HomeMy WebLinkAboutLicenses �co�alvw�.�rs o��ssAcausETrs • Towri oF Ya�ovTx , ' so�n oF xE�.� PERh+IIT AtUMBER: #�-4&4 FEE: $80.00 � This is to Certify that 962 Route 28. Sou Yarmouth,,MA IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMIT To Qperate a Pabtic,Semi-Publfc Swimming or Wading Pool At B M tar Inn - R 1 Sau armou MA This permit isgranted in coaformity with Artick VI of the Sanitary Code of The Cammoawealth af Massachusetts,and exp�res �k�ocmbc.r 31_2011 ettiless sooner suspended or r�waked. May 11.2011 B4ARD OF HEALTA: �tt s► ���(��� .�f������,.�.,�rk 3'.��affto `tU �trn I1T T3irectar of H � ' T�IE COMMONWEALTH dF MASSAC�iUSETTS TOWN OF YARMOUTH BQARD OF HEALTH PERMIT NUMBER: #I 1-033 FEE: $80.04 This is to Certify that N&M Resttst Trust d/bl� reutwaod Mator Tnn _ 961 Route 28, South Yarmauth,MA_ _-- HAS BEEN GRANTED A LICENSE TO ENGAGE IN THE BUSINESS OR PRACTICE OF -GIVING OF VAPOR BATHS This License is issued ia conformity with tl�e a�thority granted to tbe Board of Health,by Chagter 140,S�tions 51,of the General Laws,and amendments thercw,and is subj�t to the provisions of the Laws of t�e Commanw�lth of Massac� relating thereto,and upon such tcrn�s and conditions,and W the rules and regulatians in regard to the carrying on of the oceupation so licen�as sdopted by the B�ard of Heatth,�expires December 3 l,2fl l 1 uakss soon�r revoked May 1l.2011 soa�n oF�ai,•rx: �,:�ria�rc S�,��un ��al�.�t,�!, t,l�rk �.��yre�► 2Q" stl�re� n�e . ., Director of Health 1 � THE COMMON'WEALTH OF MASSACHUS�T�'S d TOWN OF YARMOUTH r � BOARD OF HEALTH t w r PERMIT NUMBER: #11-Q53 ' FEE: $55.00 ! , � � This is to Certify that N 8t M Realt^Trust dlb/a�rentw�d Motor Iia� � 961 Route 28. South Xarmouth.MA ' f HA5 BEEN GRANTED A LICENSE TO OPERATE MOTELS ' k � This License is issued in canfnrmity with the authority granted to the Hoard of Health,by�hapter 140,Sections 32A,32B, 32C,32D and 32E as su�encted,aad is subject W the provisions of the Laws oft3�Commo�weaith of Massachuset�ret�g thereto,and upero such terms and conditions,and to the rules and regulations in regard to s�id MoteLs so licensed as adapted by the Board of Health,and expires December 3I,2411 unless sooner svspended or revqked. �ax.i i.Zoi� soAxv oF�At,�rx: ��iar� S�, �� '�46 Units;46 Bedrooms. ��� d�i.liT.11.��� 1 Manager's Unit. �.���'4 ����.�'f�C1llZ►�L gl ! B cc G.Mulrphy,MPH, . .,CHO Director of Health ; TOV�N OF YARMOUTH BQARD C�F HEALTH PERMIT TO OPERATE A F40D ESTA$LISHMENT PEItMIT rtUM�ER: #11-176 FEE: 3 .04 In accordance wit3�ri�p�ons�omulgated under authority af Chapttr 94,Sec�ion 305A and Chapter I 11,Section 5 of tlte t Laws,a pernait is hereby granttd to: ' N�IVt Realty Trustt 961 Route 28, South Yarmouth,MA Whose place of business is: Brentwooct Motor Itm ' Type of business: Cantinental.Br�valcfast To operate a food establssbment in: Towit of Yarmouth ; Pemait expn�es: December 31, 2011 Bo�tD oF HEaL'TH: �3+�c� Sm�,Cl�a�rinan � .����� �,�e��� � �. � ��r���IG�����Q�1l1. �����ftf��� 4 May 11.2011 Dir�ector of�t�i .,�O � ' � F I