HomeMy WebLinkAbout335 Route 28 Floor Plans and Bathroom Elevationsr , I WOMENS i 1 - w it I =o I � rn i I r 1. i i of 0 I , , I O - I V J 7S I t _. r•`^ I - r_—_ __' I �--- __—`_ I Imo---�. I LUU Vim I "t N I 71: c r I r l r _ I l ._ I I r ; I - : � 7 I I 1 KITCHEN r c I .Y, r , I WOMENS i 1 - w it o� =o I � rn i I r 1. i I of 0 I , , I O - I V J 7S I _. r•`^ I - r_—_ __' I �--- __—`_ I Imo---�. I LUU Vim I "t N I 71: c r I r l r v I ._ I I r ; I l : � 7 I 1 r WOMENS RM. ELEVATION— 1 /2rr = 1 ' - Orr r , I WOMENS i 1 - w it DINING o� =o I � rn i I r 1. i I of 0 O V J 7S I LUU "t N I r MENS I ._ I I l : � 7 I I DINING HALL o� =o I � rn i HALL I UNISEX/H.C. I - 1 : ,I FLOOR PLAN 1/2'=1'-011 30.4 DOORS All doors to accessible to -let rooms dial comply with 521 CMR 26, DOORS AND DOORWAYS. Doors shall not swing into the eiewflror space required for any fixture- Doors to unisex bathrooms may swing into the room if the door has a se/.` -closing device. - • A . - - ,- - I I I I, I r I r f 1 c 1_ Nl MENS RM. ELEVATION 1/2" = 1'-0" o� � rn rn I II r cel i of 0 I UNISEX/H.C. I - 1 : ,I FLOOR PLAN 1/2'=1'-011 30.4 DOORS All doors to accessible to -let rooms dial comply with 521 CMR 26, DOORS AND DOORWAYS. Doors shall not swing into the eiewflror space required for any fixture- Doors to unisex bathrooms may swing into the room if the door has a se/.` -closing device. - • A . - - ,- - I I I I, I r I r f 1 c 1_ Nl MENS RM. ELEVATION 1/2" = 1'-0" . j l it •I .—_ — �Z - __— - I [rt �.. -- - _._... `._. ._ _ i �� �' 1 — C l•c.`'",=c_ I hr c " UNISEX/H,C PATHROOM b ,� 1 /211 _ 1 , 0r1 1 ���. .. CE rTioC, �• 1 o. 73S6 - 1 30.7 WATER CLOSETS 3D 8.2 Height: Grab bars shall be set at a height of 33 to 36 inches (33' to 36" = 839--in..to HYAIJNIS• 914mm) above x'ta MASS and parallel to the floor. Where a tank prevents location of the rear grab bar, a bar may be installed F dee o°a That are required to be accessible shall comply with the following: three -inches (3" - 76mm) above the tank. Where a flushometer prevents the location of a 42 inch �! °t ry OF tAP 30.7.1 Clea(42" - 1067mm) rear grab bar, one grab bar, 36 inches (36" - 914mm) shat be installed to the side r - mirror rjlaorspxe: Clearfloorspact for closets not in site is shall comply with Fig. 3rd. Clear of the flushometer, located three inches (3" = 76mm) from the closest edge of the flushometer. - floor space may be arranged to allow either a left-handed or right-handed approach to the water closet. 30.83 Thickness: Grab bars shall be between 1'/. inches and I'/n inches (1'A." to 1'/; - 32mm to 38mm) in - t� u Is, outside diameter, have a 1'h itch (1'h" - 38mm) clearance between the bar and the wall. See Fig. r ( 1017 4s? 1 30f to m � JJ''— Vic- —_ 1 � '0 1.1/4 �;;i I y-� •.n � 0 38 0 4, { Clear I .'� . _ 305 153 - Q r Floor 1� -, "•' Sink Elevations ~ ***-,3 Sp•er H . - j Figure 50h - - ~ Q 762 :tits - _ 30.9.3 Knee Clearance: A clearance of at least 29 inches (29" - 737mml above the finish floor to the LL = LRoughened or bottom of &.c apron shall be provided. Knee and toe clearance shall be at least 30 inches (30" _ C Rust Realsttve Acid etched 762tmn) aide and 19 inches (19" - 483mm) deep and shall comply with Fig. 30h. � Q G >- 30.9.4 Depth: Sink depth shall not exceed six inches (6' = 152mm). O O Grab ears Figura art 30.9.5 Aping Sink traps and drain shall be located as close to rear walls as possible. Hot water and drain = _ 22ea .B Accessible unisex toilet Room pipes exposed under sinks shall be recessed, insulated, or guarded. There shall be no sharp or - w F _ rs Figure Sod 30.8.4 Material: Grab bars shall also be non -rusting and acid -etched or roughened. Grab bashall eomEIY abrasive surfaces under sinits. _ w m with the srracrural srrengrh defined in 521 CMR 5, DEMMONS. F— Oe 1� 30.7.2 Location: The centettine of the water closet shall be located 18 inches (IS" - 457mm) from the 30.9.6 Faucets: Faucets shall be operable with one hand and shall not require tight grasping, pinching, of M i- Z nearest side wall and at least 42 inches 42" - 1067mm) from the farthest side wall or the closest 30.8.5 Dispensers or other devices shall not be mounted above the grab ban. twisting of the const L.everopcated, push -type, touch-type. or electrons O en Q ( ) tally controlled mechanisms edge of -an adjacent fixture. There shall be at least 42 inches (42" = 1067mm) clearance between the are acceptable designs. If self closing valves are used the faucet shall remain open for at least ten J from edge of the water closet and the nearest wall or fixture. seconds. 