HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999 Aug 23 - Cape Cod Times Article: "Surprise checks target hotels" �� � �, , � auy rrom tne � ���/IO�atIQR oombination � �1Ys'�tthEl'S . of chlorine � ,�� and heat that U� ��� ��YarmoutFt`s ` � in the � �%acade enforce- sweltering �:ri�ent:tr�n Pool room. :��nras crea�ed , ; Welcome to C �� � � ��8 manths the Brent- �:aga�a#arget �;, wood Motor . �:'"'probtem# �;` Inn, where � � commercra( '� for 3S5 a _ . �and re4�`derr ` night on a � �::t�af bu��tm�qs ' weekday or ' ar e � ���� � , $�oo on a ,. ;, �;/Or�c�a� �� weekend, u �week,ifie �, 3'O � ��team v�s�s �t ,. can enjoy ca- � +�� ble TV, tele- s: �� �. O � � � cs�inr�io Phones, air ��r�siste�` conditioning �, � and com li- t� � ��"�n��`merr� P �. � � �t rrs 7'tre ' ��: mentary cof- " , ■ Yarmouth code � �'��"�'�'��'�e� f B„t �t�h ; . � enforcement team is � �`�'��,� w; -out :�or the "` i `. ''�Y.���� microwave in forcing repeat violators E ; � ��,�,� � �ne �re� � ` ,. r� a�`z� room - its � to clean up their act. � � �� �Y eie�� o,�- � . � r���� B K.C.MYERS j t�, Iet is hooked � ����� , � ., � �� � 5 AFf WRITER � �-. . �`�* .t0 8II P.Xt6II- ' �iirw ' , �SOLTTH YARMOUTH - �'he ; � ,:sion cord.The town's health .�nspector con- `� ; -� j =�` <lwilding's � demned the ool, yet peo le still �� ��f brea�cers get so hot, p p tpe staff keeps a`fan on it. j � swim in it.' = ' ', .� :` � �' � •:Those are just some of more than � In most of the�46 motet t+ooms, i00 building code violations a team the floor around the bathroom , ; of' ors inclu ' � bounces from rotting floor boards: �� , ding police,fire and health .professionals, found The rugs smell like mold , �a surprise inspection Thurs- ° Half the smoke detectors�don't , y _ work or lack batteries.The ool �. j P � �:And- after picking through the room smells like propane gas fmm motel for six hour"s,they shut off � �leak in the boiler room.Or,if you � ' �e hot water, bec�use the boilers ` -� believe the hotel owner, that gas � ! were all fire hazards,They ordered �:� smell is actu- the owner,Siddharth Siddharth,to `� ""- , _��` ally from the � � - y ��Ojd'f1011 '' c�mbination � Please see TEAM/A-7 ' ?�` ; � of chlorine � ��IVe'i�t�teXS,, �" � � aad heat that °; � . _• , ��Yarrrrc�i"s� mix in` the � ' � ��ab�de entOrte- sweltering ; ;�� � -�` pool.room. � ; �wvas aeafecl ,; Welcome to � ; ��8 moti#iis ,��' the Brent- j �:ago ta�rget� wood Motor ; � �"'prt�b[em" �� Inn, where f �.ct�mrr�eraa[ : for $65 a � �`'and residen night on a � � � �;fi�l bc�iings � weekday or � ��� $100 on a � �'w���� �weekend,you can enjoy ca_ i `'t��� `ble TV, tele- i •�-�. phones, air � �aNners who $ � r � =have�r+esiste�'F t;onditio = �`�n�merr���: and compli- . ' ". actioris.Tfte .r mentary cof- � team is miade : fee. up ofi offj�rats .; But watch � frcsm tF�e out for the ► . ... .• micmwave in 4 Cape C'ad Times�A7 j` � , � � . - , . . . . . .. .. ' . -. , � ....:�� . . -. . . � . . . . . � . .. . .. .. . . . - . ea � m. o e vlo ators r ta et e continued from A-1 �ese complaints included domestic two people on outstanding warrants vacate the main building immediate- abuse calls, a lot mare requests for from Indiana police departments. ly.The guests were ordered to move ��ces than nornial.and neigh- � A tase of'harassment' to newer units on the premises, borhood complaints of parties,and townhouses detached from the rest loud nOise..-,. � If violators do not respond itt a of the building. But Irish students,- 4nly when all the�insp�ctors�got"timely mgnner to the inspectors'or- who were stuffed four to a room with together could the whole tcvtfi about' deis,they will be taken to court,Xi- just one bed in a detached cottage, • �e property-and the solution-b� arhos said. had to stay where they were.They found. . ;; .That's what could happen with Ed- live in a one-room efficiency without "It was a landlord-tenant dispute, �waPd Bruno of Cape Isle Drive. His a working stove, a reliable phone �d it was settled,°Carnes said. ` .collection of yard junk led to a team system or dependable hot water. Te�f po�nts to`3uccess'stories winspection several weeks ago. Since Each student pays 3iddharth $80 a , � �_t .�then,about lialf the refuse has been week for the accommodations, The feam has been sticcessfut in J removed,he said.If he dces not hur- "We're reliving the famine,"joked places such as the West Yarmouth ry up,court action will follow Eibhlin (pronounced Eileen) Har- �. - �' ` `-� -��`" '� �t � .:VVhile Bruno's neighbors may be rington,one of the Irish workers. The r.