HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999 Sep 03 - Cape Cod Times Article: "Landlord loses court fight, cash by fighting Irish"DS
Cape Cod Times • A3
Irish students
celebrate their
court victory
outside their
new rental
home in
Holding the
flag are
left, and
James Dillon.
In the front
row, from left,
are Kevin
Scott, Peter
Brennan and
Peter Gordan.
Cape Cod Times
Landlord loses
court fight, cash
by fighting Irish
■ Students areV 3/%7 said they would not stay, Sid-
dharth became
awarded a small-
allegedly abusive,
accusing the couple of fouling up
claims court victorythe
The seven Irish workers had no
after leaving
intentions of being fussy about
unsatisfactory rental.
their summer rent.
After looking for accommoda-
tions for two weeks, they were al -
most ready to leave the country
until they heard about the Brent -
wood, Brennan said.
many foreign students working
At first glance, the cottage de -
for the summer accept seedy con-
tached from the rest of the motor
ditions in order to save money forinn
seemed a perfect alternative
school, seven youths from North-
to the Country Squire Motel in
ern Ireland decided their landlord
Hyannis, their temporary accom-
had gone too far.
The seven young men won a
The owners there had asked for
suit against Siddharth Siddharth,
rent up front, which was more
owner of the Brentwood Motor
than the students could afford
Inn, in small -claims court Wednes-
early in the season, Brennan said.
Right from the start, the Brent -
Citing conditions that were
wood cottage seemed "a bit
more than a "bit dodgy," the col-
dodgy," said Peter Gordan, anoth-
lege students were able to per-
er student.
suade a judge to award them
But Siddharth assured them he
$1,785 in damages.
would soon supply the students
That's triple the amount of their
with an air conditioner, a working
security deposit. By state law, a
refrigerator, and a stove. Sid -
tenant is entitled to triple the
dharth said the hot water, which
amount of a deposit if a landlord
was in short supply, would also be
refuses to return a security de-
repaired by the time they had all
posit without cause.
their belongings moved in, Gor-
The youths claim Siddharth
dan said.
told them they could rent their
But as the days turned into
two-bedroom cottage on Route 28
three weeks, none of the repairs
by the week when they moved
got done. Siddharth supplied
there in June. But then when they
them with a refrigerator "the size
asked to leave three weeks later,
of a microwave," said Kevin Scott,
Siddharth told them they would
Gordan's roommate.
lose their deposit if they left be-
The lack of air conditioning was
fore Aug. 30.
particularly troublesome since
"He became quite aggressive,
this was the heat wave.
actually," said Peter Brennan, a
"We couldn't swim in the pool,
law student at the University of
because we would be swimming
Belfast. "He threatened to kill us if
with the insects," said Brennan.
we came back on his property to
In fact, the Brentwood's pool
ask for our security deposit
has been condemned by the
Yarmouth Board of Health for the
C.K. Chaiton, the manager of
whole summer.
the Brentwood, declined to com-
The youths never signed a
lease, so neither party could pro -
The Brentwood Motor Inn was
vide documentation to the terms
closed for two days on Aug. 19 by
of their agreement.
a team of health, building, fire and
Gordan said the Brentwood
wiring inspectors after they found
manager allegedly told the stu-
100 violations of town codes.
dents a lease is unnecessary. He
On Aug. 17, Siddharth was ar-
told them,"`My word is my bond."'
raigned on charges of extortion
"We still had a good time this
after he allegedly tried to charge
summer," Brennan said.
Spanish tourists $61 for a full
"Even going to court, it has
night's stay at the Brentwood.
been brilliant."
The couple had asked to look at
The students spent the rest of
a unit and then decided not to stay
the summer in a two-bedroom
after a view of the room.They also
house in Hyannis that they shared
used the bathroom. When they
with eight other Irish workers.