HomeMy WebLinkAboutLicenses P- r � • THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF HEALTH PERMIT NUMBER: #10-081 FEE: �80.00 This is to Certifj�that M &N Realt�Trust 961 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA IS HEREBY GRANTED A PERMIT To Operate a Public, Semi-Public Swimming or Wading Poal At Brentwood Motor Inn - INDOOR POOL 961 Route 28 South Yarmouth MA This per�iut is granted in conforniiry with Article VI of the Sanitarv Code of The Conunonwealth of Massachusetts,and expires December 31.2010 unless sooner suspended or revoked.y � Febniarv 25.2010 BOARD OF HEALTH: ��tlllt���[tttalL-StttU�� ��lY�(�tttt�itt J l�aug�teau�t, `viee C'l�ar�rrnart w��� e. s�o�rrr, e�?� �-.�iEa�ea �, ✓4t.�. Bruce .Mwp Director of Healtti THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS TOWN OF YARMOUTI3 BOARD OF HEALTH PERMIT NLTMBER: #10-030 FEE: 580.00 This is to Certifi�that M&N Realtv Trust d/b/a Brentwood Motor Inn � 961 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA HAS BEEN GRANTED A LICENSE TO ENGAGE IN THE BUSINESS OR PRACTICE OF - GIVING OF VAPOR BATHS This License is issued in conformity«�ith the authority granted to the Board of Health,by Chapter 140,Sections 51,of the General Laws,and amendments thereto,and is subject to the provisions of the Laws of the Commonwealth ofMassachusetts relating thereta, and upon such tern�s and conditions, and to the rutes and regularions in regard to the carrying on of the occupation so licensed as adopted by the Board of Health,and expires December 31,?O10 unless soaner revoked. Febn►arr+25.2010 BOARD OF HEALTH: J�,�L J�, �L�XttfAfit-St►tl.�f�, C��a.Ntttttut J 1�au.grcecu�E't, `lJiee C''Peavcrrean 2v��� e. s���, e�� . �. .�'iEa�O ✓�3ao ✓K.1�. Director of Health � Z • ✓l THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS TOWN UF YARMOUTH BOARD OF HEALTH PERMIT NIIMBER: #10-050 FEE: �SS.UO Ttus is to Certify that M &N Realty Trust d!b/a Brentwood Motor Inn 96I Raute 28 South Yarmouth MA HAS BEEN GRANTED A LICENSE TO OPERATE MOTELS This License is issued in conformity with the auihority granted to the Board of Health,by Chapter 140,Sections 32A,32B, 32C,32D and 32E as amended,and is subject to the provisions of the Laws of the Cotnmonwealth of Massachusetts relating ' thereto,and upon such terms and conditions,and to the rules and regulations in regard to said Motels so licensed as adopted by the Board of Health,and expires December 31,2009 unless sooner suspended or revoked. January 9,2009 BOARD OF HEALTH: ��¢tt S�(�, �,.lV.,(�ritYlt C'lfi.c�u�cl'eo .�.3f�eP�iRr.�'c,� `tlnice C'ffcr�crnaa *46 Units;46 Bedrooms. �Q1Lt �,�xpll�tn� (;C�Y2 i Manager's Unit. ��' �../V. ruce G.Murphy, H, . .,CHO Director of Health TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF I�EALTH PERMIT TO OPERATE A FOOD ESTABLISHMENT PERMIT NUMBER: #10-157 FEE: �35.00 In accordance�vith re�ulations promulgated imder authority of Chapter 94,Section 305A and Chapter � 111,Section 5 ofthe General Laws,a permit is hereby granted ta M&N Realty Trust, 961 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA Whose place of business is: Brentwood Motor Inn Type of business: Continental Breakfast To operate a food establishment in: Town of Yarmouth , Permit expires: December 31. 2010 BOARD OF HEALTH: J�.�G[C1�L��ta�ll�4tt-Smitl�, C'f�a.ucnuut J 1�acgrr�euu�t, `Uice C'ff aixntan 2u���. e. s���, e�� .����` �� , .�t.�. � Februarv 25,2010 : Bruce G. Murphy,MP , .,CHO Director of Health