HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997 Apr 17 - Cape Cod Times Article: "Arrests mar D-Y prom night"Arrests
mar D=Y
prom night
■ Police seize drugs and alcohol
and an officer is injured at a post -
prom motel party.
SOUTH YARMOUTH – Police and school officials
continued yesterday to sort through the aftermath of a
post junior prom party at the Brentwood Motor Inn,
where two people were arrested and a police officer
was hurt.
School offi-
cials stressed ■ PROM PARTIES: Falmouth
yesterday that shares its experience with other
the events late school districts. /A-10
Saturday and
early Sunday
morning at the South Yarmouth motel did not take
place at a school -sanctioned event, and involved only
a fraction of the Dennis -Yarmouth Regional High
School students who attended the junior prom festivi-
ties Saturday at New Seabury in Mashpee.
"The sad part is, the prom went so nicely," principal
Patrick Schettini said yesterday. "The kids had a great
time. We had one very minor incident at the prom, and
Please see PROM /A-10
Continued from A-1___– — --
I drove that youngster home, and
that was the end of that.
"It's sad that ... such a bad spin
developed for the entire evening,"
Schettini said.
During what the police called a
"major disturbance" at the motel
early Sunday, an off-duty Yar-
mouth police detail officer was hit
on the head with a thrown beer
bottle as the police tried to break
up the large party.
Of the 100 people whose names
were taken by the police Sunday
morning, school officials as of mid-
day yesterday had identified 40
It was the third time the police
had been to the motel on Route 28
that night. Officer Patrick Carty
and Detective Kevin Mcisaac visit-
ed the motel's night manager just
after 8:30 after they had learned
several D -Y students might be
headed there after the junior prom.
Carty had learned the informa-
tion when arresting someone ear-
lier for buying alcohol for teens
waiting in a parked car outside one
of the town's liquor stores.
"They'd gotten word that the
rooms had been rented, supposed-
ly by adults, for party -goers," said
Sgt. Philip Prada, the officer in
charge of the 4 to 12 shift Saturday
night. "They advised the manager
that he was going to have a lot of
kids there that night, and if he
needed us to make sure he called
Afterward, Mcisaac spent the
evening visiting the liquor stores in
town to let them know there might
be a lot of people, some under legal
age, trying to get alcohol.
The police didn't receive another
call from the Brentwood until mid-
night, according to the police activ-
ity log. The manager reported that
things had gotten out of control,
with 150 to 200 young people in his
parking lot and in the 12 rented
After an officer was sent to the
The police were still in the pro -
motel, the department recom-
cess of notifying parents yesterday
mended to the manager that the
and investigating several aspects
motel hire a detail officer to keep
of the case, including how and
an eye on things throughout the
from whom the alcohol and drugs
night, Prada said.
were purchased. Detectives also
The detail officer, Sgt. Peter El-
were still trying to determine who 5
lis,, who retired from active duty
had thrown the bottle.
late last year, arrived at the motel
;Two of the 12 rooms rented at S
at 1:04 a.m. At 1:17, he radioed the
the Brentwood Saturday night
station that more officers were
were rented by parents of D -Y stu-
needed to keep the peace.
dents, the police said. The rest
Ellis was hit on the head with a
thrown bottle, reportedly after he
were rented by other adults, some
of whom were students over age
knocked on a motel room door. He
was taken to Cape Cod Hospital,
where he was treated for a concus-
School officials and the police
sion and later released.
department had been readying
Christopher Seeley, 18, of 211B
themselves for the senior prom
Pleasant St., South Yarmouth, a D-
May 16 and graduation week acti-
Y student, and Mark Antone, 19,
vities. This weekend's events made
who gave a New Bedford address
everyone strengthen their efforts.
but is a former D -Y student and
still has Yarmouth ties, were ar-
"We're going to step up our vigi-
rested for disturbing the peace. An-
lance to get kids to come to that all -
tone was also charged with resist-
night party after the senior prom,"
ing arrest.
he said.
Both pleaded innocent in Barn-
stable District Court yesterday,
Notices are going to home to
and each has a pretrial hearing
parents to notify them of the post -
prom plans. Forums for parents
scheduled for May 28.
Several cases of beer and bottles
will be held at 7:30 a.m. and 7:30
of liquor, a small amount of mari-
p.m. on April 30, and a senior -class
assembly is scheduled for May 1.
juana and pipes were seized.
Two of the D -Y students at the
"We want to talk to all of them
Brentwood party are athletes,
about our expectations," Schettini
Schettini said, meaning they will
said yesterday.
likely face disciplinary action in re-
Schettini said he was grateful for
lation to their athletic
the police involvement.
"There are two that we are
"We're just glad that no one died
aware of," Schettini said. "There
over the weekend," he said. "If the
may have been more."
police had not interceded, we may
Massachusetts Interscholastic
be looking at a very sad day
Athletic Association rules state
that athletes cannot remain in any
location where drugs and alcohol
are in use. The athletes' names
were not released yesterday.