'C Z D- 30.9 SLNK C Q 30.7.3 Height: Water closets shall be 17 inches to 19 inches (17" to 19" - 432mm to 483mm) high, Sinks, including vanities, shall comply with the following: Forded Roll ::E O measured to the top of the water closet seat. See Fig. 30e. Paper Paper Eleetrle Q 1.0 O 30.9.1 Ckarflaorsprce: Aclearf/oorspace complyingwith521CMR 63Wheelchair Turning Space _ mirror rowel rowel or or urinal }- M 30.7.4 Seats: Water closet seats shall not be spring mounted to return to a lifted position shall be provided in front of a sink to allow forward approach. The clear floorspace shall be on an �. 1 accessibleroure and shall extend no more than a maximum of 19 inches (19" - 483mm) undemeath rI the sink See Fig. 30g.- c 30.7.5 Flush Controls'. Flush controls shall be hand operated or automatic and shaft comply with 521 CMR ,J }'ED Flush Control 39.5, Operation. Controls for flush valves shall be riounttd on the wide side of water closet no more than 54 inches (44'- 1118mm) above the floor. 48. t • _ _ uta �+ $59 30.7.6 ToVet Paper Dispensers: Toilet paper d'ispetscs shall be located on the side wall closest to the water closet. The centerline of the roll shall be set at a minimum height of 24 inches (24• = 6dOrnm) above - d ., r the floor. Dispensers that control delivery or that do not permit con^mious paper Cow are not r • ' G allowed. �E � � 1 r t � �"d - tt .� Dispenser Etetton• D�-.1-JN i _� 30.E GRAB BARS sea Flurs ars For the standard accessible toilet stall the water closet, shall have two grab ban 42 inches (42" L3�. hG 1067mm) long one on the wall in back of the water closet and one on the side wall closest to the Clear Floor Space Flgure 5r9 30.II NURROR water closet The top of any shelf and or bottom of any mirror that is provided above a sink shall be set with the 30.9.2 Height: Sinks shall be mounted with the rim no higher than 34 itches (34" - 864mm) above the bottom edge of the reflecting surface no higher than 40 inches (40" - 1016mm) above the finish For the a-Iternme accesilble toilet stall the water closet shall have two parallel grab ban, 42 inches finish floor. See Fig. 30h. Sinks shadl also extend a minimum of 22 inches (22'- 559mm) from the Poor. See Fig. 30i. long (42" - 1067m) installed on the side walls and located a minimum of six inches (6" - 76mm) wall to the front of the sink or counter. from the interior comer. _ 30.12 DISPENSERS .30.8.1 Location: The side grab bar shall be located a maxirrvm of 12 inches (12" - 305msn) from the Towel dispcsem drying devices, or other types of devices and dispensers shall have at least one interior comer. The rear grab bar shall be located a maximum of sic inches (6" - 152tmn) from the of each device r icumed within the --am afreach. At least one of each device shall be located within interior comer. rea-4i of a pawn using the accessible sink and shall comply with 521 CMR 39.5, Operation. See Fig. 30i. o� � rn rn I i O V J 7S LUU "t N I . j l it •I .—_ — �Z - __— - I [rt �.. -- - _._... `._. ._ _ i �� �' 1 — C l•c.`'",=c_ I hr c " UNISEX/H,C PATHROOM b ,� 1 /211 _ 1 , 0r1 1 ���. .. CE rTioC, �• 1 o. 73S6 - 1 30.7 WATER CLOSETS 3D 8.2 Height: Grab bars shall be set at a height of 33 to 36 inches (33' to 36" = 839--in..to HYAIJNIS• 914mm) above x'ta MASS and parallel to the floor. Where a tank prevents location of the rear grab bar, a bar may be installed F dee o°a That are required to be accessible shall comply with the following: three -inches (3" - 76mm) above the tank. Where a flushometer prevents the location of a 42 inch �! °t ry OF tAP 30.7.1 Clea(42" - 1067mm) rear grab bar, one grab bar, 36 inches (36" - 914mm) shat be installed to the side r - mirror rjlaorspxe: Clearfloorspact for closets not in site is shall comply with Fig. 3rd. Clear of the flushometer, located three inches (3" = 76mm) from the closest edge of the flushometer. - floor space may be arranged to allow either a left-handed or right-handed approach to the water closet. 30.83 Thickness: Grab bars shall be between 1'/. inches and I'/n inches (1'A." to 1'/; - 32mm to 38mm) in - t� u Is, outside diameter, have a 1'h itch (1'h" - 38mm) clearance between the bar and the wall. See Fig. r ( 1017 4s? 1 30f to m � JJ''— Vic- —_ 1 � '0 1.1/4 �;;i I y-� •.n � 0 38 0 4, { Clear I .'