�putation there �was set three'�-`happy, Bruno's lawyer, James Siddhartlr refused to comment on Years a$o when a guest sa�on a toilet Karathanasis�called the onslaught of the matter. � , n;;;�and the rotted floor around it,col- police,�fire, building, health and A team effort , lapsed: $�ie broke her ankle, said `wiring inspectors at his client's pri- �� William Stone,assistant bwldmg in vate residence"hharassment" - The Brentwood Motor Inn is the spector ';� , , . '. „' '. T . � ,"Bruno had,:a cluttered yard," latest in a series of"problem"com- Sinc��t�ie tet�m inspection a_y�ar Karathariasis said."And they sent mercial and residential buildings tar- �ago,that property has improved con_• thre�alice cruisers, two environ- geted by Yarmouth's Code Enforce-. siderably,he said. r � :' s �� ��fnen cops and the building inspec- ment Impact �am. Started 18. Oti'I�esda�!,the team`paict a,�sur torA : � : . 1 . .. .,.,:,: months ago,the goal is to correct re- pnse v�srt tq the Amencau Mvtel�, A messy.Xard is not exactly crimi- peat offenders in one fell - and in- R��,�ere it:found���iut1� nal behavior.'He s�id such inspec- timidating-swoop. ' ;`" �code vto�on�;building``�ec�or�;tions border an a violation of the . Qnce a week,the team visits pinp- Jim Brandolini said.The worst.p�rt `Fourth t�mendment;wluch protects erty owners who have.resisted en- "was the �covery of old���ectiricat one's right to priva�.y�nd protection .forcement actions in the past.The vi- 1�pe 5t�de of the plas�ic�iIt�gs"on�;�roni "unreasonable "searches and olators have failed at least one previ- the conls�ere inis'suig;�o tHe"bare �se�zures", , ' ous inspection.by at least one of the �'�s Wei'e�stuck into the wall sock '' �runo could have insisted the in- , departments on the team.The team ets,X�arh�said �:�� a �a� . �pection team get a search warrant, is composed of representatives from , Sewage�`avas pooIing out in the T�a�thanasis said.lnstead,he elect- the health,fire,building,wiring and �'king�'ot�he said. ,��� ..� ..:� °, fi ed to i:ooperate,allowed them on the police departments. - The motei�as been owned by Vi pt�operty aud inside of his house. , °We go to problem areas in the ]aY���r.l5years .;' .. "Ithinlrthepoliceare:persecuting _ .. ,,.i .. __. 5 E,. town,"said Sgt. Steve Xiarhos, the ,That same day, the team con tand harassmg him," Karathanasis team Yeader representing the. demne� a r#vate resid�nce at`l�i �`said. w �:�. � � �: Yarmouth police: � Comai�St.in SouthYarinouth.�' �' �iarhos,said it's only t�ose who The code enforcement team atso ' Located across the street ft�om a'�:have ignored less-intiusive inspec- . investigates complaints from neigh- auto-body,s�op fenced with�iarbed '`tion efforts who get the full treat- bors for something as minor as large wire,Rex,Christian's yard �eco; �menf from the impad team. amounts of junk in y_ards.They fol- ]� cars and children's toys a1= Stone,:the assistant building in- low up on consumer reports of most blended right in °`�� •� '.. spector,said the feam aims to protect sewage overIlowing in parking lots. � However�.inside the rented ranch the public's health.This applies most Seventy-four hotel, motel and house, Christian` �ad 'piled trash directI� �o cominercial properties, home owners have been targeted so b8gs,boxes and n1d furniture.Every,,suck�as the Brentwood. far. , , inch was"vnall to�rall"with trash,Xi- The motor inn stayed closed until Police Chief Feter Carnes said it arhos said :�e1l-used Qypaper gas leaks, electrical problems and all started with one rental property �1ripped from fhe ce�ling.And ui the smoke-detectors were repaired.wth in West Yarmouth.The wiring,build= middle o�;it all',scweral te�a�ers;a the board of health's appmval,all ar. � ing,plumbing,gas,health,police and ferret and a paraplegic aonan vE►ith eas of the Brentwood were open this � fire departmeuts joined forces when :several outstanding arrest.warrants weekend eaccept for the pool,area. ° they realized there had been 100 sat matching television. _�• , Police said health inspector Brian ' complaints lodged from that address ��g the house w►as unfit for Heaslip checked the motel on Friday in one year. human habitation,,$randolini con- afternoon and cleared it-minus the Besides building inadequacies, demned it, and the police arrested pool-for operation, � _ �