HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013 Jul 29-30 - Police Media Release, Notes, Emails, Et.Al. . H The ,Yarmouth Police Department . One Brad Ericksan Way,West Yarmouth,Massachusetts 02673 r`� n Phone: (508)775-0445 Fax:(508}862-2721 .•`�<<�• FRANK G.FREDERICK.SUN CNIEF srEVEN G.xinxxos THE YARMOUTH POLICE DEPARTMENT DEPIITY CHIEF MEDIA RELEASE Monday, July 29, 2013 Yarmouth and Barnstable Poi�ce Team Up to Arrest Two Local Drug Dealers On Friday, July 26, 2013 a search warrant was obtained from the First District ourt of Barnstable authorizing the search roo 79 of the .... . Host 11�€�r , t}th. search warrant � o c�c for Heroin, a Class A controlleci substan e and evidence related to the distribution of Heroin. At appr xirriately 9:30PM a team of Yarmouth and $arnstable Police � Depart ent Detectives and Patrol Officers executed the warrant and during t e search, a quantity of brown powder (heroin), marijuana, anci Su oxone 8mg (sublingual strips), along with items and matejrials used in he distribution of narcotics were recovered. In addition to the above li ted narcotics, the following items were seized: ( ) Boxes of Plastic Baggies. ( ) Digital Scales ash totaling�2127.00 ( ) Cellular Telephones arijuana Grinder Subseq ent to the execution of the search warrant, Joshua Hines and Marcus ennett were transported to the Yaxmouth PD Headquarters where b th were booked and processed are charged with the following offenses BENNETT MARCUS ALLEN Address 473 PINE ST ' CENTERVILLE, MA DOB: 04/19/1991 Charges POSSESS TO DISTRIB CLASS D DRUG HINES; O�HUA JAMES Add�sB 69 RL� --2 t. #179 YARMOUTH, MA s no�: o�/2i/i9s ' CYi�Yges POS�$S�-T� DI9�B"t'.'.�ASS A DRUG POS3E3S CLASS B DR G,��S ,� L3'�iT OFF Both s spects are scheduled for arraignment in the Barnstable Distric Court today. � Many com�munities all across the United States struggle with issues related to drug dependence and the Yarmouth Police Deparhnent continues to work in parhiership with all members of our community and town governance as well as the United States Drug Enforcement Administration—the Massachusetts State Police=the Bamstable-Yarmouth Street Crime Unit—and other federal,state,and local law enforcement agencies as we move forward to make Yarmouth the Safest Community in the Region. If you or someone that you know needs help with a drug abuse problem or have information about any illegal drug use or distribution in Yarmouth please contact Yarmouth Police Drug Enforcement Unit Detectives Christopher A.Kent at 508.775.0445 extension 2125 or Scott Lundegren at 508.775.0445 extension 2332 or email tipsna.varmouthpolice.com This media release was prepared and distributed by Yarmouth Police Department Deputy Chief of Police Steven G. Xiazhos 508-775-0445 extension 2150 or sxiarhosna,varmouth.ma.us i i I h Excellence in Policing � I i � Two alleged drug dealers bagged in Route 28 motel room raid � CapeCodT... Page 1 of 2 � . � �� �������� ���JB��m � � � cnpe cod e[�mmunit�nes�vs ,, Home News Police&Fire ' Palitics Living Community Calendar , Things to Do Homes Marketplace ' Hubs ' _.