HomeMy WebLinkAbout174 Route 28 - Roof Framing & Details615WRAL NOES .. _ OPTION 1. The ftlidi g Coco osed for the design of this building Is the Como,v,e valth NEW ASPHALT SHINGLE of Massachusetts State Bundl Cade, 780 CMR - Sixth Edition. - - ROOFING OVER 5/8' SHEATHING nli H/ 2x10 RAFTERS O 16' OL. - 2. All materials used for coretructlon shall conform to the eppro e.d roles V-4' 4'-0' - 9'-0• q'-0' - - anddslisted In is, testing Appendix A & th and rents of accepted T-4 enger k'9 fXactloe as ted Appendix A of the MossarlvsetLs stole fWEN- 2.4 Bulldkg code. W4L- _ x /24 3. The Contractor shall verify all dAiore and ditM corlons the {lead prlor =PLATE rIYPJ to conrne "pork. Any dlscrepar" tetween what is shoran on the drari INSTALL I/4' STEEL 61FSET - and actual field conditions shall to reported bock to the ergneer before _ BOTH SIDES w/ 3/4' TFIRU BOLTS - prooeedbrg with erg work . REINF. B aa� 205.7+) 4. Design Lhre Loads . _ 2x8 a 20' rfYP) - P"t Floor. 65pplot (Exist. Ploor Rating)Roof 25 plot - $YM. • 12PD� 33/4" 1!2' AB EE ROOF FO@dJATION, EXCAVATION, FILING t COWAGTION B'-6' V-6. LVL (TYP) O)T INFO FW.HIIJ6 OVER 2x4 X um EXIST. ROOF _ EXISTING ROOF 1. Asse maxknmr safe soil becrkg p-twe - 2" psf REINF. EXIST. 2X4 XreRG EXIST. (5) 1 3/4'5(7 1/2' 2. All foot" ore to be pkwed on nahrol undlshrted material or" - TOP CHORD (TYP) campooted gY iom- fill. 5vbso11 benY ^g strata shall be Free rrdn all 2x8 vegetation, roan, oat organic material. Rote 6• mashed stone base below DETAIL I- - - all foothcp. 3. Concrete work shall conform to all requrements of AGI 332R (latest re'0510 J, guide to Reskbntial Cont In ploce Concrete Cantrvctlon unless othendss noted. K-BR6'6 Concrete mot mals shall tee Tye 1 or 2 Portivd cement, sea and gra.eI oogqgcF'eegate,. Carwrete corrpre"Ne strength (f'c), In 28 doll shall be INSTALL O/8' WELDED . • �Sr - ar entw6�ed and h accordcnce with ACI 316 (latest revislon) c s follows, PLATE BRACKET TYP. ; S Axisr,<, Afb F 4X6 �ST 4X6 Fit/ST f All Concrete York 3j00 of 1 \5 4X6 t S. All mixkg, trmsporth g platting and cw" of concrete shall be done in IST. 2xb 0X24' O G. DETAIL 3 DETAIL 2 w - accordcnce wRh the recomnendaticns of the Arrerlccn Corwete Institute, ' " TIMBER x 1. All tMer members shall be 02 Spruce Fine FY a, better. - INSTALL (2) 1/2' DIA. THREADED EXIST, 1 1/4' 90 2. 6aNmlzed metal joist anchors and tis down straps shall be as EXIST. AN61E FXIST. (3) 1 3/4'x11 1/4' REINF. EXIST. w/ LSx3x0.25 RODS W TURttBUGKLE (TYP) TIE ROD (rY0P) EXIST. ANGLE _ mnufactured b1 5hlpson Straq-Tie Co. or approved equal, wW shall to W I/2' DIA BOLTS O 24' Mtalled pt each roof rafter, f oar t connection, arid wall stud - EXIST. (3) BRACKET BOTTOM CHORD (TYP) SHIM AS REOv BRACKET EXIST. (3) connection. 2.6 a COL. q _ . `. 