� . _ 305 153 - Q r Floor 1� -, "•' Sink Elevations ~ ***-,3 Sp•er H . - j Figure 50h - - ~ Q 762 :tits - _ 30.9.3 Knee Clearance: A clearance of at least 29 inches (29" - 737mml above the finish floor to the LL = LRoughened or bottom of &.c apron shall be provided. Knee and toe clearance shall be at least 30 inches (30" _ C Rust Realsttve Acid etched 762tmn) aide and 19 inches (19" - 483mm) deep and shall comply with Fig. 30h. � Q G >- 30.9.4 Depth: Sink depth shall not exceed six inches (6' = 152mm). O O Grab ears Figura art 30.9.5 Aping Sink traps and drain shall be located as close to rear walls as possible. Hot water and drain = _ 22ea .B Accessible unisex toilet Room pipes exposed under sinks shall be recessed, insulated, or guarded. There shall be no sharp or - w F _ rs Figure Sod 30.8.4 Material: Grab bars shall also be non -rusting and acid -etched or roughened. Grab bashall eomEIY abrasive surfaces under sinits. _ w m with the srracrural srrengrh defined in 521 CMR 5, DEMMONS. F— Oe 1� 30.7.2 Location: The centettine of the water closet shall be located 18 inches (IS" - 457mm) from the 30.9.6 Faucets: Faucets shall be operable with one hand and shall not require tight grasping, pinching, of M i- Z nearest side wall and at least 42 inches 42" - 1067mm) from the farthest side wall or the closest 30.8.5 Dispensers or other devices shall not be mounted above the grab ban. twisting of the const L.everopcated, push -type, touch-type. or electrons O en Q ( ) tally controlled mechanisms edge of -an adjacent fixture. There shall be at least 42 inches (42" = 1067mm) clearance between the are acceptable designs. If self closing valves are used the faucet shall remain open for at least ten J from edge of the water closet and the nearest wall or fixture. seconds. 'C Z D- 30.9 SLNK C Q 30.7.3 Height: Water closets shall be 17 inches to 19 inches (17" to 19" - 432mm to 483mm) high, Sinks, including vanities, shall comply with the following: Forded Roll ::E O measured to the top of the water closet seat. See Fig. 30e. Paper Paper Eleetrle Q 1.0 O 30.9.1 Ckarflaorsprce: Aclearf/oorspace complyingwith521CMR 63Wheelchair Turning Space _ mirror rowel rowel or or urinal }- M 30.7.4 Seats: Water closet seats shall not be spring mounted to return to a lifted position shall be provided in front of a sink to allow forward approach. The clear floorspace shall be on an �. 1 accessibleroure and shall extend no more than a maximum of 19 inches (19" - 483mm) undemeath rI the sink See Fig. 30g.- c 30.7.5 Flush Controls'. Flush controls shall be hand operated or automatic and shaft comply with 521 CMR ,J }'ED Flush Control 39.5, Operation. Controls for flush valves shall be riounttd on the wide side of water closet no more than 54 inches (44'- 1118mm) above the floor. 48. t • _ _ uta �+ $59 30.7.6 ToVet Paper Dispensers: Toilet paper d'ispetscs shall be located on the side wall closest to the water closet. The centerline of the roll shall be set at a minimum height of 24 inches (24• = 6dOrnm) above - d ., r the floor. Dispensers that control delivery or that do not permit con^mious paper Cow are not r • ' G allowed. �E � � 1 r t � �"d - tt .� Dispenser Etetton• D�-.1-JN i _� 30.E GRAB BARS sea Flurs ars For the standard accessible toilet stall the water closet, shall have two grab ban 42 inches (42" L3�. hG 1067mm) long one on the wall in back of the water closet and one on the side wall closest to the Clear Floor Space Flgure 5r9 30.II NURROR water closet The top of any shelf and or bottom of any mirror that is provided above a sink shall be set with the 30.9.2 Height: Sinks shall be mounted with the rim no higher than 34 itches (34" - 864mm) above the bottom edge of the reflecting surface no higher than 40 inches (40" - 1016mm) above the finish For the a-Iternme accesilble toilet stall the water closet shall have two parallel grab ban, 42 inches finish floor. See Fig. 30h. Sinks shadl also extend a minimum of 22 inches (22'- 559mm) from the Poor. See Fig. 30i. long (42" - 1067m) installed on the side walls and located a minimum of six inches (6" - 76mm) wall to the front of the sink or counter. from the interior comer. _ 30.12 DISPENSERS .30.8.1 Location: The side grab bar shall be located a maxirrvm of 12 inches (12" - 305msn) from the Towel dispcsem drying devices, or other types of devices and dispensers shall have at least one interior comer. The rear grab bar shall be located a maximum of sic inches (6" - 152tmn) from the of each device r icumed within the --am afreach. At least one of each device shall be located within interior comer. rea-4i of a pawn using the accessible sink and shall comply with 521 CMR 39.5, Operation. See Fig. 30i.