HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 Dec 05 - Motel Use Inquiry Form, Memo and Past Board of Appeals Decisions %
FRO .� RRY PR I NT I NG & OFF I CE SUPPLS FAX N0. :16933579335 �06�007 02:05AF1 P 1
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i .l l46 l�.u�te 28, Suuth Yarm���utla, MA 02li(��
j ' :5il$-:�48�2a31 cxt. 26.1 Fax 5U8-39n-Ot3:�(�
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; '�; �M01'EL USE 11YQUII�Y .FORM
, (uaed to determine the zoning statua of motel uscs)
� �� �Stree�A�dress ��--� Q,//� �� .�.. �
i�sseseors' Map 1Vo. _ Parce)(s)
; l�iotek�aime � � /� .,,.
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�e a 'Name �!J �- LI 1/� �"
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, Nt�.xi�daress � .�7"� e� ,�' ,3�.-�I
' � e1.Des�p •trn & j7�gs,,� ��
'Aftach a.r,ompleted Copy of the Town of Y�rmoul:h Motel Census T�orm to detail thc existing
� l.oi�g Te1'm & Short Term Gues�.a Shall be dotermined by lhe Definition of Transienl in 7.aning
$ylaw Sbction 500�`4ran�ient uecr�paney shu!!generalty refer tn cnntinauus oeery�r�ncy uf not mnre
J�kun thiKy (�8� day, and an aggregate of not»�vn+than ninety (90) dayy with arry six(6) r�wnth
, pe�idd Use oja guest anit as a res�dence, or dwrlling unit,shall not he consirlered�ra�,eien�"
Enypt(►y�e Housl►ig is defined in Zoning Bylaw 5ecti�n SOQ as "Prop�rty�wned hy a�t em�lnVe►'
lvhtch �s'uc11'ized to provide housing (doi�nito►y, an�utnre►tt, single/mulN fa�ly or otlierwlst)for
en�l�ye�s or sta,J,�: THe etnj�loycr shall de�iXnat�ait on site naanager/proctor for each p�nper�y so
" �tlllZed�' and thc+ xoning locati�ns are nui.ed in Table 202.5 iJse A11
rTC'1,TE; �The following information shall be prc�vided by the applicant for the Bui�ding Depe�tment
; tn niak��this zon�ng determin,ation:
` ; ' ' Copy of Assessors' Records Pliotographs
,,,_.Board o1'Appeals' l�ucisions �Condominium Dc�cuments –SeC �C'�f��
� � Other documanted prooF of use(s)pric�r to the applicabte zoning ch�ange(s)
T hereby acknowledge that the Build.ing Department'�detErminaticm will be based on the
�n�'i►ima�ion provided by thE ovmer/applicant at thc time o9'submitt�.l.
. �� �s,,.� o � -
� �ignature of owner or applicant Date .
�'��,�s���,v� Build�n� Uepartmcnt Dete�rmination
, (4ffice Usc OnIY)
& OFFICE SUPPLS FAX N0. :16033579335 Dec. 06 2e07 02:05AM P2
� �
�.Du�ldin�Official'e Determination �s per the information provided s� of thi� date:y h��"�
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; . griitdiY��OfYicial eS�gnature .
Dnte f���'� � "
' '' ,'' ` A�h�r.peteon a�cieved by this zoning deci�ion may Appeal ��id decision to the Zonin�Board ot Appr,�ls
': `.pqi�snt�o the provisions �f�MGL 40A,Section S.and l5,within thirty (30)dsys.
� . Asseawr�' Dept. .
Aev..Oct 23,2007 .
