. Gypsum CeiU g Le 9 min.wth3x4plockmg,@Oft.spacinglnendjoistortrussbays; 1� and 2 x 4 Continuous Lateral 82ce @ a I ac, ,. (Fig 111..,,.,, -,........ or 1 x 3 ceiling furring strips @' 16'spacing poublaTop Plate _ {Fig 13@ndTable6).,c.... % t { Splice Length ........ ,--._............................_ • P. d t Slice Connection (no,'of 16d common netts) (' ) i s_1 , Table 2. General Nalling Schedula. : II IYP i7� Number of TO HEADER WfTH - .Nail 8Paq a Common Nails TWO ROWS OF i6d. Rpbf Framing Biockingid Rafter (Toe -nailed) NAILS AT 3" O.G, 2 5/8' ANCHOR BOLTS WITH . PIrn Board to Flatter (End halted) ' - -16d- 3-16d • , - - ,. dew � .,•y.,. .r �: Must, extend j Wall f=raming Top plates at-intsrseotions (Face -palled) 4-16d 5-16d at Joints Stud to Stud, (Face -nailed) 2-16d 2-1 Ed. 24" o.c. Header to Headar(Face-nailed} 16d 16d i6'o.c..along, edges up over _ 4-8d 4 10d '_'•per joist Blocking to folst(Toe-,tatted) alocking.to Sill or Top Plate (Yoe -palled) I°?keg 2-1Od 4-1 Ed ' heoder Ledger Strip to'Beam or Girder (Face -palled) 3-16d 4-1 fid each Joist - Joist on Ledger•to;Beam (Toe-NaAsd) 3-8d 3-1Od per -Joist,* Band Joist to Jolat (End-nailed)'(1=18.14) 3=16d 4=16d '3-16d per•Jolst Band Joist to Sill or Top Plate (Toe-nalled) (Fig. 14) 2-'16d. per foot 'Roof Sheathing Wood Structural Panels Rafters or trusses spaced up rill fid 10d ' . 6" edge/ 6" field Rafters or trusses spaced over 16" o ;c. , ' _ fid Ed. Ica 10d .4' edge/ 4" field 6" edge/ 6' field Gable endwall rake or rake truss wlo gable ovefhar j' OR Wall NAIL 5CNEDU ad COMMON AT 3" O.G, ` Neil schedule Ed corhmon 00, o.c. -- r. must exiend 'e o I, , . tf up over i- •.e N header c .Wi e . A% . d•e . d•a . 0•e. .AA.. EXTEND HFIAVER. ICING STUD , Table 2. General Nalling Schedula. : II IYP i7� Number of TO HEADER WfTH - .Nail 8Paq a Common Nails TWO ROWS OF i6d. Rpbf Framing Biockingid Rafter (Toe -nailed) NAILS AT 3" O.G, 2 5/8' ANCHOR BOLTS WITH . PIrn Board to Flatter (End halted) ' - -16d- 3-16d • , - - ,. dew � .,•y.,. .r �: NAIL 5CNEDU ad COMMON AT 3" O.G, ` Neil schedule Ed corhmon 00, o.c. -- r. must exiend 'e o I, , . tf up over i- •.e N header c .Wi e . A% . d•e . d•a . 0•e. .AA.. EXTEND HFIAVER. ICING STUD 11flMPH EXPOSURE 13 WIND ZONE , Table 2. General Nalling Schedula. : II 7. NAiL TOP PLATT= Number of TO HEADER WfTH - .Nail 8Paq a Common Nails TWO ROWS OF i6d. Rpbf Framing Biockingid Rafter (Toe -nailed) NAILS AT 3" O.G, 2 5/8' ANCHOR BOLTS WITH 3"X3° PLATE WASHERS PIrn Board to Flatter (End halted) ' - -16d- 11flMPH EXPOSURE 13 WIND ZONE Table 2. General Nalling Schedula. JOINT DESCRIPTION Number of Number of .Nail 8Paq a Common Nails Box'Na)is Rpbf Framing Biockingid Rafter (Toe -nailed) , "2-8d 2-10d- each end- - PIrn Board to Flatter (End halted) ' - -16d- 3-16d • , each end Wall f=raming Top plates at-intsrseotions (Face -palled) 4-16d 5-16d at Joints Stud to Stud, (Face -nailed) 2-16d 2-1 Ed. 24" o.c. Header to Headar(Face-nailed} 16d 16d i6'o.c..along, edges Floor Framing Joist tb Slll, Top Plate or Girder (Toe-Nalled) (Fig.14) _ 4-8d 4 10d '_'•per joist Blocking to folst(Toe-,tatted) alocking.to Sill or Top Plate (Yoe -palled) 2-811 3-16d. 2-1Od 4-1 Ed ' each and . each block' Ledger Strip to'Beam or Girder (Face -palled) 3-16d 4-1 fid each Joist - Joist on Ledger•to;Beam (Toe-NaAsd) 3-8d 3-1Od per -Joist,* Band Joist to Jolat (End-nailed)'(1=18.14) 3=16d 4=16d '3-16d per•Jolst Band Joist to Sill or Top Plate (Toe-nalled) (Fig. 14) 2-'16d. per foot 'Roof Sheathing Wood Structural Panels Rafters or trusses spaced up to 16" 0.0. fid 10d ' . 6" edge/ 6" field Rafters or trusses spaced over 16" o ;c. , ' _ fid Ed. Ica 10d .4' edge/ 4" field 6" edge/ 6' field Gable endwall rake or rake truss wlo gable ovefhar j' Gable endwall rake or rake ,truss wi structural out lonkers fid 10d - 6" edgel 6" field . Gable andweilt rake'orrake truss Wl lookout blocks fid 10d a edge/ 4" field Ceiling Sheathing ' Gypsum Wallboard 5d coolers 74 edge11Ott Paid Wall Sheathitlg . Wood -Structural Panels Studs spaced up to 24" o,c. 8d i0d 6" e(fge/ 12" field Ye and 25/32" Fiberboard Panels . 8d {'1} 3" edge/ 6' feld VVGypsum!Nai)boatd 5d 000lers - 7"edge/10" f aid Flbor Sheathing l Windtru�turai:Paneis 1" or less fid 10d red gel 12' field ' Greater than 1' 100 16d 6' edge/6'fteld {.1) Corrosion resistant 19 gage nails and 16 gage staples bre permitted; check LSC !or additional requirements. Nall: Unless otherwise. stated, saes given for nail§ -are common wire s'lzes, Boxand ph'eumaficnatls of equiv4ie tt diameter and equal or greater length to the speolfled oommon nails may be, substituted unless otherwise,<', prohibited.