__ _ _ _ _ __ _ _. _ __ _ _ Two aileged drug dealers bagged in Route 28 motel roorn raid Yarmouth and Barnstab(e police team up to s#op alleged heroin dealer ! .4RTl{"LE;POLICE AND FIRE NEWS;JLLY 3ii,20I�-?:'_�Aivf;BY MAGGIE IkULBOKAS � _......... __.... _ ' {�,;���'�� ��°?,fza °��� �+p„'�{+�►�"�'"' �,��m""''� WEST YARMOUTM-Two Cape men were arrested � ��� „jr���ii��Fli" �,,, ta ��. I Friday and stand accused of dealing drugs aftertheir West Yarmouth matei room was raided by police. � ��t�l;� ' j�i �"i�4i`i�l� � ,�'' i ' Around 9:30 p.m. Friday,Yarmouth and Bamstabie �'' �: detectives and patrol officers served a search warrant ' at Room i 79 of the American Host Motel on Route 28. ', Jos;ua Jumes Ilir:es(Ic:�tl«Jrd ilur�ru�t;ten ' atn�,err ir:Qnri wz•,-e rut«n r,:rU���s:o,��•dt�ri„g�t ; The warrant was issued through Bamstable District i�e=ain ruirl ut a"sY'esr}�Crr77101tLG tiYUfPI Fridai•. ' s�.:,•,,:o��ia�ot��-<Lj�nr.t�or�Kin���:oco.s. � ' Court and allowed for authorities to search for heroin � � and items related to the distribution and sale of � ' heroin,according ta a Yarmauth police reiease. i Police entered the room and during the search,located ; an undisciosed quantity of herain, plus marijuana and ' Suboxone(8 mg sublingual strips}.Police also ' confiscated$2,127 in cash and severai items used in i� the distribution of drugs:piastic baggies,two digital "' scales,five cell phones and a marijuana grinder. � 1 ;' During the raid,twa men were taken into custody and - - .---.- . -.- _ _: transported to#he Yarmouth Police Station for processing.Marcus Allen Bennett,22,of 473 Pine Street in Centerville,was charged with possession of a Class D substance with intent to distribute. Joshua James Hines,24,of 69 Route 28 Apt. 179 in Yarmouth,was charged with possession of a Class A substance with intent to distribute and possession of a Class B drug,subsequent offense. The two men were arraigned in Barnstabie District Court on Monday,according to police. ; In October 2012, Hines was arrested in Yarmouth on four outstanding warrants after first providina an officer with a false name. In July 2011,Bennett and a different pal were arrested and charaed with heroin traffickino. Bennett was the passenger on a moped at the time of the arrest.Only two months later, Bennett was again back at it and arrested on Fresh Holes Road in Hvannis. I i j http://www.capecodtoday.com/article/2013/07/30/20765-two-alleged-drug-... 7/30/2013 � • f ADMINISTRATION =° �� gt'(. Under Chapter 152, Section 25C,Subsection 6,the Town of Yarmouth is now required to hold issuance or rene of any license or permit to operate a business if a person or company does not have a Certificate of Worker' Y�� Compensation Insurance. THE ATTACHED STATE WORKER'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT MUST BE COMPLETED AND SIGNED, OR ' CERT. OF INSURANCE ATTACHED OR WORKER'S COMP. AFFIDAVIT SIGNED AND ATTACHED Town of Yarmouth taxes and liens must be paid prior to renewal or issuance of your permits. PLEASE CHECK APPROPRIATELY IF PAID: YES NO � , FvIQ�EL��.ATI?,OT'H£�E L+ODGING ES'�'�B�ISI�IV�ENTS • TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY: For purposes of the lirnitations of Motel or Hotel use,Transient occupancy shall be limited to the temporary and short term occupancy,ordinarily and customarily associated with motel and hotel use. Transient occupants must have and be able to demonstrate that they maintain a principal place of residence elsewhere.Transient occupancy sha11 generally refer to continuous occupancy of not more than thirty(30)days,and an aggregate of not more than ninety(90)days within any six(6)month