; :'.' : ,
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G & OFFICE SUPPLS FAX N0. :16033579335 Dec. 06 2007 02:05RM NS
, �,JII'Y'f, ' '
. .��We h:�ve�been categorized for years as °Gabin"which imp��usinessS�This further came'to �
�:,�°.:�:� � =.� .� ;,�and hav��du�Fully pald our�50 fee. However,we are not a b
. � : :.ligfit:w�ren we�receiv�d a not�ace from the nre�ld that tnheeno ce d d no apPiy sin�ce we
� :��r�anoxide dete�ctors and�were subseq �Y ��he Bayberry Village
:: � ' � � .�wete nat a buslness.�Dur.b�►"r�rred�here n as nCondominium Assoc�at+on.''The
�: : � : :���rriini�m Association a e 001, Section 1.
:;�',;::;. � : re�stden��l bulidings are herein called Units." - Book 3437, p 9 .
.. .., .: .� . .. .
� FPbr�arv of 1982.
:.��,.I��Ii�W�t�'�e Master De3�f�o�rd��,u nd�ages f�oWu�r�►er nfor�mation i believe ihe sale of
: � � :���.3ere�BGOtc 3436, p�Ae
� ��e lice Br'aun was completed in March,
. . ali��e�u�its out of the hands of Karl
:-:;:� .��.. :
.,��.: �: �
.; �...� : �� :�l�le�ar+���2,three�season residenfial ur�it�, each purchased and owned by individua s.
. ��: ���:�Af�ot�gh individuals may rent out like��o�a�as a bus ness as is impli�ed by�e for a
� �� ���v�ak h�re and there, we de�in�tely do p� W�owned and
. � �."Cabi�'!�lesl�na�t�on.Once upon e time, when the entire pro�r►y � ''�
�.�; �operstetl�by individuals as a busln�ss, the designation wou d have p
� .�.:i , . � �
���:� rt'hank ybu for your considera�tlon of this mattsr. .
, � ��Bab� Lupien .
� ���:�� 8 y.ber..�iy Cor�dominium Assoctatlon . .
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�d wi�h Towi2 Clerk: ��� , � ��1
Hearx.ng D�,te: lp/7� :
Petiticner: I1�vid W�s1sh �-- ��� 2
`j��' ��e.': � Petition #1461 r
DEciszo�t �
The petitioner requested perm�,t to allow a y'ax►��,� a� or A
to a�.lo�r t�elve catt�a ee ta be moveci onto ]c>t � �'°�l of the
� �t�,y' known as Ba }
�P�~tY is located at S03 Main Streat, '�� armou: ��'v�8e• The
at Sheet 26 as Parc�l S3. , ss. a � s � o� s$��sars� I�a,ps
M�bars of Board of APP�1s pr�sent: Harold Ha�re$, �Orris Johnscm
�haw, Robart Sherman. s ph�3p DemFseYs �i.dredge
It aPP�'�g that natice af s�id h��ing ha� been giv�n by send
pc�titioner and a't�. those owners of p�operty deemsd �B nd3ce thereof to tha
Iwblic noti.ce of sueh hear � the ��� to be affected thereby, and thai
�a 9/�2/;?1 and 9129�?l, the hear�g �as opened d h�ld an the dateefir� Cod Standa,rd Timea
t abrnr�e �written.
Tho Pollowi.rig�ap�•� y� favor of th� getition: John Fitch, Attornsy, l�vid Wa1sh.
The Pollawir�g a��•.� op�s�i��: Mr. & Mra.� Shuf`elt.
i��ason f'oa� decisia9n•
I'b�it3o�aer rsquested a Variarnce �nd! or A
to-be �ral onto Iot � pproval of the Board of Appeals ta allo�r twelve ca�t�ge
p�esent]�Y iflrtown as Bayberiy q
3treet We�t Y�x�aouth �ssd attd is shown cm A��essa�rs�D�, �t 3�h�et � is ].oca't,�d at 503 1�3.tt
� � . ' � 2� Se Fat'eCI. Sj.
