HomeMy WebLinkAboutLicenses i The Commonwealth of Massachusetts F�e Town of Yarmouth $110.00 Lodging License Number: BOHL-15-1465-01 Issue Date: 1/1/2016 Mailing Address: Location Address: CAPE TOWN 'N' COUNTRY MOTOR LODGE/ 452 ROUTE 28 DOCKSIDE HOTEL GROUP WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 TOWN& COUNTRY MOTOR LODGE 452 ROUTE 28 WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 IS HEREBY GRANTED A 2016 LICENSE TO OPERATE: Motel This license is granted in conformity with the statutes and ordinances relating thereto, and expires December 31, 2016 unless sooner suspended or revoked and is not transferable. Conditions *ROOMS- 149 Board Hillard Boskey,M.D.,Chairman Mary Craig,Vice Chairman Of Charles T.Holway,Clerk Tanya Daigneault Health Evelyn P.Hayes Bruce G.Murp y,MPH . .,CHO/Amy L.von Hone,R.S.,CHO Health Director/Assistant Health Director i The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Fee Town of Yarmouth �iio.00 Swimming Pool Operations License Number: BOHSP-15-1470-01 Issue Date: 1/1/2016 Mailing Address: Location Address: CAPE TOWN'N' COUNTRY MOTOR LODGE/ 452 ROUTE 28 DOCKSIDE HOTEL GROUP WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 TOWN& COUNTRY MOTOR LODGE 452 ROUTE 28 WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 IS HEREBY GRANTED A 2016 LICENSE This license-is granted in conformity with the statutes and ordinances relating thereto, and egpires December 31, 2016 unless sooner suspended or revoked and is not transferable. Conditions WH/RLPOOWAPOR BATH Board Hillard Boskey,M.D.,Chairman Mary Craig,Vice Chairman Of Charles T.Holway, Clerk Tanya Daigneault Health Evelyn P.Hayes Bruce G.Murphy,MPH,R.S., H /Amy L.von Hone,R.S., CHO Health Director/Assistant Health Director The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Fee Town of Yarmouth $iio.00 Swimming Pool Operations License Number: BOHSP-15-1466-01 Issue Date: 1/1/2016 Mailing Address: Location Address: CAPE TOWN'N' COUNTRY MOTOR LODGE/ 452 ROUTE 28 DOCKSIDE HOTEL GROUP WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 TOWN&COIJNTRY MOTOR LODC'TE 452 ROUTE 28 WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 IS AEREBY GRANTED A 2016 LICENSE This license is granted in conformity with the statutes and ordinances relating thereto, and expires December 31, 2016 unless sooner suspended or revoked and is not transferable. Conditions INDOOR SW/MM/NG POOL Board Hillard Boskey,M.D.,Chairman Mary Craig,Vice Chairman Of Charles T.Holway,Clerk Tanya Daigneault Health Evelyn P.Hayes ruce G.M ,MPH, .S., HO/Amy L. von Hone,R.S.,CHO Health Director/Assistanf Health Director The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Fee Town of Yarmouth $110.00 Swimming Pool Operations License Number: BOHSP-15-1469-01 Issue Date: 1/1/2016 Mailing Address: Location Address: CAPE TOWN'N' COUNTRY MOTOR LODGE/ 452 ROUTE 28 DOCKSIDE HOTEL GROUP WEST YARMOUTH. MA 02673 TOWN& COUNTRY MOTOR LODGE 452 ROUTE 28 WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 IS HEREBY GRANTED A 2016 LICENSE This license is granted in conformity with the statutes and ordinances relating thereto, and expires December 31, 2016 unless sooner suspended or revoked and is not transferable. Conditions WAD/NG POOL Board Hillard Boskey,M.D.,Chairman Mary Craig, Vice Chairman Of Charles T.Holway, Clerk Tanya Daigneault Health Evelyn P.Hayes Bruce G. Murphy,MPH,R.S. my L.von Hone,R.S.,CHO Health Director Assistant Health Director ao��aatQ u�I�aH�u��sissd�.�o��aaiQ uli�aH OH�`'S'2I`auoH uon•7�uzd/OH�`'S'2I`HdY�t`�u�ny�•�a�n.�g sa�C�H•d u�tang ��i�aH �In�au�reQ��ftreZ x.�ai� `�C�mjoH•Z sai.��u� �O u�uuieu�a�in`�t�a��Caey�i ueur.ii�u�`•Q•y�`�axsog pz�jiiH pd�0g �OOd�N/WWIMS 2�0041(10 suoi�ipuo� •ajq�aa3su�a� �ou si pu� pa�onaa ao papuadsns aauoos ssajun 9IOZ `i£�aqwaaaQ saaidxa pu� �o�aaay; �ui��iaa sa�u�uipao pu� sa;n���s ay� q�in��iw.�o�uoa ui pa;u�a� st asuaaij siyZ �SI�I��I'I 9i0Z� Q�,Ll�i�'2i� �iS�2I�H SI £L9Z0 dY�i `xinov�d�.I.s�m sz�snox zs� a�a��l�o.i.o��x.�,Nrlo� �Nrno.�. £L9Z0 dY�I 'H.LIlOI�i2Id�.LS�M df102IJ'I3.LOH�QIS?I�OQ 8Z�.Lf102I ZS� /�JQO'I 2IO.LOY�i�2I.Ll�If10� �N,Nt410s�d�'� :ssa.�pp� uoi���o7 :ssa.�ppd�uij��y� 9i0Z/I/i �a��Q anssI i0-L9bi-SI-dSHOg ��aquin� asua�IZ saoi��aadp iood �aiu�u�in�s oo'OTI� u�nou�.����o un�os, aa,� s��asnu��ss�y� �o u�i�an�uou�u�o� au1, ao��aatQ u�i�aH�i.re�sissd�.�o��aatQ ull�aH OH�`'S'2I`auoH uon •'I��d/OH� `'S'2I`HdY�i`�ud.my� •rJ a�n.ig sa�C�H•d u�Cjang ��i�aH �jn�au�t�Q e�u�Z �.�aj�`�C�nnloH•Z saj.��u� �O u�uureu�a�in `�ie.���C.rey� u�uzai�u�`•Q•y�`�axsog P�ii?H pdL'Og 700d �N/WW/MS 2�OOOl(10 suo��ipuo� 'ai9�.�a�su�a� ;ou si pu� pa�ona.� .co papvadsns .�auoos ssaiun 9i0Z `i£-�aqu�aaaQ sa.�idxa pu� �o�a.�aq� �ut��jaa sa�u�uipao pu� sa�n���s ay� q�in��iui.�o3uo� ui pa;u�.�� si asuaaij siq,L �SI�I��I'I 9IOZ� Q�,LI�i�'2I� �ig�2i�H SI £L9Z0 dY�i`H.LIlOI�RId�i.LS�M az�.I.nox zs� �JQO'121OJ.0Y�l A21.L1�lIlU� ?8 I�IMO,L £L9Z0 dY�i`H.L110Y�i?Id�,LS3t1c1 dI102IJ'I3.LOH�QIS?I�OQ 8Z�.L1102I ZS� /3JQ0'I?IO.LOY�i A2I,Ll�if10� �N�N�Y10.L�dF�� :ssa.�pp�uo�;�aoZ :ssa.�pp��u��i�y� 9i0Z/I/T �a��Q anssI i0-89fii-Si-dSHOg ��aqwn� asua�i� suoi��aadp Iood �aituu�i�s oo'Oii$ u�nou�.��� �o un�oZ aa3 s��asny��ss�y� �o u�.i�an�uou�u�o� ayZ