period. Use of a guest tuut as a residence or dwelling unit sha11 not be considered transient. Occupancy that is subject to the collection of Room Occupancy ' Excise, as defined in M.G.L. c. 64G or 830 CMR 64G, as amended, shall generally be considered Transient. POOLS POOL OPENING:All swimming,wading and whirlpools which have been closed for the season must be inspected by the Health Department prior to opening. Contact the Health Department to schedule the inspection three(3)days prior to opening. PLEASE NOTE:People are NOT allowed to srt in the pool area until the pool has been inspected ' and opened. POOL WATER TESTING: The water must be tested for pseudomonas,total coliform and standard plate count by a State certified lab, and submitted to the Health Department three (3) days prior to opening, and quarterly thereafter. POOL CLOSING: Every outdoor in ground swimming pool must be drained or covered within seven�(7)days of � closing. : FOOD SERVICE SEASONAL FOOD SERVICE OPENING: All food service establishments must be inspected by ttle Health Department prior to opening. Please contact the ; Health Department to schedule the inspection three (3) days prior to opening. $ CATERING POLICY: Anyone who caters within the Town of Yarmouth must notify the Yarmouth Health Department by filin� the � 1'Pnl)�rel� TQtt'�r�nrar[r Fnn�1 CPr��i�a Ar,r�liratinn fnrn, '77 1.,.-,«� ,��.5..« +„ �L.�, ,..,+- >-..� �__.._. -r�.___ c �+� ' � QY�t��� ��a � c ��` "� ` � THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF HEALTH PERNIIT NUMBER: #13-001 FEE: $55.00 'rhisis to certify that Pari Devan¢Corp d/b/a American Host Motel 69 Route 28 West Yarmouth MA HAS BEEN GRANTED A LICENSE TO OPERATE MOTELS This License is issued in conformity with the authority granted to the Board of Health,by Chapter 140,Sections 32A, 32B,32C,32D and 32E as amended,and is subject to the provisions of the Laws ofthe Commonwealth of Massachusetts relating thereto,and upon such terms and conditions,and to the rules and regulations in regard to said Motels so licensed as adopted by the Board of Health,and expires December 31,2013 unless sooner suspended or revoked. November 6,2012 BOARD OpF HEALTH: ������.�� *79 Units;79 Bedrooms .l�R�u� � ��G?X� rd n �,,,���� — Onl . J• 3 Floor Umt Storage y �,'.n0"N��uxu�L�''�'�' wx.a.a�.rr. J ,`1�f�4�u�au� Bruce G. Murphy,MP .S.,CHO Director of Health THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF HEALTH PERMIT NLTMBER: #13-001 FEE: $80.00 This is to Certify that Pa_ri Devang Com d/b/a American H�st M�tPI __ 69 Route 28 West Yannouth. MA IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMIT To Operate a Public, Semi-Public Swimming or Wading Pool At American Host Motel -INDOOR POOL 69 Route 28 ' West Yarmouth_ MA This permit is granted in conformity with Article VI of the Sanitary Code of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts,and expires December 31.2013 unless sooner suspended or revoked. November 6,2012 BOARD OF HEALTH: ��Uci�te�t ��t�ut , P�C�.l�.,1�., `t7ice E�ueec�J� C!Pic�cee�o J. :��aeu�au� ;:;�.. Bruce G. M hy,MP .,CHO Director of Health ! I � Page 1 of 1 , i • • � Murphy, Bruce From: Xiarhos, Steve Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2013 12:49 PM To: Frederickson, Frank; Bryant, Michael; Lennon, Kevin; Peterson, Chuck; Murphy, Bruce Cc: Johnson-Staub, Peter; Lundegren, Scott