s e Pe�3tioner
p�eseated ta the. Bo�ard a plan des��ed �►�cetch P1an o� I,and in West Yarmouth,
: sa. for D�vi.d ro E�al.s�h Scale 1►�• � 20► d$�sd S� ember 29 �97'1 Barnstable 3urv
c. t�3,1 l�in Strset, 1��st Yarmaut2�:, Ma�s,�► � gy Cot�sultants
that ere f;,0 b8 1t'IOY�} 4T1 $O the �'n ���� the lacatian of the bu�,tiings
5 p�remises. It is ne��ed that �ha Pefi�faner ia requesting a
N .� i"r� s3deline anc} r� line setback� ro�hich are necess
I��y. 7`he H�ard �ras itif�a°�ted th�� two of the units ta bs moved�cc�et � tea units onto the
Qn�re�nts of the Zoning gy_La�r �nd ten im�olv� �side2ine viola�ion�. � �ith a11 the re-
T,�e Board aonsiderasl this as a ��que�� for a Far3ancc� and first cnn�a�3.dered the three
�i�� �.l.aug the $ou�th�rn 1in� of the purol��9' and the propertp which wae sho�m on the���ed
��d �n a� bel.ang3.ng to Bradfox�d W. and .Althe� N. Selfe. a�ore-
Ba'� az�d is of the opinivn t.h�� �he T`he Board considered the public
l�ablic good.�rou].d not bg ad�hesed to were thia request
.�'�ed. The Boet�d nat�d �hat there w�� pppo��,tion to
ae�o�n line �nd the Board fe�ls that th� rs�quire�ents af�th�n�e �PQ�� uni.t� along thie
t2�e Petitioasr, The Baard, in ennsida�ritag �.ts doc3.�ion relies � ��I�~ �hould be met by
abut�3,ng l�ad 3.s us�ci far residential ' 1� upon the fac� th�t the
� �'l��e ot the Za P�`��es. �'herefore, the Ba�rd P�e2a that the intenii
bu�s3x��s p n� Law was to �.ks 3t man�latory in th�se areas, ��Pecial.ly where
I�P� waa abutt�irwig ar�s�idential I�'o�r't�r, the.t the minimum r uir
��o� bv fo�,7.owed, eq ements for se�back
�+at�e�'s�rs„ ivaofar as these three un3ts ar� co�acerned, the Board d�ni.� Pet Q
. , �;� itic3rier s r�squest
��" , ���n cor�si,d�red the ath�r ;aropos�d units �znd f�,nds thmt t
�'�:�'��'� �.n �tese cas�s, Th� Board firat coras3.�der�d -�h�e units a►long�the oa�uon ].i�e$ Variari��
_ �tb,��ct prol��y from p�op�r�ty ta the ��st a�hich is s�o�n on the said
�c• In this part�,c�r iu���noe �.t 3s not�t th�t ths P�' aa
P "�h3.s camm�r� �$. �n vie�r of the �'act th�t the coretiguFr'�� w�a.ts wila. be
�����° �'o�`lnusekeep�g .�'�s�s of a busirx�ss n�,ture. �i�t th,� ��+e,...
d } �_�y�is
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Zoning By-�w v�ill b� folloaa�d. by a�llot�ing Pe�iitiotaer�s r�q,nest as pertain� to the�e
ts. Th� Board �'ind� .a hardship ��uld �xi.st if the P�ti�ione�r w�r� nat �bls to utiZize this
arsa� espec� in v�is�v o�' 'Ghe fact that th�re is an �txis�ing huitd�.ng on the pa�operty ta
th� �rest �vhich �ppe�s to be �he ap�o�te d�.st��c� that Petitioner deeires to p3�ce his
praposed, un3.�s. The Bea�d finds ��.at �he publ.3.c �oad would not be .aduerssly effected i.nsof�r
a�� these uniics are cnncerned.
The Board thgn considered twv proposed �n3.ts �ich are shown on the a.�t,achsd plan as being
bet�esn ti�� �oper�y oe,rnsd bp Pin� Lodge �to��l, Inc. and Petitione�ss �operty and are shown
as +�Proposed �ro Units�� cahieh are 1ac�et�c3 bertweaa► ��sa +�c3.st�`ig units and which are to be
conuectod b� a four-�oot br�ezar���r.