2x6 O COL. Q 4x6 X EXIST. q 3. All steel members, connections, connectors, etc, shall be hot -dipped IvarMzed. All metal oornectors rant be routM d and maintained K -BR F 4x6 K_BRC'6 9a y Inspec te -BR G'6 INSTALL I/4' STEEL PLATE EJ=.- INSTALL 1/4' 5TEEL &LS ET - - r= over the eerviced)le life of the atrvcdre. R BOTH SIDES w/ 3/4' Tlitd) BOLTS BOTH 51DE5 w/ 3/4' TWO BOLTS NN w ROOF 5EGTION A -A OPTION I - 055ET PLATE OPTION 3 SCALE: 1/4' : P-0' NEW ASPHALT 5NINGLE ROOFIt16 OVER 5/6' SHEATHING W 2x10 RAFTERS O I6' OL. - {JEW 2x4 57LD - WALL w/ 2x4 .. TOP PLATE (T(P) - RERF. E75T. 12 '- 2x8020'7/ 4 2x8 a 20' (f(P) OPTION 3 NEW GABLE ROOF I - W (2) 1 3/4'x9 I/2' FRAMING OVER - - 6'-2' 81-6" 5YM. 0 h LVL (rYP) CLT INTO EXISTING ROOF EXIST. ROOF EXIST. (3) 1 3/4'x7 1/2' TOP CHORD (Trp) REINF. EXIST. H/ (2) 2x8 _ ` INSTALL 3/4' PLYWOOD 5HEATHIN6 130TH SIDES w/ 2x VERT. BLK'G 0 16' B . .. .. .. _, . t IOd NAILS O 6' ARGUMJ DIAPFRtA6M EXIST. - ., - 1 .. . , — .. , , BOUNDARIES t 4' AIRO(MV ALL OTHER r _ . _ i, _ _ .. f r, f-- -(- -� .. , ' BOUNDARIES - I: r I' - .. K-BRG'6 _ -,-- 't' � � � �� 1 1 I I,,it INSTALL 3/6'YELDED-1,_._ r P 1 1 -II aI I! �- I 1 1 II I I. .. - PLATE BRACKET T1?s. r II t Ir I 4 n' ..y lC ."'_F, _. !_ (. ... I'..." r, 1• ;i ,fi L Si , 1i lr_ i' Ir i, ^'tri I 1' ❑ 11: EXIST. 2x6 I! !I r 4i ," I it !' li !, 1 h p I, i' r I'- II '•I R • 11 ,. "'. r ' O 24 OL. tri I. ..�.. _.._.. _..—.. �.. �.. —.. �.. _..— ._.. �.. i .._.. ..—.. �.._.. _.._.. .. _.. _.. �..�.. _.. �..�..�.-_.. �"r EXIST. (3) 2x6 o COL. EXIST. 11/4 0 1 r ' ✓ INSTALL (2) J DIA. THREADED TIE ROD (TYP) i ^• d4� > EXIST. ANGLE BOT T, M I ORD (I/4' INFILL w/ . (BLK'6 RODr' w/ TUR16t1GKLE (TYP) EXIST. ANGLE .\ BRACKET BOTTOM GNORD (TYP) O 24' OL. (TYP) BRACKET EXIST. 4x6 K-BRCIb w 1/2' DIA. THREADED (2) 3/8' STIFFENER RODS w/TURN9UGKLE TAB PLATE 1/4' EXIST. (3) 1 3/4'x11 1/4' - lI BOT. CHORD INSTALL 3/8• WELDED PLATE BRACKET H/ (2) I/2' INA. THREADED RODS It TURNBLCKLES m LA6 5C•REW5 4, ry EXIST, 6x8 POST Y 5EGTION X TURNBUG E" BRAGKET EXIST. (5) '2x6 a COL. EXIST. 4x6 0 X K-BRG'G ROOF 5EGTION A -A OPTION 2 PLYWOOD %ALE: 1/4' = I'-0' 6. EXIST. 6x8 P05T _ (?)1/2'90x0'-4'_..1 _1 O ITf LA6 SCREWS i INSTALL 9/8' WH.DED ! E PLATE BRACKET ria/ (2) _ Ji :L _ 1/2' DIA. THREADED RODS t TUR IIE11GKLE5 . ow.rMc M0 C'OASTALENGINEERINGC'O, Jima 1 PROFESSIONAL ENGimmm 8 LAND SURVEYORS "s a2 Swim: 260 Cranberry Hwy., Orleans, MA 02653 TEL: 508-255-6511 FAX: 508-255-6700 5EGTION Y TURNBUGKLE BRAGKET 5C k f: I VY = I'-0' 7Z M. CAM FEW" ITf a'^* m nm fS�SDSKPRO neI46T2 6146 r2 eHtbg ,JoIG.G14612 SHM war RODF FRAMING PLAN 4 DETAIL5 A NOTEb �7 - REEBOK BUILDING 114 MAIN STREET NEST YARMOUTH, MA °F( ow.rMc M0 C'OASTALENGINEERINGC'O, Jima 1 PROFESSIONAL ENGimmm 8 LAND SURVEYORS "s a2 Swim: 260 Cranberry Hwy., Orleans, MA 02653 TEL: 508-255-6511 FAX: 508-255-6700 7Z