Subject: MEETING WITH THE MANAGER/OWNER OF THE AMERICA HOST Hello Team! I contacted the owner who is also the manager and we have scheduled a meeting with him for this Thursday, August 1, 2013 at 4PM at YPD Headquarters. General plan of action is to determine how long the suspect was staying/living at the motel as well as issue the DEA Seizure notification. Please attend if you can. Thanks DCX Steven G.Xiarhos Deputy Chief of Police The Yarmouth Police Department One Brad Erickson Way West Yarmouth, Massachusetts 02673 i 508.775.0445 Extension 2150 Ce11508.294.5075 Joia ua on Facebook. The Yarmouth Police Departmeat has created a preseace on Facebook to share iaformatioa with our commuaity. Become a fan! � i i i , f 7/30/2013 � � i • ' _ ; t- -3� � -- v4�,�,�� C���'" t� �-v� �„ �. L , ��--F-i3�' � t���fc-��' 12t � `7v���. C c�✓1 -� , ' � 3�s' � ��.S--- � rt.,r p t� G� �-�.c�-,� � - _ C' � ' ? � �� q ..... .�.G„�1-�� �, � � �. ( ��� . �.� Cf' r� t,t c� �-C. v�t u� --- � � `��� L�� tnc S'--- � G � - /� � � — � � : . �' l7 � �,,� ...�. _ __�d�, �,���L� � � �?�'z �� [ �✓� ✓ ��w� —' �G .�. � `� �c�Se:�e-� � _ . I , l G. 3 cf,� ,-- r�c.����.(�S �� � ��� , ` Z7 �-� [�--c�r��cr� �� � a G � Q . - _ _ _. ._ � 7►��' '�` � � � � - �S c�� !J� "" `Cc.-� S`` � _ �n-`" [�/ ' � � �?' � ���-e ���� G ,- �l S -- ' ��( 1.� �--� r/�., �- � � � S I �/'K..�.+✓.►�� � - 4 , _ - �.�-�� --- 4 c.�.��"; — _ _ � i � Page 1 of 1 ' , , . Murphy, Bruce From: Xiarhos, Steve Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2013 11:00 AM To: Murphy, Bruce Cc: Johnson-Staub, Peter; Frederickson, Frank; Carly, Patrick; Lennon, Kevin; Bryant, Michael; Peterson, Chuck Subject: AMERICAN HOST CONCERN Attachments: SCAN20130730101607958.pdf GM Bruce! Attached is a copy of the motel registration. As you will see there is NO DATES listed. Our Drug Enforcement Investigators began their investigation on 6.20.13 and the arrest was made on 7.26.13. JOSH HINES was clearly staying/living there for MORE than 30 days. The YPD is scheduling a meeting with the motel owners/manager ASAP We will be issuing them a Drug Enforcement Seizure notice which is a very powerful document. We will keep you posted and you or a designee are welcome to be present when we meet with them. I suggest we take the strongest actions as soon as possible regarding this matter. Thanks for your help. DCX From: Bohane, Nicole Sent:Tuesday, July 30, 2013 10:16 AM To: Xiarhos, Steve Subject: � � i ' � > 7/30/2013 I "� ������� ��ti��:°�,� he. z �** , s��a„� �a��� i�i a » '� 4�� S � t S.a ��,y. h �. i S F s� �:��j �w..� ..c' �:`�s -=i c. �.�'x F�-r � ��S.�s.u �w����^�'��Y'�� .r t 1�t B6,`� .' 7� ��- �. �i,'� a' ��r iP r� d'"'"�3 `� �' s _ �t"s se �.1: �� �j �((�,.,rc,�� � ,�t�rc��,'�c�n�Ij��c '�d -a < f�* r�'" � p�y` � ka3. ���.�� lgy�',S� �3���. A" {� ��'�'� T�{4 f � p�.��f � ,,,'����'k���}�� �x�"� ,;, r i�- t s �':'s� • tl ��--'�'-���..���.,`n�a:Tu�.'�_ a+�Y��f�'�.-�;;� x'�' �*��r. „�':x.^:� � �. rc •e f • �.l�;����,�.� �� � ��. �-�, �x e � • � �T't+�3���r s�#,� �.F L�; ��� �==�� � � `' :*� �3 sn`��,,£� z-� � �'S�� �i��� � �� �L.� � r h�� � ;k ������� �---- � i� "k�- � �'3� ^�' -'1ut w sl�.v :L Y�` -■-.. � S h� � F`• ; �� > .x`N. h {'^rv'jb ry ^'g-�Y:. ♦ �•4Y' x .,: t Z,{Rv�F,w' �S ,&": � �'f A �� h.�,� ;� r� . . . . ��k��.��..�._ �. ,.,��� :1t. 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