The Board f�is �he ��qu3re�t�n�ts �'c� � Variance �ou].d ex�.st pertainin� to these units as in
�his case th� Board f3.nd� �th� publ.�.c gr�o� '�Q� �°t �e adv�rse�r e�f eeted by the Petitioner
�recting tbe tz�i�s. �h� Board �,l�o fituls � h�rdship would ex�st wers the Petition�r not
mllowed to pracead.
In su�r, the Hoard r�a�.i.�ss �hat �his particulaac pa�operty is !��i�ra.y commerci.al p�operty
t�ader the ns+�tt Zan3s� Sg-lx�w. Th� Bo�rd al�o reali�es �l�t the �imensions of �hs pc�oper�Y
�eere ��t,a,bli�hed azad have be�n e$ta3��hsd for several years. The Bcya�d daes find that the
P3'aP�F i$ un3.que i.n that to requi�e �he s3.deline requirements of the ner+ by-�av► along the
cc�ox� lfa�r shawn as o�rnad bg Fine �dge Mat�l, Inc. wau].d create a haz�dship �to tha Petition�r;
end �,h�refore 3s�sofar �� Petitionsr`s r�squegt concsrns �t�is g�cpo$ed uuite aloag thia ca�mwn
13n�:, the Ba�,rd fia�ds all of t�ia st�tutary r�quirements for a Variance. The Baard di�t3n-
gu3.shes th�t ragneat alo�,g the sou�hern lin� oP th� pr�ap�rty owa�ed by l�r. & Mrs. 3e1fe an�d feel�
that :'�asalar as these ztni�s are cancerr�ed, the standarda �et forth 3xt the neit by-1ax pertafri-
"'3.�g to settsaack requirem�nts shou�d be met. A gr�at daal af consider�tion was givea by �he
Bc�d to th� fact that thes propert� �'es�ntly owned by Mr. & Mrs. Se1f'e is� u�ed �or reaiden�-
'�ia3. purpoa�s.
T��r�fare, it�aofar �s these �un3.t� ara canc�rn�ci, the Board gr�ts Pet3tianer°s reque�t f or a
P�mb�rs 9� Board v�tir�g: 1�4.orr�3�a Johnson,� �ra1s� H��res, Elciredge �x, Ph313P ��'��9's
Rc�be�t Sh��arte ,
Ther��'ors� �ha Psti�ion �or Apprc�a�. �� d�a3.�d for �h� 3 b�.t�.ld3�gs 3.n the rear.
Aud �s� authc��i�e a v�ri.ance ito: grant ��it�.oners req�aest fo� a varianca ta a17.aar nine
co�t�ges to be mov�d.�onto �.ot �reser�tly kno� �s B�yberry Yill�ege.
No �:i.t isaued unt�.�. 20 da�� �rt� �at� of �iling d�cisa.an �a.ich the Tawn C�.erk.
M��ris Jahnson,Jr.
Ac��.ng Clerk
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�. TOWN OF YARMOUTH �`��°�'�
� BOARD OF APPEALS �' �^,���� --����"'�'''�'
Filed with Town Cle�k: Q�� � � ��`u� Hearing Date: 9/�2/83 �
Petitioner Jean & �ter Woidyla, l�tition N��: : 1986
��p' ��� 13 Brentwood Ave.
�� �'`''� Sa,lem, New Hampshire, 03097
The petitioners requested a variance and�or special permit from the Board of
Appeals to allow an 6'6" x 8'3" extension of existing kitchen and bath on non-conform-
ing cottage condo, located on Route 28, W.rarmouth, Mass. , shown on Assessors map
#z6-s3, be�.ng Unit �`1Q ir� Ba��erry Vi].Ia�e'. '
Members of ''oaxd of Appeals present: Donald Henderson, Les Campbell, Thoma.s Kennedy,
James Ma,cNeill, Myer Singer.
It appea.ring that notit� of said hearing has been given by sending notice thereof
to the petitioner and all those owners of property deemed by the.Boaxd to be affected
thereby and that public notice of such heaxing having been given by publication in
the Yarmouth Sun on 9�7�83 and 9�14�83, the heaxing was opened and held on the date
first above written.
The following appeared in favor of the petition: Mr. & Mrs. Woidyla.� petitioners;
Mr, Braun.
The following appeared in opposition: by letter, Planning Boaxd.
Reasons for decision:
' Pei�tioners are asking for a special pe�mit �ta al�ow the addition of 6'6" x 8'3"
extension of kitchen and ba.th on a non-conforming cottage, Unit #1(l, in Ba,yberry
Village Condominiums, Route 28, W.Yarmouth. The petitioner submitted a ����ch plan
to the Boaxd which in essence shows tha.t the cottage would be squa.red. off. No addi-
tiona.l rooms would be crea.ted., but the bathroom and kitchen would ea,ch be ma.de slightly
la.rger, and thus more usea.ble. The Boaxd is satisfied that this request will not
ca.use any undue nuisance, ha.zard or congestion, or cause harm to the character of the
neighborhood. or town. Consequently, this petition is granted on the following, con-
ditions: 1� The septic system for the unit must be upgraded to mee� current Boaxd of
Health requirements for a single family house. The Board however notes that according
to petitioner� the present system ma.y already meet these requirements. 2) No heat
i� ta" be installed in the addition, and the cottage is to be used on a seasonal ba,sis
i�i the 'same:inanner tha.t zt has been used in e pa.s .
Members:of Boaxd voting: Donald Henderson, Les Campbell, Thomas Kennedy, James Ma.cNeill,
Myer Singer. Unanimous in favor.
Therefore, the petition is granted as requested wi�h the above stated conditions.
No permit issued until 20 days from the date of filing the decision with the Town C1erk.
Clerk pro tem
� ,:,. . "1�41W1V V£ SITYCIIVU'1,t1
i n,
`' Filed with Town Clerk: �l�:�` � J� ����
� & � _
Hearing Date: 4/26/90
Petition No: 2726 `�_-
MAY 25 P� '��
Petitioner: Robert Morrison • � "-''�'�'
,_ 6�►Y�t� [:�.t �4� c� T`rtE�SU�tf:ls
Property located at Bayberry Village, Cottage #��,; 503 Route
28, West Yarmouth, MA ``and shown on Assessor's Map #26 as
parcel S3.
Members of the Board present and voting: Donald Henderson,
David B. Oman, Leslie Campbell, Fritz Lindquist , Joyce
Sears .
It appearing that notice of said hearing has been given
by sending notice thereof to the petitioner and all those
owners of property deemed by the Board to be affected
thereby and that pubiic notice of such hearing having been
given by publication in The Yarmouth Sun on 4/11/90 and
4/18/90, the hearing was opened and held on the date first
above written.
This is a request to allow petitioner to enclose an existing
� � � ���ch. The building is a cottage and is one of twenty-two
k�uildings on 1 . 3 acres of land on Route 28, West Yarmouth,
MA. The petitioner 's request would create more habitable
space. Historically this Board has been extremely reluctant-
to grant such a request that would ad to an already
overburdened lot .
On motion duly made by Leslie Campbell and seconded by
David B. Oman, member Leslie Campbell voted in favor of
the motion and members Donald Henderson, David B. Oman,
' Joyce Sears and Fritz Lindquist voted in opposition.
Therefore, the petition is denied as it did not carry by
the requisite four affirmative votes . Those members voting
against the motion find that to grant this request on
this small lot would create undue nuisance, hazard and
congestion. The lot is already overburdened.
The petitioner' s request is denied�in it 's entirety.
Fritz Lindquist
- �
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